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Find undeclared and unused 3rd-party dependencies in your Python project.

Project description

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FawltyDeps is a dependency checker for Python that finds undeclared and/or unused 3rd-party dependencies in your Python project. The name is inspired by the Monty Python-adjacent Fawlty Towers sitcom.

FawltyDeps demo

Table of contents

Key Concepts






Integration tests


Key Concepts

  • undeclared dependency: a package that's used (in particular, imported) by a project and which lacks a corresponding declaration to ensure that it's available. For example, you import numpy, but you've forgotten to include numpy in your requirements.txt. Pragmatically, this means the project is prone to runtime errors.
  • unused dependency: a package that's declared as necessary for a project but which is never used by project code. For example, you have numpy listed in your requirements.txt, but you never actually import numpy. Pragmatically, this means that project installation may consume more space than needed and will be more likely to break with future software releases; in short, these are costs paid for no benefit.


The library is distributed with PyPI, so simply:

pip install fawltydeps

or any other way to install Python packages from PyPI should be enough to make it available in your environment.

Consider adding fawltydeps to your development dependencies, to help you catch undeclared and unused dependencies in your projects.


To check the project in the current directory run:


This will find imports in all the Python code under the current directory, extract dependencies declared by your project, and then report undeclared and unused dependencies.

Available Actions

FawltyDeps provides the following options for controlling what actions to perform. Only one of these can be used at a time:

  • --check: Report both undeclared and unused dependencies
  • --check-undeclared: Report only undeclared dependencies
  • --check-unused: Report only unused dependencies
  • --list-imports: List third-party imports extracted from the project
  • --list-deps: List declared dependencies extracted from the project

When none of these are specified, the default action is --check.

Where to find code and dependency declarations

By default, FawltyDeps will look for Python code (*.py and *.ipynb) and dependency declarations (see list of supported files below) under the current directory. If you want FawltyDeps to look elsewhere, you can pass a different directory (aka basepath) as a positional argument:

fawltydeps my_project/

If you want to separately declare the source of the code and the source of the dependencies, you may use the --code and --deps options documented in the next section. In short, giving the basepath positional argument is equivalent to passing both the --code and the --deps options, like this:

fawltydeps --code my_project/ --deps my_project/

Where to find Python code

The --code option tells FawltyDeps where to find the Python code to parse for import statements. You can pass any number of these:

  • a single file: Either a Python file (*.py) or a Jupyter Notebook (*.ipynb)
  • a directory: FawltyDeps will find all Python files and Jupyter notebooks under this directory.
  • -: Passing a single dash (--code=-) tells FawltyDeps to read Python code from stdin.

If no --code option is passed, FawltyDeps will find all Python code under the basepath, if given, or the current directory (i.e. same as --code=.). To include both code from stdin (import foo) and a file path (, use:

echo "import foo" | fawltydeps --list-imports --code -

Where to find declared dependencies

The --deps option tells FawltyDeps where to look for your project's declared dependencies. A number of file formats are supported:

  • *requirements*.txt and *requirements*.in
  • pyproject.toml (following PEP 621 or Poetry conventions)
  • (only limited support for simple files with a single setup() call and no computation involved for setting the install_requires and extras_require arguments)
  • setup.cfg

The --deps option accepts a space-separated list of files or directories. Each file will be parsed for declared dependencies; each directory will be searched, parsing all of the supported files (see the above list) found within. You would typically want to pass individual files, if you want to be explicit about where to find the declared dependencies.

If no --deps option is passed, FawltyDeps will look for the above files under the basepath, if given, or the current directory (i.e. same as --deps .).

Resolving dependencies

When FawltyDeps looks for undeclared and unused dependencies, it needs to match import statements in your code with corresponding package dependencies declared in your project configuration.

To solve this, FawltyDeps uses a sequence of resolvers (aka. mapping strategies) to determine which Python packages that provide which import names:

Python environment mapping

First of all FawltyDeps looks for Python environments (virtualenvs or similar directories like .venv or __pypackages__.) inside your project (i.e. under basepath, if given, or the current directory).

You can use the --pyenv option (or the pyenvs configuration directive) to point FawltyDeps at a specific Python environment located within your project or elsewhere. For example:

fawltydeps --code my_package/ --deps pyproject.toml --pyenv .venv/

This will tell FawltyDeps:

  • to look for import statements in the my_package/ directory,
  • to parse dependencies from pyprojects.toml, and
  • to use the Python environment at .venv/ to map dependency names in pyproject.toml into import names used in your code under my_package/

If --pyenv is not used, and no Python environments are found within your project, FawltyDeps will fall back to looking at your current Python environment: This is the environment in which FawltyDeps itself is installed. This works well when you, for example, pip install fawltydeps into the same virtualenv as your project dependencies.

You can use --pyenv multiple times to have FawltyDeps look for packages in multiple Python environments. In this case (or when multiple Python environments are found inside your project) FawltyDeps will use the union (superset) of all imports provided by all matching packages across those Python environments as valid import names for that dependency.

Identity mapping

When unable to find an installed package that corresponds to a declared dependency, FawltyDeps will fall back to an "identity mapping", where it assumes that the dependency provides a single import of the same name, i.e. it will expect that when you depend on some_package, then that should correspond to import some_package statements in your code.

This fallback assumption is not always correct, but it allows FawltyDeps to produce results (albeit sometimes inaccurate) when the current Python environment does not contain all of your declared dependencies. Please see FAQ below about why FawltyDeps must run in the same Python environment as your project dependencies.

User-defined mapping

As a final solution and/or an ultimate override, you may define your own mapping of dependency names to import names, by providing a TOML file like this:

my-package = ["mpkg"]
scikit-learn = ["sklearn"]
multiple-modules = ["module1", "module2"]

To use your mapping, run:

fawltydeps --custom-mapping-file my_mapping.toml

FawltyDeps will parse your my_mapping.toml file and use the extracted mapping for matching dependencies to imports.

You may also place the custom mapping in the pyproject.toml file of your project, inside a [tool.fawltydeps.custom_mapping] section, like this:

my-package = ["mpkg"]
scikit-learn = ["sklearn"]
multiple-modules = ["module1", "module2"]

Caution when using your mapping is advised: The user-defined mapping takes precedence over the other resolvers documented above. For example, if the mapping file has some stale/incorrect mapping entries, they will not be resolved by the Python environment resolver (which is usually more accurate).

Ignoring irrelevant results

There may be import statements in your code that should not be considered an undeclared dependency. This might happen if you for example do a conditional import with a try: ... except ImportError: ... block (or similar). FawltyDeps is not able to recognize whether these dependencies should have been declared or not, but you can ask for them to be ignored with the --ignore-undeclared option, for example: --ignore-undeclared some_module some_other_module

Conversely, there may be dependencies that you have declared without intending to import them. This is often the case for developer tools like Black or Mypy that are part of your project's development environment. FawltyDeps cannot automatically tell which of your declared dependencies are meant to be imported or not, but you ask for specific deps to be ignored with the --ignore-unused option, for example: --ignore-unused black mypy

Output formats

The default output from FawltyDeps is a summary outlining the relevant dependencies found (according to the selected actions). However you can also ask for more information from FawltyDeps:

  • --summary: Default (human-readable) summary output
  • --detailed: Longer (human-readable) output that includes the location of the relevant dependencies.
  • --json: Verbose JSON-formatted output for other tools to consume and process further.

Only one of these options can be used at a time.

More help

Run fawltydeps --help to get the full list of available options.


You can use a [tool.fawltydeps] section in pyproject.toml to configure the default behavior of FawltyDeps. Here's a fairly comprehensive example:

code = ["myproject"]  # Only search for imports under ./myproject
deps = ["pyproject.toml"]  # Only look for declared dependencies here
ignore_unused = ["black"]  # We use `black`, but we don't intend to import it
output_format = "human_detailed"  # Detailed report by default

Here is a complete list of configuration directives we support:

  • actions: A list of one or more of these actions to perform: list_imports, list_deps, check_undeclared, check_unused. The default behavior corresponds to actions = ["check_undeclared", "check_unused"].
  • code: Files or directories containing the code to parse for import statements. Defaults to the current directory, i.e. like code = ["."].
  • deps: Files or directories containing the declared dependencies. Defaults to the current directory, i.e. like deps = ["."].
  • pyenvs: Where to look for Python environments (directories like .venv, __pypackages__, or similar) to be used for resolving project dependencies into provided import names. Defaults to looking for Python environments under the current directory, i.e. like pyenvs = ["."]. If none are found, use the Python environment where FawltyDeps is installed (aka. sys.path).
  • output_format: Which output format to use by default. One of human_summary, human_detailed, or json. The default corresponds to output_format = "human_summary".
  • ignore_undeclared: A list of specific dependencies to ignore when reporting undeclared dependencies, for example: ["some_module", "some_other_module"]. The default is the empty list: ignore_undeclared = [].
  • ignore_unused: A list of specific dependencies to ignore when reporting unused dependencies, for example: ["black", "mypy"]. The default is the empty list: ignore_unused = [].
  • deps_parser_choice: Manually select which format to use for parsing declared dependencies. Must be one of "requirements.txt", "", "setup.cfg", "pyproject.toml", or leave it unset (i.e. the default) for auto-detection (based on filename).
  • verbosity: An integer controlling the default log level of FawltyDeps:
    • -2: Only CRITICAL-level log messages are shown.
    • -1: ERROR-level log messages and above are shown.
    • 0: WARNING-level log messages and above are shown. This is the default.
    • 1: INFO-level log messages and above are shown.
    • 2: All log messages (including DEBUG) are shown.

Environment variables

In addition to configuring FawltyDeps via pyproject.toml as show above, you may also pass the above configuration directives via the environment, using a fawltydeps_ prefix. For example, to enable JSON output via the environment, set fawltydeps_output_format=json in FawltyDeps' environment.

Configuration cascade

  • Command-line options take precedence, and override corresponding settings passed via the environment or pyproject.toml.
  • Environment variables override corresponding settings from pyproject.toml.
  • Configuration in pyproject.toml override only the ultimate hardcoded defaults.
  • The ultimate defaults when no cutomizations takes place are hardcoded inside FawltyDeps, and are documented above.


This project began with an exploration and design phase, yielding this design document, which lays out the main objective for this project and compares various strategies considered

In the code design section of documentation we lay out rules which we adopt to guide code architecture decisions and maintain code quality as the project evolves.



The project uses Poetry. Install Poetry, and then run:

poetry install --with=dev

to create a virtualenv with all (development) dependencies installed.

From there you can run:

poetry shell

to jump into a development shell with this virtualenv activated. Here you will have all the dependencies declared in our pyproject.toml installed. (Without this shell activated you will have to prefix the more specific commands below with poetry run ...).


We use Nox for test/workflow automation:

nox --list        # List sessions
nox               # Run all available sessions
nox -R            # Run all available sessions, while reusing virtualenvs (i.e. faster)
nox -s tests      # Run unit tests on supported Python versions (that are available)
nox -s tests-3.7  # Run unit tests on Python v3.7 (assuming it is available locally)
nox -s integration_tests-3.11  # Run integration tests on Python 3.11
nox -s lint       # Run linters (mypy + pylint) on all supported Python versions
nox -s format     # Check formatting (isort + black)
nox -s reformat   # Fix formatting (isort + black)

If you want to run a command individually, the corresponding session is defined inside For example, these commands will work:

pytest                   # Run unit tests
pytest -m integration    # Run integration tests
mypy                     # Run static type checking
pylint fawltydeps tests  # Run Pylint
isort fawltydeps tests   # Fix sorting of import statements
black .                  # Fix code formatting

Shortcut: Nix

We have a shell.nix which provides Poetry in addition to all of our supported Python versions. If you have Nix available on your machine, then running:


will put you inside a shell where the Poetry virtualenv (with all development dependencies) is activated, and all supported Python versions are available. This also provides isolation from whatever Python version(s) and packages are installed on your system.

From there, a simple nox will run all tests + linters against all supported Python versions, as well as checking/formatting the code.

Integration tests

In addition to comprehensive unit tests under tests/, we also verify FawltyDeps' behavior with integration tests which (among other things) include testing with real-world projects. To that end, we have a framework in tests/ for downloading and unpacking tarballs of 3rd-party projects, and then running fawltydeps on them, while verifying their output. These projects, along with the expected FawltyDeps outputs, are defined in TOML files under tests/real_projects.

Contributing more projects to the test suite

For bug reports, when a user reports that FawltyDeps does not work as it should on their project, we aim to follow this process:

  • If the project is freely available, we can add a relevant version of the project under tests/real_projects.
  • We can then isolate the problems/issues/features and define/express them succinctly as one or more sample projects under tests/sample_projects.
  • We examine the issue more closely and update core logic, adding/altering unit tests along the way.

The resulting updates are introduced to fawltydeps and reflected in our expectations, first in the TOML for the sample project(s) and then finally in the real_projects TOML.

If you find a project where FawltyDeps is not doing a good job, we appreciate if you add that project under tests/real_projects. To see how these tests work, look at the existing files in that directory.


I run fawltydeps and get some undeclared dependencies. What can I do with it?

You can run a detailed report to see the exact location (file and line number), in which the undeclared dependencies were imported:

fawltydeps --detailed

and debug each occurrence. Typically an undeclared dependency can be fixed in a couple of ways:

  • A true undeclared dependency is fixed by declaring it, e.g. adding it to your pyproject.toml or similar.
  • If you disagree with FawltyDeps' classification, you can always use --ignore-undeclared to silence the error. If you're sure this dependency should not have been reported by FawltyDeps, you may consider filing a bug report.

How not to display tools like black and pylint in unused dependencies?

By default, all packages declared as dependencies by your project are included in the FawltyDeps analysis, even if they only contain tools that were not meant to be imported, but rather meant to be run by, say, in a pre-commit hook or a CI script. In such cases you may use either:

fawltydeps --ignore-unused black pylint

or add an equivalent directive to the FawltyDeps configuration in your pyproject.toml (see below).

How can I store my fawltydeps command line options in a configuration file?

You can run:

fawltydeps --generate-toml-config

to generate a [tool.fawltydeps] section with the current configuration that you can then directly copy into your pyproject.toml. Options that have their default value are commented in this output, so you have quickly see where your settings differ from the FawltyDeps defaults.

This also works together with other command line options, so for example in the previous question, you could add --generate-toml-config to the command line (i.e. run fawltydeps --ignore-unused black pylint --generate-toml-config), to get this:

# Default options are commented...
ignore_unused = ["black", "pylint"]

How to use FawltyDeps in a monorepo?

Running fawltydeps without arguments at the root of a monorepo will most likely not give you a useful result: it will collect dependencies and import statements from across the entire monorepo. The produced report may be overwhelming and at the same time not granular enough.

Instead, you should run FawltyDeps for each package separately. This collects dependencies and import statements for one package at a time.


|  pyproject.toml
|  ....
├ lib2
|  pyproject.toml
|  ....

run for each libX:

fawltydeps libX

Why must FawltyDeps run in the same Python environment as my project dependencies?

(This is no longer true since FawltyDeps v0.11: FawltyDeps should be able to automatically find your project dependencies when they are installed in a Python environment that exists within your project. If your project dependencies are installed elsewhere, you can point FawltyDeps in their direction with --pyenv, as explained above in the section on Python environment mapping)

The reason why FawltyDeps need to find your project dependencies somewhere is that the core logic of FawltyDeps needs to match import statements in your code with dependencies declared in your project configuration. This seems straightforward for many packages: for example you pip install requests and then you can import requests in your code. However, this mapping from the name you install to the name you import is not always self-evident:

  • There are sometimes differences between the package name that you declare as a dependency, and the import name it provides. For example, you depend on PyYAML, but you import yaml.
  • A dependency can expose more than one import name. For example the setuptools package exposes three importable packages: _distutils_hack, pkg_resources, and setuptools. So when you import pkg_resources, FawltyDeps need to figure out that this corresponds to the setuptools dependency.

To solve this, FawltyDeps looks at the packages installed in your Python environment to correctly map dependencies (package names) into the imports that they provide. This is:

  • any Python environment found via the --pyenv option, or
  • any Python environment found within your project (basepath or the current directory).
  • Failing that, FawltyDeps will use the current Python environment, i.e. the one in which FawltyDeps itself is running.

As a final resort, when an installed package is not found for a declared dependency, the identity mapping that FawltyDeps falls back to will still do a good job for the majority of dependencies where the import name is indeed identical to the package name that you depend on.

This is an area of active development in FawltyDeps, and we are working on better solutions, to avoid having to fall back to this identity mapping.

Why does FawltyDeps fail to match sklearn with scikit-learn?

There are cases, where FawltyDeps may not match imports and obviously related dependencies, like sklearn and scikit-learn. It will report sklearn as undeclared and scikit-learn as an unused dependency.

This is very much related to the above question. scikit-learn is an example of a package that exposes a different import name: sklearn. When scikit-learn is not found in the Python environment(s) used by FawltyDeps, then FawltyDeps is unable to make the connection between these two names.

To solve this problem, make sure that scikit-learn is installed in a Python environment that belongs to your project. Alternatively, you can use the --pyenv option to point at a Python environment where scikit-learn and your other dependencies are installed.

How can I pass Python code to FawltyDeps via standard input?

The --code argument accepts a single hyphen (-) as a special value meaning that code should be read from standard input. When using this you may pipe or redirect your Python code into FawltyDeps like this:

cat some/source/of/python/code | fawltydeps --code -
# or
fawltydeps --code - < some/source/of/python/code

You can also use this directly in the terminal to e.g. have FawltyDeps analyze some Python code that is in your clipboard:

fawltydeps --code -
# FawltyDeps waits for code on stdin; paste from your clipboard,
# then press Ctrl+D to signal EOF (end-of-file).

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

fawltydeps-0.12.0.tar.gz (49.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

fawltydeps-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (48.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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