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A Python package for Driveline Baseball API interactions

Project description



pip install drivelinepy

.env example for credentials

If interested in using a .env file, pip install python-dotenv in your root application.

To load your .env file in the application code.

from dotenv import load_dotenv

Example contents of .env

VIRTUAGYM_API_KEY = "redacted"
VIRTUAGYM_CLUB_ID = "redacted"

ZOHO_ACCESS_TOKEN = "redacted"
ZOHO_CLIENT_ID = "redacted"
ZOHO_GRANT_TYPE = "refresh_token"

SLACK_API_TOKEN = "redacted"
SLACK_API_CHANNEL = "redacted"


using v1

VirtuagymAPI extends BaseAPIWrapper to interact with the Virtuagym API. Initialize it with your API key and club secret:

Initialization Example

import os
from drivelinepy import VirtuagymAPI 

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import logging
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

# Function Definition 

def main():
    # Initialize logging and variables
    vg_api_key = os.getenv("VIRTUAGYM_API_KEY")
    vg_club_secret = os.getenv("VIRTUAGYM_CLUB_SECRET")

    # Initialize Virtuagym Object

    vg_client = VirtuagymAPI(vg_api_key, vg_club_secret)"Initialization complete!")

    # Do Something...
# Main

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Club Events

club_id = "your_club_id"  # Replace with the actual club ID
timestamp_start = 1704355200  # Replace with the start timestamp in milliseconds
timestamp_end = 1704441599  # Replace with the end timestamp in milliseconds

club_events = vg_client.get_club_events(club_id, timestamp_start, timestamp_end)
print("Club Events:", club_events)

Get Event Participants

club_id = "your_club_id"
event_id = "your_event_id"

event_participants = vg_client.get_event_participants(club_id, event_id=event_id)
print("Event Participants:", event_participants)

Get Club Members

club_id = "your_club_id"

# Fetch all members
all_members = vg_client.get_club_members(club_id)
print("All Club Members:", all_members)

# Fetch a specific member by their club member ID
club_member_id = "member_id"  # Replace with the specific club member ID
specific_member = vg_client.get_club_members(club_id, club_member_id=club_member_id)
print("Specific Member Details:", specific_member)

Zoho API

Developer Console

Before working with Zoho APIs, you will need to obtain access to a Zoho Account to access the Developer Console

A common scope string below ZohoCRM.modules.READ,ZohoSubscriptions.customers.READ,ZohoSubscriptions.subscriptions.READ,ZohoSubscriptions.invoices.READ,ZohoSubscriptions.creditnotes.READ

Zoho Billing API

ZohoBillingAPI is tailored for the Zoho Billing API. This class extends the BaseAPIWrapper to specifically handle the authentication and request patterns for Zoho's Billing services. Key functionalities include refreshing OAuth tokens, fetching subscription data, and handling Zoho-specific API requests.


To initialize and use ZohoBillingAPI, provide your client ID, client secret, refresh token, and organization ID:

import os
from drivelinepy import ZohoBillingAPI

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import logging

# Function Definition 

def main():
    # Initialize logging and variables
    client_id = os.getenv("ZOHO_CLIENT_ID")  
    client_secret = os.getenv("ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET")
    refresh_token = os.getenv("ZOHO_REFRESH_TOKEN")
    organization_id = os.getenv("ZOHO_ORGANIZATION_ID")

    # Initialize Virtuagym Object
    zoho_billing_api = ZohoBillingAPI(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, organization_id)

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Customers

The get_customers() method is an essential feature of the API interface, allowing for the retrieval of customer data from the Zoho Billing API.


  • customer_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for a specific customer.
  • name: (Optional) The name of the customer to be fetched.
  • email: (Optional) The email address of the customer to be fetched.
  • phone: (Optional) The phone number of the customer to be fetched.
  • filter_by: (Optional) A string to filter customers by specific criteria, such as 'Status.Active'.
  • page: (Optional) The page number for pagination, defaulting to the first page.

Get all customers

customer_details = zoho_billing_api.get_customers()

Get customer by customer id

customer_id = "customer-id-here"
customer_details = zoho_billing_api.get_customers(customer_id=customer_id)

Get customers by name - note the API is using display_name_contains vs using an exact match

customer_name = "insert-name-here"
customers = zoho_billing_api.get_customers(name=customer_name)

Get customer by email

customer_email = ""
customers = zoho_billing_api.get_customers(email=customer_email)

Get customer by phone

customer_phone = "4255551234"
customers = zoho_billing_api.get_customers(phone=customer_phone)

Get customers with filter

customer_filter = "Active"
filtered_customers = zoho_billing_api.get_customers(filter=customer_filter)

Available Filters

Get Subscriptions

The get_subscriptions() method is designed to fetch subscription data from the Zoho Billing API.


  • subscription_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for a specific subscription.
  • customer_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for a customer. Used to fetch subscriptions associated with this customer.
  • filter_by: (Optional) A status value to filter subscriptions. Examples include "Active", "Expired", etc.
  • page: (Optional) Page number for pagination, defaulting to the first page.

Get all subscriptions

subscriptions = zoho_billing_api.get_subscriptions()

Get subscriptions by subscription id

subscription_id = "insert-sub-id-here"
subscriptions = zoho_billing_api.get_subscriptions(subscription_id=subscription_id)

Get subscriptions by customer id

customer_id = "insert-customer-id"
subscriptions = zoho_billing_api.get_subscriptions(customer_id=customer_id)

Get subscriptions with filter

subscription_filter = 'ACTIVE'
subscriptions = zoho_billing_api.get_subscriptions(filter_by=subscription_filter)

Available filters

Get Invoices

The get_invoices() method allows for fetching invoices from the Zoho Billing API based on specified criteria.


  • invoice_id (optional): Fetches a specific invoice.
  • customer_id (optional): Filters invoices for a specific customer.
  • subscription_id (optional): Filters invoices for a specific subscription.
  • filter_by (optional): Filters invoices by their status.
  • page (optional, default=1): Specifies the page number of results.

Get all invoices

invoices = zoho_billing_api.get_invoices()

Get invoice by invoice id

invoice_id = "insert-invoice-id"
invoices = zoho_billing_api.get_invoices(invoice_id=invoice_id)

Get invoice by customer id

customer_id = "insert-customer-id"
invoices = zoho_billing_api.get_invoices(customer_id=customer_id)

Get invoice by subscription id

subscription_id = "insert-subs-id"
invoices = zoho_billing_api.get_invoices(subscription_id=subscription_id)

Get invoice with filter

invoice_filter = "Paid"
invoices = zoho_billing_api.get_invoices(filter_by=invoice_filter)
Get Credit Notes

The get_credit_notes() method is a part of our API interface to interact with the Zoho Billing API, specifically designed to retrieve credit note data.


  • credit_note_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for a specific credit note.
  • customer_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for a customer, used to filter credit notes associated with this customer.
  • customer_name: (Optional) The name of the customer, used to fetch credit notes associated with this customer.
  • filter_by: (Optional) A string to filter credit notes by specific criteria, such as 'Status.Active'.
  • page: (Optional) The page number for pagination, defaulting to the first page.

Get all credit notes

credit_notes = zoho_billing_api.get_credit_notes()

Get credit notes by customer id

customer_id = "insert-customer-id"
credit_notes = zoho_billing_api.get_credit_notes(customer_id=customer_id)

Get credit notes by customer name

customer_name = "John Doe"
credit_notes = zoho_billing_api.get_credit_notes(customer_name=customer_name)

Get credit notes with filter

credit_note_filter = "Open"
credit_notes = zoho_billing_api.get_credit_notes(filter_by=credit_note_filter)
Clarifying Filters

If you do not feel like looking through the code to find the filters available you can use the following methods

Get valid subscription filters

subscription_filters = zoho_billing_api.get_subscription_filters()

Get valid customer status filters

customer_status_filters = zoho_billing_api.get_customer_status_filters()

Get valid invoice filters

invoice_filters = zoho_billing_api.get_invoice_filters()

Get valid credit note status filters

credit_note_status_filters = zoho_billing_api.get_credit_note_status_filters()

A check occurs when you call the respective get data method so you do not have to add checks for valid filter in the application code. These are purely nice-to-haves.


ZohoCrmAPI is designed for interacting with Zoho's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services. This class extends the BaseAPIWrapper, handling authentication and specific request patterns for Zoho CRM. It primarily focuses on fetching customer records from different modules like Contacts and Leads. It manages OAuth tokens, supports pagination, and can fetch specific fields from the CRM records.


To use ZohoCrmAPI, provide your client ID, client secret, refresh token, and organization ID:

import os
from drivelinepy import ZohoCrmAPI

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import logging

# Function Definition 

def main():
    # Initialize logging and variables
    client_id = os.getenv("ZOHO_CLIENT_ID")  
    client_secret = os.getenv("ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET")
    refresh_token = os.getenv("ZOHO_REFRESH_TOKEN")
    organization_id = os.getenv("ZOHO_ORGANIZATION_ID")

    # Initialize Zoho CRM Object
    zoho_crm_api = ZohoCrmAPI(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, organization_id)

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Customer Records

The get_customer_records() method fetches customer records from the specified module in Zoho CRM. It supports searching by customer ID, first name, last name, or email. By default, it fetches predefined fields from the Contacts module but can be customized for other supported modules.

  • module: The module to fetch records from (e.g., "Contacts", "Leads").
  • customer_id: (Optional) The ID of the customer to fetch specific records.
  • first_name: (Optional) The first name of the customer for searching.
  • last_name: (Optional) The last name of the customer for searching.
  • email: (Optional) The email of the customer for searching.
  • page: (Optional) The page number for pagination, defaulting to the first page.

Fetch all records from Contacts module:

customer_records = zoho_crm_api.get_customer_records(module="Contacts")

Fetch a specific customer by ID:

customer_id = "customer-id-here"
specific_customer = zoho_crm_api.get_customer_records(module="Contacts", customer_id=customer_id)

Search customer by first name:

customer_first_name = "John"
customers_by_name = zoho_crm_api.get_customer_records(module="Contacts", first_name=customer_first_name)

Search customer by last name:

customer_last_name = "Doe"
customers_by_last_name = zoho_crm_api.get_customer_records(module="Contacts", last_name=customer_last_name)

Search customer by email:

customer_email = ""
customers_by_email = zoho_crm_api.get_customer_records(module="Contacts", email=customer_email)

Get Supported Modules The get_supported_modules() method returns the list of modules supported by ZohoCrmAPI. Currently, it supports "Contacts" and "Leads".

supported_modules = zoho_crm_api.get_supported_modules()

Slack API

SlackAPI is designed to interact with the Slack API. It extends BaseAPIWrapper to provide easy methods for sending messages and performing other actions on Slack. The key feature of this class is the ability to post messages to specified channels in your Slack workspace.


Before using SlackAPI, you need to create a Slack app and obtain an OAuth access token with the necessary permissions. You can create a Slack app from the Your Apps page on the Slack API site.

Slack API Initializations

To use SlackAPI, initialize it with your Slack API token:

    import os
    from drivelinepy import SlackAPI

    from dotenv import load_dotenv

    import logging

    # Function Definition 

    def main():
        # Initialize logging and variables
        slack_api_token = os.getenv("SLACK_API_TOKEN")

        # Initialize Slack API Object
        slack_api = SlackAPI(slack_api_token)"Initialization complete!")

        # Do Something...
    # Main

    if __name__ == "__main__":

Post a Message

The post_message() method allows you to send a message to a specific channel on Slack. Note, the channel id is a C-code found in the URL of a specific channel in the browser. For example, the following URL was copied when viewing a slack channel in Chrome -- the slack channel id in this example is C01AL24207R.

channel_id = "your-slack-channel-id"
message = "Hello from SlackAPI!"

response = slack_api.post_message(channel_id, message)
print("Response from Slack API:", response)

This method takes the channel ID and the message text as parameters and posts the message to the specified Slack channel.


The TRAQAPI class is designed to interact with the TRAQ API provided by Driveline Baseball. It extends BaseAPIWrapper and provides functionalities for authenticating and retrieving user information from the TRAQ API.


Before using TRAQAPI, you need to obtain your client ID and client secret from TRAQ. These credentials are necessary for authenticating with the TRAQ API.

TRAQAPI Initialization

Initialize TRAQAPI with your client ID and client secret:

import os
from drivelinepy import TRAQAPI

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import logging

# Function Definition 

def main():
    # Initialize logging and variables
    traq_client_id = os.getenv("TRAQ_CLIENT_ID")
    traq_client_secret = os.getenv("TRAQ_CLIENT_SECRET")

    # Initialize TRAQ API Object
    traq_api = TRAQAPI(traq_client_id, traq_client_secret)"Initialization complete!")

    # Do Something...
# Main

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Users

Use the get_users method to retrieve user information from the TRAQ API. You can search for users by TRAQ ID or email. If both parameters are provided, the method prioritizes the TRAQ ID. One parameter is required.

# Retrieve user data by TRAQ ID
traq_id = "user-traq-id"  # Replace with the actual TRAQ ID
user_data_by_id = traq_api.get_users(traq_id=traq_id)
print("User Data by TRAQ ID:", user_data_by_id)

# Retrieve user data by Email
email = ""  # Replace with the actual email address
user_data_by_email = traq_api.get_users(email=email)
print("User Data by Email:", user_data_by_email)

This method returns user data in a structured format, providing detailed information about each user.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

drivelinepy-1.3.0.tar.gz (21.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

drivelinepy-1.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (22.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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