User interaction utilities for
Project description UI
An extension package for anything relating to user input and interactions.
Ever wanted to make a prompt for your users? Maybe a cool paginator? dpy-ui
will make it all happen in simple, easy to remember functions and classes.
Requires Python 3.6+
pip install -U dpy-ui
Development version
pip install -U git+
git clone git+
pip install -U .[voice]
Then once it's installed, you can import it via
from discord.ext import ui
Quick Examples
Prompt the user for some input
name = await ui.prompt(ctx, 'What is your name?')
await ctx.send(f'Ok, your name is {name}')
Choose between a list of choices
choices = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow']
colour = await, 'What is your favo(u)rite colo(u)r?', choices)
# Want buttons instead of text? No problem.
choices = [
ui.Choice('Very Happy', button='😄'),
ui.Choice('Happy', button='🙂'),
ui.Choice('Neutral', button='😐'),
ui.Choice('Sad', button='😦'),
ui.Choice('Very Sad', button='😢'),
feeling = await, 'How are you feeling today?', choices)
Make a simple paginator
def some_statements():
for i in range(20):
yield f'This is sentence {i}'
def format_page(page):
return f'This is a page\n{page}'
paginator = ui.Paginator(some_statements(), page_formatter=format_page)
await paginator.start(ctx)
# And to chunk it:
def format_chunk(chunk):
# Formatters can return embeds too
return discord.Embed(description='\n'.join(chunk))
paginator = ui.Paginator.chunked(some_statements(), 10, page_formatter=format_chunk)
await paginator.start(ctx)
Make a custom session
class MySession(ui.Session):
async def send_initial_message(self):
return await self.context.send('Say hi or click the thinking face.')
async def think(self, payload):
await self.context.send('Thinking a lot...')
async def quit(self, payload):
await self.stop()
async def say_hello(self, message):
await self.context.send(f'Hello, {}!')
session = MySession(timeout=120)
await session.start(ctx)
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