Portlets for the EDRN Public Portal
Project description
This product, edrnsite.portlets, implements the various portlets used around the public portal of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN).
Although intended for the EDRN public portal, it can be installed in any Plone compatible site.
This software is developed by the EDRN Informatics Center at JPL, operated by the California Institute of Technology, for NCI.
Use Buildout with the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe.
Add edrnsite.portlets to the list of eggs to install, e.g.:
[buildout] ... eggs = ... edrnsite.portlets
Re-run buildout, e.g. with:
% ./bin/buildout
You can skip the ZCML slug if you are going to explicitly include the package from another package’s configure.zcml file.
What follows is a history of changes from release to release. For issues mentioned below, you can learn more about them by visiting the issue tracker at https://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/jira/browse/CA.
1.1.9 — Insecurity
CA-1389 - Improve login page and remove Secure Site portlet
1.1.8 — I Had Some Chicken; Pass Me the FLOSS
First official release as free/libre/open source software.
1.1.7 — Quickie
CA-1230 - Quick Links Portlets needs buttons for Informatics and Network Consulting Team
1.1.6 — More Upgrades
Use z3c.autoinclude
Compatible with Plone 4.3
1.1.5 — Upgrades
Made compatible with Plone 4.1.5. Also:
CA-972 - Change label from “Collaborative Groups” to something else
CA-1000 - Change label back to “Collaborative Groups”
1.1.4 — Test Support
This release includes:
Depending on just Plone the framework instead of Plone the application.
Updating to the plone.app.testing fixtures.
1.1.3 — People?
This release covers part of:
CA-789 - QuickLinks portlet: replace “Members” with “Member Directory” (I still think “People” would be better!)
1.1.2 — Collaborative Groups
This release updates the QuickLinks portlet by adding a button for Collaborative Groups right at the top.
1.1.1 — Upgrade Cleanup
This release updates the GenericSetup profile to 4 and adds upgrade steps to that profile.
1.1.0 — Plone 4
This release makes edrnsite.portlets compatible with Plone 4.
1.0.2 — Flip Flop
This release fixes the following single issue:
CA-692 - Modify top Portlet on left side to link to EDRN Secure Site
0.0.2 — Short URLs Bad, Long URLs Good?
This release addresses the following issue:
https://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/jira/browse/CA-562 - Biomarker Informatics Standards - button should take you directly to the wiki page
0.0.1 — Quicklinks Reordering
The following issues have been addressed in this release:
http://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/jira/browse/CA-466 - Change order of links on the left side menu of the portal
0.0.0 — Unreleased
Initial release into beta.