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A collection of control and analysis code for experiments

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A repository of analysis and computer control code for various experiments. Image above is an example of data collected and analyzed using this package.


EKPy (formerly ekpmeasure) is a set of control and analysis code designed to help streamline experiments. The basic idea is that in experimental work we often take data from many different sources, store it in different places, have varying degrees meta data associated with the data (even for a single type of data) and somehow(!) we are supposed to make sense of it all. We like to compare across trials, days, experimental conditions, etc. and it is very difficult to keep track of what data is where, and quickly access it when we need it. Often I find that folks end up copying and pasting raw data between excel spreadsheets and if you're not careful you will quickly lose track of which data came from where. This package's goal is to make this all easier.

You may not find the experimental control code as helpful as it is relatively specific to my research in condensed matter physics (though electrical engineers or similar may find it very useful) but the analysis code is for everyone.

At the heart of the analysis is the Dataset class which is a means of manipulating meta data alone in order to locate which actual data you want to analyze. Datasets don't care about what the real data looks like, and they keep track of where different data is stored so it is easy to select which data you want to look at - only then do you retrieve the data. The real data is returned in a Data class which allows you to group by parameters, perform calculations and much more.

I am always improving this repository and if you have suggestions, I appreciate any feedback and or issues (

User Guide

Here, we will walk through a brief example of how the analysis power of ekpy. Scientists often have large amounts of data, stored in different locations and with varying degrees of available meta data. ekpy makes it easier to access all of this data. Once created, you can easily load a Dataset

Say we have some data stored in ./path/to/data/ which is a bunch of .csv files. We can open one of them (called filename.csv) up using pandas.read_csv and see what's inside:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

path = './path/to/data/'
filename = 'filename.csv'

>>> df = pd.read_csv(path + filename)
>>> df.head()

Raw DataFrame

This data file has some meta data associated with it. Let's assume for this example that filename.csv corresponds to the following meta data:


i.e. the file we have here is for a specific type of stimulus, namely an applied voltage of 10V and a pulsewidth of 100ms (doesn't matter what that actually means, it could be any type of meta data). Let's plot this specific data file. Here I want to plot Polarization(uC/cm2)_x and Polarization(uC/cm2)_y vs DRIVEVoltage_x.

df.plot(x = 'DRIVEVoltage_x', y = ['Polarization(uC/cm2)_x','Polarization(uC/cm2)_y'])


Clearly there is a difference between 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_x' and 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y', and for this particular case, we are interested in quantifying that difference between them. An easy way to do this is by looking at each of their values around 'DRIVEVoltage_x = 0', and finding the difference. We will do this in two steps, first find the average of each around zero

def find_avg_P_loop1_loop2(dataframe, center_voltage = 0, window = .1):
	Find the average of `Polarization(uC/cm2)_x` and `Polarization(uC/cm2)_y` for data corresponding to `center_voltage - window <= DRIVEVoltage_x <= center_voltage + window`

		dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame with columns `Polarization(uC/cm2)_x`, `Polarization(uC/cm2)_y` and `DRIVEVoltage_x`
		center_voltage (float): Center voltage to find average around
		window (float): Window around center voltage to average

		(pandas.DataFrame): Average around center_voltage for loop1 and loop2. Columns: 'p1' and 'p2'


	p1, p2 = dataframe['Polarization(uC/cm2)_x'], dataframe['Polarization(uC/cm2)_y']
	drivevoltage = dataframe['DRIVEVoltage_x']

	#find indices of where the window (center_voltage \pm window) is:
	indexer = (drivevoltage<=center_voltage+window)&(drivevoltage>=center_voltage-window)
	out = {
		'p1': [np.mean(p1[indexer])],
		'p2': [np.mean(p2[indexer])]
	return pd.DataFrame(out)

Next we need a function that calculates the difference.

def difference(dataframe):
	Calculate the absolute value of the difference between dataframe columns `p1` and `p2`.

		dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame with columns `p1` and `p2`

		(pandas.DataFrame): Difference between p1 and p2. Columns: `difference`
	return pd.DataFrame({'difference':abs(dataframe.p1 - dataframe.p2).values})

Now we are ready to return to our data and plot our important metric called difference. Doing it for the one file is easy:

>>> avgdf = find_avg_P_loop1_loop2(df)
>>> dif = difference(avgdf)
>>> print(dif)
>    difference
0    1.431387

Great! Now this was for one datafile corresponding to an applied voltage of 10V and a pulsewidth of 100ms. What if I want to this for all of my data which corresponds to a pulsewidth of 100ms, but for all values of applied voltages? Now I need to track down the filenames associated with each of these types of data, sort them by applied voltage and then do the calculations I just did - then return that all in some sort of managable object. The problem is even worse if the meta data is stored in the file so you need to open each file in order to see what type it is. And what if you have data in multiple folders all over your computer - it gets very hard to manage all this. This is where ekpy comes in. Let's assume you have already generated the meta data (this can be done, by using ekpy to generate the data see experiment Class, or by generating if from existing data see generate_meta_data) and stored it in ./path/to/data. We can load all of the associated meta data easily:

from ekpy import analysis

>>> dset = analysis.load_Dataset('./path/to/data/')
>>> dset


dset holds all of the meta data. If we want to look at our same file as the example above, we can access it by querying our dataset: ('pump_amp' is what we called 'voltage_applied' and 'pump_pw' is what we called 'pulsewidth)

>>> dset.query('pump_amp == "10.0V" and pump_pw == "100ms"')


This makes it easy to get find data based on the meta data. For example, let's find all of the data associated with just the pulsewidth 'pump_pw' of 100ms.

>>> dset.query('pump_pw == "100ms"')


You can see that for this one pulsewidth, we have many applied voltages ('pump_amp'). We will return to this in a moment. Let's stick with our query 'pump_amp == "10.0V" and pump_pw == "100ms"' and see how we can retrieve the real data (see get_data). Recall from above that the raw data has three important columns 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_x', 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y', and 'DRIVEVoltage_x'

>>> tmpdset = dset.query('pump_amp == "10.0V" and pump_pw == "100ms"')
>>> data = tmpdset.get_data() #retrieve the data
#plot the data
>>> data.plot(x = 'DRIVEVoltage_x', y = ['Polarization(uC/cm2)_x', 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y'])


Same as before! But now, we can plot all of the data corresponding to a pulsewidth of 100ms, with just a very simple modification.

>>> tmpdset = dset.query('pump_pw == "100ms"')
>>> data = tmpdset.get_data() #retrieve the data
#plot the data
>>> data.plot(x = 'DRIVEVoltage_x', y = ['Polarization(uC/cm2)_x', 'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y'])


and done, this is all of the data for 100ms where the color corresponds to the applied voltage ('pump_amp', ranging from 5V to 10V). No more sifting through csv's to find what you're looking for! Let's keep going. Remember, we are interested in the difference between averages around zero voltage for each datafile. We can create a workflow for this using Data.apply. To understand how this works, let's take a deeper look at what our data object really is:

>>> type(data)
> ekpy.analysis.core.Data

This ekpy.analysis.core.Data is integer indexed and holds the raw data as well as a definition (describing the meta data) for each index. Let's take a look:

>>> tmpdset = dset.query('pump_amp == "10.0V" and pump_pw == "100ms"')
>>> data = tmpdset.get_data() #retrieve the data
>>> data
> {0: {'definition': {'pump_amp': {'10.0V'},
   'pump_pw': {'100ms'},
   'preset_amp': {'9V'},
   'preset_pw': {'1ms'},
   'trial': {0}},
  'data': {'Time(ms)_x': array([0.000e+00, 2.000e-03, 3.000e-03, ..., 1.999e+00, 2.000e+00,
   'DRIVEVoltage_x': array([-0.002747,  0.013809,  0.027161, ..., -0.029373, -0.01564 ,
          -0.00145 ]),
   'Polarization(uC/cm2)_x': array([-0.41523 , -0.410556, -0.41523 , ..., -0.840587, -0.779822,
   'Time(ms)_y': array([0.000e+00, 2.000e-03, 3.000e-03, ..., 1.999e+00, 2.000e+00,
   'DRIVEVoltage_y': array([-0.002289,  0.01358 ,  0.027771, ..., -0.028152, -0.014114,
   'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y': array([1.130391, 1.138181, 1.13974 , ..., 0.622455, 0.676988, 0.689453])}}}

We have the index (0), for which we have the 'definition' and the 'data'. 'Definition' describes the meta data associated with that index (here it matches our query, of course) and 'data' is a Dict which holds the raw data. Let's now take a look at how to calculate the difference, as before. We will do this using Data.apply. Data.apply takes a function and passes that function the 'data' key for each index in a ekpmeasure.analysis.core.Data object. For example, in our current case, since data has only one index (0) it will pass the raw data. To make this clear, I will define a function that takes a data_dict as argument, then send use it in data.apply

def print_data(data_dict):
	"""Print the data that we are passed and return it"""
	return data_dict

>>> _ = data.apply(print_data)
> {
	'Time(ms)_x': array([0.000e+00, 2.000e-03, 3.000e-03, ..., 1.999e+00, 2.000e+00,
	'DRIVEVoltage_x': array([-0.002747,  0.013809,  0.027161, ..., -0.029373, -0.01564 ,
	       -0.00145 ]), 
	'Polarization(uC/cm2)_x': array([-0.41523 , -0.410556, -0.41523 , ..., -0.840587, -0.779822,
	'Time(ms)_y': array([0.000e+00, 2.000e-03, 3.000e-03, ..., 1.999e+00, 2.000e+00,
	'DRIVEVoltage_y': array([-0.002289,  0.01358 ,  0.027771, ..., -0.028152, -0.014114,
	'Polarization(uC/cm2)_y': array([1.130391, 1.138181, 1.13974 , ..., 0.622455, 0.676988, 0.689453])

this is precisely the data stored in the 'data' key on index 0 above. Now let's do something more interesting. I will use our function find_avg_P_loop1_loop2 from before with a few key changes to make it ready for usage in Data.apply. You'll notice now, I am operating on Dict not pandas.DataFrame, but otherwise everything is the same.

def find_avg_P_loop1_loop2(data_dict, center_voltage = 0, window = .1):
	Find the average of `Polarization(uC/cm2)_x` and `Polarization(uC/cm2)_y` for data corresponding to `center_voltage - window <= DRIVEVoltage_x <= center_voltage + window`

		data_dict (Dict): Dict with keys `Polarization(uC/cm2)_x`, `Polarization(uC/cm2)_y` and `DRIVEVoltage_x`
		center_voltage (float): Center voltage to find average around
		window (float): Window around center voltage to average

		(Dict): Average around center_voltage for loop1 and loop2. Keys: 'p1' and 'p2'


	p1, p2 = data_dict['Polarization(uC/cm2)_x'], data_dict['Polarization(uC/cm2)_y']
	drivevoltage = data_dict['DRIVEVoltage_x']

	#find indices of where the window (center_voltage \pm window) is:
	indexer = (drivevoltage<=center_voltage+window)&(drivevoltage>=center_voltage-window)
	out = {
		'p1': np.array([np.mean(p1[indexer])]),
		'p2': np.array([np.mean(p2[indexer])])
	return out

let's try it out on our data.

>>> data.apply(find_avg_P_loop1_loop2)
> {0: {'definition': {'pump_amp': {'10.0V'},
   'pump_pw': {'100ms'},
   'preset_amp': {'9V'},
   'preset_pw': {'1ms'},
   'trial': {0}},
  'data': {'p1': array([-0.62944063]), 'p2': array([0.80194658])}}}

Exactly the same as before. Let's finish this out and get our difference. We will need to redefine our difference function as well to operate on dicts.

def difference(data_dict):
	Calculate the absolute value of the difference between dataframe columns `p1` and `p2`.

		dataframe (Dict): Dict with keys `p1` and `p2`

		(Dict): Difference between p1 and p2. Keys: `difference`
	return {'difference':abs(data_dict['p1'] - data_dict['p2'])}

and run it:

>>> data.apply(find_avg_P_loop1_loop2).apply(difference)
> {0: {'definition': {'pump_amp': {'10.0V'},
   'pump_pw': {'100ms'},
   'preset_amp': {'9V'},
   'preset_pw': {'1ms'},
   'trial': {0}},
  'data': {'difference': array([1.43138722])}}}

which matches our result from before. Now, the fun part. Let's do it on all of the data corresponding to a pulsewidth of 100ms for any applied voltage. All we have to do is define our definition of the data object.

>>> tmpdset = dset.query('pump_pw == "100ms"')
>>> data = tmpdset.get_data() #retrieve the data
>>> diff_data = data.apply(find_avg_P_loop1_loop2).apply(difference)

Now, diff_data holds all of our differences for all of the data corresponding to a pulsewidth of 100ms. Equally importantly it is labeled by its complete meta data. Let's say we now want to plot our calculated difference (a real data variable) vs pump_amp (a meta data variable). This can be done by analysis.get_vals_by_definition (Remember we can just use .plot() to plot real data vs real data)

vbd = analysis.get_vals_by_definition(diff_data, definition_key='pump_amp', data_key='difference')

vbd is a Dict with (key, value) pairing (voltage applied, calculated difference for that datafile). To parse such a dict, and turn it into plottable arrays, we can use analysis.vals_by_definition_to_2darray

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# we need to tell it how to convert the string for pump_amp (like "10.0V") into a float, by using the kwarg 'converter'
>>> X, Y = analysis.vals_by_definition_to_2darray(vbd, converter = lambda x: float(x.replace('V', '')))
>>> plt.scatter(X, Y, color = 'blue')


And there you have it, we now analyzed all of the data corresponding to 100ms! As a final example in this introduction, let's now plot all of the data. We want difference vs applied voltage colored by pulsewidth. The following code will create it:

from matplotlib import cm
from ekpy.universal import get_number_and_suffix, time_suffix_to_scientic_str

# sort the pulsewidths in the dataset
def sorter(pw):
	number, suffix = get_number_and_suffix(pw)
	return float(str(number) + time_suffix_to_scientic_str(suffix))

# group, average over trials, sort by 'pump_pw'
data = dset.get_data(groupby='pump_pw').mean().sort(by='pump_pw', key=sorter)

# generate a color map for each pulsewidth
cmap = cm.plasma
colors = [cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(0,1,len(pws))]

# set up a plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for tmpdata, color in zip(data, colors):
	# calculate 
	diff_data = tmpdata.apply(find_avg_P_loop1_loop2).apply(difference)

	# want to plot versus 'pump_amp', a definition key
	vbd = analysis.get_vals_by_definition(diff_data, definition_key='pump_amp', data_key='difference')
	X, Y = analysis.vals_by_definition_to_2darray(vbd, converter = lambda x: float(x.replace('V', '')))
	ax.scatter(X, Y, color = color)


Hopefully this has given you a brief introduction to how to use EKPy. Happy analyzing!

For more see here.


If you plan to use EKPy to control your experiments. You will need to install NI-VISA first.

Find the latest build here.

pip install ekpy

or to upgrade to the latest version

pip install -U ekpy

You can also access .whl or .tar.gz files in the dist/ directory directly for installation.

For installation issues, please see Issue Tracker

There are also specific experiments that can be installed following installation of ekpy. Please see the accompanying readme (e.g., here) for such cases.


We welcome new contributors of all experience levels. Please reach out directly ( to inqure about getting involved.

Important Links

Change log

Version 0.1.13

  • Can now group Data. data.groupby
  • Can now remove nans from data. data.dropna
  • Improvements to file management in control, saving, and more appropriate trial incrementing in control.experiment4
  • Functions used in data.apply should no longer require the use of iterable data arrays. Please raise an issue if one occurs.

Version 0.1.12

  • Added functionality to analysis.radiant
  • Speed increase for data.get_data()
  • Minor bugs and other fixes

Version 0.1.11

  • experiment.print_run_function_args is gone. It has been replaced with experiment.show_run_function_help
  • Added a header of meta data to the default save function for control.experiment and started the process of doing away with meta_data .pkl files in favor of .csv (why did I ever think that was a good idea?)

Version 0.1.10

  • minor bug fixes and documentation updates

Version 0.1.9

  • minor bug fixes

Version 0.1.8


  • bug fixes from 0.1.7 and changed install name to ekpy.

Version 0.1.6


  • added Data.to_DataFrame() which allows one to convert Data to pandas.DataFrame. Each index of Data will be a single row in the resulting DataFrame.

Version 0.1.5


  • merge_Datas was replaced. The older version is now concat_Datas as it was really just concatenation, not merging. Merging now has real meaning, to merge a set of similar data objects on a specified definition key. Please report errors as they arise.

  • similary merge_Datasets is deprecated. One must use concat_Datasets.

Version 0.1.4


  • Added experiments module with ferroelectric experiments. This contains both relaxation (_relaxation) and switching (_switching) experiments. These consist of self contained jupyter notebooks that can be installed by python -m ekpy.experiments.ferroelectric.<experiment_name>. For more see the experiment specific README for relaxation or switching
  • Bug fix on Data.sort


  • Data.apply now allows for dropping data. This can be executed by having the function in .apply return 'None'.
  • now allows one to fix lengths on 1D data by appending nans to make all data arrays the same length.
  • analysis.plotting.add_legend_element now allows kwarg fontsize


  • Data can now be saved. Use data.to_ekpdat.
    • Can be loaded as analysis.read_ekpdat

Version 0.1.3


  • Minor fixes for deprecations in control.misc

Version 0.1.2


  • Speed improvements to Dataset.remove_nonexistent_files
  • Data objects can now be sorted by a definition parameter

Version 0.1.1


  • Updates to plotting during experimental control. Now one can simply override the control.experiment method _plot to define how plotting will take place. Here is a brief example of such an override:
from ekpy.control import plotting
from ekpy.control import experiment
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class exp(experiment):


	def _plot(self, data, scan_params):
		if hasattr(self, 'fig') and hasattr(self, 'ax'):
			fig, ax = plt.subplots()
			self.fig = fig = ax['frequency'], np.mean(data['R']), color = 'blue')


Version 0.1.0


  • Dataset class is no longer subclass of pandas.DataFrame. This is to limit usage of unsupported functions.
  • Data class updates including sorting and collapsing.
  • One can access data or definition directly as an attribute now Data.definition, for example. One can also access pieces of information such as the real data corresponding to p1 as Data.p1 or definition keys, e.g. high_voltage as Data.high_voltage
  • Experiment class now saves a backup .csv meta data file in addition to the pickle file in order to help with errors related to different pandas versions on various machines.


Code related issues (e.g. bugs, feature requests) can be created in the issue tracker

Maintainer: Eric Parsonnet


Please cite this work following the CITATION.cff (see here for more details on how to cite.)

Cited By

  1. E. Parsonnet, L. Caretta, V. Nagarajan, H. Zhang, H. Taghinejad, P. Behera, X. Huang, P. Kavle, A. Fernandez, D. Nikonov, H. Li, I. Young, J. Analytis, and R. Ramesh, Non-Volatile Electric Field Control of Thermal Magnons in the Absence of an Applied Magnetic Field, Arxiv (2022).

Project details

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Source Distribution

ekpy-0.1.13.tar.gz (112.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ekpy-0.1.13-py3-none-any.whl (361.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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