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> Easy and micro fsm could used in python3.x and micropython.

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0 python_module-efsm

This is module to come fsm in python.
There are three parts of this module made to deal with different cases: micro, standard and shell
These three modules correspond to three

本模块分为三个部分,分别用于处理不同的情况:Micro, Standard, Shell


pip install efsm

1 General/ 总体描述

efsm is a one-stage state machine. The smallest unit is composed of several state and their corresponding processing function.


1.1 State/ 状态

Any Python object which can hashable could be used regard as a state. Of course, Python string object is the best choice to represent a state
In order to create a state, you do not need to do anything more, such as:

"this is a string", (1, ), lambda :...  #  These are acceptable state objects  


"this is a string", (1, ), lambda :...  #  这些都是可以接受的状态对象

1.2 Processing Function/ 处理函数

The processing-function to execute specific tasks and return to the next state according to the current state.
An available processing function must contain two parameters: state, o

一个可用的处理函数必须包含两个参数: state, o

param: state:

The current state of fsm which is used to let the programmer decide which branch to exec.
Note, however, that this function will only be called when the fsm is in a specific state, which is bound to the function in the smallest unit


param: o:

The attached running environment of the smallest unit is actually an empty object instance.
Each smallest unit has a corresponding attached o, in which some data can be stored when the processing function is executed

每个最小单元都有一个与之对应的附带o, 处理函数在执行时可以将一些数据储存在这个o中.


Jump to the next state by the return value of the processing function. If you return none, it means that there is no state transition


def update(state, o):  # proccessing function which only handle: idle, move, stop/ 只负责处理idle, move, stop三种状态的函数
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

Then add these smallest units into the FSM object and constantly update these states to come the function of FSM 然后将这些一个个最小单元添加进fsm对象并不断更新这些状态即可实现fsm的功能

1.3 add the smallest unit to fsm

use add(...) to add the smallest unit into your fsm

def add(*state, fn=None, data=None):
  add a smallest unit to your statemachine
  :param *state: include some states as a group. 
  :param fn: then assign a proccessing function to only handle this group of states
      _: None  Note that this is a must param. If you do not pass fn
  :param data: the 'o' offer to your proccessing function
      _: None  Mean it will create a empty object instance for this smallest unit.
  :return : the smallest unit.  list[tuple[*state], fn, data]

Here are other common api:

use remove(...) to remove one state from your fsm

def remove(*state, error=True):
  remove a state.
  It won't remove the hole group states but only remove the state from the group states
  The smallest unit will be remove only after all of it's group states all being removed.
  # example
  .remove('idle', 'move')

  :param *state: fsm will remove them one by one.
  :param error: bool If not find, will raise error
  :return: None

use find(...) to find a smallest unit in fsm

def find(state):
  find the smallest unit corresponding to a state
  :param state: fsm find the state, and return the smallest unit
  :return: [states, fn, data] or None

use list(...) to showcase all state-(fn, data) in fsm

def list():
  showcase states
  Note: it do not return list but dict
  :return: {state: (fn, data)}

use tolist(...) to get all the smallest units in fsm

def tolist():
  change _groups to list
  :return: [[(*state), fn, data], ...]

use is_finish(...) to get whether this fsm is finish.(only work when your fsm been setted 'end')

def is_finish():
  get whether the fsm is finish.
  :return: bool

use is_prepare(...) to get whether this fsm have executed .step().

def is_prepare():
  get whether the fsm is steped.
  :return: bool

use restart(...) to reset your fsm but keep your config and all the smallest units

def restart():
  reset your fsm but keep your config and all the smallest units

use step(...) to update your fsm

def step():
  step, mean update once
  :return: bool about statemachine is running-needy or not.

1.4 config the start and end

There are some attrs in your fsm:

.state    # tell you the the state now fsm is.   # default be setted as .start when first call .step W/R
.start    # tell fsm what the first state is when it first .step.   # it is a must-fill attr W/R
.end    # tell fsm should stop and will return False from .step, and when you call is_finish() will return False also. W/R
.end    # tell fsm should stop and will return False from .step, and when you call is_finish() will return False also. W/R
.on_step    # like fn(statemachine:object)->None, will called by fsm automatic before .step return
.on_end    # like fn(statemachine:object)->None, will called by fsm automatic when state==end in .step

At least, you must config the .start.

The statemachine usage is different in these three way:

2 Micro Mode

It can deploy on micropython. The simplest fsm in this module only consist of some datum and functions. You could to use this module as a singleton object.


2.1 how to use

from efsm import micro

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'
micro.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)  # fn is must in micro mode. data is available.
micro.start = 'idle'
micro.end = 'stop'

while micro.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop

3 Standard Mode

It can deploy on micropython. This module offer a StateMachine class. And you can link their instances to a net.


3.1 how to use
from efsm import StateMachine

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'
sm = StateMachine('idle', 'stop')
sm.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)  # fn is must in standard mode. data is available.

while sm.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
3.2 You could jump to update other fsm

how to link statemachine:

from efsm import StateMachine

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'
sm1, sm2 = StateMachine('idle', 'stop'), StateMachine('idle', 'stop')
sm1.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)
sm2.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)'stop', sm2, 'idle')  # link sm1.stop -> sm2.idle    # when sm1.state come to 'stop', it will start at sm2.idle in next sm1.step

while sm1.step(): ... # note that you only call sm1.step() here
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop

But careful for the circle link. It will cause infinite loop.

3.3 You could create a StateSet before and pass this state_set to add
from efsm import StateMachine, StateSet

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'
sm = StateMachine('idle', 'stop')
ss = StateSet('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)  # it have the same params as .add
sm.add(ss)  # fn is must in standard mode. data is available.

while sm.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
3.4 By the way that StateSet is not a user object
from efsm import StateSet

ss = StateSet('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=lambda *a: ...)
[('idle', 'move', 'stop'), <function <lambda> at 0x0000028BC8DD76D0>, <efsm.standard.core.Local object at 0x0000028BC8E269B0>]
<class 'list'>

4 Shell Mode

It can only deploy on PC python. As the name 'shell' shown, it have all the methods statemachine in standard-mode had, almost like a shell on statemachine in standard-mode. It provide some convienent ways to create fsm.


4.1 how to use

Shell-mode use Efsm to replace StateMachine:

from efsm import Efsm, fsm  # efsm offer you a default Efsm instance named fsm

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

# fsm = Efsm()  # 1. use default efsm for showcase  2. Efsm could instance without params
fsm.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)

# When efsm has not start, it will try to take the first state added at the first time as start
# so the start is 'idle'

# When efsm has not end, it will try to take the last state added at the first time as end
# so the end is 'stop'

while fsm.step(): ...

When we take off all the notes:
very simplify code, right?

from efsm import Efsm, fsm

def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

fsm.add('idle', 'move', 'stop', fn=update)

while fsm.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
4.2 but we could use decorater to make it more simple

use decorater to do the same thing:

from import *

ss = StateSet()  # create a empty StateSet.  # Only use like this way in shell-mode

@ss.idle.move.stop  # only use for function. not the class method
def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'


while fsm.step(): ...

use @fsm before the @ss.idle... could auto add it to fsm

from import *

ss = StateSet()  # create a empty StateSet.  # Only use like this way in shell-mode

@ss.idle.move.stop  # only use for function. not the class method
def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

while fsm.step(): ...

every efsm instance has theirself ss.
use replace ss could reach the same effect:

from import *  # only use for function. not the class method
def update(state, o):
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

while fsm.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
4.3 use doc to do the same thing

you must add @state or @sta or @s to the function's doc:

from import *

def update(state, o):
  @state idle move stop  # you could use ',' as the separater.  like idle, move stop
  match state:
      case 'idle':
          print("i'm idle, next to move")
          return "move"
      case 'move':
          print("i'm moving, next to stop")
          return "stop"
  return 'stop'

fsm.add(update)   # this way need call .add

while fsm.step(): ...
i'm idle, next to move
i'm moving, next to stop
4.4 use doc to a class used EfsmMeta

you could do the similiar thing to a class which use EfsmMeta

from import *

class Test(metaclass=EfsmMeta):  # use EfsmMeta to auto add Test._efsm = Efsm()
  @state idle move stop -> update   # do not same as the function doc, you need to use '->' or ':' ro assign a method in the class to these group states
  # __step__ = 'step'  # Auto create a method in this class, used for efsm.step(). Default is 'step', you can overwrite it.
  # def __bool__(self): ...  # Auto create a __bool__ method if you donot define it, Default is efsm.__bool__, you can overwrite it.
  def update(self, state, o):
    match state:
        case 'idle':
            print("i'm idle, next to move")
            return "move"
        case 'move':
            print("i'm moving, next to stop")
            return "stop"
    return 'stop'

test = Test()

while test.step(): ...  # test doesnot have any other method in efsm.

take a compare with the follow example(not use EfsmMeta):

from import *

class Test:
  @state idle move stop -> update  # in this way, the '->' is useless.
  def __call__(self, state, o):
    match state:
        case 'idle':
            print("i'm idle, next to move")
            return "move"
        case 'move':
            print("i'm moving, next to stop")
            return "stop"
    return 'stop'

test = Test()


while fsm.step(): ...

That's all this python_module-efsm provides.
Now i will show you few demos in real project:

5 demos

5.1 Python Demo -Efsm


5.2 MicroPython Demo -micro or StateMachine

to use in micropython. you need to copy the from efsm/standard/ or efsm/micro/ to your micropython device, and you can rename it to ''

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