A flake plugin that checks for typing.TYPE_CHECKING-able imports
Project description
A plugin for flake8 that checks your code for imports that are only used in annotations. These imports can then be moved under an if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: block to prevent them being imported at runtime. This can minimise the number of runtime dependencies that your modules have and perhaps also reduce the likelyhood of a circular import.
For example:
import dataclasses
import datetime
class Person:
name: str
birthday: datetime.date
The above code will emit a lint (code: TCI100) telling you that it can be converted to this:
import dataclasses
import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
import datetime
class Person:
name: str
birthday: datetime.date
You can install the latest version from pypi using pip like so:
pip install flake8-typechecking_import