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Ed-Fi API client and tools

Project description

Ed-Fi API Client Python Package

Quick Guide

from edfi_api_client import EdFiClient

# Client connection with Ed-Fi3 ODS
api = EdFiClient(BASE_URL, CLIENT_KEY, CLIENT_SECRET, api_version=3)

# Get the total row-count for the 'students' resource in the ODS
students = api.resource('students')

# Pull all rows for the 'staffs' resource deletes endpoint (setting a custom page-size)
staffs = api.resource('staffs', get_deletes=True)
for row in staffs.get_rows(page_size=500):

# Pull all rows for the 'studentStaffAssociations' resource as pages (retrying when given authentication-timeout errors)
ssa = api.resource('studentStaffAssociations')  # OR 'student_staff_associations'
for page in ssa.get_pages(retry_on_failure=True):
# Pull all rows for the enrollment students composite, filtering by section ID
enrollment_students = api.composite('students', filter_type='sections', filter_id='12345')
for row in enrollment_students.get_rows():


EdFiClient serves as the interface with the ODS. If credentials are provided, a session with the ODS is automatically authenticated. Some methods do not require credentials to be called.

Argument Description
base_url [Required] The root url of the API server, without any trailing components like data/v3 or api/v2.0
client_key The key
client_secret The secret
api_version Either 2 or 3, depending on the suite number of the API (Default 3)
api_mode The API mode of the ODS (e.g., shared_instance, year_specific, etc.). If empty, the mode will automatically be inferred from the ODS' Swagger spec (Ed-Fi 3 only).
api_year The year of data to connect to if accessing a year_specific or instance_year_specific ODS.
instance_code The instance code if accessing an instance_year_specific ODS.

If either client_key or client_secret are empty, a session with the ODS will not be established.

All code examples in this document use verbose-logging to more-explicitly show interactions with the API. It is recommended to set verbose=True while working interactively with the API.

>>> from edfi_api_client import EdFiClient
>>> api = EdFiClient(BASE_URL, verbose=True)
Client key and secret not provided. Connection with ODS will not be attempted.

# OR

>>> from edfi_api_client import EdFiClient
>>> api = EdFiClient(BASE_URL, CLIENT_KEY, CLIENT_SECRET, verbose=True)
Connection to ODS successful!


Authentication with the ODS is not required:



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

Retrieve a list of namespaced-resources from the resources Swagger payload.

>>> api.resources
[('ed-fi', 'academicWeeks'), ('ed-fi', 'accounts'), ('ed-fi', 'accountCodes'), ...]



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

Retrieve a list of namespaced-descriptors from the descriptors Swagger payload.

>>> api.descriptors
[('ed-fi', 'absenceEventCategoryDescriptors'), ('ed-fi', 'academicHonorCategoryDescriptors'), ...]


Authentication with the ODS is not required:



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

Ed-Fi3 provides an informative payload at the ODS base URL. This contains versioning by suite and build, API mode, and URLs for authentication and data management.

>>> api.get_info()
{'apiMode': 'Shared Instance',
 'build': '2022.6.1.2034',
 'dataModels': [{'name': 'Ed-Fi', 'version': '3.3.0-a'}],
 'informationalVersion': '5.2',
 'suite': '3',
 'urls': {'dataManagementApi': '{BASE_URL}/data/v3/',
          'dependencies': '{BASE_URL}/metadata/data/v3/dependencies',
          'oauth': '{BASE_URL}/oauth/token',
          'openApiMetadata': '{BASE_URL}/metadata/',
          'xsdMetadata': '{BASE_URL}/metadata/xsd'},
 'version': '5.2'}



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

Each Ed-Fi3 ODS has a declared API mode that alters how users interact with the ODS. This is a shortcut-method for finding the API mode of the Ed-Fi ODS via the payload retrieved using EdFiClient.get_info(), formatted in snake_case.

>>> api.get_api_mode()

This method is called automatically when api_mode is left undefined by the user.



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

This is a shortcut-method for finding the version of the Ed-Fi ODS via the payload retrieved using EdFiClient.get_info().

>>> api.get_ods_version()



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

This is a shortcut-method for finding the data model version of the Ed-Fi ODS' 'ed-fi' namespace via the payload retrieved using EdFiClient.get_info().

>>> api.get_data_model_version()



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.

The entire Ed-Fi API is outlined in an OpenAPI Specification (i.e., Swagger Specification). There is a separate Swagger defined for each component type (e.g., resources, descriptors, etc.).

If component is unspecified, resources will be collected.

>>> api.get_swagger(component='resources')  # Default
{'swagger': ...,
 'basePath': ...,
 'consumes': ...,
 'definitions': ...,

Returns an EdFiSwagger class containing the complete JSON payload, as well as extracted metadata from the Swagger.



This boolean filter returns whether the client-connection to the ODS is via Ed-Fi2. Ed-Fi3 introduces many new features that are utilized heavily in this package.

>>> api.is_edfi2()

Authentication with the ODS is required:



This method is unavailable in Ed-Fi2.
This method requires a connection to the ODS.

Starting in Ed-Fi3, each row in the ODS is linked to an ODS-wide "change version" parameter, which allows for narrow time-windows of data to be filtered for delta-ingestions, instead of only full-ingestions. This method returns the newest change version defined in the ODS.

>>> api.get_newest_change_version()



This method requires a connection to the ODS.

Use this method to initialize an EdFiResource (i.e. EdFiEndpoint). This object contains methods to pull rows and resource metadata from the API.

>>> api.resource(
        name='students',        # Name of resource
        namespace='ed-fi',      # Default ; custom resources use a different namespace
        get_deletes=False,      # Default ; set to `True` to access the /deletes endpoint (mutually-exclusive with `get_key_changes`)
        get_key_changes=False,  # Default ; set to `True` to access the /keyChanges endpoint (mutually-exclusive with `get_deletes`)
        params={},              # Optional; used to pass parameters to API calls
        **kwargs                # Optional; alternative way to pass parameters to API calls

<Resource [edFi/students]>

name, params, and kwargs can be formatted in snake_case or camelCase.



This method requires a connection to the ODS.

Use this method to initialize an EdFiResource (i.e. EdFiEndpoint). This object contains methods to pull rows and descriptor metadata from the API.

Note that although descriptors and resources are saved at the same endpoint in the ODS, descriptors do not use their /deletes endpoint.

>>> api.descriptor(
        name='sexDescriptors',  # Name of descriptor
        namespace='ed-fi',      # Default ; custom resources use a different namespace
        params={},              # Optional; used to pass parameters to API calls
        **kwargs                # Optional; alternative way to pass parameters to API calls

<Resource [edFi/sexDescriptors]>

name, params, and kwargs can be formatted in snake_case or camelCase.



This method requires a connection to the ODS.

Use this method to initialize an EdFiComposite (i.e. EdFiEndpoint). This object contains methods to pull rows and composite metadata from the API.

Note: The only composite currently defined in the API is enrollment.

>>> api.composite(
        name='students',         # Name of composite resource
        namespace='ed-fi',       # Default ; custom resources use a different namespace
        composite='enrollment',  # Default ; name of composite
        filter_type=None,        # Optional; used to filter composites by ID and type
        filter_id=None,          # Optional; used to filter composites by ID and type
        params={},               # Optional; used to pass parameters to API calls
        **kwargs                 # Optional; alternative way to pass parameters to API calls

<Enrollment Composite [edFi/students]>

name, params, and kwargs can be formatted in snake_case or camelCase.


EdFiEndpoint is an abstract base class for interfacing with API endpoints. All methods that return EdFiEndpoint and child classes require a session with the API.

>>> students = api.resource('students', min_change_version=52028375, max_change_version=53295015)
>>> students
<Resource with 2 parameters [edFi/students]>


>>> students_composite = api.composite('students')
>>> students_composite
<Enrollment Composite [edFi/students]>




This attribute retrieves the Ed-Fi endpoint's description if present in its respective Swagger payload.

>>> api.resource('bellSchedules').description
'This entity represents the schedule of class period meeting times.'



This attribute returns whether a deletes path is present the Ed-Fi endpoint's respective Swagger payload.

>>> api.resource('bellSchedules').has_deletes




This method pings the endpoint and returns a Response object with scrubbed JSON data. This offers a shortcut for verifying claim-set permissions without needing to pull data from the ODS.

>>> res =
>>> res
<Response [200]>

>>> res.json()
{'message': 'Ping was successful! ODS data has been intentionally scrubbed from this response.'}



This method retrieves one GET-request of JSON rows from the specified endpoint. This can be used to verify the structure of the data or to collect a small sample for testing.

An optional limit can be provided. If unspecified, the default limit will be retrieved. (This value must be less than the hard-coded limit of the ODS, or the request will fail.)

>>> students.get(limit=1)
[Get Resource] Endpoint  : {BASE_URL}/data/v3/ed-fi/students
[Get Resource] Parameters: {}
[{'id': 'abc123', 'studentUniqueId': '987654', 'birthDate': '1970-01-01', ...}]

Because this GET does not use pagination, the return is a list, not a generator.

get_rows / get_pages

get_rows / get_pages

These are the primary methods for retrieving all JSON rows from the specified endpoint and parameters. The only difference in function is whether the rows are returned individually or in batches (i.e., pages). Iteration continues until no rows are returned.

Both methods use identical arguments. Under the hood, get_rows() implements get_pages(), but unnests the rows before returning.

>>> student_rows = students.get_rows(
        page_size=500,           # The limit to pass to the parameters. Overwrites parameter if already defined.
        retry_on_failure=False,  # Reconnect session if request fails and reattempt (e.g., if authentication expires).
        max_retries=5,           # If `retry_on_failure is True`, how many attempts before giving up.
        max_wait=500,            # If `retry_on_failure is True`, max wait time for exponential backoff before giving up.
        step_change_version=False,       # Only available for resources/descriptors. See [Change Version Stepping] below.
        change_version_step_size=50000,  # Only available for resources/descriptors. See [Change Version Stepping] below.
<generator object EdFiEndpoint.get_rows at 0x7f7472650f90>

>>> list(student_rows)
[Paged Get Resource] Endpoint  : {BASE_URL}/data/v3/ed-fi/students
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 52028375, 'maxChangeVersion': 53295015, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 0}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved 500 rows. Paging offset...
# ...
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 52028375, 'maxChangeVersion': 53295015, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 4000}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved 135 rows. Paging offset...
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved zero rows. Ending pagination.
[{'id': 'abc123', 'studentUniqueId': '987654', 'birthDate': '1970-01-01', ...}, ...]

To circumvent memory constraints, these methods return generators instead of lists.



This method returns the total count of rows for the given endpoint, as declared by the API. This action is completed by sending a limit 0 GET request to the API with the Total-Count header set to True.

>>> students.total_count()

total_count() is currently only implemented for resources, not composites.

Change Version Stepping

The Ed-Fi API already has pagination built-in via the limit and offset parameters passed in GET-requests.

Here is an example of what calls to the API look like using pagination (page size 500), charted across time by change versions. EdFiPagination

This client provides a second type of pagination that uses change versions to improve performance when pulling from the API, referred to here as change version stepping.

A change version window of a specified length is defined, and calls to the API pass the min and max change versions of this window. Ordinary pagination still occurs within each window until zero rows are returned, after which the change version window steps and the process is repeated.

Here is an example of what calls to the API look like using change version stepping (step-window size 2000 and page size 500). EdFiChangeVersionStepping

Note that change versions are currently accessible only for resources, not for composites.

Why is change version stepping recommended when pulling from the API?

We can imagine requests sent to the Ed-Fi API as SQL select statements against the underlying ODS. For example, the code below makes repeated calls to the API, paging by 500 until all rows are retrieved.

>>> students = api.resource('students', schoolYear='2022')
>>> students.get_rows(page_size=500)

This code is semantically identical to the following SQL statements:

SELECT * FROM students WHERE schoolYear = '2022' LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0;
SELECT * FROM students WHERE schoolYear = '2022' LIMIT 500 OFFSET 500;
SELECT * FROM students WHERE schoolYear = '2022' LIMIT 500 OFFSET 1000;
-- etc.

This works fine for small-volume resources. However, as offset increases, the computational-runtime of the query increases with it. For large-volume resources (e.g. studentSectionAttendanceEvents), this could translate to the following:

SELECT * FROM studentSectionAttendanceEvents LIMIT 500 OFFSET 100000000;

This is the equivalent of calculating the first 100,000,500 rows of data, but only collecting the final 500. In practice, the connection to the ODS will time-out and need to re-authenticated before this query returns.

Luckily, the Ed-Fi3 "change versions" feature provides a helpful workaround for this. By specifying a min- and max-change-version in the query, a filtered select is applied that never reaches high offset.

>>> students = api.resource('students', min_change_version=0, max_change_version=50000)
>>> students.get_rows(page_size=500)

By definition, a change-version window will never contain more rows than the size of that window. Therefore, because the change version window defined above is only 50000 (i.e., max_change_version - min_change_version), the final API-call will be equivalent to the following:

SELECT * FROM students WHERE changeVersion BETWEEN 0 AND 50000 LIMIT 500 OFFSET 50000

Setting step_change_version = True in get_rows() or get_pages() turns on change version stepping. Use change_version_step_size to set the width of each stepping window (default 50000).

>>> students = api.resource('students', min_change_version=52028375, max_change_version=53295015)
>>> student_rows = students.get_rows(
        change_version_step_size=50000  # Default value. This is NOT optimized. Raise it to reduce API calls.

>>> list(student_rows)
[Paged Get Resource] Endpoint  : {BASE_URL}/data/v3/ed-fi/students
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 52028375, 'maxChangeVersion': 52078375, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 0}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved 101 rows. Paging offset...
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 52028375, 'maxChangeVersion': 52078375, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 500}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved zero rows. Stepping change version...
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 52078376, 'maxChangeVersion': 52128375, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 0}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved 500 rows. Paging offset...
# ...
[Paged Get Resource] Parameters: {'minChangeVersion': 53278376, 'maxChangeVersion': 53295015, 'limit': 500, 'offset': 0}
[Paged Get Resource] @ Retrieved zero rows. Stepping change version...
[Paged Get Resource] @ Change version exceeded max. Ending pagination.

To ingest all rows for a resource, find the ODS' newest change version and apply this to max_change_version, as below:

>>> max_change_version = api.get_newest_change_version()

>>> students = api.resource('students', min_change_version=0, max_change_version=max_change_version)
>>> students.get_rows(page_size=500, step_change_version=True)

Things to note when using change version stepping:

  • Change version stepping usually results in more requests made to the API; however, they are far less likely to overwhelm it as with high offsets.
  • Using change version stepping requires both min_change_version and max_change_version be defined within either the resource's params or kwargs. If either are undefined, an error is raised.
  • The default change_version_step_size is set to 50000. This value is not optimized. Try raising it to send fewer requests to the API.

Important Caveat: API De-synchronization when Change-Version Stepping

There is a known problem that can occur when pulling from the API using change-version limits and without snapshotting. If any rows within the change-version window are updated mid-pull, their change-version is updated and they escape the window. When this occurs, all other rows in the window shift to fill the place of the missing row, resulting in rows entering previously-pulled offset-windows and being missed in subsequent calls to the API. This leads to a gradual de-synchronization between the API and datalakes built from the API.

We have added a new offset-pagination method to counteract this bug, known as "reverse paging." By default, when step_change_version=True in resource pulls, requests are made to the API starting at the greatest offset and iterating backwards until offset zero. If a row is updated and a shift occurs mid-pull, one or more rows in the change version may be ingested multiple times, but no rows will be lost altogether.

For example:

Say there are 15 rows in the students resource with change versions between 0 and 20. We pull these rows using a page-size of 4.


Say that before our fourth (and final) API call, record number 6 is updated and leaves the change-version window. Records 7 through 15 will shift to fill its place. When this occurs, record number 13 will shift from page 4 into a page that has already been ingested. Therefore, it will be missed from the final output.


Using reverse-paging, page 4 will be ingested first. When record number 6 is updated and the rows shift, record 13 will move into page 3 and will be ingested a second time. However, this row will not be lost.

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edfi_api_client-0.2.2.tar.gz (29.1 kB view hashes)

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edfi_api_client-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (25.5 kB view hashes)

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