A cross-language type library
Project description
A cross-language type library
from enotype import color
color('#fff') # returns "#fff"
color('#xyz') # raises ValueError("A color is required, for instance '#B6D918', '#fff' or '#01b'.")
from enotype.es import color # with localized error messages
color('#xyz') # raises ValueError("Se requiere un color, por ejemplo '#B6D918', '#fff' o '#01b'.")
pip install enotype
- Validation and conversion of
representations into language-native types. - Implemented as a collection of minimalist functions, so called loaders.
- Zero-cost localization (currently
) through statically generated code. - Generically usable in a multitude of contexts through a plain and simple design.
- Standard type library for the eno notation language.
import boolean from enotype
boolean('true') # returns True
returns True
returns False
returns True
returns False
raises an exception.
import color from enotype
color('#abcdef') # returns '#abcdef'
returns '#abcdef'
returns '#ABCDEF'
returns '#012345'
returns '#678'
returns '#89a'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import comma_separated from enotype
comma_separated('one,two,three') # returns ['one', 'two', 'three']
returns ['one', 'two', 'three']
' one,two,three '
returns ['one', 'two', 'three']
'one , two , three'
returns ['one', 'two', 'three']
' one , two , three '
returns ['one', 'two', 'three']
returns ['', '', '']
'one two three'
returns ['one two three']
returns ['one;two;three']
' '
returns ['']
import date from enotype
date('1992-02-02') # returns python_date(1992, 2, 2)
returns python_date(1992, 2, 2)
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
'2002 12 14'
raises an exception.
'2002-12-14 20:15'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import datetime from enotype
datetime('1990') # returns python_datetime.strptime('1990-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1990-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1991-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1992-02-02T00:00:00.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1993-03-03T18:20:00.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1994-04-04T18:20:30.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1995-05-05T18:20:30.450+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1996-06-06T08:15:30.000-0500', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
returns python_datetime.strptime('1997-07-07T13:15:30.000+0000', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z')
'2002 12 14'
raises an exception.
'2002-12-14 20:15'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import email from enotype
email('john.doe@eno-lang.org') # returns 'john.doe@eno-lang.org'
returns 'john.doe@eno-lang.org'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import float from enotype
float('42') # returns 42.0
returns 42.0
returns -42.0
returns 42.0
raises an exception.
'4 2.0'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import integer from enotype
integer('42') # returns 42
returns 42
returns -42
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
'4 2'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import ipv4 from enotype
ipv4('') # returns ''
returns ''
returns ''
returns ''
returns ''
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import json from enotype
json('{ "valid": true }') # returns { 'valid': True }
'{ "valid": true }'
returns { 'valid': True }
returns 42
'["valid", true]'
returns ['valid', True]
raises an exception.
'{ invalid: true }'
raises an exception.
'{ "invalid": true, }'
raises an exception.
import lat_lng from enotype
lat_lng('48.205870, 16.413690') # returns { 'lat': 48.205870, 'lng': 16.413690 }
'48.205870, 16.413690'
returns { 'lat': 48.205870, 'lng': 16.413690 }
'41.25, -120.9762'
returns { 'lat': 41.25, 'lng': -120.9762 }
'-31.96, 115.84'
returns { 'lat': -31.96, 'lng': 115.84 }
'90, 0'
returns { 'lat': 90, 'lng': 0 }
' 0 , 0 '
returns { 'lat': 0, 'lng': 0 }
returns { 'lat': -0, 'lng': -0 }
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
', 16.413690'
raises an exception.
'48,205870, 16,413690'
raises an exception.
import slug from enotype
slug('eno-lang-article') # returns 'eno-lang-article'
returns 'eno-lang-article'
returns 'eno_lang_article'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
'eno lang article'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
import url from enotype
url('http://www.valid.com') # returns 'http://www.valid.com'
returns 'http://www.valid.com'
returns 'https://valid.com'
returns 'https://www.valid.com'
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
raises an exception.
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