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Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.

Project description

embodied data (Experimental)

Visualize, transform, clean, and analyze any type of unstructured multimodal data instantly.

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version

This library enables the vast majority of data processing, visualization, and analysis to be done in a single line of code with minimal dependencies. It is designed to be used in conjunction with for visualizing complex data structures and trajectories and LeRobot for robotics simulations and training. See embodied-agents for real world usage.

Video Title

Table of Contents


pip install embdata

Optionally, clone lerobot ( and install:

git clone # or use our fork to install all dependencies at once.
cd lerobot
pip install -e .

Quick Examples

Hover with intellisense or view the table of contents to see documentation for each class and method.

  • The Episode class provides a list-like interface for a sequence of observations, actions, and/or other data. It's designed to streamline exploratory data analysis and manipulation of time series data.

  • The trajectory method extracts a trajectory from the episode for a specified field, and enables easy visualization and analysis of the data, resampling with different frequencies, and filtering operations, and rescaling/normalizing the data.

  • The show method visualizes the episode with, a platform for visualizing 3D geometrical data, images, and graphs.

  • The Sample class is a dict-like interface for serializing, recording, and manipulating arbitrary data. It provides methods for flattening and unflattening nested structures, converting between different formats, and integrating with machine learning frameworks and gym spaces.


from embdata import Episode, TimeStep, ImageTask, Image, Motion, VisionMotorEpisode
from embdata.geometry import Pose6D
from embdata.motion.control import MobileSingleHandControl, HandControl, HeadControl
from datasets import get_dataset_config_info, get_dataset_config_names, load_dataset
from embdata.describe import describe
from embdata.episode import Episode, VisionMotorEpisode
from embdata.sample import Sample

# Method 1: Create an episode from a HuggingFace dataset
ds = load_dataset("mbodiai/oxe_bridge_v2", split="train").take(10)
ds = Sample(ds)
obs, actions, states = ds.flatten(to="observation"), ds.flatten(to="action"), ds.flatten(to="state")
zipped = zip(obs, actions, states, strict=False)
episode = VisionMotorEpisode(steps=zipped, freq_hz=5, observation_key="observation", action_key="action", state_key="state")"local") # Visualize the episode with

# Method 2: Create an episode from separate lists of observations, actions, and states
observations = [{"image": ..., "task": "task1", "depth": ...},
                {"image": ..., "task": "task2"},
                {"image": , "task": "task2"}]
actions = [Motion(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),
           BimanualArmControl(joint_angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6], ...)]
           AnyMotionControl(velocity=0.1, joint_angles=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6])]
states = [{"scene_objects": ..., "reward": 0},
          {"scene_objects": ..., "reward": 1}]
episode2 = Episode(zip(observations, actions, states))

# Method 3: Create an episode from a single list of dicts of any structure
steps = [
    {"observation": {"image": np.random.rand(224, 224, 3), "task": "pick"},
     "action": {"position": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1]}},
    {"observation": {"image": np.random.rand(224, 224, 3), "task": "place"},
     "action": {"position": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6], "orientation": [0, 1, 0, 0]}}
episode3 = Episode(steps)

# Convert to LeRobot dataset
lerobot_dataset = episode1.lerobot()

# Convert from LeRobot dataset back to Episode
episode_from_lerobot = Episode.from_lerobot(lerobot_dataset)

# Visualize the episode with rerun"local")
# Iterate over steps
for step in episode.iter():
    print(f"Task: {step.observation.task}, Action: {step.action.position}")

# Extract trajectory
action_trajectory = episode.trajectory(field="action", freq_hz=10)

# Visualize episode"local")


from embdata.geometry import Pose6D
import numpy as np

# Create a 6D pose
pose = Pose6D(x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0, roll=0.1, pitch=0.2, yaw=0.3)

# Convert to different units
pose_cm ="cm")
pose_deg ="deg")

# Get quaternion representation
quat ="quaternion")

# Get rotation matrix
rot_matrix ="rotation_matrix")



The Sample class is a flexible base model for serializing, recording, and manipulating arbitrary data.

Key Features

  • Serialization and deserialization of complex data structures
  • Flattening and unflattening of nested structures
  • Conversion between different formats (e.g., dict, numpy arrays, torch tensors)
  • Integration with machine learning frameworks and gym spaces

Usage Example

from embdata import Sample

# Create a simple Sample
sample = Sample(x=1, y=2, z={"a": 3, "b": 4})

# Flatten the sample
flat_sample = sample.flatten()
print(flat_sample)  # [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Flatten to a nested field
nested_sample = Sample(x=1, y=2, z=[{"a": 3, "b": 4}, {"a": 5, "b": 6}]))
a_fields = nested_sample.flatten(to="a") # [3, 5]

# Convert to different formats
as_dict ="dict")
as_numpy = sample.numpy()
as_torch = sample.torch()

# Create a random sample based on the structure
random_sample = sample.random_sample()

# Get the corresponding Gym space
space =

# Read a Sample from JSON or dictionary
sample_from_json ='{"x": 1, "y": 2}')

# Get default value and space
default_sample = Sample.default_value()
default_space = Sample.default_space()

# Get model information
model_info = sample.model_info()

# Pack and unpack samples
samples = [Sample(a=1, b=2), Sample(a=3, b=4)]
packed = Sample.unpack_from(samples)
unpacked = packed.pack()

# Convert to HuggingFace Dataset and Features
dataset = sample.dataset()
features = sample.features()


  • flatten(): Flattens the nested structure into a 1D representation
  • unflatten(): Reconstructs the original nested structure from a flattened representation
  • to(format): Converts the sample to different formats (dict, numpy, torch, etc.)
  • random_sample(): Creates a random sample based on the current structure
  • space(): Returns the corresponding Gym space for the sample
  • read(): Reads a Sample instance from a JSON string, dictionary, or path
  • default_value(): Gets the default value for the Sample instance
  • default_space(): Returns the Gym space for the Sample class based on its class attributes
  • model_info(): Gets the model information
  • unpack_from(): Packs a list of samples into a single sample with lists for attributes
  • pack_from(): Unpacks the packed Sample object into a list of Sample objects or dictionaries
  • dataset(): Converts the Sample instance to a HuggingFace Dataset object
  • features(): Converts the Sample instance to a HuggingFace Features object
  • lerobot(): Converts the Sample instance to a LeRobot dataset
  • space_for(): Default Gym space generation for a given value
  • init_from(): Initializes a Sample instance from various data types
  • from_space(): Generates a Sample instance from a Gym space
  • field_info(): Gets the extra json values set from a FieldInfo for a given attribute key
  • default_sample(): Generates a default Sample instance from its class attributes
  • numpy(): Converts the Sample instance to a numpy array
  • tolist(): Converts the Sample instance to a list
  • torch(): Converts the Sample instance to a PyTorch tensor
  • json(): Converts the Sample instance to a JSON string

The Sample class provides a wide range of functionality for data manipulation, conversion, and integration with various libraries and frameworks.


The MobileSingleHandControl class represents control for a robot that can move its base in 2D space with a 6D EEF control and grasp.

Usage Example

from embdata.geometry import PlanarPose
from embdata.motion.control import MobileSingleHandControl, HandControl, HeadControl

# Create a MobileSingleHandControl instance
control = MobileSingleHandControl(
    base=PlanarPose(x=1.0, y=2.0, theta=0.5),
        pose=Pose(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),
    head=HeadControl(tilt=-0.1, pan=0.2)

# Access and modify the control
print(control.base.x)  # Output: 1.0
control.hand.grasp = 0.8
print(control.hand.grasp)  # Output: 0.8

The HumanoidControl class represents control for a humanoid robot.

Usage Example

import numpy as np
from embdata.motion.control import HumanoidControl, HeadControl

# Create a HumanoidControl instance
control = HumanoidControl(
    left_arm=np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]),
    right_arm=np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]),
    left_leg=np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]),
    right_leg=np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]),
    head=HeadControl(tilt=-0.1, pan=0.2)

# Access and modify the control
print(control.left_arm)  # Output: [0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6]
control.head.tilt = -0.2
print(control.head.tilt)  # Output: -0.2
Subclassing Motion

You can create custom motion controls by subclassing the Motion class.

Usage Example

from embdata.motion import Motion
from embdata.motion.fields import VelocityMotionField, AbsoluteMotionField

class CustomRobotControl(Motion):
    linear_velocity: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[-1.0, 1.0])
    angular_velocity: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[-1.0, 1.0])
    arm_position: float = AbsoluteMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[0.0, 1.0])

# Create an instance of the custom control
custom_control = CustomRobotControl(

# Output: CustomRobotControl(linear_velocity=0.5, angular_velocity=-0.2, arm_position=0.7)

# Validate bounds
    invalid_control = CustomRobotControl(linear_velocity=1.5)  # This will raise a ValueError
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Validation error: {e}")

The Image class represents image data and provides methods for manipulation and conversion.

Key Features

  • Multiple representation formats (NumPy array, base64, file path, PIL Image, URL)
  • Easy conversion between different image formats
  • Resizing and encoding capabilities
  • Integration with other data processing pipelines

Usage Example

from embdata import Image
import numpy as np

# Create an Image from a numpy array
array_data = np.random.rand(100, 100, 3)
img = Image(array=array_data)

# Convert to base64
base64_str = img.base64

# Open an image from a file
img_from_file ="path/to/image.jpg")

# Resize the image
resized_img = Image(img_from_file, size=(50, 50))

# Save the image"output_image.png")

# Create an Image from a URL
img_from_url = Image("")

# Create an Image from a base64 string
img_from_base64 = Image.from_base64(base64_str, encoding="png")


  • open(path): Opens an image from a file path
  • save(path, encoding, quality): Saves the image to a file
  • show(): Displays the image using matplotlib
  • from_base64(base64_str, encoding, size, make_rgb): Creates an Image instance from a base64 string
  • load_url(url, download): Downloads an image from a URL or decodes it from a base64 data URI
  • from_bytes(bytes_data, encoding, size): Creates an Image instance from a bytes object
  • space(): Returns the space of the image
  • dump(*args, as_field, **kwargs): Returns a dict or a field of the image
  • infer_features_dict(): Infers features of the image


  • array: The image as a NumPy array
  • base64: The image as a base64 encoded string
  • path: The file path of the image
  • pil: The image as a PIL Image object
  • url: The URL of the image
  • size: The size of the image as a (width, height) tuple
  • encoding: The encoding format of the image

Class Methods

  • supports(arg): Checks if the argument is supported by the Image class
  • pil_to_data(image, encoding, size, make_rgb): Creates an Image instance from a PIL image
  • bytes_to_data(bytes_data, encoding, size, make_rgb): Creates an Image instance from a bytes object

The Image class provides a convenient interface for working with image data in various formats and performing common image operations.


The Trajectory class represents a time series of multidimensional data, such as robot movements or sensor readings.

Key Features

  • Representation of time series data with optional frequency information
  • Methods for statistical analysis, visualization, and manipulation
  • Support for resampling and filtering operations
  • Support for minmax, standard, and PCA transformations

Usage Example

from embdata import Trajectory
import numpy as np

# Create a Trajectory
data = np.random.rand(100, 3)  # 100 timesteps, 3 dimensions
traj = Trajectory(data, freq_hz=10)

# Compute statistics
stats = traj.stats()

# Plot the trajectory

# Resample the trajectory
resampled_traj = traj.resample(target_hz=5)

# Apply a low-pass filter
filtered_traj = traj.low_pass_filter(cutoff_freq=2)

# Save the plot"trajectory_plot.png")


  • stats(): Computes statistics for the trajectory
  • plot(): Plots the trajectory
  • resample(target_hz): Resamples the trajectory to a new frequency
  • low_pass_filter(cutoff_freq): Applies a low-pass filter to the trajectory
  • save(filename): Saves the trajectory plot to a file
  • show(): Displays the trajectory plot
  • transform(operation, **kwargs): Applies a transformation to the trajectory

The Trajectory class offers methods for analyzing, visualizing, and manipulating trajectory data, making it easier to work with time series data in robotics and other applications.


The Episode class provides a list-like interface for a sequence of observations, actions, and other data, particularly useful for reinforcement learning scenarios.

Key Features

  • List-like interface for managing sequences of data
  • Methods for appending, iterating, and splitting episodes
  • Support for metadata and frequency information
  • Integration with reinforcement learning workflows

Usage Example

from embdata import Episode, Sample

# Create an Episode
episode = Episode()

# Add steps to the episode
episode.append(Sample(observation=[1, 2, 3], action=0, reward=1))
episode.append(Sample(observation=[2, 3, 4], action=1, reward=0))
episode.append(Sample(observation=[3, 4, 5], action=0, reward=2))

# Iterate over the episode
for step in episode.iter():
    print(step.observation, step.action, step.reward)

# Split the episode based on a condition
def split_condition(step):
    return step.reward > 0

split_episodes = episode.split(split_condition)

# Extract a trajectory from the episode
action_trajectory = episode.trajectory(field="action", freq_hz=10)

# Visualize 3D geometrical data, images, and graphs with

# Access episode metadata


  • append(step): Adds a new step to the episode
  • iter(): Returns an iterator over the steps in the episode
  • split(condition): Splits the episode based on a given condition
  • trajectory(field, freq_hz): Extracts a trajectory from the episode for a specified field
  • filter(condition): Filters the episode based on a given condition


  • metadata: Additional metadata for the episode
  • freq_hz: The frequency of the episode in Hz

The Episode class simplifies the process of working with sequential data in reinforcement learning and other time-series applications.


The Pose6D class represents absolute coordinates for a 6D pose in 3D space, including position and orientation.

Key Features

  • Representation of 3D pose with position (x, y) and orientation (theta)
  • Conversion between different units (meters, centimeters, radians, degrees)
  • Conversion to different formats (list, dict)

Usage Example

from embdata.geometry import Pose6D
import math

# Create a Pose3D instance
pose = Pose6D(x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0, roll=math.pi/10, pitch=math.pi/5, yaw=math.pi/3)

# Convert to different units
pose_cm ="cm")
print(pose_cm)  # Pose6D(x=100.0, y=200.0, z=300.0, roll=0.3141592653589793, pitch=0.6283185307179586, yaw=1.0471975511965976)

pose_deg ="deg")
print(pose_deg)  # Pose6D(x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0, roll=5.729577951308232, pitch=11.459155902616465, yaw=17.374763072956262)

# Convert to different formats
pose_list = pose.numpy()
print(pose_list)  # array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

pose_dict = pose.dict()
print(pose_dict)  # {'x': 1.0, 'y': 2.0, 'z': 3.0, 'roll': 0.1, 'pitch': 0.2, 'yaw': 0.3}"quaternion")
print(pose.quaternion())  # [0.9659258262890683, 0.0, 0.13052619222005157, 0.0]"rotation_matrix")
print(pose.rotation_matrix())  # array([[ 0.8660254, -0.25, 0.4330127], [0.4330127, 0.75, -0.5], [-0.25, 0.61237244, 0.75]]


  • to(container_or_unit, unit, angular_unit): Converts the pose to different units or formats

The Pose3D class provides methods for converting between different units and representations of 3D poses, making it easier to work with spatial data in various contexts.


The HandControl class represents an action for a 7D space, including the pose of a robot hand and its grasp state.

Key Features

  • Representation of robot hand pose and grasp state
  • Integration with other motion control classes
  • Support for complex nested structures

Usage Example

from embdata.geometry import Pose
from embdata.motion.control import HandControl

# Create a HandControl instance
hand_control = HandControl(
    pose=Pose(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),

# Access and modify the hand control
print(hand_control.pose.position)  # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
hand_control.grasp = 0.8
print(hand_control.grasp)  # 0.8

# Example with complex nested structure
from embdata.motion import Motion
from embdata.motion.fields import VelocityMotionField

class RobotControl(Motion):
    hand: HandControl
    velocity: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[0.0, 1.0])

robot_control = RobotControl(
        pose=Pose(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),

print(robot_control.hand.pose.position)  # [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
print(robot_control.velocity)  # 0.3


  • pose: The pose of the robot hand (Pose object)
  • grasp: The openness of the robot hand (float, 0 to 1)

The HandControl class allows for easy manipulation and representation of robot hand controls in a 7D space, making it useful for robotics and motion control applications.


embdata is distributed under the terms of the apache-2.0 license.

Design Decisions

  • Grasp value is [-1, 1] so that the default value is 0.
  • Motion rather than Action to distinguish from non-physical actions.
  • Flattened structures omit full paths to enable dataset transfer between different structures.




The Episode class provides a list-like interface for a sequence of observations, actions, and/or other data. It's designed to streamline exploratory data analysis and manipulation of time series data.

#Key Features

  • List-like interface for managing sequences of data
  • Methods for appending, iterating, and splitting episodes
  • Support for metadata and frequency information
  • Integration with reinforcement learning workflows

Usage Example

from embdata import Episode, Sample

# Create an Episode
episode = Episode()

# Add steps to the episode
episode.append(Sample(observation=[1, 2, 3], action=0, reward=1))
episode.append(Sample(observation=[2, 3, 4], action=1, reward=0))
episode.append(Sample(observation=[3, 4, 5], action=0, reward=2))

# Iterate over the episode
for step in episode.iter():
    print(f"Observation: {step.observation}, Action: {step.action}, Reward: {step.reward}")

# Split the episode based on a condition
def split_condition(step):
    return step.reward > 0

split_episodes = episode.split(split_condition)

# Extract a trajectory from the episode
action_trajectory = episode.trajectory(field="action", freq_hz=10)

# Access episode metadata


  • append(step): Adds a new step to the episode
  • iter(): Returns an iterator over the steps in the episode
  • split(condition): Splits the episode based on a given condition
  • trajectory(field, freq_hz): Extracts a trajectory from the episode for a specified field
  • filter(condition): Filters the episode based on a given condition


  • metadata: Additional metadata for the episode
  • freq_hz: The frequency of the episode in Hz

The Episode class simplifies the process of working with sequential data in reinforcement learning and other time-series applications.



The Image class represents an image sample that can be represented in various formats, including NumPy arrays, base64 encoded strings, file paths, PIL Images, or URLs.

#Key Features

  • Multiple representation formats (NumPy array, base64, file path, PIL Image, URL)
  • Easy conversion between different image formats
  • Resizing and encoding capabilities
  • Integration with other data processing pipelines

#Usage Example

from embdata import Image
import numpy as np

# Create an Image from a numpy array
array_data = np.random.rand(100, 100, 3)
img = Image(array=array_data)

# Convert to base64
base64_str = img.base64

# Open an image from a file
img_from_file ="path/to/image.jpg")

# Resize the image
resized_img = Image(img_from_file, size=(50, 50))

# Save the image"output_image.png")

# Create an Image from a base64 string
image = Image.from_base64(base64_str, encoding="png", size=(1, 1))
print(image.size)  # Output: (1, 1)

# Example with complex nested structure
nested_data = {
    "image": Image.from_base64(base64_str, encoding="png"),
    "metadata": {
        "text": "A small red square",
        "tags": ["red", "square", "small"]
print(nested_data["image"].size)  # Output: (1, 1)
print(nested_data["metadata"]["text"])  # Output: A small red square


  • open(path): Opens an image from a file path
  • save(path, encoding, quality): Saves the image to a file
  • show(): Displays the image using matplotlib
  • from_base64(base64_str, encoding, size, make_rgb): Creates an Image instance from a base64 string


  • array: The image as a NumPy array
  • base64: The image as a base64 encoded string
  • path: The file path of the image
  • pil: The image as a PIL Image object
  • url: The URL of the image
  • size: The size of the image as a (width, height) tuple
  • encoding: The encoding format of the image

The Image class provides a convenient interface for working with image data in various formats and performing common image operations.



The Sample class is a base model for serializing, recording, and manipulating arbitrary data. It provides a flexible and extensible way to handle complex data structures, including nested objects, arrays, and various data types.

#Key Features

  • Serialization and deserialization of complex data structures
  • Flattening and unflattening of nested structures
  • Conversion between different formats (e.g., dict, numpy arrays, torch tensors)
  • Integration with machine learning frameworks and gym spaces

#Usage Example

from embdata import Sample
import numpy as np

# Create a simple Sample instance
sample = Sample(x=1, y=2, z={"a": 3, "b": 4}, extra_field=5)

# Flatten the sample
flat_sample = sample.flatten()
print(flat_sample)  # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Get the schema
schema = sample.schema()

# Unflatten a list back to a Sample instance
unflattened_sample = Sample.unflatten(flat_sample, schema)
print(unflattened_sample)  # Output: Sample(x=1, y=2, z={'a': 3, 'b': 4}, extra_field=5)

# Create a complex nested structure
nested_sample = Sample(
        data=np.random.rand(32, 32, 3),
        metadata={"format": "RGB", "size": (32, 32)}
        content="Hello, world!",
        tokens=["Hello", ",", "world", "!"],
        embeddings=np.random.rand(4, 128)
    labels=["greeting", "example"]

# Get the schema of the nested structure
nested_schema = nested_sample.schema()


  • flatten(to="list", non_numerical="allow", ignore=None, sep=".", to=None): Flattens the Sample instance into a one-dimensional structure
  • unflatten(one_d_array_or_dict, schema=None): Unflattens a one-dimensional array or dictionary into a Sample instance
  • to(container): Converts the Sample instance to a different container type
  • schema(include="simple"): Get a simplified JSON schema of the data
  • space(): Return the corresponding Gym space for the Sample instance
  • random_sample(): Generate a random Sample instance based on its attributes

The Sample class provides a wide range of functionality for data manipulation, conversion, and integration with various libraries and frameworks.



The Trajectory class represents a trajectory of steps, typically used for time series of multidimensional data such as robot movements or sensor readings.

#Key Features

  • Representation of time series data with optional frequency information
  • Methods for statistical analysis, visualization, and manipulation
  • Support for resampling and filtering operations
  • Transformation and normalization capabilities

#Usage Example

import numpy as np
from embdata import Trajectory

# Create a simple 2D trajectory
steps = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 0], [3, 1], [4, 0]])
traj = Trajectory(steps, freq_hz=10, dim_labels=['X', 'Y'])

# Plot the trajectory

# Compute and print statistics

# Apply a low-pass filter
filtered_traj = traj.low_pass_filter(cutoff_freq=2)

# Upsample with rotation splines and bicubic interpolation
upsampled_traj = traj.resample(target_hz=20)
print(upsampled_traj) # Output: Trajectory(steps=..., freq_hz=20, dim_labels=['X', 'Y'])

# Access data
print(traj.array)  # Output: [[0 0] [1 1] [2 0] [3 1] [4 0]]

# Get statistics
stats = traj.stats()
print(stats.mean)  # Output: [2. 0.4]
print(stats.std)   # Output: [1.41421356 0.48989795]

# Slice the trajectory
sliced_traj = traj[1:4]
print(sliced_traj.array)  # Output: [[1 1] [2 0] [3 1]]

# Transform the trajectory
normalized_traj = traj.transform('minmax')


  • plot(): Plot the trajectory
  • stats(): Compute statistics for the trajectory
  • low_pass_filter(cutoff_freq): Apply a low-pass filter to the trajectory
  • resample(target_hz): Resample the trajectory to a new frequency
  • make_relative(): Convert the trajectory to relative actions
  • make_absolute(initial_state): Convert relative actions to absolute actions
  • frequencies(): Plot the frequency spectrogram of the trajectory
  • frequencies_nd(): Plot the n-dimensional frequency spectrogram of the trajectory
  • transform(operation, **kwargs): Apply a transformation to the trajectory
  • make_minmax(min, max): Apply min-max normalization
  • make_pca(whiten): Apply PCA transformation
  • make_standard(): Apply standard normalization
  • make_unminmax(orig_min, orig_max): Reverse min-max normalization
  • make_unstandard(mean, std): Reverse standard normalization
  • q01(), q99(): Get 1st and 99th percentiles
  • mean(), variance(), std(), skewness(), kurtosis(): Statistical measures
  • min(), max(): Minimum and maximum values
  • lower_quartile(), median(), upper_quartile(): Quartile values
  • non_zero_count(), zero_count(): Count non-zero and zero values


  • array: The trajectory data as a NumPy array
  • freq_hz: The frequency of the trajectory in Hz
  • time_idxs: The time index of each step in the trajectory
  • dim_labels: The labels for each dimension of the trajectory

The Trajectory class offers comprehensive methods for analyzing, visualizing, manipulating, and transforming trajectory data, making it easier to work with time series data in robotics and other applications.



The Motion class is a base class for defining motion-related data structures. It extends the Coordinate class and provides a foundation for creating motion-specific data models.

#Key Features

  • Base class for motion-specific data models
  • Integration with MotionField and its variants for proper validation and type checking
  • Support for defining bounds and motion types

#Usage Example

from embdata.motion import Motion
from embdata.motion.fields import VelocityMotionField

class Twist(Motion):
    x: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[-1.0, 1.0])
    y: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[-1.0, 1.0])
    z: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[-1.0, 1.0])
    roll: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=["-pi", "pi"])
    pitch: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=["-pi", "pi"])
    yaw: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=["-pi", "pi"])

# Create a Twist motion
twist = Twist(x=0.5, y=-0.3, z=0.1, roll=0.2, pitch=-0.1, yaw=0.8)

print(twist)  # Output: Twist(x=0.5, y=-0.3, z=0.1, roll=0.2, pitch=-0.1, yaw=0.8)

# Access individual fields
print(twist.x)  # Output: 0.5

# Validate bounds
    invalid_twist = Twist(x=1.5)  # This will raise a ValueError
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Validation error: {e}")

# Example with complex nested structure
class RobotMotion(Motion):
    twist: Twist
    gripper: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[0.0, 1.0])

robot_motion = RobotMotion(
    twist=Twist(x=0.2, y=0.1, z=0.0, roll=0.0, pitch=0.0, yaw=0.1),
# Output: RobotMotion(twist=Twist(x=0.2, y=0.1, z=0.0, roll=0.0, pitch=0.0, yaw=0.1), gripper=0.5)


  • validate_shape(): Validates the shape of the motion data


  • MotionField: Creates a field for a motion with specified properties
  • AbsoluteMotionField: Field for an absolute motion
  • RelativeMotionField: Field for a relative motion
  • VelocityMotionField: Field for a velocity motion
  • TorqueMotionField: Field for a torque motion
  • AnyMotionField: Field for any other type of motion

Key Concepts

  • Subclasses of Motion should define their fields using MotionField or its variants (e.g., AbsoluteMotionField, VelocityMotionField) to ensure proper validation and type checking.
  • The Motion class does not allow extra fields and enforces validation of motion type, shape, and bounds.
  • It can handle various types of motion data, including nested structures with images and text, as long as they are properly defined using the appropriate MotionFields.

The Motion class provides a flexible foundation for creating motion-specific data models with built-in validation and type checking, making it easier to work with complex motion data in robotics and other applications.



The AnyMotionControl class is a subclass of Motion that allows for arbitrary fields with minimal validation. It's designed for motion control with flexible structure.

#Key Features

  • Allows arbitrary fields
  • Minimal validation compared to Motion
  • Includes optional names and joints fields

#Usage Example

from embdata.motion import AnyMotionControl

# Create an AnyMotionControl instance
control = AnyMotionControl(names=["shoulder", "elbow", "wrist"], joints=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
print(control)  # Output: AnyMotionControl(names=['shoulder', 'elbow', 'wrist'], joints=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

# Add arbitrary fields
control.extra_field = "some value"
print(control.extra_field)  # Output: some value

# Validation example
    invalid_control = AnyMotionControl(names=["joint1", "joint2"], joints=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Validation error: {e}")


  • validate_joints(): Validates that the number of joints matches the number of names and that all joints are numbers


  • names: Optional list of joint names
  • joints: Optional list of joint values

The AnyMotionControl class provides a flexible structure for motion control data with minimal constraints, allowing for easy integration with various robotic systems and control schemes.



The HandControl class represents an action for a 7D space, including the pose of a robot hand and its grasp state.

#Key Features

  • Representation of robot hand pose and grasp state
  • Integration with other motion control classes
  • Support for complex nested structures

#Usage Example

from embdata.geometry import Pose
from embdata.motion.control import HandControl

# Create a HandControl instance
hand_control = HandControl(
    pose=Pose(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),

# Access and modify the hand control
print(hand_control.pose.position)  # Output: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
hand_control.grasp = 0.8
print(hand_control.grasp)  # Output: 0.8

# Example with complex nested structure
from embdata.motion import Motion
from embdata.motion.fields import VelocityMotionField

class RobotControl(Motion):
    hand: HandControl
    velocity: float = VelocityMotionField(default=0.0, bounds=[0.0, 1.0])

robot_control = RobotControl(
        pose=Pose(position=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1]),

print(robot_control.hand.pose.position)  # Output: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
print(robot_control.velocity)  # Output: 0.3


  • pose (Pose): The pose of the robot hand, including position and orientation.
  • grasp (float): The openness of the robot hand, ranging from 0 (closed) to 1 (open).

The HandControl class allows for easy manipulation and representation of robot hand controls in a 7D space, making it useful for robotics and motion control applications. It can be integrated into more complex control structures and supports nested data representations.



The AbsoluteHandControl class represents an action for a 7D space with absolute positioning, including the pose of a robot hand and its grasp state.


  • pose (Pose): The absolute pose of the robot hand, including position and orientation.
  • grasp (float): The openness of the robot hand, ranging from -1 (closed) to 1 (open).


The RelativePoseHandControl class represents an action for a 7D space with relative positioning for the pose and absolute positioning for the grasp.


  • pose (Pose): The relative pose of the robot hand, including position and orientation.
  • grasp (float): The openness of the robot hand, ranging from -1 (closed) to 1 (open).


The HeadControl class represents the control for a robot's head movement.


  • tilt (float): Tilt of the robot head in radians (down is negative).
  • pan (float): Pan of the robot head in radians (left is negative).


The MobileSingleHandControl class represents control for a robot that can move its base in 2D space with a 6D EEF control and grasp.


  • base (PlanarPose | None): Location of the robot on the ground.
  • hand (HandControl | None): Control for the robot hand.
  • head (HeadControl | None): Control for the robot head.


The MobileSingleArmControl class represents control for a robot that can move in 2D space with a single arm.


  • base (PlanarPose | None): Location of the robot on the ground.
  • arm (NumpyArray | None): Control for the robot arm.
  • head (HeadControl | None): Control for the robot head.


The MobileBimanualArmControl class represents control for a robot that can move in 2D space with two arms.


  • base (PlanarPose | None): Location of the robot on the ground.
  • left_arm (NumpyArray | None): Control for the left robot arm.
  • right_arm (NumpyArray | None): Control for the right robot arm.
  • head (HeadControl | None): Control for the robot head.


The HumanoidControl class represents control for a humanoid robot.


  • left_arm (NumpyArray | None): Control for the left robot arm.
  • right_arm (NumpyArray | None): Control for the right robot arm.
  • left_leg (NumpyArray | None): Control for the left robot leg.
  • right_leg (NumpyArray | None): Control for the right robot leg.
  • head (HeadControl | None): Control for the robot head.

Data Manipulation Definitions

  • Flattening: Flattening is the process of converting a nested data structure into a one-dimensional array or dictionary.

    • A dimension is with respect to a data structure of interest. For example 1D can be a list of dictionaries where that dictionary structure represents a single dimension.
  • Nesting: Loosely defined as "structures not in the same list".

    A nesting divides substructures by a boundary defined as "not sharing a list for an ancestor". For example, in a list of dictionaries, each dictionary is a separate nesting. All substructures within a dictionary are part of the same nesting so long as they are not part of different nestings in a list.

RL Definitions

Definitions Used by this Library
  • Transition: A transition is a tuple (s, a, r, s') where s is the current state, a is the action taken, r is the reward received, and s' is the next state.
  • Episode: An episode is a sequence of transitions that starts at the initial state and ends at a terminal state.
  • Trajectory: A trajectory is a sequence of states, actions, and rewards that represents the behavior of an agent over time.
  • Policy: A policy is a mapping from states to actions that defines the behavior of an agent.
  • Value Function: A value function estimates the expected return from a given state or state-action pair under a given policy.
  • Q-Function: A Q-function estimates the expected return from a given state-action pair under a given policy.
  • Reward Function: A reward function defines the reward received by an agent for taking a particular action in a particular state.
  • Model: A model predicts the next state and reward given the current state and action.
  • Environment: An environment is the external system with which an agent interacts, providing states, actions, and rewards.
  • Agent: An agent is an entity that interacts with an environment to achieve a goal, typically by learning a policy or value function.
  • State: A state is a representation of the environment at a given point in time, typically including observations, measurements, or other data.
  • Exploration: Exploration is the process of selecting actions to gather information about the environment and improve the agent's policy or value function.

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