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Tools for working with EPREM simulation runs

Project description


Tools for working with EPREM simulation runs


$ pip install eprempy


Before getting started in earnest with eprempy, one simple task you can perform to make sure everything is installed is to print the version number.

>>> import eprempy
>>> print(eprempy.__version__)

You can also print the version number via the package command-line interface (CLI)

$ python -m eprempy --version

The value printed will depend on which version you have installed.

Creating an observer

The examples below assume a working knowledge of EPREM — essentially, they assume that you have successfully run EPREM and have access to both the runtime configuration file and the output files.

The most common first step will be to create a stream observer.

from eprempy import eprem

stream =, source='data/with-dist/')

Each observer knows the path to the directory containing its dataset.


Each observer knows the name of the file containing its dataset.

The observer's source property is simply an alias for the path to the directory containing its dataset.

stream.source == stream.dataset.source.parent
stream.dataset.source == stream.source /

Each observer knows the name of the simulation configuration file that generated its dataset. Similar relationship hold between the source property and the path to this file.
stream.config.source == stream.source /

Each observer knows the metric system in which it will compute physical quantities. The default metric system is MKS.


If you are working in the directory containing the simulation output and the configuration file, assuming that file has a standard name, the only required information when creating a stream observer is the stream number.

>>> stream =

The source argument is required if you are not in the simulation output directory and the config argument is required if the corresponding configuration file has a non-standard name. Standard configuration-file names and patterns are

  • eprem_input_file
  • *.cfg
  • *.ini
  • *.in

Furthermore, creating an observer that uses the CGS metric system requires passing system='cgs'. Note that the system argument is not case-sensitive.

Of course, explicitly specifying each of these arguments is always safest!

>>> stream =, source='data/with-dist', config='eprem.cfg', system='mks')

Working with Simulation Data

You can print the names of available observable quantities and simulation parameters by calling the observer's which method. Names that are aliases for each other are separated by '=='.

'times' == 't' == 'time'
'shells' == 'shell'
'pitch angle' == 'pitch-angle cosines' == 'mu' == 'pitch-angle cosine' == 'pitch-angle' == 'pitch angles' == 'pitch-angles'
'mass' == 'm'
'charge' == 'q'
'egrid' == 'energies' == 'E' == 'energy'
'v' == 'speed' == 'vgrid'
'r' == 'R' == 'radius'
'theta' == 'T'
'P' == 'phi'
'br' == 'Br'
'btheta' == 'bt' == 'Btheta' == 'Bt'
'bphi' == 'Bp' == 'Bphi' == 'bp'
'Ur' == 'Vr' == 'ur' == 'vr'
'ut' == 'Vt' == 'Ut' == 'Vtheta' == 'Utheta' == 'utheta'
'up' == 'Vp' == 'Vphi' == 'uphi' == 'Uphi' == 'Up'
'Rho' == 'rho'
'dist' == 'f' == 'Dist'
'j' == 'J' == 'flux' == 'Flux' == 'J(E)' == 'j(E)'
'X' == 'x'
'Y' == 'y'
'Z' == 'z'
'b mag' == '|B|' == 'B' == 'b_mag' == 'bmag' == 'b' == '|b|'
'u_mag' == 'U' == 'u' == 'umag' == '|u|' == '|U|' == 'u mag'
'u_para' == 'upara' == 'Upara'
'Uperp' == 'u_perp' == 'uperp'
'flow_angle' == 'angle' == 'flow angle'
'div u' == 'div(U)' == 'divU' == 'divu' == 'div_u' == 'div U' == 'div(u)'
'R_g' == 'rigidity' == 'Rg'
'mean free path' == 'mfp' == 'mean_free_path'
'acceleration rate' == 'ar' == 'acceleration_rate'
'energy density' == 'energy_density'
'average energy' == 'average_energy'
'intflux' == 'integral_flux' == 'integral flux'
'Emin' == 'minimum_energy' == 'minimum energy'
'energy0' == 'reference energy'
'r0' == 'reference radius'
'boundaryFunctAmplitude' == 'J0'
'beta' == 'boundaryFunctBeta'
'E0' == 'boundaryFunctEcutoff'
'boundaryFunctGamma' == 'gamma'
'xi' == 'boundaryFunctXi'
'kper_kpar' == 'kper/kpar' == 'kperxkpar' == 'kper / kpar'
'lamo' == 'lam0' == 'lambda0'
'mfpRadialPower' == 'mfp_radial_power'
'rigidity_power' == 'rigidityPower'

Aliased quantities are equal.

for alias in ('Vr', 'ur', 'Ur'):
    print(stream['vr'] == stream[alias])
for alias in ('lamo', 'lam0'):
    print(stream['lambda0'] == stream[alias])

Each observable quantity knowns its own unit and dimensions.

vr = stream['vr']
Quantity(unit='m s^-1', dimensions={'time', 'shell'})

When requesting an observable quantity, the returned object (if the quantity exists) does not represent an array of numerical values. There are various ways to access the corresponding array. One way is via standard indexing.

Array([[ 300000.  300000.  300000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]
 [ 300000.  300000.  300000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]
 [ 300000.  300000.  300000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]
 [1200000. 1200000. 1200000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]
 [1200000. 1200000. 1200000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]
 [1200000. 1200000. 1200000. ...  300000.  300000.  300000.]],
unit='m s^-1',
dimensions={'time', 'shell'})

Another way is via conversion to a numpy.ndarray.

import numpy

array([[ 300000.,  300000.,  300000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.],
       [ 300000.,  300000.,  300000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.],
       [ 300000.,  300000.,  300000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.],
       [1200000., 1200000., 1200000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.],
       [1200000., 1200000., 1200000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.],
       [1200000., 1200000., 1200000., ...,  300000.,  300000.,  300000.]])

The dimensions of the observable quantity represent the subscriptable axes of the corresponding array.

(50, 1000)

The axes are array-like objects that represent the available values of time, shell, species, energy, or pitch-angle cosine, as appropriate to the specific observable quantity.

Axes(time: Coordinates([  8640.,  17280., ..., 423360., 432000.]), shell: Points([  0,   1, ..., 998, 999]))

Subscription does not change the dimensional structure of the observable quantity, even when that subscription results in a single value.

vr[2, 4]
unit='m s^-1',
dimensions={'time', 'shell'})

Subscription self-consistently reduces the axes.

vr[2, 4].axes
Axes(time: Coordinates([25920.]), shell: Points([4]))

You can change an observable quantity's unit via the withunit method; doing so will self-consistently scale the corresponding array.

vr_au_day = stream['vr'].withunit('au / day')
vr_au_day[2, 4]
unit='au d^-1',
dimensions={'time', 'shell'})

Attempting to convert to a unit that is physically inconsistent with the given quantity results in a ValueError.

    stream['vr'].withunit('J / Hz')
except ValueError as err:
    print(f"Caught ValueError: {err}")
Caught ValueError: The unit 'J / Hz' is inconsistent with 'm s^-1'

Simulation parameters behave similarly to observable quantities. The major difference is that they also contain their numeric value(s).

Parameters naturally split into two categories: those for which the notion of a unit is meaningful and those for which it is not. For example, both the reference mean free path and the power-law index of the background spectrum have a unit, even though the latter is unitless (i.e., its unit is '1') ...

Variable([1.], unit='au')
Variable([2.], unit='1')

... whereas the number of nodes per simulation stream is simply a number.


Any numeric quantity for which the notion of a unit is meaningful (even if the appropriate unit is '1') is "measurable". eprempy represents all measurable parameters via the Variable type.

Variable([1.], unit='au')

You may change the unit of a variable just as you would change the unit of an observable quantity.

Variable([1.49597871e+13], unit='cm')

All variables are logically multi-valued. In numerical terms, they are each a formal sequence, which means they support subscription and iteration, and have a size.

lam0_cm = stream['lambda0'].withunit('cm')
Scalar(14959787070000.0, unit='cm')
[Scalar(14959787070000.0, unit='cm')]

Since there may be many occasions in which only the numerical value matters, variables support conversion to built-in numeric types.


If you want to iterate over only the numeric values, you must access the data property.


While it is always possible to subscript an observable quantity via standard subscription syntax, eprempy arrays also support subscription (and interpolation) via physical indices.

For example, suppose you have extracted the observable quantity representing particle flux, and have changed its unit to something more familiar.

flux = stream['flux'].withunit('1 / (cm^2 s sr MeV/nuc)')

Next, you decide to view the value of flux at a time of 7.2 hours and a radial distance of 0.3 au, for protons with 1.4 MeV. You may do so by providing the time, radial distance, and energy as "measurable" tuples, and the species as a chemical symbol.

A measurable tuple is a tuple with one or more numeric values followed by an optional unit string. The following are all examples of measurable tuples:

  • (1, 2, 'm'): multiple values with the unit 'meter(s)'
  • (1, 'm', 2, 'm'): multiple values with the unit 'meter(s)'
  • ((1, 'm'), (2, 'm')): multiple values with the unit 'meter(s)'
  • (1, 2, '1'): multiple unitless values
  • (1, 2): multiple unitless values or, in certain applications, values with an implied unit
  • (1, 'm'): a single value with the unit 'meter'

The following are not valid measurable tuples:

  • (1, 'm', 2, 'cm'): units must be the same
  • (1, None): use '1' for unitless values
  • ('m',): there must be at least one value
  • (1, 'm', 'cm'): what would this even mean?
  • ('hello', 'world'): please stop

Note that, in Python, x = a, b is equivalent to x = (a, b).

t0 = 7.2, 'hour'
r0 = 0.3, 'au'
p0 = 'H+'
e0 = 1.4, 'MeV'
flux[t0, r0, p0, e0]
unit='nuc MeV^-1 s^-1 sr^-1 cm^-2',
dimensions={'time', 'radius', 'species', 'energy'})
flux[t0, r0, p0, e0].axes
Axes(time: Coordinates([25920.]), radius: Coordinates([4.488e+10]), species: Symbols(['H+']), energy: Coordinates([2.243e-13]))

As a check, let's look at the indices corresponding to these physical values.

The given time exactly corresponds to index 2.

time = stream['time'].withunit('hour')

The given radius is closest to index 17 at the given time. In this case, we are technically asking which node on this stream is closest to 0.3 au at the given time. The internal observing logic will interpolate over nearby shells to the requested radial value.

radius = stream['radius'].withunit('au')
radius[2, 17]
dimensions={'time', 'shell'})

The given energy is nearly equal to the energy at index 11.

energy = stream['energy'].withunit('MeV')

The given species is the only option in this dataset. In this case, we access the observer's species property, since 'species' is not an observable quantity.


Putting these all together, we see that the value of flux at the integral indices corresponding to the given physical indices is very close to the value directly computed via those physical indices.

flux[2, 17, 0, 11]
unit='nuc MeV^-1 s^-1 sr^-1 cm^-2',
dimensions={'time', 'shell', 'species', 'energy'})

Each observed array has a plot method.

vr = stream['vr']
r0 = 0.5, 'au'
vr[:, r0].plot('k')


This method is useful for quickly viewing a single observation. More complex plots require explicit use of a plotting module such as matplotlib.pyplot. The following example creates a slightly more complex version of the above plot, and demonstrates use of the format method for metric units.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for r in (0.1, 0.5, 1.0):
    plt.plot(time, vr[:, (r, 'au')], label=f"r = {r} au")
plt.xlabel(f"Time [{time.unit}]")
plt.ylabel(rf"$V_r$ [{vr.unit.format(style='tex')}]")



Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


eprempy was created by Matt Young. It is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.


eprempy was created with cookiecutter and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter template.

Project details

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Source Distribution

eprempy-0.1.10.tar.gz (202.5 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

eprempy-0.1.10-py3-none-any.whl (240.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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