REST authentication class to get token from HTTP body
Project description
Provide a Django REST Framework authentication class, to look for token in HTTP request’s body, instead of HTTP header.
This use case is uncommon and may be less secure, but some REST client application doesn’t let customize HTTP header, and hence, user cannot set Authorization header. One such client is Blynk Webhook Widget.
pip3 install drf-body-token
DRF Body Token only supports Python 3.5+.
Add BodyTokenAuthentication to authentication_classes atrribute of your viewset. Example:
from drf_body_token.authentication import BodyTokenAuthentication
class MyAwesomeViewSet(GenericViewSet):
authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication, BodyTokenAuthentication)
You can also add it to REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'] settings, to make it available for every viewset.
By default, BodyTokenAuthentication looks for access_token field in request’s body. That body can be, for example:
"name": "Cuckoo",
"type": "bird",
"access_token": "Vừng ơi mở ra"
If you want it to look for another field, add this to your file:
DRF_BODY_TOKEN_FIELD = 'your_field'
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Hashes for drf_body_token-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 995b84c3b58e81cc152df58d11f51a9d4da8615c3108ebec2533fce9d712ad4c |
MD5 | f983e9239467d96d37e3169dbca484c6 |
BLAKE2b-256 | e3c588e1b9c8a7ab0cb500f95668d58153654a06d200c53526d35e451d76c3ac |