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An easy to use rpc framework for enabling fast inter-process, inter-host communication

Project description


An easy to use rpc framework for enabling fast inter-process, inter-container, or inter-host communication

Easily share functions between hosts, processes, containers without the complexity of defining non-native python types or proxy modules.

Key Features

  • No predefined proxy functions at the remote endpoints
  • Easily group and share functons among hosts / processes using Namespaces / Namespace Groups
  • Proxy functions parameters are validated as if defined locally.
  • Optional: pre-flight encyrption
  • No strict RPC message structure / size limit, within json serializable constraints

Quick Start

$ virtualenv -p python3.7 easy-rpc-env

$ source easy-rpc-env/bin/activate

(easy-rpc-env)$ pip install easyrpc

Basic Usage:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyrpc.server import EasyRpcServer

server = FastAPI()

ws_server_a = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234')

def good_func_a(a, b, c):
    print(f"good_func_a {a} {b} {c}")
    return {"good_func_a": [a, b, c]}

import asyncio
from easyrpc.proxy import EasyRpcProxy

async def main():
    proxy = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

    good_func_a = proxy['good_func_a']
    result = await good_func_a(1, 5, 7)


See other usage examples in Recipes

Usage with multiple namespaces

from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyrpc.server import EasyRpcServer

server = FastAPI()

easy_server = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/easy', server_secret='abcd1234')

def private_function(a, b, c):
    print(f"private_function {a} {b} {c}")
    return {"private_function": [a, b, c]}

def public_func(a, b, c):
    print(f"public_func {a} {b} {c}")
    return {"public_func": [a, b, c]}

def open_function(a, **kw):
    print(f"open_function {a} {kw}")
    return {"open_function": [a, kw]}

import asyncio
from easyrpc.proxy import EasyRpcProxy

async def main():
    easy_proxy = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

    result = await easy_proxy['private_function'](1, 5, 7)

    result = await easy_proxy.proxy_funcs['open_function'](1, keyword='value')



# Start server
$ uvicorn --host --port 8220 bsc_server:server
11-06 22:10 EasyRpc-server /ws/easy WARNING  ORIGIN - registered function private_function in private namespace
11-06 22:10 EasyRpc-server /ws/easy WARNING  ORIGIN - registered function public_func in public namespace
11-06 22:10 EasyRpc-server /ws/easy WARNING  ORIGIN - registered function open_function in private namespace
11-06 22:10 EasyRpc-server /ws/easy WARNING  ORIGIN - registered function open_function in public namespace

# Client
$ python 
{'private_function': [1, 5, 7]}
{'open_function': [1, {'keyword': 'value'}]}
{'private_function': <function create_proxy_from_config.<locals>.__proxy__ at 0x7fa0be5b4dd0>, 'open_function': <function create_proxy_from_config.<locals>.__proxy__ at 0x7fa0bdf3f050>}

A Helpful look at proxy signature

# Client

Help on function open_function in module easyrpc.register:

open_function(a, **kw)


easyrpc can proxy registered generators & async generators with the same constraints as registered functions. i.e input / output should be JSON serializable.

Like registered functions, normal generators are converted into async generators at the proxy and must be iterated over using 'async for' or await generator.asend(None)

from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyrpc.server import EasyRpcServer

server = FastAPI()

easy_server = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/easy', server_secret='abcd1234')

def private_generator(work: dict):
    for item in work:
        yield item

async def public_generator(work: dict):
    for item in work:
        yield item

import asyncio
from easyrpc.proxy import EasyRpcProxy

async def main():
    private = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

    public = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

    # basic generator usage
    async for item in await private['private_generator']([1, 2, 'a', 'b', 3, 4]):
        print(f"async for {item}")

    public_generator = await public['public_generator']([1, 2, 'a', 'b', 3, 4])
    while True:
            result = await public_generator.asend(None)
            print(f"asend result: {result}")
        except StopAsyncIteration:


easyrpc can be used to share existing python standard library logger with proxy or server proxys and centralize logging to one location

Poxies created as EasyRpcProxyLogger inhert the standard logging.

Logger methods [info, warning, error, debug, exception],  exception includes full stack traces

As with all proxied functions, each should be awaited

# central logging server

import logging
from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyrpc.server import EasyRpcServer


server = FastAPI()

async def setup():

    logger = logging.getLogger()

    rpc_server = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server', server_secret='abcd1234', debug=True)

    rpc_server.register_logger(logger, namespace='logger')

# share logging with a basic client
import aysncio
from import EasyRpcProxyLogger

async def main():

    logger = await EasyRpcProxyLogger.create(
    await logger.warning(f"client - started from {logger.session_id}")

# share logging with another server

from fastapi import FastAPI
from easyrpc.server import EasyRpcServer

server = FastAPI()

async def setup():
    ws_server_b = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server', server_secret='efgh1234')

    logger = await ws_server_b.create_server_proxy_logger(
        '', 8220, '/ws/server', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='logger'

    await logger.error(f"ws_server_b - starting with id {ws_server_b.server_id}")

Shared Database conection

Database connections, table model logic & querries can be shared via easyrpc framework

Without easyrpc:

  • Apps that needs to access and store data in a database needs a separate connection / connectoin logic / table definitions
  • Caching can only be used if ONE-AND-ONLY-ONE process ever accesses a database.

With easyrpc:

  • Multiple Apps can access and use the same single database connection
  • Shared database connection allows for caching requests since cache can be created / updated / invalidated from a single process.



  • aiopyql-rest-endpoint - Quickly start a sqlite / mysql / postgres connected aiopyql easyrpc endpoint, which can be connected using an EasyRpcProxyDatabase()


  • EasyRpcProxyDatabase provides remote functionality to an aiopyql connected database, to create tables, access, update, delete, and query data.
  • All applications connected via the EasyRpcProxyDatabase() to the database namespace, share access to new & existing tables, query cache.


Shared aiopyql database & EasyRpcProxyDatabase

 # Start an aiopyql-rest-endpoint instance

$ mkdir dbtest

$ docker run -d --name aiopyql-testdb \
    -p 8190:8190 \
    -e DB_TYPE='sqlite' \
    -e DB_NAME='testdb' \
    -e RPC_SECRET='abcd1234' \
    -v dbtest:/mnt/pyql-db-endpoint \


import asyncio
from import EasyRpcProxyDatabase

async def main():

    db = await EasyRpcProxyDatabase.create(

    create_table_result = await db.create_table(
            ['key', 'str', 'UNIQUE NOT NULL'],
            ['value', 'str']
    print(f"create_table_result: {create_table_result}")

    show_tables = await db.show_tables()

    print(f"show tables: {show_tables}")

    query = 'select * from sqlite_master'
    run_query = await

    print(f"run_query results: {run_query}")

    keystore = db.tables['keystore']

    # insert
    await keystore.insert(
        **{'key': 'new_key', 'value': 'new_value'}

    # update
    await keystore.update(
        where={'key': 'new_key'}

    # delete
    await keystore.delete( 
        where={'key': 'new_key'}

    # select
    selection = await 
        where={'key': 'new_key'}
    print(f"selection: {selection}")

Clustering / EasyRpcServer Chaining / Namespacing

An EasyRpcServer can register functions in multiple namespaces, if unspecified 'Default' is used. <br

easy_server = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/easy', server_secret='abcd1234')

Registration can be performed using the Decorator or via easy_server.orgin(f, namespace='Namespace')

# Decorator
@easy_server.orgin # default

# Register progamatically
def foo(x):
    return x
easy_server.orgin(foo, namespace='private')


EasyRpcServer namepaces can be grouped together with other EasyRpcServer instances, to form "clusters"

Cluster Features:

  • Dynamically Share new / existing functions amongst cluster members
  • Proxy and Reverse proxy functions automatically propogate changes up / downstream every 15 seconds
  • Access to all functions anywhere in a chain

# Server A - port 8220
server = FastAPI()
server_a = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234')

def a_func(a):
    return {'a': a}

# Server B - port 8221
server = FastAPI()
server_b = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_b', server_secret='abcd1234')

def b_func(b):
    return {'b': b}

async def setup()
    await server_b.create_server_proxy(, 8220, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='public'

# Server C - port 8222
server = FastAPI()
server_c = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_c', server_secret='abcd1234')

def c_func(c):
    return {'c': c}

async def setup()
    await server_c.create_server_proxy(, 8221, '/ws/server_b', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='public'

Servers A, B or C can now be accessed via a Proxy to use a_func, b_func, or c_func:

import asyncio
from easyrpc.proxy import EasyRpcProxy

async def main():
    public = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

    await public['a_func']('a')
    await public['b_func']('b')
    await public['c_func']('c')

Cluster Constraints:

  • An EasyRpcServer instance may connect up to 1 other EasyRpcServer instance by creating a server_proxy per namespace. The target instance should not be a child of the instance connecting(i.e loop)
  • An EasyRpcServer can recive n connections from other EasyRpcServer server proxies into a single namespace.

Clustering Patterns

# Chaining
A(pub) <-- B(pub) <-- C(pub) <-- D(pub)

# Forking
A(pub) <-- B(pub)
A(pub) <-- C(pub)
A(pub) <-- D(pub)

# Ring
A(left) <-- B(left) <-- C(left)
A(right) --> C(right) --> B(right)

# create ring
A.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')
B.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')
C.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')
  • Each base patterns allow for further forking / chains off the initial nodes of the cluster within the constraints.

  • Each namespace-node within the cluster will have access to every other node(namespace) registered functions.

  • The path a node takes to reach a function is relative to where the node registered.

 A(pub) <-- B(pub) <-- C(pub) <-- D(pub)

D can access functions on A:

D -> C
C -> B
B -> A

Connection Interuption

D -> C
B -> A
  • C dectects connection is missing, the next proxy probes will remove functions specfic to B & A within the namespace, then propgating update D.

  • B dectects connection is missing, the next proxy probes will remove functions specfic to C & D within the namespace, then propgating update A.

Namespace Groups, discussed next, can help to address these connection interuption concerns.

Namespace Groups

A EasyRpcServer may group two or more namespaces into a single namespace group, providing a single namespace for accessing functions in the group member namespaces.

Features / Considerations:

  • Functions registered to namespace groups automatically register within the member namespaces
  • Namespaces do not allow for duplicate functions, but namespace groups may contain namespaces with same-name functions
  • Namepsaces within namespace groups may consist of local / proxy functions
  • Function calls from a namespace group use the first function with the matching name, a duplicates amoungst members are used if the connection to the first function namespace is lost / un-registered.
  • Namespace Group appears like a single Namepsace. If a SERVER proxy connects, all member functions are shared to the connecting Proxy, and all discovered functions are updated in all member namespaces.

Use Cases

Ring Pattern - Map multiple paths to same functions

Left  - A <- B <- C
Right - A -> C -> B 
Namespace Group ('ring', 'left', 'right')

# Server A - port 8220

server = FastAPI()
server_a = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234')
server_a.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')

def a_func(a):
    return {'a': a}

async def setup():
    def delay_proxy_start():
        # sleep to allow other servers to start
        await asyncio.sleep(15)

        await server_a.create_server_proxy(
  , 8222, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='right'

# Server B - port 8221
server = FastAPI()
server_b = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_b', server_secret='abcd1234')
server_b.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')

def b_func(b):
    return {'b': b}

async def setup()
    await server_b.create_server_proxy(, 8220, '/ws/server_a', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='left'

# Server C - port 8222
server = FastAPI()
server_c = EasyRpcServer(server, '/ws/server_c', server_secret='abcd1234')
server_c.create_namespace_group('ring', 'left', 'right')

def c_func(c):
    return {'c': c}

async def setup()
    await server_c.create_server_proxy(, 8221, '/ws/server_b', server_secret='abcd1234', namespace='left'

All functions in EasyRpcServer A, B, C are registered to both left and right namespaces via ring Namespace Group.

Server A has two paths to functions on Server B & C

A -> C -> B
A -> B -> C

Server B has two paths to functions on Server A & C

B -> A -> C
B -> C -> A

Server C has two paths to functions on Server B & C

C -> B -> A
C -> A -> B

Simple Grouping and 1 Proxy Connection with single decorator

Public  - A <- B <- C
Private - A <- D <- E <- F
Open - A -> G -> H
Namespace Group ('all', 'Public', 'Private', 'Open')

def func(a, b, c=10):
    return [a, b, c]

A standard proxy connection provides access to 1 namespace, Namespace Groups can provide two or more namespaces with the same connection.

all = await EasyRpcProxy.create(

Under the hood

easyrpc uses fastapi for handling server side websocket communciation, aiohttp ClientSessions for the client-side websocket communication, makefun along with some standard library 'inspect' magic for translating origin functions into proxy-useable functions with parameter validation, and lastly pyjwt for authentication & encryption.

Registered functions are made available as callables which return co-routines and thus 'awaitable' to the remote-endpoints, this is true for both async and non-async registered functions. Due to this, the functions must be awaited within a running event_loop. When called, the input parameters are verified via the origin functions signature.

Supported Functions Features

  • async def & def
  • async generators & generators
  • *args, **kwargs
  • positional & default parmeters
  • TODO - type annotations

Common Use Cases

  • State sharing among forked workers
  • Shared Database connections / cache
  • Shared Queues
  • Worker Pooling - Easy centralization for workers and distribution of work.
  • Function Chaining

Project details

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Built Distribution

easyrpc-0.217-py3-none-any.whl (19.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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