Random data generator for the command line
Project description
Random data, fakrs!
fakr reads a Jinja2 Template from stdin, renders it using a vocabulary and writes the result to stdout. It’s as simple as that…
$ pip install fakr
Basic Usage
$ fakr --help
Generate a simple csv file with 100k rows
$ echo "{{row}},{{row%100}},{{firstname}},{{lastname}},{{email}}" \ | fakr --count 100000``
Use a file for complex template
$ cat examples/templates/vcard.tpl \ | fakr --count 1000
Make a http request using curl:
$ echo "company={{company|urlencode}}&city={{city|urlencode}}" \ | fakr -c1 \ | curl httpbin.org/post -d @-
Write data to a redis server:
$ echo 'firstname \"{{firstname}}\" lastname \"{{lastname}}\" email \"{{email}}\"' \ | fakr \ | xargs -i redis-cli HMSET {}``
The templates you use for data generation are plain Jinja2 Templates. See their reference for detailed information.
There are a few custom filters, functions and variables for use with fakr:
Custom filters:
ascii: Converts the value to ascii (using Unidecode) (i. e. {{lastname|ascii}})
shuffle: Shuffles the value randomly (i. e. {{lastname|shuffle}})
chance: Gives the value a chance from 0.0 to 1.0 to be returned (i. e. {{firstname|chance(0.9)}} - firstname will be 90% returned, 10% empty)
rjust: Right-justifies the value to the given with (i. e. {{company|rjust(40)}})
ljust: Left-justifies the value to the given with (i. e. {{company|ljust(40)}})
center: Centers the value in width (i. e. {{company|center(40)}})
hash: Calculates the hash with a given hashing algo (i. e. {{email|hash(‘md5’)}})
Custom functions:
uuid4: Returns a new UUIDv4 on every call (i. e. {{uuid4()}})
unixtime: Returns a the current unixtime as float in seconds, (i. e. {{unixtime()}})
Fixed (vocabulary independent) variables:
row: The row (starting from 0) of the current dataset
id: The id or sequence number of the current dataset
guid: The representation of the id in a uuid-like fashion
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