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Airtable library files used by DxE tech.

Project description

# Airtable Backup

Backs up the Airtable data to S3.

##How To Inspect The Airtable Backups


The backups are stored in Amazon's S3 storage service. The access credentials
are in
Install the [AWS
CLI](, probably
just by running `pip install awscli`. Then run `aws configure` to set the access credentials (do defaults for the other options).

Then you can list all of the airtable backups by running:

aws s3 ls s3://dxe-backup/airtable/

It will output a bunch, all timestamped. Probably grab the one at the bottom, the most recent one. Copy the file name to paste into this command:

mkdir backup
aws s3 cp s3://dxe-backup/airtable/<pasted file name> backup/

###Parsing it
Yay, you downloaded a backup. Unzip it:

cd backup/
unzip <pasted file name>

Now you'll see a few json files, each of which represent a data dump of a different table in the base. The contents of each are structured like:

[ {
"createdTime": "2015-11-12T01:39:30.000Z",
"fields": {
"column1": "row1col1 value",
"column2": 2,
"id": "recvTwBkAt1ThX0ZL"

The only thing interesting is that sometimes values will be these weird strings
like "recvTwBkAt1ThX0Z". These are references (by id) to other records. For example, each row in "All Members" has a value in the "chapter_id" column that points to a record in the "Chapters" table.

We haven't built anything to help code handle those references because we haven't needed to yet. If you're reading this any about to do that, have fun mate, that doesn't sound like fun.

# Airtable To Mailing List Sync

Syncs the Google Groups mailing lists members one-way from Airtable. As each member is added to the Google Group for the first time, the chapter whose mailing list they were added to is recorded in the Airtable. The member will not be added again, even if they are removed from the Google Group. This is so that the members can unsubscribe themselves from the Google Group without us having to use heuristics to figure out whether they unsubscribed or just weren't added.

## Run

To sync the Google Groups Mailing Lists from the data in Airtable, run:

$ make sync

## Setup

You need a client_secret.json to authenticate with Google user with the following scopes: "", "".

You also need AIRTABLE_API_KEY set in your env.

## Test

$ make test-sync

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

dxe_airtable-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11.5 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

File details

Details for the file dxe_airtable-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for dxe_airtable-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 617ae5289020feddf93cc2bfcd95a9f874eb0def666402da1b8a382eff3af218
MD5 efc31ec9cfb96018c1e5b9a144a2535f
BLAKE2b-256 6666ff73626f295c19097de278f3ad6bc023d95fc2cf81e14847ca1af9325aa2

See more details on using hashes here.

Supported by

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