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Pure Python program to download any user's gallery, scraps, favorites, and journals from FurAffinity in an easily handled database.

Project description



Pure Python program to download submissions, journals, and user folders from the FurAffinity forum in an easily handled database.


This program was born with the desire to provide a relatively easy-to-use method for FA users to download submissions that they care about from the forum.

The data is stored into a SQLite database, and the submissions files are saved in a tiered tree structure based on their ID's. Using SQLite instead of a client-server database makes the program extremely portable, only needing a working Python 3.10+ installation to work, and allows the downloaded data to be moved and backed up by simply moving/copying the database file and submissions files folder.

All download operations are performed through the custom FurAffinity scraping library faapi. To ensure proper crawling behavior the library strictly follows FurAffinity's robots.txt in regard to allowed paths and crawl delay.

The database and file-storage functions are handled independently by the falocalrepo-database package which performs all transactions, queries, and file operations.

The falocalrepo-server package is used to provide the server functionalities of the program.

For an in-depth guide on the features of the program and guides on how to perform the most common operations, visit the project's GitHub wiki.


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation and Update
  3. Cookies
  4. Usage
    1. Environmental Variables
    2. Init
    3. Config
    4. Download
    5. Database
      1. Database Query Language
    6. Server
    7. Completions
    8. Updates
    9. Help
    10. Paw
  5. Database
    1. Settings
    2. Users
    3. Submissions
    4. Journals
  6. Submission Files
  7. Upgrading Database
  8. Contributing
  9. Issues
  10. Appendix


Python 3.10 or above is needed to run this program, all other dependencies are handled by pip during installation. For information on how to install Python on your computer, refer to the official website

The program needs cookies from a logged-in FurAffinity session to download protected pages. Without the cookies the program can still download publicly available pages, but others will return empty. See Cookies for more details on which cookies to use.

Warning: FurAffinity theme template must be set to "modern". Can be changed at

Installation and Update

To install the program it is sufficient to use Python pip and get the package falocalrepo.

pip install falocalrepo

To upgrade the program and its dependencies, use pip to upgrade all three components.

pip install --upgrade falocalrepo faapi falocalrepo-database falocalrepo-server

To check for updates use the updates command. A message will appear if there is an update available for any component.

Note: make sure that pip points to a Python 3.10 installation; you can check if it is correct using pip --version.

Installation From Source

To install from source, clone the repository, then using poetry run poetry install and poetry build. After the wheel has been built, you can install it using pip pip install dist/*.whl.


The scraping library used by this program needs two specific cookies from a logged-in FurAffinity session. These are cookie a and cookie b. The cookies' values usually take the form of hexadecimal strings like 356f5962-5a60-0922-1c11-65003b703038.

The easiest way to obtain these cookies is by using a browser extension to extract them and then search for a and b.
Alternatively, the storage inspection tool of a desktop browser can also be used. For example on Mozilla's Firefox this can be opened with ⇧F9, on Safari with ⌥⌘I, etc.

To set the cookies use the config cookies command. See Config for more details.


How to Read Usage Instructions

  • command a static command keyword
  • {arg1|arg2} mutually exclusive arguments, only use one
  • <arg> <param> <value> an argument, parameter, value, etc. that must be provided to a command
  • --option <value> an option argument with a static key and a value
  • [<arg>] an optional argument that can be omitted

To run the program, simply call falocalrepo in your shell after installation.

Running without arguments will prompt a help message with all the available options and commands.

The usage pattern for the program is as follows:

falocalrepo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Available options are:

  • --version Show version and exit.
  • --versions Show components' versions and exit.

The following global options are available for all commands:

  • --database Specify a database different from the default (FA.db in the current working directory). Overrides the FALOCALREPO_DATABASE environment variable (see Environmental Variables).
  • --color / --no-color Toggle ANSI colors.
  • -h, --help Show help message and exit.

Available commands are:

  • init Initialise the database.
  • config Change settings.
  • download Download resources.
  • database Operate on the database.
  • server Start local server to browse database.
  • completions Generate tab-completion scripts.
  • updates Check for updates to components.
  • help Show the help for a command.
  • paw Print the paw.

Note: only one connection to a database is allowed at any given time, if the database is opened in other processes, the program will close with an error.

Note: the program will not operate if the version of the database does not match the version of the falocalrepo-database module. Only database info and database upgrade commands can be run if the database is not up-to-date.

When the database is first initialised, it sets the submissions files folder to FA.files (relative to the database location). This value can be changed using the config command.

Cookies need to be set manually with the config command before the program will be able to access protected pages.

Environmental Variables

falocalrepo supports the following environmental variables:

  • FALOCALREPO_CRAWL_DELAY sets a different crawl delay for the download operations.
    Note: the crawl delay can only be higher or equal to the one in Fur
  • FALOCALREPO_FA_ROOT sets a different root for Fur Affinity pages (default is Affinity's robots.txt, lower values will cause an error.
  • FALOCALREPO_DATABASE sets a path for the database rather than using the current folder.
  • FALOCALREPO_MULTI_CONNECTION allow operating on the database even if it is already opened in other processes.
    Warning: using this option may cause the database to become corrupt and irreparable.
  • FALOCALREPO_NO_COLOR turn off colors for all commands.



The init command initialises the database. If a database is already present, no operation is performed except for a version check.


config <OPERATION>

The config command allows reading and changing the settings used by the program.




cookies [--cookie <NAME> <VALUE>...]

Read or modify stored cookies. If no --cookie option is given, the current values are read instead.

falocalrepo config cookies --cookie a 38565475-3421-3f21-7f63-3d341339737 --cookie b 356f5962-5a60-0922-1c11-65003b703038


files-folder [--move | --no-move] [--relative | --absolute] [<NEW_FOLDER>]

Read or modify the folder used to store submission files, where NEW_FOLDER is the path to the new folder. If NEW_FOLDER is omitted, the current value is read instead.

By default, NEW_FOLDER is considered to be relative to the database folder. Absolute values are allowed as long as a relative path to the database parent folder can exist. To force the use of an absolute value, activate the --absolute option.

falocalrepo config files-folder --no-move FA.files2


download <OPERATION>

The download command performs all download operations to save and update users, submissions, and journals. Submissions are downloaded together with their files and thumbnails, if there are any. For details on submission files, see Submission Files.

All download operations (except login) support the --dry-run option. When this is active, the database is not modified, nor are submission files downloaded. Entries are simply listed and the program checks whether they are in the database or not.

When downloading, submission and journal titles will be displayed in the terminal. Characters in the titles outside the ASCII range will be replaced with □ to avoid formatting errors.



Check whether the cookies stored in the database belong to a login Fur Affinity session.


users [--dry-run] [--verbose-report] [--report-file REPORT_FILE] -u <USER>... -f <FOLDER>...

Download specific user folders, where FOLDER is one of gallery, scraps, favorites, journals, userpage, watchlist-by, watchlist-to. Multiple --user and --folder arguments can be passed. USER can be set to @me to fetch own username. watchlist-by:FOLDER and watchlist-to:FOLDER arguments add the specified FOLDER(s) to the new user entries.

The --verbose-report options enables printing all the IDs and usernames of the entries fetched/added/modified by the program. The --report-file options allows saving a detailed download report in JSON format to REPORT_FILE.

falocalrepo download users -u tom -u jerry -f gallery -f scraps -f journals -f userpage
falocalrepo download users -u cat -f watchlist-by:gallery -f watchlist-by:scraps -f watchlist-by:journals 
falocalrepo download users -u tom -u jerry -f favorites --dry-run


update [--dry-run] [--deactivated] [--stop N] [--verbose-report] [--report-file REPORT_FILE] [--like] [-u <USER>...] [-f <FOLDER>...]

Download new entries using the users and folders already in the database. --user and --folder options can be used to restrict the update to specific users and or folders, where FOLDER is one of gallery, scraps, favorites, journals, userpage. Multiple --user and --folder arguments can be passed. USER can be set to @me to fetch own username.

If the --deactivated option is used, deactivated users are fetched instead of ignore. If the user is no longer inactive, the database entry will be modified as well.

The --stop option allows setting how many entries of each folder should be found in the database before stopping the update.

The --like option enables using SQLite LIKE statements for USER values, allowing to select multiple users at once.

The --verbose-report options enables printing all the IDs and usernames of the entries fetched/added/modified by the program. The --report-file options allows saving a detailed download report in JSON format to REPORT_FILE.

Note: userpages may be updated even if the text is the same if they contain user icons, as the URLs used in the HTML tags are temporary

Note: watchlists updates check all watches, regardless of the --stop value because watchlist pages are sorted by name, not by watch date

falocalrepo download update --stop 5
falocalrepo download update --deactivated -f gallery -f scraps
falocalrepo download update -u tom -u jerry -f favorites --report-file FA.update.json
falocalrepo download update -u a% -u b%


submissions [--replace] [--verbose-report] [--report-file REPORT_FILE] <SUBMISSION_ID>...

Download single submissions, where SUBMISSION_ID is the ID of the submission. If the --replace option is used, database entries will be overwritten with new data (favorites will be maintained).

The --verbose-report options enables printing all the IDs and usernames of the entries fetched/added/modified by the program. The --report-file options allows saving a detailed download report in JSON format to REPORT_FILE.

falocalrepo download submissions 12345678 13572468 87651234


journals [--replace] [--verbose-report] [--report-file REPORT_FILE] <JOURNAL_ID>...

Download single journals, where JOURNAL_ID is the ID of the journal. If the --replace option is used, database entries will be overwritten with new data (favorites will be maintained).

The --verbose-report options enables printing all the IDs and usernames of the entries fetched/added/modified by the program. The --report-file options allows saving a detailed download report in JSON format to REPORT_FILE.

falocalrepo download journals 123456 135724 876512


database <OPERATION>

Operate on the database to add, remove, or search entries. For details on columns see Database.

Available operations are:



Show database information, statistics and version.


history [--filter FILTER] [--filter-date DATE] [--clear]

Show database history. History events can be filtered using the --filter option to match events that contain FILTER (the match is performed case-insensitively). The --filter-date option allows filtering by date. The DATE value must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, any component can be omitted for generalised results.

Using the --clear option will delete all history entries, or the ones containing FILTER if the --filter option is used.

falocalrepo database history --filter upgrade 
falocalrepo database history --filter-date 2022-01 --filter download 


search [--column <COLUMN[,WIDTH]>...] [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] [--sort COLUMN] [--order {asc|desc}] [--output {table|csv|tsv|json|none}] [--ignore-width] [--sql] [--show-sql] [--total] {SUBMISSIONS|JOURNALS|USERS} <QUERY>...

Search the database using queries, and output in different formats. For details on the query language, see Database Query Language.

The default output format is a table with only the most relevant columns displayed for each entry. To override the displayed column, or change their width, use the --column option to select which columns will be displayed (SQLite statements are supported). The optional WIDTH value can be added to format that specific column when the output is set to table.

To output all columns and entries of a table, COLUMN and QUERY values can be set to @ and % respectively. However, the database export command is better suited for this task.

Search is performed case-insensitively.

The output can be set to five different types:

  • table Table format
  • csv CSV format (comma separated)
  • tsv TSV format (tab separated)
  • json JSON format
  • none Do not print results to screen

Note: characters outside the ASCII range will be replaced with □ when using table output

falocalrepo search USERS --output json '@folders ^gallery'
falocalrepo search SUBMISSIONS '@tags |cat| |mouse| @date 2020- @category artwork' --sort AUTHOR asc --sort DATE desc
falocalrepo search JOURNALS --output csv '@date (2020- | 2019-) @content commission'


view [--raw-content] {SUBMISSIONS|JOURNALS|USERS} ID

View a single entry in the terminal. Submission descriptions, journal contents, and user profile pages are rendered and formatted.

Formatting is limited to alignment, horizontal lines, quotes, links, color, and emphasis. To view the properly formatted HTML content, use the server command. Formatting can be disabled with the --raw-content option to print the raw HTML content.

Note: full color support is only enabled for truecolor terminals. If the terminal does not support truecolor, the closest ANSI color match will be used instead.

falocalrepo database view USERS tom
falocalrepo database view SUBMISSIONS 12345678


add [--replace] [--submission-file FILENAME] [--submission-thumbnail FILENAME] {SUBMISSIONS|JOURNALS|USERS} <FILE>

Add entries and submission files manually using a JSON file. Submission files/thumbnails can be added using the respective options.

The JSON file must contain fields for all columns of the table. For a list of columns for each table, see Database. By default, the program will throw an error when trying to add an entry that already exists. To override this behaviour and ignore existing entries, use the --replace option.

falocalrepo database add USERS user.json



Remove entries from the database using their IDs. The program will prompt for a confirmation before commencing deletion. To confirm deletion ahead, use the --yes option.

falocalrepo database remove SUBMISSIONS 1 5 14789324


merge [--query <TABLE QUERY>...] [--replace] DATABASE_ORIGIN

Merge database from DATABASE_ORIGIN. Specific tables can be selected with the --query option. For details on the syntax for the QUERY value, see Database Query Language. To select all entries in a table, use % as query. The TABLE value can be one of SUBMISSIONS, JOURNALS, USERS. If no --query option is given, all major tables from the origin database are copied (SUBMISSIONS, JOURNALS, USERS).

falocalrepo database merge ~/FA.db --query USERS tom --SUBMISSIONS '@author tom'


copy [--query <TABLE QUERY>...] [--replace] DATABASE_DEST

Copy database to DATABASE_DEST. Specific tables can be selected with the --query option. For details on the syntax for the QUERY value, see Database Query Language. To select all entries in a table, use % as query. The TABLE value can be one of SUBMISSIONS, JOURNALS, USERS. If no --query option is given, all major tables from the origin database are copied (SUBMISSIONS, JOURNALS, USERS).

falocalrepo database copy ~/FA.db --query USERS tom --SUBMISSIONS '@author tom'



Clean the database using the SQLite VACUUM function.



Upgrade the database to the latest version.

Database Query Language

The query language used for search queries is based and improves upon the search syntax currently used by the Fur Affinity website. Its basic elements are:

  • @<field> field specifier (e.g. @title), all database columns are available as search fields.
  • () parentheses, they can be used for better logic operations
  • & AND logic operator, used between search terms
  • | OR logic operator, used between search terms
  • ! NOT logic operator, used as prefix of search terms
  • "" quotes, allow searching for literal strings without needing to escape
  • % match 0 or more characters
  • _ match exactly 1 character
  • ^ start of field, when used at the start of a search term it matches the beginning of the field
  • $ end of field, when used at the end of a search term it matches the end of the field

All other strings are considered search terms.

The search uses the @any field by default, allowing to do general searches without specifying a field.

Search terms that are not separated by a logic operator are considered AND terms (i.e. a b ca & b & c).

Except for the ID, AUTHOR, and USERNAME fields, all search terms are matched by fields containing the term: i.e. @description cat will match any item whose description field contains "cat". To match items that contain only "cat" ( or start with, end with, etc.), the %, _, ^, and $ operators need to be used (e.g. @description ^cat).

Search terms for ID, AUTHOR, and USERNAME are matched exactly as they are: i.e. @author tom will match only items whose author field is exactly equal to "tom", to match items that contain "tom" the %, _, ^, and $ operators need to be used (e.g. @author %tom%).


server [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--ssl-cert FILE] [--ssl-key FILE] [--redirect-http PORT2] [--auth USERNAME:PASSWORD] [--precache]

Start a server at HOST:PORT to navigate the database. The --ssl-cert and --ssl-cert allow serving with HTTPS. Using --redirect-http starts the server in HTTP to HTTPS redirection mode. --auth enables HTTP Basic authentication. --precache caches database entries at startup. For more details on usage see falocalrepo-server.


completions [--alias NAME] {bash|fish|zsh}

Generate tab-completion scripts for your shell. The generated completion must be saved in the correct location for it to be recognized and used by the shell. The optional --alias option allows generating completion script with a name other than falocalrepo.

Supported shells are:

  • bash The Bourne Again SHell
  • fish The friendly interactive shell
  • zsh The Z shell


updates [--shell]

Check for updates to falocalrepo and its main dependencies on PyPi. The optional --shell option can be used to output the shell command to upgrade any component that has available updates.

Note: The command needs an internet connection.


help [<COMMAND>...]

The help command gives information on the usage of the program and its commands.

falocalrepo help database search


paw [--truecolor | --8bit-color] [FLAG]

Print a PRIDE paw!

Built-in colors are available for the following flags: pride (default), trans, bisexual, pansexual, nonbinary, lesbian, agender, asexual, genderqueer, genderfluid, aromantic, polyamory.

The program will try to determine if the terminal supports truecolor mode (24bit, 16 million colors), if not it will fall back to the standard 8bit ANSI colors. Both truecolor and 8bit colors can be turned on manually using the --truecolor and --8bit-color options respectively.

Note: the paw works best with a dark background.

If you have suggestions on new flags to add (or color improvements for the existing ones), don't hesitate to open a feature request!


To store the metadata of the downloaded submissions, journals, users, cookies and statistics, the program uses a SQLite3 database. This database is built to be as light as possible while also containing all the metadata that can be extracted from a submission page.

To store all this information, the database uses four tables: SETTINGS, USERS, SUBMISSIONS and JOURNALS.

How Lists Are Stored
Some fields in the database table contain lists of items. These are stored as strings, with each item surrounded by bars (|). This allows to properly separate and search individual items regardless of their position in the list.


The users' table contains a list of all the users that have been downloaded with the program, the folders that have been downloaded, and the submissions found in each of those.

Each entry contains the following fields:

  • USERNAME The URL username of the user (no underscores or spaces)
  • FOLDERS the folders downloaded for that specific user, sorted and bar-separated
  • USERPAGE the user's profile text


The submissions' table contains the metadata of the submissions downloaded by the program and information on their files

  • ID the id of the submission
  • AUTHOR the username of the author (uploader) in full format
  • DATE upload date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
  • DESCRIPTION description in html format
  • TAGS bar-separated tags
  • TYPE image, text, music, or flash
  • FILEURL the remote URL of the submission file
  • FILEEXT the extensions of the downloaded file. Can be empty if the file contained errors and could not be recognised upon download
  • FILESAVED file and thumbnail download status as a 2bit flag: 1x if the file was downloaded 0x if not, x1 if thumbnail was downloaded, x0 if not. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3.
  • FAVORITE a bar-separated list of users that have "faved" the submission
  • MENTIONS a bar-separated list of users that are mentioned in the submission description as links
  • FOLDER the folder of the submission (gallery or scraps)
  • USERUPDATE whether the submission was added as a user update or favorite/single entry


The journals' table contains the metadata of the journals downloaded by the program.

  • ID the id of the journal
  • AUTHOR the username of the author (uploader) in full format
  • DATE upload date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
  • CONTENT content in html format
  • MENTIONS a bar-separated list of users that are mentioned in the journal content as links
  • USERUPDATE whether the journal was added as a user update or single entry


The settings table contains settings for the program and variable used by the database handler and main program.

  • COOKIES cookies for the scraper, stored in JSON format
  • FILESFOLDER location of downloaded submission files
  • VERSION database version, this can differ from the program version


The history table holds events related to the database.

  • TIME event time in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss
  • EVENT the event description

Submission Files

Submission files are saved in a tiered tree structure based on their submission ID. IDs are zero-padded to 10 digits and then broken up in 5 segments of 2 digits; each of these segments represents a folder tha will be created in the tree.

For example, a submission 1457893 will be padded to 0001457893 and divided into 00, 01, 45, 78, 93. The submission file will then be saved as 00/01/45/78/93/submission.file with the correct extension extracted from the file itself - FurAffinity links do not always contain the right extension.

Upgrading Database

When the program starts, it checks the version of the database against the one used by the program and if the latter is more advanced it upgrades the database.

Note: versions prior to 4.19.0 are not supported by falocalrepo-database version 5.0.0 and above. To update from those, use falocalrepo version 3.25.0 to upgrade the database to version 4.19.0 first.

Note: Versions before 2.7.0 are not supported by falocalrepo version 3.0.0 and above. To update from those to the new version use version 2.11.2 to update the database to version 2.7.0

For details on upgrades and changes between database versions, see falocalrepo-database.


All contributions and suggestions are welcome!

If you have suggestions for fixes or improvements, you can open an issue with your idea, see Issues for details.


If you encounter any problem while using the program, an issue can be opened on the project's page on GitHub.

Issues can also be used to suggest improvements and features.

When opening an issue for a problem, please copy the error message and describe the operation in progress when the error occurred.


Earlier Releases

Release 3.0.0 was deleted from PyPi because of an error in the package information. However, it can still be found on GitHub v3.0.0.

Release binaries for versions 2.11.2 can be found on GitHub at v2.11.2

Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

This version


Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

falocalrepo-4.1.9.tar.gz (65.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

falocalrepo-4.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (50.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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