from ethon.pyutils import rename, file_extension
#rename files
rename(file, new_path)
#get file extension using path of file
extension = file_extension(file)
.. code:: python
from ethon.pyfunc import bash, total_frames, video_metadata
#handy subprocess
o, e = bash(cmd)
#get total number of frames in a video
tf = total_frames(file)
#get basic metadata of video
data = video_metadata(file)
height = data["height"]
width = data["width"]
duration = data["duration"]
.. code:: python
from ethon.uploader import download_from_youtube, ytdl, weburl
#Download videos from youtube
filename = await download_from_youtube(url)
#Download videos from YtDlp supported sites
filename = await ytdl(url)
#Download files from the web
filename = weburl(url)