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Toolset for Dynamic Design in Python.

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A set of tools for Dynamic Design in Python.


DynDesign’s full documentation can be found at


Dyndesign is on the Python Package Index (PyPI):

pip install dyndesign


Dyndesign is a toolkit that gives developers the ultimate flexibility in dynamically designing class structures.

Here are examples of DynDesign’s powerful tools in action.

  • Dynamically build a class using selected Building Options:

from dyndesign import buildclass, dynconfig

class Parent:

class Component:

    "OptionA": ClassConfig(inherit_from=Parent),
    "OptionB": ClassConfig(component_attr="comp", component_class=Component),
class Base:

BuiltClass = buildclass(Base, OptionA=True, OptionB=True)
b = BuiltClass()
  • Dynamically add parent classes:

from dyndesign import DynInheritance

class Parent1:

class Child(DynInheritance):

c = Child()
  • Merge two or more classes:

from dyndesign import mergeclasses

class Base:

class Ext1:

MergedClass = mergeclasses(Base, Ext1)
m = MergedClass()
  • Decorate a method with one or more instance methods loaded at runtime:

from dyndesign import decoratewith

@decoratewith("decorator_1", "component.decorator_2", ...)
def decorated_method(self, ...):
  • Safely invoke functions or methods from a safezone context manager or by using the safeinvoke API:

from dyndesign import safezone, safeinvoke

with safezone():


def method(self):
    safeinvoke("method_possibly_non_existent", self)
  • Create and destroy Singleton classes:

from dyndesign import SingletonMeta

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):

singleton_instance = Singleton(...)
same_singleton_instance = Singleton()
new_singleton_instance = Singleton(...)
  • Import classes dynamically using the path:

from dyndesign import importclass

ImportedClass = importclass("directory.module.class_name")

Class Builder

Class Builder is a powerful new tool from DynDesign that makes it easy to build classes by configuring existing classes with selected options.

Building classes involves incorporating one or more Class Dependencies, including parent classes and component classes. This can be achieved using two essential tools: the dynconfig decorator, which allows the base class to be configured with potential dependencies, and the buildclass function, which builds new classes by seamlessly integrating selected class dependencies using a specified set of building options.

Below is an example of building a class that optionally inherits from classes A and B.

from dyndesign import buildclass, dynconfig, ClassConfig

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Inheriting from `A`")

class B:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Inheriting from `B`")

    "OptionA": ClassConfig(inherit_from=A),
    "OptionB": ClassConfig(inherit_from=B),
class Base:

Built = buildclass(Base, OptionA=True)
# Inheriting from `A`

Built = buildclass(Base, OptionB=True)
# Inheriting from `B`

Classes can be configured to enable the injection of component classes into specific methods (or into the default __init__ method).

from dyndesign import buildclass, dynconfig, ClassConfig

class A:
    def whoami(self):
        print("Using component `A`")

class Default:
    def whoami(self):
        print("Using component `Default`")

class Configurator:
    OptionA = ClassConfig(

class Base:
    def __init__(self):

Built = buildclass(Base, OptionA=True)
# Using component `A`

Built = buildclass(Base, OptionA=False)
# Using component `Default`

Another important point demonstrated in the example is that class configuration can be encapsulated in a Configurator class. This helps to separate the code that is responsible for class configuration from the core logic of the classes.

Dynamic Inheritance

With Dynamic Inheritance, it becomes possible to dynamically modify the superclass set of classes that inherit from special class DynInheritance. This allows the addition of parent classes to those classes, and the modification is also instantly reflected in all their instances.

from dyndesign import DynInheritance

class Parent:
    def m1(self):
        print("Method `m1` from `Parent`")

class Child(DynInheritance):
    def __init__(self):
        print("Constructor of `Child`")

child_instance = Child()

# Constructor of `Child`


# Method `m1` from `Parent`

When the special class DynInheritanceLockedInstances is utilized instead of DynInheritance, the superclass set is locked within each class instance, meaning that it remains unchanged even when there are modifications to the class’s superclasses.

class Parent:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Constructor of `Parent`")

    def mtd(self):
        print("Method `mtd` of `Parent`")

class Child(DynInheritanceLockedInstances):
    def __init__(self):
        super(DynInheritanceLockedInstances, self).__init__()
        print("Constructor of `Child`")

orphan_child = Child()

# Constructor of `Child`

child_with_parent = Child()

# Constructor of `Parent`
# Constructor of `Child`


# Method `mtd` of `Parent`


# AttributeError: 'Child' object has no attribute 'mtd'

Class Merging

Dyndesign provides API mergeclasses to merge two or more classes as if they were dictionaries. As a result, the newly created class has the same properties from both its base class and any added extensions. If two or more classes have the same attributes/methods, the attributes/methods from the rightmost classes (in the order in which the classes are passed to mergeclasses) overload the ones from the leftmost classes, similarly to what happens when merging dictionaries.

from dyndesign import mergeclasses

class Base:
    def __init__(self, init_value):
        self.param = init_value

    def m1(self):
        print(f"Method `m1` of class `Base`, and {self.param=}")

    def m2(self):
        print(f"Method `m2` of class `Base`")

class Ext:
    def m1(self):
        print(f"Method `m1` of class `Ext`, and {self.param=}")

MergedClass = mergeclasses(Base, Ext)
merged_instance = MergedClass("INITIAL VALUE")

# Method `m1` of class `Ext`, and self.param='INITIAL VALUE'
# Method `m2` of class `Base`

When a merged class is instantiated with arguments, the constructor of each merging class is invoked, since constructors are excluded from being overloaded. Also, arguments passed to each constructor are adaptively filtered based on the constructor signature so that each constructor takes just the arguments it requires, and no exception is raised for exceeding arguments passed:

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        print("No argument passed to class `A`")

class B:
    def __init__(self, a):
        print(f"Argument {a=} passed to class `B`")

class C:
    def __init__(self, a, b, kw1=None):
        print(f"Argument {a=}, {b=} and {kw1=} passed to class `C`")

class D:
    def __init__(self, kw2=None):
        print(f"Argument {kw2=} passed to class `D`")

MergedClass = mergeclasses(A, B, C, D)
MergedClass("Alpha", "Beta", kw1="kwarg #1", kw2="kwarg #2")

# No argument passed to class `A`
# Argument a='Alpha' passed to class `B`
# Argument a='Alpha', b='Beta' and kw1='kwarg #1' passed to class `C`
# Argument kw2='kwarg #2' passed to class `D`

On the other hand, if any required positional argument is missing, an exception is raised. If MergedClass of the above example is initialized with no parameters, and exception is raised when the constructor of class B is called:


# ...
# TypeError: B.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'a'

So as to have constructor instances with missing positional arguments silently skipped, strict_merged_args can be set to False in mergeclasses. In the above example, constructors of class B and C are skipped:

MergedClass = mergeclasses(A, B, C, D, strict_merged_args=False)

# No argument passed to class `A`
# Argument kw2=None passed to class `D`

It is also possible to extend the same behavior of the constructor __init__ (i.e., all the methods from all the merged classes are invoked rather than being overloaded by the same name method from the rightmost class) to other methods. A list of method names whose instances must be all invoked can be specified in the invoke_all argument of mergeclasses. Adaptive filtering of the arguments of the method instances is performed as well.

class E:
    def method(self):
        print("No argument passed to `method` of class `E`")

class F:
    def method(self, a):
        print(f"Argument {a=} passed to `method` of class `F`")

MergedClass = mergeclasses(E, F, invoke_all=["method"])

# No argument passed to `method` of class `E`
# Argument a='Alpha' passed to `method` of class `F`

Dynamic Decorators

Meta decorator decoratewith can be used to decorate a class method with one or more chained dynamic decorators, regardless whether they statically exist or not. Additionally, the syntax of the dynamic decorators aims to get rid of the boilerplate for wrapping and returning the decorator code, leaving just the wrapper’s code. For example, dynamic decorators can be used to decorate a method of a base class with a method of an extension class:

from dyndesign import decoratewith, mergeclasses

class Base:
    def m(self):
        print(f"Method `m` of class `Base`")

class Ext:
    def decorator(self, func):
        print("Beginning of method decoration from Ext.")
        print("End of method decoration from Ext.")

merged = mergeclasses(Base, Ext)()

# Beginning of method decoration from Ext.
# Method `m` of class `Base`
# End of method decoration from Ext.

If a decorator name is passed in the invoke_all argument of mergeclasses, then multiple decorator instances with the same name from different extension classes may be used in chain:

class Ext2:
    def decorator(self, func):
        print("Beginning of method decoration from Ext2.")
        print("End of method decoration from Ext2.")

merged = mergeclasses(Base, Ext, Ext2, invoke_all=["decorator"])()

# Beginning of method decoration from Ext.
# Beginning of method decoration from Ext2.
# Method `m` of class `Base`
# End of method decoration from Ext2.
# End of method decoration from Ext.

Arguments of decoratewith are loaded at runtime as properties of the variable ‘self’: a dynamic decorator can be, for example, a method of a component class. In case of dynamic decoration from a sub-instance of ‘self’, the instance object of the decorated method is passed to the decorator as the argument decorated_self. If a dynamic decorator is not found at runtime (e.g., because it is a method of an optional class that has not been merged), then the code execution proceeds normally, as shown below with the decorator non_existent_decorator:

class Base:
    def __init__(self):
        self.comp = Component()

    @decoratewith("comp.decorator1", "comp.decorator2", "non_existent_decorator")
    def m(self):
        print("Method `m` of class `Base`")

class Component:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = "Initial"

    def decorator1(self, func, decorated_self):
        print(f"Beginning of method decoration #1 ({self.value=})")
        self.value = "Processed"
        print("End of method decoration #1")

    def decorator2(self, func, decorated_self):
        print(f"Beginning of method decoration #2 ({self.value=})")
        print("End of method decoration #2")

base = Base()

# Beginning of method decoration #1 (self.value='Initial')
# Beginning of method decoration #2 (self.value='Processed')
# Method `m` of class `Base`
# End of method decoration #2
# End of method decoration #1

Safezone Context Manager

Any function or method that may or may not exist at runtime (e.g., methods of merged classes) can be invoked from Context Manager safezone in order to suppress the possible exceptions raised if the function or method is not found at runtime. Optionally, a fallback function/method can be also passed. If no function name(s) is passed as argument of safezone, then each function in the safe zone’s code is protected; if any function name(s) is passed, the protection is restricted to the functions having that/those name(s). For example, safezone can be used to safely call functions that may or may not exist at runtime:

from dyndesign import safezone

def fallback():
    print("Fallback function")

def function_a():
    print("Function `a`")

with safezone(fallback=fallback):

# Function `a`
# Fallback function

A further example shows that safezone can be used to safely invoke methods of classes that may or may not be merged with other classes:

class Base:
    def fallback(self):
        print("Fallback method")

    def m(self, class_desc):
        print(f"Method `m` of {class_desc}")
        with safezone("optional_method", fallback=self.fallback):

class ExtOptional:
    def optional_method(self):
        print("Optional method from class `ExtOptional`")

merged = mergeclasses(Base, ExtOptional)()
merged.m("merged class")
base = Base()
base.m("class `Base` standalone")

# Method `m` of merged class
# Optional method from class `ExtOptional`
# Method `m` of class `Base` standalone
# Fallback method

Invoking methods safely

As an alternative to safezone context manager, safeinvoke API can be used to safely invoke methods that may or may not exist at runtime. To this end, method m of class Base of the example above can be replaced as follows:

from dyndesign import safeinvoke


    def m(self, class_desc):
        print(f"Method `m` of {class_desc}")
        safeinvoke("optional_method", self, fallback=self.fallback)

Singleton classes

Singleton classes can be swiftly created with SingletonMeta metaclass and then destroyed with destroy_singleton:

from dyndesign import SingletonMeta

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
    def __init__(self, instance_id = None):
        if instance_id:
            self.instance_id = instance_id
        print(f"Created a {instance_id} instance of `Singleton`")

    def where_points(self, object_name):
        print(f"Object `{object_name}` points to the {self.instance_id} instance")

s_A = Singleton("first")

# Created a first instance of `Singleton`
# Object `s_A` points to the first instance

s_B = Singleton("second")

# Object `s_B` points to the first instance

s_C = Singleton("second")

# Created a second instance of `Singleton`
# Object `s_C` points to the second instance

The class method destroy of SingletonMeta can be invoked to destroy all the Singleton classes at once. As a further alternative to the instance call destroy_singleton, the names of the Singleton classes to destroy can be passed to the class method destroy:

Singleton().destroy_singleton() # Destroy only `Singleton`
SingletonMeta.destroy() # Destroy all the singleton classes
SingletonMeta.destroy('Singleton1', 'Singleton2', 'Singleton3') # Destroy selectively

Importing classes dynamically

Classes can be imported dynamically using the package/class names or the path in dot-notation as shown below:

from dyndesign import importclass

ClassA = importclass('package_A', 'ClassA')
ClassB = importclass('directory_B.package_B.ClassB')

Running tests

To run the tests using your default python interpreter:

pip install -U pytest
python -m pytest test

Project details

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Source Distribution

dyndesign-1.0.0.tar.gz (28.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

dyndesign-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (32.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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