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Pydantic compatible validators for data science objects.

Project description


Pydantic compatible validators for data science (ds) objects.


This package provides a simple way to add metadata in type hints for data science types. This provides 2 functions:

  • Provides readers/users of the code with additional information about data science types
  • Enables optional requirement validation using pydantic

Specifying the metadata in this way will slightly impact initialization, but won't otherwise change performance if validation is not used.

Read more about the motivation of the project below.


The code below sets the metadata for the Weights type to require a torch.int64 data type and a shape of (2, 2). The typing system still sees Weights as torch.Tensor.

In Python 3.12+, use the type keyword instead of TypeAlias. python # <=3.11 Weights: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor # >= 3.12 type Weights = torch.Tensor

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.torch import torch_dtype, torch_shape
import torch

Weights: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    torch.Tensor, torch_dtype(data_type=torch.int64), torch_shape(shape=(2, 2))

# the typing system checks `good_data` to see if it matches `torch.Tensor`
good_data: Weights = torch.zeros(2, 2, dtype=torch.int64)
bad_data: Weights = torch.zeros(1, 3, dtype=torch.int32)

The Weights type can be used in-place of the torch.Tensor type hint wherever appropriate. good_data and bad_data can be used anywhere torch.Tensor is used without typing error.

To leverage validation, you use 1 of 3 pydantic Objects:

ds_validator has wrapped these objects to avoid some configuration boilerplate:

Below is an example of validation:

from ds_validator import ds_validate_call

# `pydantic` will validate input and return of the function
def modify_weights(tensor_1: Weights, tensor_2: Weights) -> Weights: ...

# this will fail because `bad_data` fails the validation requirements
weight_result = add_weights(good_data, bad_data)

Validators Available

All arguments in validators must be keyword only!


All validators will be used in a fashion similar to the following:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.numpy import np_dtype, np_shape
import numpy as np

# Array is a placeholder, this name can be anything

# python 3.12+
type Array = Annotated[np.Array, <1 or more np validators>]
# python <=3.11
Array: TypeAlias = Annotated[np.Array, <1 or np validators>]

# example
Array: TypeAlias = Annotated[np.Array, np_dtype(data_type=np.integer), np_shape(shape=("x", "x"))]


Ensures that a np.ndarray object adheres to one of the data types specified in the data_type kwarg.

The data_type kwarg is either a single nd.dtype or a set of nd.dtype. If a set, the validation will return true if any of the nd.dtype in the set match the data data type.

The validator uses np.issubdtype to determine if the data type is a subclass of something in data_type. Use the Numpy Chart for more information.


Ensures that a np.ndarray object adheres to a particular shape specified in shape kwarg.

The shape kwarg type is described below.


There are separate validators for DataFrame (df) and Series objects.

Arrow and Numpy data types are supported in the validators below.

DataFrame (df)

All validators will be used in a fashion similar to the following:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.pandas import (
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
# DataFrame is a placeholder, this name can be anything

# python 3.12+
type DataFrame = Annotated[pd.Dataframe, <1 or more df validators>]
# python <=3.11
DataFrame: TypeAlias = Annotated[pd.Dataframe, <1 or more df validators>]

# example
DataFrame: TypeAlias = Annotated[
        column_map={"Name": np.object_, "Quantity": {np.integer, pd.ArrowDType(pa.int64())}},
    np_index(required_indicies={"test", "test_1"}, allow_extra=True),
    df_shape(shape=(None, 4)),

Ensures that pd.DataFrame object has the correct column names and types.

The column_map kwarg is a dictionary where keys are column names and values are acceptable data types. Acceptable data types are np.dtype, pd.ArrowDType, or a literal string "any". If the type is "any" the column's type is not checked. If the value is a set of acceptable types, a match to any type validates the column.

The other_columns kwarg deals with any other columns not listed in column_map. If it is one of the acceptable types above (or a set of acceptable types), all other colums will be validated against that type. If the value is a literal "forbid", then columns not included in column_map are allowed.

If numpy type, uses np.issubdtype to determine if the column's data type is a subclass of something in the value of column_map. Use the Numpy Chart for more information.

Arrow types require an exact match.


Ensures that specific indexes are present in the dataframe.

The required_indicies kwarg is a set of indicies that are required to be in the dataframe. Since indexes are hashable, each one must be an exact match.

The allow_extra kwarg is a boolean indicating if other indicies are allowed outside of the ones listed in required_indicies.


Ensures that DataFrame adheres to a specific shape.

The shape kwarg is a 2-Tuple of the types listed in the Shape section.


All validators will be used in a fashion similar to the following:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.pandas import (
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
# Series is a placeholder, this name can be anything

# python 3.12+
type Series = Annotated[pd.Series, <1 or more series validators>]
# python <=3.11
Series: TypeAlias = Annotated[pd.Series, <1 or more series validators>]

# example
Series: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    series_dtype(data_type={np.integer, pd.ArrowDType(pa.int64())}),
    series_index(required_indicies={"test", "test_1"}, allow_extra=True),

Ensures that the Series has the required data type.

The data_type kwarg represents an acceptable set of data types: np.dtype or pd.ArrowDType. "any" is not a valid argument since that would make the validator pointless. If a set of acceptable types, a match against any type will result in validation.

If numpy type, uses np.issubdtype to determine if value_dtype is a subclass of something in data_type. Use the Numpy Chart for more information.

Arrow types require an exact match.


Ensures that specific indexes are present in the Series.

The required_indicies kwarg is a set of indicies that are required to be in the Series. Since indexes are hashable, each one must be an exact match.

The allow_extra kwarg is a boolean indicating if other indicies are allowed outside of the ones listed in required_indicies.


Ensures that the Series name matches the requirements.

The name kwarg is a hashable value that is compared the name of the series. It must be an exact match.


Ensures the shape of the Series matches the requirements.

The shape kwarg is a 1-Tuple of either int | range. All other values in the Shape will always make the validator return True.


All validators will be used in a fashion similar to the following:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.torch import (
import torch
# Tensor is a placeholder, this name can be anything

# python 3.12+
type Tensor = Annotated[torch.Tensor, <1 or more tensor validators>]
# python <=3.11
Tensor: TypeAlias = Annotated[torch.Tensor, <1 or more tensor validators>]

# example
Tensor: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    tensor_device(device=torch.device("cuda:1"), match_index=True),
    tensor_shape(shape=(None, 3, range(1, 10), "x", "x")),


Ensures the the Tensor is on the correct device.

The device kwarg is a torch.device type.

The match_index kwarg indicates if the index of the device kwarg will be matched to the Tensor. If match_index=False, just the device type will be matched. For example, if device=torch.device("cuda:0") and match_index=False then this will validate if the tensor is on cuda:0 ... cuda:N. If match_index=True, only cuda:0 will match.


Ensures that Tensor object meets data type requirements.

The data_type kwarg is the acceptable data type(s) of the function: torch.dtype. If it is a set, the Tensor can match any of the data types in the set.


Ensures the shape of the Tensor meets requirements.

The shape kwarg is described below.


The shape argument is tuple[int | range | str | None, ...]. There is one value in the tuple for each dimension of the shape. The values provided for each dimension mean the following:

  • int: A fixed size for this dimension.
  • range: A range of integers for this dimension (inclusive).
  • str: Represents a variable. The first instance of the variable can be anything, but all subsequent dimensions with the same string must match.
  • None: There are no size limitations for this dimension.

The shape tuple below represents a 5-dimensional shape where:

  • Dimension 0 is fixed at 3
  • Dimension 1 is a range between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
  • Dimension 2 and 3 must be the same size
  • Dimension 4 can be any size

shape = (3, range(1, 10), "x", "x", None)

Pydantic Adapters

When using pydantic with standard data science types, a pydantic configuration: arbitrary_types_allowed=True needs to be set.

Furture versions this package may have classes to provide pydantic the information necessary so that this configuration isn't nesessary.

However, to help reduce the bolierplate this package includes the following objects. They all work assuming with the following code:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator.torch import tensor_dtype, tensor_shape
import torch


# common validation criteia have functions that return `AfterValidators`
EnsembleModel: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    # Dimenions 0 and 2 have an exact required size, Dimenion 1 can be any size
    tensor_shape(shape=(ENSEMBLE_MODELS, None, EMBEDDING_COUNT)),

good_data = torch.zeros(3, 15, 34, dtype=torch.int64)
bad_data = torch.zeros(4, 5, 3, dtype=torch.int32)


Inherits from pydantic.BaseModel. Can be used exactly like pydantic.BaseModel:

from ds_validator import DsBaseModel
import torch

class AllModelData(DsBaseModel):
    ensemble_model: EnsembleModel

# good_model will work without error
good_model = AllModelData(ensemble_model=good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = AllModelData(ensemble_model=bad_data)


Creates a pydantic.validate_call object with the correct configuration for data science types. Can be used exactly like pydantic.validate_call

from ds_validator import ds_validate_call
import torch

# without `validate_return=True`, `pydantic` will just validate inputs
def transform_ensemble(tensor: EnsembleModel) -> EnsembleModel: ...

# good_model will work without error
good_model = transform_ensemble(tensor=good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = transform_ensemble(bad_data)


Creates a pydantic.TypeAdapter object that will work with data science types. Has the same arguments as pydantic.TypeAdapter.

from ds_validator import ds_type_adapter
import torch

ensemble_adapter = ds_type_adapter(EnsembleModel)

# good_model will work without error
good_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(bad_data)

Bundling Validators

If multiple Validators are used, the first validator to find an error raises and error and the subsequent validators do not run. If you would like multiple validators to run (for example, to find all object errors during testing), validators can be combined with the bundle function:

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator import bundle
from ds_validator.torch import (
import torch

Tensor: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    # dtype and shape validators will run even if there is an error in device validator
        tensor_device(device=torch.device("cuda:1"), match_index=True),
        tensor_shape(shape=(None, 3, range(1, 10), "x", "x")),

Creating Custom Validators

Additional validators can be created by using instances of pydantic's AnnotatedValidators.

If you would like to create a validator that behaves in the same way as the validators in the package, create a function with the following signature:

def custom_error_finder(data: <Type to Validate>, *, <0 or more kwargs>) -> list[str]: ...

# Example
def tensor_dimensions_error_finder(data: torch.Tensor, *, dimensions: int) -> list[str]:
    if data.dim != dimensions:
        return [
            f"Tensor doesn't match required dimensions {dimensions}, data dimensions: {data.dim}."
    return []

This is an error_finder function. It takes in the data and arguments and creates a list[str] with all the errors found.

Then we use a couple of decorators to create a validator:

from ds_validator import create_after_validator, create_checker

# create a checker function that will raise a `PydanticCustomError` if the error finder
# return is not empty
# The checker function has the same arugments as the error finder function.
# The first argument is the name of the error that will appear in the pydantic error
tensor_dimensions_checker = create_checker(
    "torch_tensor_dimension_error", tensor_dimensions_error_fider
# This function will require kwargs for everything besides `data` in the error finder
# function that doesn't have a default
# The return of this function is an instance of `pydantic.AfterValidator`
tensor_dimensions = create_after_validator(tensor_dimensions_checker)

tensor_dimensions can be used similarly to any included validator above.


Type hints for data science objects are not very descriptive:

import pandas as pd

def get_sale_items(items: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: ...

A reader of this function might ask the following questions:

  • Do the columns of the input match the output?
  • What are the names of the columns?
  • What are the data types of the columns?
import torch

def normalize_ensemble(ensemble: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
def pooler(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
def reducer(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...

A reader of this function might ask the following questions:

  • What is the shape of these tensors?
  • Are all the tensor objects the same?
  • What is the data typer of these tensors?

These type hints are a good start, but users have to read comments or understand the code to understand what the actual inputs/outputs are of a function.

There are some ways that we can help improve this:

Liberal Use of TypeAlias

In Python 3.12+, using the type keyword is the preferred style. The lines below reflect the old and new styles: python # <=3.11 Weights: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor # >= 3.12 type Weights = torch.Tensor

TypeAlias can help make functions more readable and expressive:

from typing import TypeAlias

import pandas as pd

Items: TypeAlias = pd.DataFrame
"""Columns and types are: {"name": np.object_, "quantity": np.integer, "cost": np.integer, "on_sale": np.bool}."""

def get_sale_items(items: Items) -> Items: ...

This can help the reader understand that the input and output should be similar (have the same columns/types), eventhough the types are functionally the same. Adding comments for the TypeAlias can also help give the reader additional information.

Here is an improvement on the Torch example above:

from typing import TypeAlias

import torch

ModelEnsemble: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor
"""Has shape of (x, n, m) where: x = models, n = model elements, m = embedding count"""
Model: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor
"""Has shape of (n, m) where: x = models, n = model elements, m = embedding count"""
ElementScore: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor
"""Has shape of (n) where: n = model elements"""

def normalize_ensemble(ensemble: ModelEnsemble) -> Model: ...
def pooler(tensor: Model) -> Model: ...
def reducer(tensor: Model) -> ElementScore: ...

This significantly improves readability! These comments can be put in the functions, but if these types are used in multiple functions, it is helpful to have a centralized place to store documentation on the type.

Of course, there are no guarantees at runtime that these shapes are going to be what is expected. While not always necessary, it would be nice to have the option to validate the data. The next option provides the reader information and can optionally validate data in several ways using pydantic.

Use Annotated Type

By adding specific metadata to type hints (specifically AfterValidator), we can both provide the user with critical information and provide optional validation using pydantic:

import functools
from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

import torch
from pydantic import AfterValidator

def tensor_dtype(data: torch.Tensor, data_type: torch.dtype) -> torch.Tensor:
    if data.dtype != data_type:
        raise ValueError(f"Tensor must have type {data_type}, current type: {data.dtype}.")
    return data

int64_dtype = functools.partial(tensor_dtype, data_type=torch.int64)
# this type informs the user that is should be of type `torch.int64`
EnsembleModel: TypeAlias = Annotated[torch.Tensor, AfterValidator(int64_dtype)]

good_data = torch.zeros(3, 15, 34, dtype=torch.int64)
bad_data = torch.zeros(4, 5, 3, dtype=torch.int32)

EnsembleModel now has metadata about the data type in the type hint and pydantic can use it for validation in multiple ways:

In all cases below, the pydantic configuration option arbitrary_types_allowed=True needs to be set for data science objects. This is because they don't inherit from BaseModel, aren't part of the Python standard library, and don't currently have objects that can obtain pydantic schema.

Class that inherits from BaseModel

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
import torch

class AllModelData(BaseModel):
    ensemble_model: EnsembleModel

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

# good_model will work without error
good_model = AllModelData(ensemble_model=good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = AllModelData(ensemble_model=bad_data)

Decorating a function using validate_call

from pydantic import ConfigDict, validate_call
import torch

# without `validate_return=True`, `pydantic` will just validate inputs
@validate_call(config=ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True), validate_return=True)
def transform_ensemble(tensor: EnsembleModel) -> EnsembleModel: ...

# good_model will work without error
good_model = transform_ensemble(tensor=good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = transform_ensemble(bad_data)

Creating a TypeAdapter Object

Allows for validation of objects anywhere within your code. Really useful for testing since you can validate objects without changing the performance of your code.

from pydantic import ConfigDict, TypeAdapter
import torch

ensemble_adapter = TypeAdapter(EnsembleModel, config=ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True))

# good_model will work without error
good_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(bad_data)

Use ds_validator

Setting up metadata for use in pydantic contains some hassles:

  • All pydantic validation mechanisms require arbitrary_types_allowed=True
  • To make validation criteria generic, functools.partial needs to be used for every variation of criteria

ds_validator helps elimiate these hassles and makes new validators easier to create.

from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias

from ds_validator import ds_type_adapter
from ds_validator.torch import tensor_dtype, tensor_shape
import torch


# common validation criteia have functions that return `AfterValidators`
EnsembleModel: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    # Dimenions 0 and 2 have an exact required size, Dimenion 1 can be any size
    tensor_shape(shape=(ENSEMBLE_MODELS, None, EMBEDDING_COUNT)),

# ds_type_adapter has `arbitrary_types_allowed=True` but has
# the same options as `pydantic.TypeAdapter`
ensemble_adapter = ds_type_adapter(EnsembleModel)
# ds_validate_call and DsBaseModel do the same thing for `validate_call` and `BaseModel`

# good_model will work without error
good_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(good_data)
# pydantic will raise an error because `bad_data` doesn't match validation requirements
bad_model = ensemble_adapter.validate_python(bad_data)

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ds_validator-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (24.6 kB view hashes)

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