Extract unique Python exceptions with their traceback from a log file.
Project description
Extract unique Python-Exceptions with their traceback from a log file.
The extraction logic here is heuristic and may fail you. Don’t depend on it for any life or death situations. Also, please submit feedback on how it could be improved!
## Installational
Clone this repository and install with
python setup.py install
This adds a utility called exception or exception.exe to your path.
## Usage
To extract the Python tracebacks from a log called _logfile.txt_, run:
$ exception -f logfile.txt
If you want to exclude certain exceptions, try:
$ exception -f logfile.txt -e ValueError,AttributeError
You can all pass multiple filenames:
$ exception -f logfile1.txt logfile2.txt
This would exclude would exclude any ValueError or AttributeError tracebacks from the output.
The tool can also read the log file from stdout, e.g.:
cat logfile.txt | exception
cat logfile.txt | exception -e ValueError
This is based on [a script](https://gist.github.com/originell/1923003) by [@originell](https://github.com/originell).
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
0.1.0 (2016-06-16)
First release on PyPI.