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Project description

esrt - Elasticsearch Request Tool


pip install pipx
pipx install esrt -f
esrt --install-completion  # Install completion for the current shell.


  • e: search
  • s: scan / scroll
  • r: request / api / a
  • t: transmit / bulk / b
  • sql: sql / query / q


You can start an es service with docker.

docker run --name $esrt_es_name --rm -itd --platform=linux/amd64 -p 9200:9200 elasticsearch:5.6.9-alpine

# install sql command and restart container:
docker exec $esrt_es_name elasticsearch-plugin install
docker restart $esrt_es_name

r - Send a request

Check server:

esrt r localhost -X HEAD
# ->
# true

Create a index:

esrt r localhost -X PUT /my-index
# ->
# {"acknowledged": true, "shards_acknowledged": true, "index": "my-index"}

If you want to esrt quote url path for you, add flag: -Q(--quote-url)

Cat it:

esrt r localhost -X GET _cat/indices -p 'v&format=json' -p 's=index'
# ->
# [{"health": "yellow", "status": "open", "index": "my-index", "uuid": "avrhX1hzQLyfEGvXsA96NA", "pri": "5", "rep": "1", "docs.count": "0", "docs.deleted": "0", "store.size": "324b", "": "324b"}]

esrt doesn't keep -p pretty format, but you can use jq.

esrt r localhost -X GET _cat/indices -p 'v&format=json' -p 's=index' | jq
# ->
# [
#   {
#     "health": "yellow",
#     "status": "open",
#     "index": "my-index",
#     "uuid": "avrhX1hzQLyfEGvXsA96NA",
#     "pri": "5",
#     "rep": "1",
#     "docs.count": "0",
#     "docs.deleted": "0",
#     "store.size": "810b",
#     "": "810b"
#   }
# ]

t - Transmit data (streaming_bulk)

Bulk with data from file examples/bulk.ndjson:

{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "field1": "ii" }
{ "_op_type": "delete", "_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1" }
{ "_op_type": "create", "_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "field1": "cc" }
{ "_op_type": "update", "_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "doc": {"field2": "uu"} }
esrt t localhost -f examples/bulk.ndjson
# ->
# <Client([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>
# streaming_bulk  [####################################]  4

# success = 4
# failed = 0

Read payload from stdin. And -d can be omitted.

esrt t localhost <<EOF
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "field1": "11" }
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "2", "field1": "22" }
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "3", "field1": "33" }
# ->
# <Client([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>
# streaming_bulk  [####################################]  3

# success = 3
# failed = 0

Piping heredoc also works.

cat <<EOF | esrt t localhost
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "field1": "11" }
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "2", "field1": "22" }
{ "_op_type": "index",  "_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "3", "field1": "33" }

Pipe _search result and update _index with customized handler to do more operations before bulk!

alias jq_es_hits="jq '.hits.hits.[]'"
esrt r localhost -X GET /my-index-2/_search | jq_es_hits -c | esrt t localhost -w  # <- `examples/`
# ->
# <Client([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>
# streaming_bulk  [####################################]  3

# success = 3
# failed = 0
# examples/
import json
import typing as t

from esrt import DocHandler

# function style
def my_handler(actions: t.Iterable[str]):
    for action in actions:
        obj = json.loads(action)
        prefix = 'new-'
        if not t.cast(str, obj['_index']).startswith(prefix):
            obj['_index'] = prefix + obj['_index']
        yield obj

# class style
class MyHandler(DocHandler):
    def handle(self, actions: t.Iterable[str]):
        for action in actions:
            yield self.handle_one(action)

    def handle_one(self, action: str):
        obj = json.loads(action)
        prefix = 'new-'
        if not t.cast(str, obj['_index']).startswith(prefix):
            obj['_index'] = prefix + obj['_index']
        return obj

e Search docs

esrt e localhost | jq_es_hits -c
# ->
# {"_index":"my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"2","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"22"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"2","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"22"}}
# {"_index":"my-index","_type":"type1","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"cc","field2":"uu"}}
# {"_index":"my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"11"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"11"}}
# {"_index":"my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"3","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"33"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"3","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"33"}}
esrt e localhost -f - <<EOF | jq_es_hits -c
{"query": {"term": {"_index": "new-my-index-2"}}}
# ->
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"2","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"22"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"11"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"3","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"33"}}

s - Search and Scroll

esrt s localhost
# ->
# total = 7
# {"_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "2", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "22"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "new-my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "2", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "22"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "cc", "field2": "uu"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "11"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "new-my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "11"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "3", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "33"}, "sort": [0]}
# {"_index": "new-my-index-2", "_type": "type1", "_id": "3", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "33"}, "sort": [0]}
esrt s localhost -f - <<EOF
{"query": {"term": {"field1": "cc"}}}
# ->
# total = 1
# {"_index": "my-index", "_type": "type1", "_id": "1", "_score": null, "_source": {"field1": "cc", "field2": "uu"}, "sort": [0]}

sql - Elasticsearch SQL

# Elasticsearch v6
export ESRT_SQL_API=_xpack/sql
esrt sql localhost -f - <<EOF | jq_es_hits -c
SELECT * from new-my-index-2
# ->
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"2","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"22"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"11"}}
# {"_index":"new-my-index-2","_type":"type1","_id":"3","_score":1.0,"_source":{"field1":"33"}}

Other Examples

# examples/
import json
import uuid

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i, _ in enumerate(range(654321), start=1):
        d = {
            '_index': 'my-index-a',
            '_id': i,
            '_type': 'type1',
            '_source': {'field1': str(uuid.uuid4())},
python examples/ | tee -a _.ndjson | esrt t localhost -c 10000
# ->
# <Client([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>
# streaming_bulk  [####################################]  654321

# success = 654321
# failed = 0

cat _.ndjson  # <- 79M
# ->
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 1, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "7e6a3924-1258-4e44-a19b-15395e802b1b"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 2, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "9a05ea11-349b-452f-b771-a1aa168bdca9"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 3, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "2e4d2d6a-54e3-4160-adbb-d0c52759bb89"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 4, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "72cbc979-ed03-4653-8bb6-9f3dd723a2c8"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 5, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "61a0acce-e415-4ac7-8417-66ccfe0f7932"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 6, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "ba84e4b9-881c-4042-bf39-a449766f9e4b"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 7, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "e92b2d83-97ae-4d5e-9797-b9ade4841f87"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 8, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "c36acdb2-ea4e-4716-ad16-166171fa181d"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 9, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "f17d588b-cbd0-4f72-8a47-040eb1203e35"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 10, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "ac5d00fd-6443-4380-8d1b-72595d3f890c"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 11, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "5d997ac9-e2c0-4347-9415-9d981f40f856"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 12, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "7cf7ef75-9d95-4736-851b-5099dd11d1d6"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 13, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "a7db50d4-65da-499f-84d2-5e27f719b3a7"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 14, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "fd48cc37-520c-41be-a3e4-6e242bf91fed"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 15, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "767286bb-5590-4265-b6f5-ce789f5f2848"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 16, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "eca18f61-8189-46bc-b455-520a5c0a26d3"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 17, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "61508630-c2b2-4f93-a91b-056c69208c34"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 18, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "c6f1df60-9652-4102-98f8-df3c3e5d966b"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 19, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "63c85746-baea-4fc5-a3c1-2638c2d3b9ed"}}
# {"_index": "my-index-a", "_id": 20, "_type": "type1", "_source": {"field1": "bd47ee1f-198c-4da8-8c3d-458814d547b9"}}
# ......

# examples/
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import typing as t
import uuid

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i, _ in enumerate(range(54321), start=1):
        d = {
            '_index': 'my-index-b',
            '_id': i,
            '_type': 'type1',
            '_source': {'field1': str(uuid.uuid4())},

def handle(actions: t.Iterable[str]):
    for action in actions:
        d: dict[str, t.Any] = json.loads(action)
        yield d
        d2 = deepcopy(d)
        d2['_source']['field1'] += '!!!'
        d2['_source']['field2'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        yield d2
python examples/ | esrt t localhost -w examples.copy-more-docs:handle
# ->
# <Client([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>
# streaming_bulk  [####################################]  108642

# success = 108642
# failed = 0

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

esrt-3.3.0.tar.gz (12.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

esrt-3.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (13.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page