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A helper to populate jinja templates

Project description


sqltask - an sql generator for EM projects

sqltask is command line application that helps users generating SQL scripts.

User creates a template for each SQL script, then sqltask parses the template variables variables and it prompts them to the user.

After user enters the values sqltask renders the template and it generates the final SQL script, which can be either printed, saved as an SQL task or run in the database.

Templates are written using jinja templates syntax and they should be designed in a way that they provide enough information to users when filling the values, and they minimize user interactions and avoid asking for values that could be computed.

Table Of Contents

Basic Usage

Create a hello_world.sql file under within the$EM_PROJECT/project/sqltask/templates folder. Add the following text: Hello {{ name }}! Run sqltask print-sql and when prompt select the template hello_world.sql. You should see you name being prompted.


Within the templates there is a set of tutorials templates They provide good guide and practical examples on how templates are created. Feel free to change them to see how it impacts the prompting.


  • "<": If user enters "<" when is prompted a value, the application will go back and prompt the previous value.
  • Ctrl + n: Navigate to the "next" option within a list of suggestions.
  • Ctrl + p: Navigate to the "previous" option within a list of suggestions.
  • TAB: pops up a list of suggestion if there is one or navigate to the next one if the list is already showing.
  • Shift + TAB: Navigate to the previous option within a list of suggestions.
  • Ctrl + w: Removes the previous word that was typed.

User installation

Quick installation

  1. Unzip "" into your $EM_PROJECT/project folder.
  2. Within the config/ file:
    • Change the environment, container and machines names to point to your local environment.
    • Change the db.release.version property to point to your current AD release version.
  3. Drop the executable file within your bin folder of your current EM project (next to your ccadmin)
  4. Run sqltask test-sql from the command line. You should see a bunch of test running and you are ready to go!

Note: you might get some failures when running the tests depending on the current version of the EM product you are running. This is fine, it shows the tool is running as it should and that you might have to make adjustments to fix those templates if you want to use them.

Install as a python module

If you are familiar with python another alternative is to install it as a python module:

  • Install python3 and make sure you remember the path where is installed.
  • When running the installation make sure to select the checkbox to add python3 to your system path. For example, In windows the default python home installation path is: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32
  • Check the python installation folder was added to the the system path. If is not added you can added manually:
    • In windows can add it by adding the following to your path variable: %PYTHON_HOME%;%PYTHON_HOME%/Scrips;
  • Copy the template folder to some location in your filesystem. For example under the current EM project.
  • Add the following environment variables:
    • PYTHON_HOME is the python installation folder.
  • Install sqltask by typing the following command line:
python -m pip install --extra-index-url sqltask
  • Unzip "" into your project folder.
  • Within the config/ file:
    • Change the environment, container and machines names to point to your local environment.
    • Change the db.release.version property to point to your current AD release version. A

**Multiple versions of python ** If you have multiple versions of python installed make sure you are installing it under version 3 by running instead:

python3 -m pip install --extra-index-url sqltask

This applies as well when running upgrades and any python command it - e.g python3 -m pip install update sqltask

Template Design

How template values are prompted to the user is determined entirely by how the template is written. So having a set of well designed templates is the key for generating scripts rapidly.

The syntax is defined by python jinja templates. Check the template Designer Documentation.

General guidelines

When design templates consider the following:

  • A value should be prompted with enough information so the user knows how to fill it.
  • When possible provide a subset of values for the user to pick from.
  • Users should NOT be prompted any value that can be computed from some other values - finding the minimum number of prompted values is key for a good template.
  • Avoid duplicating SQL code, reuse template by including them within others. So when a product DB table changes it avoids having to change multiple templates.
  • Review existing templates or consult this documentation to understand what filters and templates are available.

To design good templates is important to know what elements are available when writting templates. As follows it is documented the current filters and functions that can be used within templates. You can check as well the existing templates for a good understanding on how these elements are applied.


Jinja Templates use filters, which modify variables when rendering the template. For example {{ name|default('NULL') }} will use NULL if the user doesn't enter any value.

sqltask uses filters to modify and enrich the template values that are prompted to the user. For example {{ name|default('NULL') }} displays message like name (default is NULL):, rather than simply name.

Jinja have many filters that can be used when rendering the template. In this documentation we describe only the filters implemented in sqltask which are the ones that change the way the value is prompted to the user. These filters are explained within the list of builtin filters

Concatenate multiple filters

Filters can be concatenated:

{{ my_variable| description('Enter any value')
              | default('my_variable is not defined')}}

Enter any value (default  is  'my variable is not defined'):

## Notice that description filter will override any other filter
## so if the order of the pipe changes description will override
## everything that was applied before.

List of Builtin filters

In this section we only detail how the filters affect value prompts, we do not explain how it modifies the variable when rendering the template. For details on that check the list of builtin jinja filters.

default(value, default_value=u'', boolean=False)

It appends default_value to the variable name when prompting:

{{ my_variable| default('my_variable is not defined') }}

my_variable (default is 'my variable is not defined'):

description(value, description)

It shows the description when prompting the user. This is not a builtin jinja filter and it does not modify the variable entered by the user.

{{ my_variable| description("Please enter 'my_variable_value`') }}

Please enter 'my_variable_value`:


It autocompletes the repository paths from both product and project. This is not a builtin jinja filter and it does not modify the variable entered by the user.

{{ object_path| codepath() }}

#prompts and when the user start typing it autocompletes
'object`: Customer.Objects.

suggest(value, suggestions)

It takes a list of suggestions which are prompted to the user when asking for the value.

{{ object_name| suggest(["Customer","Chat"]) }}

split_uppercase(value, )

This filter does not affect the prompted text. It modifies the variable splitting the words when it finds an upper case letter It takes a list of suggestions which are prompted to the user when asking for the value.

{% verb_keyname = "customerInlineSearch" |split_uppercase() }}
# Sets verb keyname to "Customer Inline Search"


It extract the object name from a logical object path

{% set logical_object_path = 'Customer.Implementation.Customer' %}
Object name is  {{ logical_object_path | objectname() }} == 'Customer'


It extract the object dir from a logical object path

{% set logical_object_path_2 = 'Customer.Implementation.Customer' %}
Object dir is  {{ logical_object_path_2 | objectdir() }} == 'Customer.Imlementation'

Objects in context

There is a set of objects which included whithin the template context and they provide support when writting templates.

The objects are put into context with underscore (_) prefix this is to avoid clashing with template variables names.


It retrieves a list of relative ids for the key set passed. For example:

  • _keynames.ED: retrieves a list of the entity defintions relative ids
  • _keynames.V: retrieves a list of the verbs relative ids


It allows to run a predefined set of queries defined within config/ad_queries.sql:

fetch.<<query_name>>(*query_params) It returns a SQLTable object (list of dictionaries). For example:

  • _db.fetch.v_names_by_ed(entity_id)

find.<<query_name>>(*query_params) It returns a SQLRow object. It is similar to fetch but this is used when searching by a unique constraint field and it throws and exception if none or more than one record are found. For example

  • _db.find.pd_by_ed_n_vname(entity_id, v_name)


Same as _db but allows running free form queries instead of dictionary queries:

fetch(query_string) Similar to _db.fetch but it takes an SQL string instead. For example: _database.fetch("SELECT NAME FROM VERB where name like '%create%'")

find(query_string) Similar to _db.find but it takes an SQL string instead. For example: _database.find("SELECT * FROM VERB where name='my_verb'")

prj_prefix() It returns the project prefix of the current EM_CORE_HOME project. It looks for modules under $EM_CORE_HOME/repository/default starting with uppercase letters which are repited. It returns empty if it can't find any. For example with a set modules like

#With a foder strtuctre like this under $EM_CORE_HOME
				|__ ABCContactHistory
				|__ ABCCaseHandling
				|__ ...
 {% set process_id = __prj.prefix() %}
Process id is {{process_id }}
Process id is ABC


It extract different information from the current EM project:

More Available Objects


This object is not in context but is retrieved by _db.find or db.fetch. It is a list of dictionaries. As a list you access it with python list methods, for example:

table =_db.fetch.v_names_by_ed(entity_id)`
assert {"ID":1, "NAME":"search"} == table[0]

It has the following method to allow extract data from the query result easily:

column(name) Returns the column as a list:

table =_db.fetch.v_names_by_ed(entity_id)`
assert [1,2] == table.column("ID")

str() The string method has been override to use prettyTables:

table =_db.fetch.v_names_by_context(context_id)`
{% set context_verbs_desc = table | string %}
{{ display_name | description(context_verbs_desc) }}

{# Displays #}
|      DISPLAY_NAME      |          VERB          |
|       Agent Chat       |   agentChatStart       |
|        Make Call       |     makeCall   		  |
|      Create Case       |    createCase  		  |
|      Get Call          |      getCall  	  	  |
|    Handle Whitemail    |    handleEmail         |


SQLTable object is composed of a list of SQLRow objects. It is an extension of a dictionary so you can access it with regular python dictionary methods:

row =_db.find.v_by_id(id)`
assert 1 == row["ID"]

It has two methods overriden:

[<<var_name>>] It retrieves NULL as a string if no value is found within the dictionary.

str() As a list it is overriden to use prettytable which prints the keys and the values as the following:

|      NAME			     |         ID    	   |
|       Agent Chat     	 |   		1      	   |

Global Functions

There is a set of builtin global functions which can be used when writting templates. Functions can be invoke within blocks {% %} or within statements {{ }}.

List of Builtin Global Functions

To the existing list of jinja builtin global functions we have added the following:

camelcase(value) It returns the value passed in camelcase:

{% set display_name = "Change the address" %}
{% set name = camelcase(display_name) %}
Display Name is  '{{display_name}}'
Name is '{{ camelcase(display_name }}'

Display Name is 'Change the address'
Name is 'changeTheAddress'

String Python Builtin Functions

Python string functions can be used within templates, for example:

capitalize() It returns the current string capitalize.

{% entity_def_id = 'customer' %}
{% set process_desc_id = entity_def_id.capitalize %}
Process descriptor id is {{process_desc_id }}

Process descriptor id is Customer


Include allows wrapping other templates so they can be reused and avoid SQL code duplication. We might want to set some variables contained within the included template before call that template so it doesn't prompt them.

#Compute descriptor id  which is used in 'add_process_descriptor.sql'
{% set process_id = __prjprefix + entity_id.capitalize() + verb_name.capitalize() -%}

{% include 'add_descriptor.sql' %}
{% set descriptor_ref_id = descriptor_id %}
{% include 'add_descriptor_ref.sql' %}

Organizing Templates

Templates can all be drop in one folder or they can be grouped and put into folders. For example we could match a similar grouping to the EM admin screens:

	|__ manage_context
		|__ add_activity_to_perspective.sql
		|__ remove_activity_from_perspetive.sql
	|__ manage_entity_definitions
		|__ add_entity_definition.sql
		|__ extend_entity.sql
		|__ remove_entity_definition.sql
	|__ ...

Hidden Templates

A hidden template is not display among the templates to be filled. They are created so they can be reused and included in other templates but they don't make much sense on their own. Template can be hidden by adding the template under a folder called hidden_templates within the main template folder.

Naming Convention

The following name and convention is used when writing tempaltes:

  • Template variables names follow snake case e.g "customer_name"
  • Context config variables, which are defined under config/context_values.yaml start with an underscore to distinguish them from template variables
  • Internal variables are named as the variabled but prefixing two underscores. Internal variables are used when we capturing a value that will be used later on within the same template.
{% set __entity_display_name = entity_display_name
								   | default(default_display_name)%}


All SQL scripts are written in uppercase with the variables in lower case and snake case.


For easy reading the values inserted are indented within the brackets and a comment with the field name added next to it.

        @PDR.{{process_reference_id}} --id,
        @PD.{{process_descriptor_id}}, --process_descriptor_id
		NULL, --config_id
       	'N' --is_shared


The application logging is configured by default to write to the logs dir within the main application folder. Logging configuration can be modified by creating a file called logging.yaml under the app config folder. This is a example of a valid configuration file:

version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: False
        format: "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
        class: logging.StreamHandler
        level: DEBUG
        formatter: simple
        stream: ext://sys.stdout

        class: sql_gen.log.handlers.MakeRotatingFileHandler
        level: INFO
        formatter: simple
        filename: information.log
        maxBytes: 10485760 # 10MB
        backupCount: 20
        encoding: utf8
        level: INFO
        handlers: [console,info_file_handler]
        propagate: no
    level: INFO
    handlers: [info_file_handler]

Build Extensions

Developer Setup

Branch this project and submit merge request.

Consider create a virtual pyhon envioronment for this project. As well, it is recomended to user virtualenvwrapper to manage your virtual environment.

Make user the sql_gen folder is added to you PYTHONPATH: export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/dgarcia/dev/python/em_automation/sql_gen

If you are using virtual environment you can set the PYTHONPATH within the $vitualevn/bin/postactivate so it only runs when you activate this environment.

The application can be executing by running: python sql_gen from project top folder.

Running tests

Test can run with pytest: py.test from the project top folder

Imlementing new Global functions

Globals functions can easily implemented by adding the function to the module. The function is added automatically to the template enviroment and therefore available for templates to use it.

Implementing new Filters

Filters are picked up by the environment by name convention. The system looks for classes under the /filters whith the class name matching the capitalize name of the filter +"Filter". For example:

{{ var_name | default("Test default") }}

#Searches for class named "DefaultFilter" under the folder /filters

Filter can be either:

  • Completely new filters, e.g. DescriptionFilter
  • Wrappers of builtin jinja filters, e.g. DefaultFilter

In the first case filters do not need to be added to the environment so implementing apply should be enough:

class sql_gen.filters.DefaultFilter() string :: apply(prompt_text) It takes the prompt text and it changes it accordingly to what it should be display to the user. Multiple filters can be concatenated.

When creating new filter we need to implement not only apply but get_template_filter which is invoked by the application to add the filter to the environment.

class sql_gen.filters.DescriptionFilter() func :: get_template_filter() It returns the function which implements the jinja filter.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

em-sqltask-0.0.1a48.tar.gz (65.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

em_sqltask-0.0.1a48-py3-none-any.whl (81.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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