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ec2-spot-price: retrieve Amazon EC2 spot instance price

Project description

ec2-spot-price: Retrieve Amazon EC2 spot instance price

This Python module provides simple functions and commands to retrieve Amazon EC2 spot instance price by AWS API.


Install by pip. Or pipx may be convenient to use as a CLI application.

pip install ec2-spot-price


You need to setup AWS authentication credentials which have permissions to access ec2:DescribeSpotPriceHistory and ec2:DescribeRegions APIs.

A simple way to do is to create a new IAM user and attach AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy directly to the user. Or you can use existent credentials which have permissions to access ec2:DescribeSpotPriceHistory and ec2:DescribeRegions APIs.

Create a new IAM user

Create a new IAM user like the following.

  • Go to IAM console
  • Click Users and Add user
  • User name: myuser (whatever you want)
  • Access type: Programmatic access
  • Click Next: Permissions
  • Set permissions: Attach existing policies directly
  • Policy name: AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
  • Click Next: Tags
  • Click Next: Review
  • Click Create user
  • Click Download .csv
  • Click Close

Note: custom policy

If you don't want to attach AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy, you can create a new policy that only allows to access ec2:DescribeSpotPriceHistory and ec2:DescribeRegions APIs. Then attach this policy instead of AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Edit ~/.aws/credentials

You can use "named profile" to have multiple credentials settings.

[myprofile]  # whatever you want, or [default]
aws_access_key_id=[copy from csv]
aws_secret_access_key=[copy from csv]
region=us-east-2  # wherever you want

If you use "named profile", you need to specify AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

export AWS_PROFILE=myprofile


ec2_spot_price command

You can run ec2_spot_price (or python /path/to/ command to retrieve spot instance prices.

-h option shows help message.

% ec2_spot_price -h
usage: ec2_spot_price [-h] [-r REGION_NAMES] [-i INSTANCE_TYPES] [-o OS_TYPES]

retrieve Amazon EC2 spot instance price

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REGION_NAMES, --region_names REGION_NAMES
                        filter regions. if "" is specified, retrieve all of
                        the regions. (default: "us-east-1,us-east-2,us-
  -i INSTANCE_TYPES, --instance_types INSTANCE_TYPES
                        filter instance types e.g. "g3.4xlarge,p2.xlarge".
                        (default: retrieve all of the instance types)
  -o OS_TYPES, --os_types OS_TYPES
                        filter OS types. (default: "Linux/UNIX")
  -csv, --csv           output CSV format. (default: False)

You can specify region names by -r, instance types by -i and OS types by -o. For example, the following command shows table of us-east-1,us-east-2 regions, c5.xlarge,c5d.xlarge instances and Linux/UNIX OS (default value).

% ec2_spot_price -r "us-east-1,us-east-2" -i "c5.xlarge,c5d.xlarge"
  Price      Zone         Instance     OS           Timestamp            
  0.038000   us-east-2a   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2a   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 18:23:40  
  0.038000   us-east-2b   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2b   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 20:49:32  
  0.038000   us-east-2c   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2c   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 08:06:21  
  0.066500   us-east-1c   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 15:56:41  
  0.066800   us-east-1f   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 18:38:06  
  0.069600   us-east-1a   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 17:55:16  
  0.069700   us-east-1d   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 19:28:40  
  0.069900   us-east-1b   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 21:10:11  
  0.072100   us-east-1a   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 16:55:41  
  0.079600   us-east-1c   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 21:01:42  
  0.079600   us-east-1d   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 14:31:55  
  0.083700   us-east-1f   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 14:48:41  
  0.090300   us-east-1b   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:58:17  

In this case, you should use c5.xlarge at us-east-2 region.

Another example to retrieve all of the spot prices in all regions with verbose option.

% ec2_spot_price -r "" -i "" -o "" -csv > spot_prices.csv
% wc -l spot_prices.csv
   49822 spot_prices.csv
% head spot_prices.csv
0.000800,ap-south-1a,t4g.nano,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000800,ap-south-1a,t4g.nano,SUSE Linux,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000800,ap-south-1b,t4g.nano,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000800,ap-south-1b,t4g.nano,SUSE Linux,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000800,ap-south-1c,t4g.nano,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000800,ap-south-1c,t4g.nano,SUSE Linux,2021-02-24 17:41:52
0.000900,ap-south-1a,t3a.nano,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:06:18
0.000900,ap-south-1a,t3a.nano,SUSE Linux,2021-02-24 17:06:18
0.000900,ap-south-1b,t3a.nano,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:06:18

Then open spot_prices.csv with spread sheet application like Excel.

ec2_spot_price module

There are three functions.

Function get_spot_prices retrieves spot prices as list.

Function print_csv prints spot prices with CSV format.

Function print_table prints spot prices with table format.

% python
>>> import ec2_spot_price as ec2sp
>>> df = ec2sp.get_spot_prices(['us-east-1', 'us-east-2'], ['c5.xlarge', 'c5d.xlarge'], ['Linux/UNIX'])
>>> len(df)
>>> ec2sp.print_table(df)
  Price      Zone         Instance     OS           Timestamp            
  0.038000   us-east-2a   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2a   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 18:23:40  
  0.038000   us-east-2b   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2b   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 20:49:32  
  0.038000   us-east-2c   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:59:14  
  0.038000   us-east-2c   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 08:06:21  
  0.066500   us-east-1c   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 15:56:41  
  0.066800   us-east-1f   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 18:38:06  
  0.069600   us-east-1a   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 17:55:16  
  0.069700   us-east-1d   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 19:28:40  
  0.069900   us-east-1b   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 21:10:11  
  0.072100   us-east-1a   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 16:55:41  
  0.079600   us-east-1c   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 21:01:42  
  0.079600   us-east-1d   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 14:31:55  
  0.082500   us-east-1f   c5.xlarge    Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 21:35:41  
  0.090300   us-east-1b   c5d.xlarge   Linux/UNIX   2021-02-24 03:58:17  
>>> ec2sp.print_csv(df)
0.038000,us-east-2a,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 03:59:14
0.038000,us-east-2a,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 18:23:40
0.038000,us-east-2b,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 03:59:14
0.038000,us-east-2b,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 20:49:32
0.038000,us-east-2c,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 03:59:14
0.038000,us-east-2c,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 08:06:21
0.066500,us-east-1c,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 15:56:41
0.066800,us-east-1f,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 18:38:06
0.069600,us-east-1a,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 17:55:16
0.069700,us-east-1d,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 19:28:40
0.069900,us-east-1b,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 21:10:11
0.072100,us-east-1a,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 16:55:41
0.079600,us-east-1c,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 21:01:42
0.079600,us-east-1d,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 14:31:55
0.082500,us-east-1f,c5.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 21:35:41
0.090300,us-east-1b,c5d.xlarge,Linux/UNIX,2021-02-24 03:58:17

Another example to retrieve all of the spot prices in all regions. You can pass spot prices to pd.DataFrame and filter them.

>>> import ec2_spot_price as ec2sp
>>> df = ec2sp.get_spot_prices([], [], [])
>>> len(df)
>>> df = df.query('ProductDescription == "Linux/UNIX"')
>>> df = df.drop(['Timestamp', 'ProductDescription'], axis=1)
>>> df = df.sort_values(by=['SpotPrice', 'AvailabilityZone', 'InstanceType'])
>>> df = df.query('InstanceType.str.match("c5.?\.xlarge")')
>>> len(df)
>>> df.head(20)
      SpotPrice AvailabilityZone InstanceType
42061  0.038000       us-east-2a    c5.xlarge
40121  0.038000       us-east-2a   c5d.xlarge
40650  0.038000       us-east-2a   c5n.xlarge
42060  0.038000       us-east-2b    c5.xlarge
39630  0.038000       us-east-2b   c5d.xlarge
40649  0.038000       us-east-2b   c5n.xlarge
42059  0.038000       us-east-2c    c5.xlarge
41712  0.038000       us-east-2c   c5d.xlarge
40648  0.038000       us-east-2c   c5n.xlarge
39716  0.042400       us-east-2c   c5a.xlarge
39592  0.044100       us-east-2b   c5a.xlarge
3105   0.052800      ap-south-1c   c5a.xlarge
3104   0.053200      ap-south-1b   c5a.xlarge
2505   0.053500      ap-south-1a   c5a.xlarge
2831   0.054000      ap-south-1a   c5n.xlarge
3430   0.054000      ap-south-1b   c5d.xlarge
3768   0.054100      ap-south-1a   c5d.xlarge
1765   0.054100      ap-south-1b   c5n.xlarge
1727   0.054100      ap-south-1c   c5d.xlarge
2981   0.054100      ap-south-1c   c5n.xlarge



Susumu OTA

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Source Distribution

ec2-spot-price-0.2.1.tar.gz (11.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ec2_spot_price-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (10.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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