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Event Stream Automatic Cohort Extraction System (ACES)

Project description

Event Stream Automatic Cohort Extraction System (ACES)

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Event Stream Automatic Cohort Extraction System (ACES) is a library that streamlines the extraction of task-specific cohorts from time series datasets formatted as event streams, such as Electronic Health Records (EHR). ACES is designed to query these EHR datasets for valid subjects, guided by various constraints and requirements defined in a YAML task configuration file. This offers a powerful and user-friendly solution to researchers and developers. The use of a human-readable YAML configuration file also eliminates the need for users to be proficient in complex dataframe querying, making the extraction process accessible to a broader audience.

There are diverse applications in healthcare and beyond. For instance, researchers can effortlessly define subsets of EHR datasets for training of foundation models. Retrospective analyses can also become more accessible to clinicians as it enables the extraction of tailored cohorts for studying specific medical conditions or population demographics.

Currently, two data standards are supported: the MEDS standard and the EventStreamGPT (ESGPT) standard. You must format your in one of these two formats by following instructions in their respective repositories. Alternatively, you may also format your data as a .csv in the same format as shown in sample_data/sample_data.csv. More information about this is available below.

This README provides an overview of this tool, including a brief description of the fields in the task configuration file (see configs in sample_configs/) and instructions for use. Please refer to the documentation for more detailed information.


  • polars == 0.20.18
  • bigtree == 0.17.0
  • ruamel.yaml == 0.18.6,
  • pytimeparse == 1.1.8,
  • loguru == 0.7.2,
  • hydra-core == 1.3.2,
  • networkx == 3.3,


  1. If using the ESGPT data standard, install EventStreamGPT (ESGPT):

Clone EventStreamGPT:

git clone

Install with dependencies from the root directory of the cloned repo:

pip install -e .

Note: To avoid potential dependency conflicts, please install ESGPT first before installing ACES. This ensures compatibility with the polars version required by ACES.

  1. Install ACES:
pip install es-aces

Instructions for Use

  1. Prepare a Task Configuration File: Define your predicates and task windows according to your research needs. Please see below or the documentation for details regarding the configuration language.
  2. Prepare Dataset into Supported Standards: Process your dataset according to instructions for the MEDS or ESGPT standard. You could also create a .csv in the same format as sample_data/sample_data.csv by defining predicate columns (more information below).
  3. Prepare a Hydra Configuration File: Define config_path, data_path, and output_dir to specify the location of your above task configuration file, data file/directory formatted as above, and output directory of the results, respectively (see sample.yaml).
  4. Execute Query: A query may be executed using either the command line or by importing the package in Python:

Command Line:

aces-cli --config-dir='/path/to/hydra/config/' --config-name='config.yaml'

Python Code:

from aces import config, predicates, query

# create task configuration object
cfg = config.TaskExtractorConfig.load(config_path="/path/to/task/config/task.yaml")

# one of the following
predicates_df = predicates.get_predicates_df(cfg, "/path/to/data.parquet", "meds")
predicates_df = predicates.get_predicates_df(cfg, "/path/to/esgpt/folder/", "esgpt")
predicates_df = predicates.get_predicates_df(cfg, "/path/to/data.csv", "csv")

# execute query and display results
df_result = query.query(cfg, predicates_df)

Results: The output will be a dataframe of subjects who satisfy the conditions defined in your task configuration file. Timestamps for the start/end boundaries of each window specified in the task configuration, as well as predicate counts for each window, are also provided. Below are sample logs for the successful extraction of an in-hospital mortality using the ESGPT standard:

aces-cli --config-path=/home/ACES/ --config-name="sample.yaml"
2024-05-25 22:51:15.805 | INFO     | aces.__main__:main:42 - Loading config...
2024-05-25 22:51:15.811 | INFO     | aces.config:load:775 - Parsing predicates...
2024-05-25 22:51:15.811 | INFO     | aces.config:load:781 - Parsing trigger event...
2024-05-25 22:51:15.811 | INFO     | aces.config:load:784 - Parsing windows...
2024-05-25 22:51:15.821 | INFO     | aces.__main__:main:47 - Loading data...
2024-05-25 22:51:15.821 | INFO     | aces.__main__:main:55 - Directory provided, checking directory...
Loading events from /home/ACES/data/events_df.parquet...
Loading dynamic_measurements from /home/ACES/data/dynamic_measurements_df.parquet...
2024-05-25 22:51:22.439 | INFO     | aces.predicates:generate_plain_predicates_from_esgpt:173 - Generating plain predicate columns...
2024-05-25 22:51:26.076 | INFO     | aces.predicates:generate_plain_predicates_from_esgpt:182 - Added predicate column 'admission'.
2024-05-25 22:51:29.573 | INFO     | aces.predicates:generate_plain_predicates_from_esgpt:182 - Added predicate column 'discharge'.
2024-05-25 22:51:33.092 | INFO     | aces.predicates:generate_plain_predicates_from_esgpt:182 - Added predicate column 'death'.
2024-05-25 22:51:34.326 | INFO     | aces.predicates:generate_plain_predicates_from_esgpt:199 - Cleaning up predicates DataFrame...
2024-05-25 22:51:34.327 | INFO     | aces.predicates:get_predicates_df:299 - Loaded plain predicates. Generating derived predicate columns...
2024-05-25 22:51:34.393 | INFO     | aces.predicates:get_predicates_df:302 - Added predicate column 'discharge_or_death'.
2024-05-25 22:51:34.393 | INFO     | aces.predicates:get_predicates_df:306 - Generating '_ANY_EVENT' predicate column...
2024-05-25 22:51:34.416 | INFO     | aces.predicates:get_predicates_df:308 - Added predicate column '_ANY_EVENT'.
2024-05-25 22:51:34.667 | INFO     | aces.utils:log_tree:56 - trigger
                                                              ┗━━ input.end
                                                                  ┣━━ input.start
                                                                  ┗━━ gap.end
                                                                      ┗━━ target.end

2024-05-25 22:51:34.667 | INFO     | aces.query:query:31 - Beginning query...
2024-05-25 22:51:34.667 | INFO     | aces.query:query:32 - Identifying possible trigger nodes based on the specified trigger event...
2024-05-25 22:51:34.672 | INFO     | aces.constraints:check_constraints:95 - Excluding 14,623,763 rows as they failed to satisfy 1 <= admission <= None.
2024-05-25 22:51:34.681 | INFO     | aces.extract_subtree:extract_subtree:249 - Summarizing subtree rooted at 'input.end'...
2024-05-25 22:51:39.128 | INFO     | aces.extract_subtree:extract_subtree:249 - Summarizing subtree rooted at 'input.start'...
2024-05-25 22:51:49.833 | INFO     | aces.constraints:check_constraints:95 - Excluding 12,212 rows as they failed to satisfy 5 <= _ANY_EVENT <= None.
2024-05-25 22:51:49.846 | INFO     | aces.extract_subtree:extract_subtree:249 - Summarizing subtree rooted at 'gap.end'...
2024-05-25 22:51:53.975 | INFO     | aces.constraints:check_constraints:95 - Excluding 353 rows as they failed to satisfy None <= admission <= 0.
2024-05-25 22:51:53.976 | INFO     | aces.constraints:check_constraints:95 - Excluding 9,596 rows as they failed to satisfy None <= discharge <= 0.
2024-05-25 22:51:53.976 | INFO     | aces.constraints:check_constraints:95 - Excluding 88 rows as they failed to satisfy None <= death <= 0.
2024-05-25 22:51:53.977 | INFO     | aces.extract_subtree:extract_subtree:249 - Summarizing subtree rooted at 'target.end'...
2024-05-25 22:52:05.556 | INFO     | aces.query:query:38 - Done. 56,924 rows returned.
2024-05-25 22:52:05.697 | INFO     | aces.__main__:main:68 - Results saved to /home/ACES/results_2024-05-25_22-52-05.parquet

Task Configuration File

The task configuration file allows users to define specific predicates and windows to query your dataset. Below is a sample generic configuration file in its most basic form:

    code: ???

trigger: ???

    start: ???
    end: ???
    start_inclusive: ???
    end_inclusive: ???
      predicate_1: (???, ???)

    label: ???
    index_timestamp: ???

Sample task configuration files for various common tasks are provided in sample_configs/.


Predicates describe the event at a timestamp and are used to create predicate columns that contain predicate counts for each row of your dataset. If the MEDS or ESGPT data standard is used, ACES automatically computes the predicates dataframe needed for the query from the predicates fields in your task configuration file. However, you may also choose to construct your own predicates dataframe should you not wish to use the MEDS or ESGPT data standard.

Example predicates dataframe .csv:

1,12/1/1989 12:03,0,1,0,0,0,1
1,12/1/1989 13:14,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/1/1989 15:17,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/1/1989 16:17,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/1/1989 20:17,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/2/1989 3:00,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/2/1989 9:00,0,0,0,0,0,1
1,12/2/1989 15:00,0,0,1,0,1,1

There are two types of predicates that can be defined in the configuration file, "plain" predicates, and "derived" predicates.

Plain Predicates

"Plain" predicates represent explicit values (either str or int) in your dataset at a particular timestamp and has 1 required code field (for string categorical variables) and 4 optional fields (for integer or float continuous variables). For instance, the following defines a predicate representing normal SpO2 levels (a range of 90-120 corresponding to rows where the lab column is O2 saturation pulseoxymetry (%)):

  code: lab//O2 saturation pulseoxymetry (%)     # required <str>//<str>
  value_min: 90                                  # optional <float/int>
  value_max: 120                                 # optional <float/int>
  value_min_inclusive: true                      # optional <bool>
  value_max_inclusive: true                      # optional <bool>

Fields for a "plain" predicate:

  • code (required): Must be a string with // sequence separating the column name and column value.
  • value_min (optional): Must be float or integer specifying the minimum value of the predicate, if the variable is presented as numerical values.
  • value_max (optional): Must be float or integer specifying the maximum value of the predicate, if the variable is presented as numerical values.
  • value_min_inclusive (optional): Must be a boolean specifying whether value_min is inclusive or not.
  • value_max_inclusive (optional): Must be a boolean specifying whether value_max is inclusive or not.

Derived Predicates

"Derived" predicates combine existing "plain" predicates using and or or keywords and have exactly 1 required expr field: For instance, the following defines a predicate representing either death or discharge (by combining "plain" predicates of death and discharge):

# plain predicates
  code: event_type//DISCHARGE
  code: event_type//DEATH

# derived predicates
  expr: or(discharge, death)

Field for a "derived" predicate:

  • expr: Must be a string with the 'and()' or 'or()' key sequences, with "plain" predicates as its constituents.

A special predicate _ANY_EVENT is always defined, which simply represents any event, as the name suggests. This predicate can be used like any other predicate manually defined (ie., setting a constraint on its occurrence or using it as a trigger, more information below).

Trigger Event

The trigger event is a simple field with a value of a predicate name. For each trigger event, a predication by a model can be made. For instance, in the following example, the trigger event is an admission. Therefore, in your task, a prediction by a model can be made for each valid admission (after extraction according to other task specifications).

    code: event_type//ADMISSION

trigger: admission                    # trigger event <predicate>


Windows can be of two types, a temporally-bounded window or an event-bounded window. Below is a sample temporally-bounded window configuration:

trigger: admission

  start: NULL
  end: trigger + 24h
  start_inclusive: True
  end_inclusive: True
    _ANY_EVENT: (5, None)

In this example, the window input begins at NULL (ie., the first event or the start of the time series record), and ends at 24 hours after the trigger event, which is specified to be a hospital admission. The window is inclusive on both ends (ie., both the first event and the event at 24 hours after the admission, if any, is included in this window). Finally, a constraint of 5 events of any kind is placed so any valid window would include sufficient data.

Two fields (start and end) are required to define the size of a window. Both fields must be a string referencing a predicate name, or a string referencing the start or end field of another window name. In addition, it may express a temporal relationship by including a positive or negative time period expressed as a string (ie., + 2 days, - 365 days, + 12h, - 30 minutes, + 60s). It may also express an event relationship by including a sequence with a directional arrow and a predicate name (ie., -> predicate_1 or <- predicate_1). Finally, it may also contain NULL, indicating the first/last event for the start/end field, respectively.

start_inclusive and end_inclusive are required booleans specifying whether the events, if any, at the start and end points of the window are included in the window.

The has field specifies constraints relating to predicates within the window. For each predicate defined previously, a constraint for occurrences can be set using a string in the format of (<min>, <max>). Unbounded conditions can be specified by using None or leaving it empty (ie., (5, None), (8,), (None, 32), (,10)).

label is an optional field and can only exist in ONE window in the task configuration file if defined. It must be a string matching a defined predicate name, and is used to extract the label for the task.

index_timestamp is an optional field and can only exist in ONE window in the task configuration file if defined. It must be either start or end, and is used to create an index column used to easily manipulate the results output. Usually, one would set it to be the time at which the prediction would be made (ie., set to start in your target window).


Static Data

Future Roadmap

Sequential Decoding Tasks

Future treatment sequences

Case-Control Matching Extraction

Heart failure example with gender- and age-matching


Indexed at a specific wall time


Matthew McDermott, PhD | Harvard Medical School

Alistair Johnson, DPhil

Jack Gallifant, MD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tom Pollard, PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For any questions, enhancements, or issues, please file a GitHub issue. For inquiries regarding MEDS or ESGPT, please refer to their respective repositories. Contributions are welcome via pull requests.

Project details

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Source Distribution

es_aces-0.2.1.tar.gz (2.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

es_aces-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (41.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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