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Python module to, serve files in physical memory to localhost and tunnel to a public endpoint.

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Set up a file server to access files in local machine from anywhere on the internet.


Environment Variables Required:

username Username which will be required to access the server.
password Password to confirm identity.
port Port number using which the endpoint is to be accessed.

Note: Uses the port number 4443 by default.

Another important variable:
host_path - Path which is to be hosted.

Note: Hosts the entire home page by default.

Environment Variables Optional:

To get notified when a client connects to your server.

gmail_user Username for a gmail account.
gmail_pass Password for the gmail account.
recipient Recipient email address to whom the notification has to be sent.

LOGOUT button and its functionality requires some changes to SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
http > > SimpleHTTPRequestHandler > list_directory()
1. Create a button within the html body.
2. Create a script that does a POST call to the source endpoint.
3. Add a message in the POST call to read 'LOGOUT'

:bulb:   You can add more custom buttons by including JS, CSS in the HTML part in list_directory()

Steps to host on the internet:

Setup ngrok:

  • Download, Install and Setup ngrok

Initialize ngrok:

Option 1:

  • ngrok http $port

    Uses a random port number if env var for port.

Option 2:

  • python3

    Uses the port number 4443 by default if env var for port.


Generated using sphinx-autogen

Coding Standards:

Docstring format: Google
Styling conventions: PEP 8
Clean code with pre-commit hooks: flake8 and isort


pre-commit will run flake8 and isort to ensure proper coding standards along with docs_generator to update the runbook

pip install --no-cache --upgrade sphinx pre-commit recommonmark

pre-commit run --all-files

License & copyright

© Vignesh Sivanandha Rao

Licensed under the MIT License

Change Log

1.1.6 (02/20/2022)

  • Move all modules under a controller
  • Move files into fileserver directory
  • Use to handle global env vars

1.1.5 (02/13/2022)

  • Update project name in docs

1.1.4 (02/13/2022)

  • Generate SSL certificate automatically
  • Remove restart script

1.1.3 (01/27/2022)

  • Force port number to be an integer
  • Take username from OS module

1.1.2 (11/14/2021)

  • Upgrade sphinx and gmailconnector version

1.1.1 (10/17/2021)

  • Use non-routable address only when ngrok is running
  • Using local IP allows usage without internet access
  • Attempt notification only for login success or undefined

1.1.0 (10/12/2021)

  • Avoid proxy server and use local machine IP to serve instead of localhost
  • This allows access to the server within the Network range without any tunnelling

1.0.9 (10/10/2021)

  • Use custom ngrok auth token if the config yaml is present and authtoken is in env vars
  • Check if an existing ngrok is running and whether to use the self-signed cert
  • Create _static dir if not found

1.0.8 (07/31/2021)

  • Update docs with code-block

1.0.7 (07/30/2021)

  • Add <noscript> for JavaScript disabled browsers
  • Remove hard-coded version for gmail-connector

1.0.6 (07/30/2021)

  • Auto upgrade sphinx before generating docs

1.0.5 (07/29/2021)

  • Add a button with funny alert for session and no auth

1.0.4 (07/24/2021)

  • Add markdown support for sphinx documentation

1.0.3 (07/22/2021)

  • Sunset and use self built module instead
  • Reload logging module since gmail-connector uses logging
  • Replace lstrip, rstrip with a generic strip
  • Update docs

1.0.2 (07/12/2021)

  • Check if directory exists before serving host_path
  • Include link to logs in email body only if logs are reachable

1.0.1 (07/12/2021)

  • Log when a logout has been requested
  • Add attachment content in body of the email

1.0.0 (07/12/2021)

  • Log https endpoint instead of http
  • Update

0.9.9 (07/11/2021)

  • Add an option to logout from session
  • Remove Helper class from
  • Change env var name for host_path
  • Update docs and

0.9.8 (07/11/2021)

  • add badges

0.9.7 (07/10/2021)

  • add hyperlinks on docstrings

0.9.6 (07/10/2021)

  • Restart in case of an active session found.
  • Write url file before exiting
  • On board

0.9.5 (07/10/2021)

  • Check for stringified None for volume_name
  • Fix upper case por in

0.9.4 (07/10/2021)

  • Use url file creation to support functionalities in Jarvis

0.9.3 (07/10/2021)

  • update

0.9.2 (07/10/2021)

  • Onboard docs

0.9.1 (07/10/2021)

  • Update docstrings to onboard docs

0.9.0 (07/10/2021)

  • Update docstrings to onboard docs

0.8.9 (07/10/2021)

  • Log response when connected from same IP
  • move to helper_functions

0.8.8 (07/10/2021)

  • Do not notify if connected from same public ip
  • Add dummy function to explain file_gatherer

0.8.7 (07/10/2021)

  • Read html and write content instead of serving file

0.8.6 (07/10/2021)

  • rename templates to html and move auth_server.html within

0.8.5 (07/09/2021)

  • refactor files and update file refs

0.8.4 (07/09/2021)

  • update

0.8.3 (07/09/2021)

  • Automatically fetch global (ngrok) endpoint
  • to work with and
  • Set default port in
  • Remove logging from and make get_ngrok module to help

0.8.2 (07/09/2021)

  • Remove redundancy on socket module

0.8.1 (07/09/2021)

  • Remove hard coded IP urls from JavaScript

0.8.0 (07/09/2021)

  • Sunset legacy TCP connection and all code references

0.7.9 (07/09/2021)

  • Add an ultimate guide to check the ngrok public url
  • Remove manual url file creation from
  • Update .gitignore

0.7.8 (07/09/2021)

  • Avoid multiple notifications for same action type

0.7.7 (07/09/2021)

  • Onboard Emailer to notify client information
  • Add direct access to logs in the email footer

0.7.6 (07/09/2021)

  • Get IP info of clients who lands on any html page

  • Store client IP info in a yaml file

  • do_AUTHHEAD() -> do_AUTH()

  • Update docstrings, .gitignore and requirements.txt

  • fileLogger: Writes the log information only to the log file.

  • consoleLogger: Writes the log information only in stdout.

  • rootLogger: Logs the entry in both stdout and log file.

0.7.5 (07/08/2021)

  • Add multiple log handlers - file, console and root

  • This will also avoid FileNotFoundError and NotADirectoryError

0.7.4 (07/07/2021)

  • If target_path is dir instead of endswith html

0.7.3 (07/07/2021)

  • Add _TEMP to index files to avoid page hosting
  • Revert changes to index.html files when server is stopped

0.7.2 (07/07/2021)

  • Serve html file from its source instead of copying

0.7.1 (07/07/2021)

  • fix the mess on host_dir

0.7.0 (07/07/2021)

  • Onboard a welcome screen before showing files content
  • Add optional host_dir method for server_function

0.6.9 (07/07/2021)

  • Create html files to serve in case of login issues
  • Encode html files' data to be written on server
  • Remove write operation for incorrect creds, as this never gets written

0.6.8 (07/07/2021)

  • Write html to request handler

0.6.7 (07/06/2021)

  • Use os.path.sep instead of '/'

0.6.6 (07/06/2021)

  • Run without SSL if .pem files are not found
  • Handle BrokenPipeError and log it
  • Check for len(args) in log_message to make it simple

0.6.5 (07/06/2021)

  • Better logging
  • Minor performance tweaks

0.6.4 (07/05/2021)

  • Reset server side auth headers after timeout
  • Provoke client side authentication

0.6.3 (07/05/2021)

  • Add no-cache and clear-site-data headers

0.6.2 (07/05/2021)

  • Exit if username and password is not set
  • Use a default port
  • Fix logging on 404

0.6.1 (07/05/2021)

  • Prompt SSL cert creation
  • Use HTTPServer instead of test in http module
  • Wrap socket to ssl cert
  • Include line number in print statements

0.6.0 (07/04/2021)

  • Add logger
  • Add doc strings
  • Log unauthenticated username & password

0.5.9 (07/04/2021)

  • onboard auth server

0.5.8 (07/04/2021)

  • fix imports

0.5.7 (06/29/2021)

  • parse url to read credentials

0.5.6 (05/20/2021)

  • minor bug fixes

0.5.5 (04/30/2021)

  • improve logging to generic way instead of module based

0.5.4 (04/30/2021)

  • improve logging with respect to function name and file name

0.5.3 (04/30/2021)

  • update and requirements.txt

0.5.2 (04/29/2021)

  • write url to a file to help Jarvis trigger ngrok

0.5.1 (04/29/2021)

  • add requirements.txt

0.5.0 (04/29/2021)

  • kill ngrok and close socket properly upon exit

0.4.9 (04/29/2021)

  • add logger and more end to end socket connection

0.4.8 (04/29/2021)

  • basic ngrok integration

0.4.7 (04/26/2021)

  • stop volume usage gracefully

0.4.6 (04/26/2021)

  • avoid using socket module repeatedly

0.4.5 (04/26/2021)

  • split js from html and update .gitignore

0.4.4 (04/24/2021)

  • avoid unnecessary repetition in logs and add |bypass| to get access using right creds

0.4.3 (04/24/2021)

  • brute force to exit threads, add display statements for startup and shutdown

0.4.2 (04/24/2021)

  • remove thread for kick off and add logger for re-auth wait time

0.4.1 (04/24/2021)

  • add another layer of page refresh from server
  • increase width of username and password fields

0.4.0 (04/23/2021)

  • make it complex

0.3.9 (04/23/2021)

  • mound and unmount disk programmatically

0.3.8 (04/23/2021)

  • unmount disk automatically

0.3.7 (04/23/2021)

  • get disk info post killing usage

0.3.6 (04/23/2021)

  • brute force lsof for much quicker results

0.3.5 (04/23/2021)

  • use lsof to find appropriate volume usage

0.3.4 (04/23/2021)

  • onboard a handy script to kill volume usage

0.3.3 (04/22/2021)

  • refresh page on first visit to avoid unauth access while using multiple sessions

0.3.2 (04/22/2021)

  • update with a new long term plan

0.3.1 (04/22/2021)

  • add LICENSE and update

0.3.0 (04/22/2021)

  • add todos for future iteration

0.2.9 (04/22/2021)

  • add a runbook/user guide

0.2.8 (04/22/2021)

  • block on failed auth and unblock after timed wait

0.2.7 (04/22/2021)

  • add some detailing to the timer

0.2.6 (04/22/2021)

  • make sure the timer doesn't reset on page refresh

0.2.5 (04/22/2021)

  • display a timer to redirect to login page

0.2.4 (04/22/2021)

  • add some meta tags

0.2.3 (04/22/2021)

  • onboard blocker html page

0.2.2 (04/21/2021)

  • reduce page refresh time for reload button

0.2.1 (04/21/2021)

0.2.0 (04/21/2021)

  • include function name in logger information

0.1.9 (04/21/2021)

  • log more information on incorrect or empty credentials

0.1.8 (04/21/2021)

  • add basic auth check using hyperlink from index file

0.1.7 (04/21/2021)

  • handle broken pipe errors and remove log file during port busy

0.1.6 (04/21/2021)

  • disable caching

0.1.5 (04/21/2021)

  • gray out verify button if unsername and password fields are empty

0.1.4 (04/21/2021)

  • disable scrolling and set no wrap for heading

0.1.3 (04/21/2021)

  • add background and adjust margin

0.1.2 (04/21/2021)

  • change font, size and background for login form

0.1.1 (04/21/2021)

  • add some styling in there

0.1.0 (04/21/2021)

  • basic html page for the front end

0.0.9 (04/21/2021)

  • handle port in use exception

0.0.8 (04/21/2021)

  • implement function level logging for visibility and restructure code

0.0.7 (04/20/2021)

  • choose a repository you would like to share on internet

0.0.6 (04/20/2021)

  • handle busy port errors gracefully with more information to user

0.0.5 (04/20/2021)

  • solve port busy issue and implement logging

0.0.4 (04/20/2021)

  • host current directory on a desired port

0.0.3 (04/20/2021)

  • add .gitignore

0.0.2 (04/20/2021)

  • update

0.0.1 (04/20/2021)

  • Initial commit

Project details

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Source Distribution

fileware-0.0.5.tar.gz (31.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

fileware-0.0.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (33.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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