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A fast, flexible and fun framework for creating automated laboratories

Project description


Author: Nicholas A. Jose Version: 1.0.2

Recent Updates

1.0.0: Device objects have publicly accessible attributes and methods. 1.0.1:


FLab was created to be a fast, flexible and fun framework for creating automated chemical laboratories. As a coding framework, rather than defining specific sequence of automated actions, FLab aims to make the task of creating automated systems significantly simpler.

FLab achieves its flexibility via the following principles:

  1. Modularity via inheritance
  2. Parallelization via threaded, asynchronous and multiprocess computing
  3. Synchronization via a universal object space
  4. Intuitive via minimalist and physically relevant ontologies
  5. Accessible via open-source distribution (currently under GNU GPL v3)

FLab abstracts an experimental project into its main components:

  1. physical devices (the Device class)
  2. actions (the Task class)
  3. user interfaces (the UI class)

This package provides methods for the management of a shared object space (the Flab class), parallel/synchronised tasks (the TaskManager class), configuring shared devices (the DeviceManager class), and interfaces (the UiManager class). This package also includes methods for running a given project (BootManager)


To install flab, enter into the terminal

python3 -m pip install flab

The dependency PyQt5 must also be installed, using

python3 -m pip install PyQt5

Directory structure

Before beginning any project with FLab, the working directory must be set up properly. The working directory has the following structure. All projects are stored in the "Projects" folder. Any other code (such as a custom flab distribution) or data can also be kept in this working directory.


│  ├ Projects/

│  │  ├ example_project_1/ 

│  │  └ example_project_2/

│  └ Other_folders/

A project directory has the following structure:


├ Boot/

├ Tasks/

├ - Devices/

│  ├ Drivers/ 

│  └ Protocols/

├ - UIs/

│  ├ Actions/ 

│  └ Designs/

A project directory may be automatically created using flab's create_project_directory() method


A Flab object acts as a space for the shared storage of:

  1. devices (in the devices dictionary)
  2. tasks (in the tasks dictionary)
  3. variables (in the vars dictionary),
  4. modules (in the modules dictionary)

The Flab class inherits DeviceManager, TaskManager and UiManager, such that methods in those classes may be easily customized. These managers contain methods for manipulating devices, tasks and ui's.

Example usage: Creating flab

from flab import Flab
flab = Flab.Flab()


Tasks are essentially routines or programs, which can be run in a variety of fashions depending on user input. Task files are saved as python files with the Tasks folder of a project.

Tasks must be first loaded into flab with the load_task(task_name) method. They may then be started or stopped using the start_task(task_name, *args, **kwargs) and stop_task(task_name, *args, **kwargs) methods.

Example usage:


Multiple tasks can be loaded simulataneously with the flab.load_tasks method. All the tasks in a given project can be loaded using flab.load_all_tasks(). Tasks can also be dynamically reloaded by using the reload_task and reload_tasks methods. All tasks may be stopped in one line with the command "flab.stop_all_tasks()". Task objects do not have publicly accessible attributes.

Each task requires three attributes:

  1. task_name: a string that matches the filename
  2. task_type: a string that determines how the task is run. Either "thread", "asyncio" or "process"
  3. task_stopped: a Boolean flag indicating if the task has been stopped.

Each task requires three methods:

  1. __ init __(self, flab): initializes the Task object with the shared flab space
  2. run(self, *args, **kwargs): this is called when flab.start_task is called. This method can contain while loops, which can be externally closed with the flag task_stopped.
  3. stop(self, *args, **kwargs): this is called when flab.stop_task is called. This method can be used to modify the task_stopped flag

###Threaded Tasks

By default, all tasks are "threads" -- meaning that they run on a single CPU and are essentially "queued." See python's threading library for a more detailed description.

Threaded Task Example:

#HelloWorld continuously prints 'HelloWorld' every second until stopped

import time
class Task():

    task_name = 'HelloWorld'
    task_type = 'thread'
    task_stopped = False

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        while not self.task_stopped:
            print('Hello World')

    def stop(self):
        self.flab.tasks['HelloWorld'].task_stopped = True

###Asyncio Tasks

An asynchronous task can be used to make running some routines more efficient. This utilizes python's asyncio library.

An asyncio task has several key differences to a threaded task:

  1. the asyncio library must be imported

  2. task_type = 'asyncio'

  3. run and stop methods must be defined with an "async" prefix, shown below:

    async def run(self):...

    async def stop(self):...

  4. instead of using python's time.sleep(seconds) method for blocking, use:

    await asyncio.sleep(seconds)

Asyncio Task Example 1:

#This task prints Hello World continuously, every second, until stopped.

import asyncio
class Task():

    task_name = 'HelloWorldAsyncio'
    task_type = 'asyncio'
    task_stopped = False

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    async def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        while not self.task_stopped:
            print('Hello World')
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def stop(self):
        self.flab.tasks['HelloWorldAsyncio'].task_stopped = True #a flag to stop the script

There are two ways to run multiple asyncio tasks simultaneously. The first requires the definition of multiple asyncio functions within one task. If this is done, the functions must be gathered at the end of the run method, as seen in the example below.

#This task runs two counting tasks asynchronously. 
#A flab variable "count" is used for counting.
#count() adds one to the count
#count2() adds two to the count
#when run correctly, the Python console should print multiples of three

import asyncio
class Task():

    task_name = 'CountAsyncio'
    task_type = 'asyncio'
    task_stopped = False

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    async def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        self.flab.add_var(0, 'count')
        async def count():
            while not self.task_stopped:
                self.flab.vars['count'] = self.flab.vars['count'] + 1
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
        async def count2():
            while not self.task_stopped:
                self.flab.vars['count'] = self.flab.vars['count'] + 2
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
        await asyncio.gather(count(),count2())

    async def stop(self):
        self.flab.tasks['scratch'].task_stopped = True #a flag to stop the script

In the second manner, two separate asyncio tasks may be defined separately. However, both tasks must be called simultaneously using flab.start_asyncio_tasks(task_names), where task_names is a list of the task names

Example: AsyncCount

#This task runs one counting task asynchronously. 
#A flab variable "count" is used for counting.
#This task increases the count by one and prints the current count value

import asyncio

class Task():

    task_name = 'AsyncCount'
    task_type = 'asyncio'
    task_stopped = False

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    async def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        self.flab.add_var(0, 'count')
        while not self.task_stopped:
            self.flab.vars['count'] = self.flab.vars['count'] + 1
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def stop(self):
        self.flab.tasks['AsyncCount'].task_stopped = True #a flag to stop the script

Example: AsyncCount2

#This task runs one counting task asynchronously. 
#A flab variable "count" is used for counting.
#This task increases the count by two

import asyncio

class Task():

    task_name = 'AsyncCount2'
    task_type = 'asyncio'
    task_stopped = False

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    async def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        while not self.task_stopped:
            self.flab.vars['count'] = self.flab.vars['count'] + 2
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    async def stop(self):
        self.flab.tasks['AsyncCount2'].task_stopped = True #a flag to stop the script

Example: Running and stopping AsyncCount and AsyncCount2


###Process Tasks

Process tasks are executing using Python's multiprocessing library, meaning that they are distributed across different CPUs. This distribution makes the sharing of data i.e. flab slightly more complicated.

A process task has several key differences to a threaded task:

  1. task_type = 'process'
  2. The flag boolean used to stop a loop should be defined as a flab variable instead of a task variable

Process Example:

#This task prints 'Hello World' every second within a separate process
#A flab variable self.flab.vars['HelloWorldProcess_stopped'] is used instead of a Boolean flag within the Task so that external 
other processes can signal this process to stop

class Task():

    task_name = 'HelloWorldProcess'
    task_type = 'process'

    def __init__(self,flab):
        self.flab = flab

    def run(self):
        while not self.flab.vars['HelloWorldProcess_stopped']:
            print('Hello World')

    def stop(self):
        self.flab.vars['HelloWorldProcess_stopped'] = True

Loading, starting and stopping a process is exactly the same as starting a thread. There are a few differences when a process is started within a boot script, which is discussed in the Boot section.

Example: Loading, starting and stopping process tasks



Device classes are representations of physical laboratory devices. For example - a balance would become BalanceDevice, or a hot plate would become HotPlateDevice.

To digitally represent the properties and actions of a device we provide the following abstraction:

  1. How a computer digitally communicates with the device, explicitly defined in the Driver class.
  2. How a device is used within a given task, explicitly defined in the Protocol class.
  3. The specific configuration of the device, explicitly defined in the Device class.

The Device class inherits Driver and Protocol classes. Methods for drivers and/or protocols may already be provided by the device manufacturer or third parties. If these are provided in python, they may be used in place of a user-defined driver or protocol class by using python's import function.

Device class files are saved in the Devices folder of a given project.

A Device class has two key requirements:

  1. device_name: a string matching the filename
  2. an __ init __ method that does not take any input arguments

Example: DeviceTemplate

from Projects.Examples.Devices.Drivers import DriverTemplate
from Projects.Examples.Devices.Protocols import ProtocolTemplate

class Device(DriverTemplate.Driver, ProtocolTemplate.Protocol):

device_name = 'DeviceTemplate'

def __init__(self):

def hello_world(self)
    print('Hello World')

The Device class is primarily used for defining any configuration parameters that are specific to given use-case. For example, the below Device class for controlling hotplates is used to specify default temperatures

Example: IkaDefaultsDevice

#A Device class for IKA RCT Digital hotplates

from Projects.Working.Devices.Drivers import IkaDriver
from Projects.Working.Devices.Protocols import IkaProtocol

class Device(IkaDriver.Driver, IkaProtocol.Protocol):

    device_name = 'IkaDefaultsDevice'

    #Default parameters
    default_temperature = 100

    def __init__(self):

    def set_default_temperature(self, new_default):
        self.default_temperature = new_default

    def get_default_temperature(self):
        return self.default_temperature

Use the flab method "load_device" to load a given device into the flab devices dictionary. This dictionary can then be used to call upon device properties and functions.

Example: loading and using device



If a change has been made to the ExampleDevice class, the device module may be dynamically reloaded into flab.

Example: reloading and using device



Unlike a Task, a Driver has relatively fewer requirements. A Driver must define:

  1. driver_name: a string matching the filename
  2. an __ init __ method that does not accept any arguments

Any other methods and variables are given by the programmer. A certain degree of expertise in digital communication is required to program drivers, which is not covered in this guide.

Example: DriverTemplate

#A class for device drivers.
class Driver():

    driver_name = 'DriverTemplate'

    def __init__(self):

Some equipment providers or third parties already provide drivers in python, which can be adapted. Below is a Driver used for collecting data from Arduino Mega controllers using the pyfirmata library.

Example: ArduinoMegaDriver

#A class for driving Arduino Mega using the pyfirmata library (

from pyfirmata import Arduino, util, ArduinoMega

class Driver(ArduinoMega):

    port = 'NA'
    is_arduino_connected = False
    print_status = True
    driver_name = 'ArduinoMegaDriver'
    mega = {'digital': tuple(x for x in range(56)),'analog': tuple(x for x in range(16)),'pwm': tuple(x for x in range(2, 14)),'use_ports': True,'disabled': (0, 1, 14, 15)}

    def __init__(self):

    #set the communication port
    def set_port(self,port):
        self.port = port

    #get the communication port
    def get_port(self):
        return self.port

    #connect the arduino
    #the port must be defined before connecting the arduino
    def connect_arduino(self):
        if (not self.is_arduino_connected) and (self.port != 'NA'):
                self.ard = Arduino(self.port)
       = util.Iterator(self.ard)
                self.is_arduino_connected = True
                if self.print_status:
                    self.flab.display('Arduino connected successfully')
                return 0
            except Exception as e:
                if self.print_status:
                    self.flab.display('Error connecting Arduino Mega. Check connection')
                return e
            return 0

    #get if arduino is connected
    def get_arduino_connected(self):
        return self.is_arduino_connected

    #I define this here because pyfirmata does not actually return a voltage when a pin is read - it is a number between
    #0 to 1
    def get_voltage(self, pin):
            v = self.ard.analog[pin].read() * 5.0
        except Exception as e:
            v = -1
        return v

Sometimes, it is necessary to completely define a driver from scratch. For serial communication, python's serial library can be used to create methods for communication. Below is an example of a Driver that defines serial communication functions, and can be inherited by other drivers.

Example: SerialDriver

#A generic class for drivers using serial communication.

import serial
import time

class Driver():

    driver_name = 'SerialDriver'

    #default parameters

    port = 'NA'
    #ASCII character at the beginning of a transmission
    beg_char = '/'
    #ASCII character at ending of a transmission
    end_char = '\r'
    #time to pause after sending a transmission
    pause_time = 0.1
    bd = 9600
    to = 1

    def __init__(self):

    #set the current port
    def set_port(self, port):
        self.port = port

    #return the current port
    def get_port(self):
        return self.port

    # open serial communication
    def open_ser(self):
            self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.port,,
            return 0
        except Exception as e:
            return e

    # close serial communication
    def close_ser(self):

    # check serial port
    def check_ser(self):
        check = self.ser.is_open
        return check

    #write a string message over the serial port
    def write(self,mess):
            write_str = self.beg_char + mess + self.end_char
            write_byt = write_str.encode()
            return 0
        except Exception as e:
            return e

    def read(self,nbyt):
            read_byt =
            read_str = str(read_byt.decode())
            return read_str
        except Exception as e:
            return ''

    #write and read (without flushing buffer)
    def write_read(self,mess,nbyt):
            write_str = self.beg_char + mess + self.end_char
            write_byt = write_str.encode()
            read_byt =
            read_str = str(read_byt.decode())
            return read_str
        except Exception as e:
            return ''

    #write and read (without flushing buffer)
    def write_readline(self,mess):
            write_str = self.beg_char + mess + self.end_char
            write_byt = write_str.encode()
            read_byt = self.ser.readline()
            read_str = str(read_byt.decode())
            return read_str
        except Exception as e:
            return ''

Below is an example of a driver for a hotplate that inherits the SerialDriver class to facilitate digital communications. Serial commands for communication can often be found in the manuals of equipment.

Example: IkaDriver

#A class for driving IKA RCT digital hotplate

from Projects.Example.Devices.Drivers import SerialDriver

class Driver(SerialDriver.Driver):

    driver_name = 'IkaDriver'

    port = 'NA'
    #ASCII character at the beginning of a transmission
    beg_char = '/'
    #ASCII character at ending of a transmission
    end_char = ' \r \n'
    #time to pause after sending a transmission
    pause_time = 0.1
    bd = 9600
    to = 1

    def __init__(self):

    def read_name(self):
        s = 'IN_NAME'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r

    def read_external_sensor(self):
        s = 'IN_PV_1'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r[:len(r)-4]

    def read_hotplate_sensor(self):
        s = 'IN_PV_2'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r[:len(r)-4]

    def read_stirring_speed(self):
        s = 'IN_PV_4'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r

    def read_temperature_setpoint(self):
        s = 'IN_SP_1'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r[:len(r)-4]

    def read_safety_temperature_setpoint(self):
        s = 'IN_SP_3'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r

    def read_stirring_speed_setpoint(self):
        s = 'IN_SP_4'
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r[:len(r)-4]

    def set_temperature(self, t):
        s = 'OUT_SP_1 ' + str(t)
        r = self.write(s)

    def set_stirring_speed(self, rpm):
        s = 'OUT_SP_4 ' + str(rpm)
        r = self.write(s)

    def start_heater(self):
        s = 'START_1'
        r = self.write(s)

    def stop_heater(self):
        s = 'STOP_1'
        r = self.write(s)

    def start_stirring(self):
        s = 'START_4'
        r = self.write(s)

    def stop_stirring(self):
        s = 'STOP_4'
        r = self.write(s)

    def reset(self):
        s = 'RESET'
        r = self.write(s)

    def set_operating_mode(self, mode):
        if mode == 'A' or mode == 'B' or mode == 'D':
            s = 'SET_MODE_' + mode
            r = self.write(s)
            return mode
            return -1

    def set_echo_safety_temperature(self,t):
        s = 'OUT_SP_12@' + str(t)
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r

    def set_echo_safety_stirring_speed(self,rpm):
        s = 'OUT_SP_42@' + str(rpm)
        r = self.write_read(s, 80)
        return r

    def watchdog_one(self, m):
        s = 'OUT_WD1@' + str(m)
        r = self.write(s)

    def watchdog_two(self, m):
        s = 'OUT_WD2@m' + str(m)
        r = self.write(s)


A Protocol class provides higher level functions that define the actions a device will take in a project. Protocols will often utilize the functions defined in a given Driver class. It is good practice to note which Driver class a Protocol is compatible with.

A protocol requires:

  1. protocol_name: a string matching the filename
  2. an __ init __ method that does not accept any arguments

Example: ProtocolTemplate

#A class for protocols
class Protocol():

protocol_name = 'ProtocolTemplate'

def __init__(self):

Protocols can also define how a given device is initialized, and how the user may interact with the device. For example in the below protocol for hotplates, additional code is given to ensure a robust connection and startup of the device.

Example: IkaProtocol

#A class for IKA RCT Digital hotpolate protocols

class Protocol():

    protocol_name = 'IkaProtocol'
    print_status = True

    con_status = False  # is IKA connected (serial port)
    ini_status = False  # is IKA initialized

    def __init__(self):

    def connect(self):
        con_err = ""
        if self.get_port() == 'NA':
            con_err = con_err + "Ika port not assigned."
            except Exception as e:
                con_err = con_err + "Ika connection error. Check port assignment."
        if con_err == '':
            self.con_status = True
            self.display_status("Ika connected successfully.")
        return self.con_status

    #Initialize the hotplate by reading its name
    def initialize(self):
        ini_err = ''
        if self.con_status:
            if not self.ini_status:
                    name = self.read_name()
                    if name == '':
                        self.ini_status = False
                        self.display_status("Ika initialization faiulre: check device")
                        self.ini_status = True
                        self.display_status("Ika initialized successfully")
                    ini_err = "Ika initialization failure: check serial connection."
                    self.ini_status = False
            ini_err = 'Ika initialization failure: not connected.'
            self.ini_status = False

        return self.ini_status

    def display_status(self, s):
        if self.printstatus:

Finally, designing a task which utilizes a device requires correct usage of the underlying Device, Driver and Protocol classes. See below the task "LoadStartIka", which automatically loads, initializes and starts a hotplate.

Example: LoadStartIka

#A task for loading, initializing and starting a IKA RCT Digital hotplate with a default temperature

class Task():

    task_name = 'LoadStartIka'
    task_type = 'thread'
    task_stopped = False

    #initialize all tasks with a flab object.
    def __init__(self, flab):
        self.flab = flab

    #method called when task is run
    def run(self):
        self.task_stopped = False
        load_err = ''
            #load the device into flab
            p = self.flab.devices['IkaDefaultsDevice']
            #set the device port
            #set the device temperature
            #start the heater
        except Exception as e:
            load_err = 'Error loading and starting IkaDefaultsDevice'
        if load_err == '':
            self.flab.ui.print('IkaDefaultsDevice loaded and started successfully')

    def stop(self):
        self.task_stopped = True


UIs are classes that govern how users (humans or otherwise) interact with running programs. The most common UI is graphical (a GUI). A UI can be thought of as a hybrid between a Device and a Task. UI classes are saved in the UIs folder of a project.

Each UI requires the following:

  1. ui_name: a string that matches the filename
  2. __ init __(self, flab): initializes the UI object with the shared flab object
  3. run(self, *args, **kwargs): this defines how a ui runs. This method can contain while loops, which can be externally closed with the flag task_stopped.
  4. stop(self, *args, **kwargs): this defines how a ui stops. This method can be used to modify a ui_stopped flag

UIs inherit classes stored in the Designs and Actions folders, which describe the layout of the UI and the corresponding actions of the UI elements respectively.

In HelloWorldUI, the UI class inherits the Ui_MainWindow class of HelloWorldDesign and the Actions class of HelloWorldActions. The HelloWorldUI run method uses PyQt5 to create a window (QtWidgets.QMainWindow) to run in. Note: GUI libraries typically run within the main method. If you wish to start multiple UIs or to run a UI in a separate task, it is best to create a separate process task for running the UI.

Example: HelloWorldUI

#A GUI for HelloWorld

from Projects.Example.UIs.Designs import HelloWorldDesign
from Projects.Example.UIs.Actions import HelloWorldActions
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

import sys

class UI(HelloWorldDesign.Ui_MainWindow, HelloWorldActions.Actions):

    ui_name = 'HelloWorldUI'

    def __init__(self, flab):
        self.flab = flab

    #The method responsible for starting the UI
    def run(self):
        app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
        self.MainWindow = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()

    #The method responsible for stopping the UI
    def stop(self):

UIs may be loaded into flab with the flab method load_ui(ui_name)

flab = Flab.Flab()


Design classes may be created by a range of methods - by directly coding, using libraries such as Tkinter, or through applications like QtDesigner. Design class files are stored in the Designs folder. *.ui files can be converted to *.py files automatically using the function convert_ui(ui_name), which is defined in UiManager.

Example: .ui to .py conversion.

flab = Flab.Flab()

Example: HelloWorldDesign

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Form implementation generated from reading ui file '/Users/nicholasjose/Dropbox (Cambridge CARES)/Python/pyflab/Projects/Working/UIs/Designs/HelloWorldDesign.ui'
# Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.4
# WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is
# run again.  Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing.

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
class Ui_MainWindow(object):
    def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
        MainWindow.resize(1068, 716)
        self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow)
        self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget)
        self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(390, 330, 91, 16))
        self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget)
        self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(370, 360, 113, 32))
        self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(MainWindow)


    def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
        _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
        MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Hello World"))
        self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Hello What?"))
        self.pushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Click me"))


Action classes are used to define the actions that a UI undertakes after events. For example, in HelloWorldDesign, to define what happens after pushButton is clicked. Actions are defined in separate classes to enable programmers to easily change actions without affecting the UI's design, and vice versa.

Each Actions class is defined with:

  1. actions_name: a string matching the class filename
  2. an __ init __ function that accepts a flab object as an input.

In the below example, upon clicking pushButton, defined within HelloWorldDesign, the test of label, also defined with HelloWorldDesign, displays "Hello World"

Actions Example:

#Hello World UI Actions

class Actions():

    actions_name = 'HelloWorldActions'

    def __init__(self, flab):
        self.flab = flab

    def configure_actions(self):

    def hello_world(self):
        self.label.setText('Hello World')


Boot scripts are used to start programs. The BootManager class implements Python's multiprocessing SyncManager class to create the shared flab object, using namespaces and queues.

Every flab object must be initialized with queues, which are used to exchange information between separate "flab" process and "ui" processes. These queues may or may not further used by the programmer, depending on the complexity of the program.

Before starting any specific code for your project, use the following steps to create a shared flab object

  1. Shift the working directory up to the project directory.
  2. Create a Bootmanager
  3. Create a UI queue and a flab queue
  4. Create a shared flab object using boot_manager.create_flab_proxy(ui_queue, flab_queue)

These steps are illustrated in the below example, which starts HelloWorldUI

Example: HelloWorldBoot

from flab import BootManager
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #1. Change the working directory
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if 'Boot' in cwd:

    #2. create a boot_manager
    boot_manager = BootManager.BootManager()

    #3. create the queues
    ui_queue = boot_manager.create_queue()
    flab_queue = boot_manager.create_queue()

    #4. create a flab object proxy
    f = boot_manager.create_flab_proxy(ui_queue, flab_queue)

    #convert and run HelloWorldUI

BootManager also contains separate functions for starting processes (start_process and start_processes), which can be used to start multiple running processes from the boot script. This is illustrated in the Console Project, below.

The Console Project

The Console Project is essentially a user input console that allows you to access the flab object and run tasks in real time. This is extremeley useful for quickly prototyping code, as you do not need to restart python each time you need to modify a task. Instead, you can simply change a task, save the file, "reload" the task in flab, and start it.

The Console takes only flab commands as inputs. For example



>start_task('Hello World')

the display method can be used to print out data in the console. For example

>display('Hello World')


'Hello World'

If you wish to print out attributes, for example, the items in a flab dictionary or a flab variable, you need to use


for example



<flab.Flab.Flab object at 0x7fafde453fa0>




{'ConsoleUiProcess': <Projects.Console.Tasks.ConsoleUiProcess.Task object at 0x7f88dbd68ac0>,
'ConsoleFlabProcess': <Projects.Console.Tasks.ConsoleFlabProcess.Task object at 0x7f88dbd68c10>, 
'HelloWorld': <Projects.Console.Tasks.HelloWorld.Task object at 0x7f88dbd5f850>}

Quick Start

To quickly get started with FLab using the Console:

  1. Install the FLab package
  2. Create a Projects directory
  3. Download the Console Project from github, and copy it into your Projects folder.
  4. Run
  5. Type in start_task('HelloWorld'). You should see repeated lines of 'Hello World' printed
  6. Type in stop_task('HelloWorld'). The printing should stop.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

flab-1.0.5.tar.gz (47.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

flab-1.0.5-py3-none-any.whl (31.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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