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Create smooth timelapse videos with darktable

Project description

DtLapse - Create smooth timelapse videos with darktable




Motivational Example




Usage Examples

Adding more modules

Tipps & Tricks





While timelapse videos can be created from regular video footage a more professional approach would be to take a series of still photos. This allows to control parameters like exposure length, interval length and thus the shutter angle. I won't dig any deeper here, because this is not the objective of this document and there is plenty of information out there.

Now, imagine you have hundreds or even thousands of RAW pictures. All of them need some sort of processing and in the non-free world people would quickly turn to Lightroom and LRTimelapse which are undoubtly great tools. But not everybody's running Windows or MacOS and there are some great open source alternatives like darktable. What's missing though is a tool which, just like LRTimelapse, helps with the editing of all those pictures based on keyframes. That's where dtLapse comes into play!

A word of warning: This tool does not replace a solid knowledge of darktable and it's editing workflows. For a starting point I recommend the darktable manual, the darktable-user mailing list and the (inofficial) website.


All source files in this repository are distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public License Version 3, or later unless otherwise noted.

Please see the file LICENSE for the full license text.


Files in the iops folder can carry their own license information, chosen by the author. Since json does not allow comments please use this format:

{ "operation": "exposure"
, "iopdata": [ { "modversion": 5
               , "iop_order": 21.0
               , "smooth": [false, true, true, true, true]
               , "cformat": "iffff"
, "help": "Smoothing for the exposure module. The parameters are mode (auto/manual), black point, exposure, deflicker percentile and deflicker target level."
, "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later"
, "copyright": ["2020 Jochen Keil <>"]


If you like this work, find it useful and would like to donate please use Paypal ( or contact me for other means. Thank you very much in advance!

Commercial use

For commercial use, please contact me ( for custom license terms.

This does not affect the use of this software for commercial video or photo projects or monetization on YouTube, etc. I would appreciate proper attribution and a donation though.

Motivational Example

Let's assume you've taken a (very short) timelapse consisting of 10 frames. If you'd take your pictures as they were using an automatic algorithm (e.g. your camera's jpeg routine) you might notice that brightness and color flicker. This does not happen always and depends heavily on how well your camera's light meter and white balance algorithm works but it happens.

Back to your frames. You start working on your first frame in darktable and once you've got a result you're happy with you just copy the entire history stack over to your other pictures.

But NO, what just happened? The highlights are blown out and the colors look totally off, even stronger for every picture. The lighting conditions changed rapidly during your shot and your edit of the first frame doesn't fit your last frame. How can you fix that without tediously working on every single frame?

It's actually pretty easy! You just declare frames 1,4,7 and 10 as keyframes, do your editing there and interpolate the module parameters for 2,3,5,6,8 and 9. So, instead of editing 10 frames, you're now down to 4.

Key-what? (Keyframes)

A keyframe is a special frame (photo, picture) which has been picked in advance to represent a set of similar pictures. This sounds complicated at first but actually it's pretty simple. When you open up darktable and load your stills you're presented with thumbnails for all of them. Now you can select every Nth frame and tag them. For example Keyframe, which is the default dtLapse will look for, but you can also use a different tag. The amount of keyframes depends on the amount of work you're willing to put into your timelapse and most importantly how rapidly the light changes. For around 1300 pictures I've had good success with 30 to 40 keyframes. You can also add more keyframes for time spans where the light changes quickly, e.g. sunrise or sunset and fewer for very constant footage. Always ensure to include the very first and the last frame!


Now that you've got a bunch of keyframes you can start working on them individually. Use the collect image module to narrow down to your keyframes only.

First thing you might want to fix is the white balance. Color temperature usually only changes for day-to-night or night-to-day shots, so be sure to put an emphasis here if you captured that. In addition, sometimes the auto white balance mode of (at least my) camera fails which can result in ugly color flicker. To fix this, adjust the color balance for all your keyframes to get a consistent look across them.

Next thing would be exposure. Here, too, flicker is the main problem, e.g. when your camera adjust exposure time or ISO too rapidly or even randomly. I recommend to use darktable's auto exposure mode and start from there. Again, aim for a consistent look throughout your keyframes.

Now that the basics are fixed you can start to use filmicrgb to adjust shadows and highlights. After that I usually carry on with local contrast, rgb curve, color balance, vibrance and velvia. For extreme cases of bright and dark scenes graduatednd might help, but usually filmicrgb does a better job. As above, aim for a consistent look across your keyframes.

Once you are happy with the look of your keyframes, make sure to save all the XMPs (write sidecar files). Now you can close darktable (or minimize it) and open a terminal. Navigate to the directory which holds your XMP files and run dtLapse with the --plot option:

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --plot

(This requires your keyframes to be tagged with Keyframe. If that's not the case you can use either the --keyframe-tag option to specify a different keyframe or specify the keyframes manually with the --keyframes option.)

Now you should see a window with a plotted curve of the interpolated and smoothed values between your keyframes. If you're happy with the result, close the window and run dtLapse again without the --plot option:

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps}

DtLapse will now write the calculated values to the XMP files. If you did not specify the --no-backup option then every XMP will be copied with a .bkp suffix.

Repeat this for every module you've made modifications with and which is supported by dtLapse. For a list of supported modules run dtlapse --help or look into the iops directory.

Finally, you need to reload the XMP files in darktable. Just re-import all pictures from your timelapse and darktable should pick up the changes. If that does not work you close darktable before running dtlapse. If you still experience problems, make sure that darktable does not give precedence to it's database rather than the XMP files.


  1. Load your timelapse pictures in darktable.
  2. Pick some keyframes. Always include the very first and the last frame.
  3. Tag you keyframes, e.g. with Keyframe.
  4. Edit your keyframes using the modules supported by dtLapse.
  5. Save the XMP sidecar files (write sidecar files) or close darktable.
  6. Run dtLapse with the --plot switch, check the curve and (if necessary) tweak it using the --interpolation, --smooth and --window & --order parameters.
  7. Once you're happy with the graph, run dtLapse without the --plot switch to apply the modifications to your XMP files.
  8. Reload your pictures (import module) or open up darktable again.
  9. Check if you like the result.
  10. Export your pictures or tweak your keyframes and run dtLapse again.

Usage examples

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --plot

Plot a graph of the interpolated values for the temperature module.

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --interpolation cubic --plot

Use a different interpolation algorithm instead of the default quadratic.

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --smooth --plot

Add smoothing to the interpolated values and plot the graph again.

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --smooth --window 101 --order 5 --plot

Adjust smoothing parameters and plot the graph.

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --keyframe-tag MyKeyframeTag --dry-run

Use a different tag instead of the default Keyframe.

$ dtlapse temperature --xmps ${my_xmps} --keyframes ${my_keyframe_xmps} --dry-run

Specify keyframes manually without the use of a tag.

Adding more modules

Adding modules is actually pretty easy. Let's assume there's a module you'd like to add. Go to darktable's git repository, find the module in the src/iop directory and open the file, for example exposure.c. There you will find a data structure called dt_iop_exposure_params_t. For the temperature module it's called dt_iop_temperature_params_t. You get the idea. Now, when you look at the iops/exposure.json in this repository you'll see a data entry called smooth and cformat. The smooth field contains a list of boolean values which tell dtLapse whether the parameter should be interpolated and smoothed or not. For example in the exposure module the first data value is a switch for the module mode which we do not want to be interpolated. Hence it's set to false. The cformat field species the data value types for the struct. For the exposure module it's int, float, float, float and float (iffff). Check pythons struct module for documentation on how to specify types. Finally you'll need the proper name of the module for the operation data field, the modversion and the iop_order. The modversion for a certain darktable release can be found in a macro called DT_MODULE_INTROSPECTION in the module source file. The modversion is especially important to distinguish between different module version with different parameter sets. New versions can be easily added to the iopdata list. For the iop_order I have not found a better way than to look at an XMP file. Finally, please write a somewhat meaningful help text. Drop your now module.json file into the iops folder and it should be available.

DT_MODULE_INTROSPECTION(5, dt_iop_exposure_params_t)

For more complex modules and parameters python's eval mode can be used to specify smooth and cformat. Just prefix the string with eval:. For an example, take a look at filmicrgb.json.

typedef struct dt_iop_exposure_params_t
  dt_iop_exposure_mode_t mode; // $DEFAULT: EXPOSURE_MODE_MANUAL
  float black;    // $MIN: -1.0 $MAX: 1.0 $DEFAULT: 0.0 $DESCRIPTION: "black level correction"
  float exposure; // $MIN: -18.0 $MAX: 18.0 $DEFAULT: 0.0
  float deflicker_percentile;   // $MIN: 0.0 $MAX: 100.0 $DEFAULT: 50.0 $DESCRIPTION: "percentile"
  float deflicker_target_level; // $MIN: -18.0 $MAX: 18.0 $DEFAULT: -4.0 $DESCRIPTION: "target level"
  int compensate_exposure_bias; // $DEFAULT: FALSE
} dt_iop_exposure_params_t;
{ "operation": "exposure"
, "iopdata": [ { "modversion": 5
               , "iop_order": 21.0
               , "smooth": [false, true, true, true, true]
               , "cformat": "iffff"
, "help": "Smoothing for the exposure module. The parameters are mode (auto/manual), black point, exposure, deflicker percentile and deflicker target level."

Tipps & Tricks

  • Every image must have an existing XMP file. Run darktable first, then dtLapse.

  • Include the first and the last frame in your keyframes!

  • Every keyframe must have the module enabled you're planing to use, even if you leave it at default settings. For the rest of the images it's not necessary.

  • If you want to use multiple modules, simply use a for loop:

for op in exposure temperature filmicrgb; do
  dtlapse ${op} --xmps ${xmps}
  • The --xmp parameter does only accept XMP files. You can use shell globbing to match all your files. Either copy all pictures to particular folder and use --xmps *.xmp, or (like I do) leave a your camera's sequence number in the filename and use something like --xmps *{00013..00314}.xmp.

  • If darktable is acting strangly or overwrites your XMPs, run it without the database: darktable --library :memory:

  • Suppose you have all your timelapse pictures (and nothing else) in one folder, e.g. /path/to/my/timelapse. Then you just do this:

$ cd /path/to/my/timelapse
$ darktable .
# or
$ darktable *.arw # *.nef *.cr2 or what you're using
# edit edit edit
$ dtlapse ${operation} --xmps *.xmp # --plot --smooth --window --order etc
$ darktable . # or ..


Install it from PyPI via pip!

pip install --user --upgrade dtlapse


pip3 install --user --upgrade dtlapse


python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade dtlapse


Setting up a virtual environment for python

Make sure that you have venv installed. Either using pip:

$ pip install venv

Or with your favorite package manager, e.g.:

$ apt install python3-venv
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Building and Uploading a package to PyPI

python3 -m pip3 install setuptools wheel
python3 sdist bdist_wheel --universal
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*



Module Description
temperature Smoothing for the temperature (white balance) module. The parameters temperature coefficients.
rgbcurve Smoothing for the rgbcurve module. The parameters are the actual nodes for each curve (120 floats), number of nodes per curve (3 ints), curve type (3 ints), autoscale, middle grey scaling and color preservation.
colorbalance Smoothing for the colorbalance module. The parameters are mode, lift[4], gamma[4], gain[4], saturation, contrast, grey and saturation_out.
vibrance Smoothing for the vibrance module. The only parameter is the amount.
velvia Smoothing for the velvia module. The parameters are strength and bias.
bilat Smoothing for the bilat (local contrast) module. The parameters are mode, sigma_r, sigma_s, detail and midtone.
exposure Smoothing for the exposure module. The parameters are mode (auto/manual), black point, exposure, deflicker percentile and deflicker target level.
filmicrgb Smoothing for the filmicrgb module. The parameters are grey point source, black point source, white point source, security factor, grey point target, black point target, white point target, output power, latitude, contrast, saturation, balance and color preservation
graduatednd Smoothing for the graduatednd module. The parameters are density, hardness, rotation, offset, hue and saturation.
toneequal Smoothing for the tone equalizer module. The 9 exposure parameters are smoothed, masking parameters are copied.
hotpixels Copy hot pixels module settings.
hazeremoval Copy haze removal module settings. The parameters are strength and distance
demosaic Copy demosaic module settings.
highlights Copy highlight module settings.
lens Copy lens correction module settings.


Parameter Description
--dry-run Do not modify XMP files.
--no-backup By default all XMP files will be copied to a new file with the suffix "*.bkp". Use this flag to disable this behaviour.
--plot Plot a graph for fine tuning parameters. XMPs will not be modified.
--xmps XMP files. Mandatory.
--keyframes A list of XMP files which serve as keyframes. If this is used, keyframe tags will be ignored, even if specified with the --keyframe-tag switch.
--keyframe-tag Tag used for selecting Keyframes. Default: "Keyframe".
--interpolation Interpolation method. One of linear, nearest, zero, slinear, quadratic, cubic, previous, next. See scipy.interpolate.interp1d documentation for details. Default: quadratic.
--smooth Use a Savitzky-Golay filter to smooth the data points. Use --window and --order to fine tune the result.
--window Window size for the smoothing filter. Must be odd. Default: length of input values. Greater values result in more smoothing.
--order The order of the polynom for the filter function. Smaller values result in more smoothing. Default value: 3.

Project details

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Source Distribution

dtlapse-1.0.0.tar.gz (21.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dtlapse-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (31.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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