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a flexible prompt renderer for large language models (LLMs)

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Large language models have maximum context window—a maximum number of tokens they can receive and produce. You may have noticed this:

Error message showing a model's maximum content length being exceeded

Flex prompt addresses this by fitting your prompt into the model's context window. You provide a flexible prompt template, flex prompt renders it into model input.

Flex prompt does not handle model execution, but integrates well with execution frameworks like LangChain and Haystack.


We'll install flex-prompt with the optional openai dependencies, since we're using OpenAI models for these examples. This will install tiktoken, the OpenAI tokenizer.

pip install flex-prompt[openai]

Let's get ourselves a long string to work with:

#@title `WAR_AND_PEACE` = *(text of War and Peace from Project Gutenberg)*
from urllib.request import urlopen
with urlopen(WAR_AND_PEACE_URL) as f: WAR_AND_PEACE ='utf-8')

Flex prompt is largely agnostic to how you run your models. We'll use LangChain for these examples.

pip install langchain openai >/dev/null
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

Quick Example

Rendering directly

from flex_prompt import render, Flex, Expect
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

# LangChain integration is optional; you can also call
# render with model=<model string> e.g. render(..., model='gpt-3.5-turbo')
davinci = OpenAI()

rendered = render(Flex([
  'Given the text, answer the question.\n',
  'Text:', WAR_AND_PEACE,
  'Question: Who wrote this?',
  'Answer:', Expect()
]), model=davinci)

print(davinci(rendered.output, max_tokens=rendered.max_response_tokens))
 Leo Tolstoy/Tolstoi

Here, we're using flex prompt's Flex component and rendering it directly. Flex divides the available space in the prompt evenly amongst its children, filling the space completely. Neat!

But note that if we entirely fill the context window with our prompt, we'll have no more tokens left for the response! That's the role of Expect: it's a placeholder which participates in layout but doesn't render any tokens, leaving room for a response.

We can get the rendered prompt string from rendered.output and the number of tokens available for the response from rendered.max_response_tokens, which we use to call the model and get an answer.

Flexed components

You can inherit from flex_prompt.Flexed to define a prompt component whose content() is flexed:

from flex_prompt import Flexed, Expect
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Ask(Flexed):
  text: str
  question: str
  answer: str | Expect = Expect(str)
  instruct: str = "Given a text, answer the question."

  flex_join = '\n' # yielded items will be joined by newlines
  def content(self, _ctx):
    if self.instruct:
      yield 'Given the text, answer the question.'
      yield ''
    yield 'Text:'
    yield self.text
    yield 'Question: ', self.question
    yield 'Answer: ', self.answer

We can then pass an instance of Ask to render:

from flex_prompt import render
rendering = render(Ask(text=WAR_AND_PEACE[10000:], question="What character names are in the text?"),
                   model=davinci, token_limit=300)
print(davinci(rendering.output, max_tokens=rendering.max_response_tokens))
Given the text, answer the question.

. He went up to Anna Pávlovna,
kissed her hand, presenting to her his bald, scented, and shining head,
and complacently seated himself on the sofa.

“First of all, dear friend, tell me how you are. Set your friend’s
mind at rest,” said he without altering his tone, beneath the
politeness and affected sympathy of which indifference and even irony
could be discerned.

“Can one be well while suffering morally? Can one be calm in times
like these if one has any feeling?�
Question: What character names are in the text?

The only character name mentioned in the text is Anna Pávlovna.

Note that we take an answer and default it to Expect(str). Writing prompts like this lets us use the same component to render examples and the active prompt, simplifying format changes:

examples = [
  ('The triangle is green', 'What color is the triangle?', 'green'),
  ('If you breathe deeply, you will fall asleep.', 'How do you fall asleep?', 'breathe deeply'),
  ('The 5-ht2a receptor mediates gastrointestinal activation',
   'What does the 5-ht3 receptor do?',
   'not answered in the text')

class AskWithExamples(Flexed):
  examples: list[tuple[str, str, str]]
  ask: Ask

  flex_join = '\n'
  def content(self, _ctx):
    yield Ask.instruct
    yield ''
    for text, q, a in self.examples:
      yield '**EXAMPLE:**'
      yield Ask(text, q, a, instruct=None)
      yield '**END EXAMPLE**'
    yield self.ask

rendering = render(
    AskWithExamples(examples, Ask(WAR_AND_PEACE, 'Who published this?')),
Given a text, answer the question.

The triangle is green
Question: What color is the triangle?
Answer: green
If you breathe deeply, you will fall asleep.
Question: How do you fall asleep?
Answer: breathe deeply
The 5-ht2a receptor mediates gastrointestinal activation
Question: What does the 5-ht3 receptor do?
Answer: not answered in the text
Given the text, answer the question.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of War and Peace
This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and
most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions
whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms
of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online
at If you are not located in the United States,
you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located
before using this eBook.

Title: War and Peace

Author: graf Leo Tolstoy

Translator: Aylmer Maude
        Louise Maude

Release date: April 1, 2001 [eBook #2600]
                Most recently updated: June 14, 2022

Language: English



By Leo Tolstoy/Tolstoi


    BOOK ONE: 1805


















Question: Who published this?


Flex prompt exports a top-level render function which renders an input for a given model. This returns a Rendering[str], whose output is the rendered prompt string.

The input can be as simple as a string:

from flex_prompt import render
rendering = render("Q: What are the colors of the rainbow?\nA:", model='text-davinci-002')
rendering.output, rendering.max_response_tokens
('Q: What are the colors of the rainbow?\nA:', 4084)

The rendering has everything we need to call the model, here using LangChain:

from langchain.llms import OpenAI
davinci = OpenAI(model='text-davinci-002')
davinci(rendering.output, max_tokens=rendering.max_response_tokens)
' Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet'

For convenience, the render function also accepts LangChain models directly:

rendering = render("Q: What are the colors of the rainbow?\nA:", model=davinci)
davinci(rendering.output, max_tokens=rendering.max_response_tokens)
' Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.'

render will render most things you throw at it.


Rendered strings are cropped to fit. We can see this if we pass an artificially low token_limit:

rendering = render("Q: What are the colors of the rainbow?\nA:", model=davinci, token_limit=5)
'Q: What are the'

If the input overflowed, overflow_token_count will be non-zero:


(You can't do much with this information right now, except know that the prompt overflowed).


Rendering a list (or really, any non-str Iterable) concatenates all the items in that list:

questions = ['1. Colors of the rainbow?\n', '2. Days of the week?\n']
rendering = render(['Answer the following questions:\n', questions], model=davinci)
'Answer the following questions:\n1. Colors of the rainbow?\n2. Days of the week?\n'

By default, lists are rendered in block mode. This means that partial items which would be cut off simply aren't rendered at all:

one = """
and lo betide, the red sky opened upon us as though the crinkled
hand of the heavens itself was reaching down.
two = """
we were witness to dark and terrible portents, whose nameless
features we could not grasp with our mortal minds
three = """
it was only then, in the moment when cruel stars had long since
wrung us dry, that the chinchillas arrived.

rendering = render([one, two, three], model=davinci, token_limit=60)
and lo betide, the red sky opened upon us as though the crinkled
hand of the heavens itself was reaching down.

we were witness to dark and terrible portents, whose nameless
features we could not grasp with our mortal minds

To control this, you can use the Cat component explicitly (list rendering uses Cat implicitly).


render will accept almost any input. Relevantly, it will accept a callable generator, which it will then call with a rendering context. This lets us write prompt components—functional prompt templates describing not just string substitutions, but also basic layout instructions.

It's convenient to define prompt components as dataclasses:

from flex_prompt import Flex, Render, Expect
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Ask:
  """Given a text, answer a question."""
  text: str
  question: str
  def __call__(self, ctx: Render):
    yield Flex([
      'Given the text, answer the question\n\n',
      'Text:\n', self.text, '\n',
      'Question: ', self.question,
      'Answer:', Expect()

rendered = render(Ask(text=WAR_AND_PEACE, question='Where is this text from?'), model=davinci)
davinci(rendered.output, max_tokens=rendered.expected_token_count)
' This text is from the Project Gutenberg eBook of War and Peace.'

The usage above is pretty common, and regrettably ugly. Flex prompt provides a Flexed base class to simplify the common case where you just want to throw a bunch of stuff in the prompt and have it show up:

Included components: Flex and Cat

Flex prompt includes two quite useful components: Flex and Cat


Flex divides the available space amongst its children:

from flex_prompt import render, Flex
A = 'A' * 10000
B = 'B' * 10000
C = 'C' * 10000
# the test-len-str model target is a test helper built into
# flex prompt. its tokenizer just returns each character as a token.
print(render(Flex([A, B, C]), model='test-len-str', token_limit=30).output)

You can control how Flex divides the space with the flex_weight property, set on the child:

for w in range(1, 5):
  rendering = render(
    Flex([A, Flex([B], flex_weight=w), C]),

You can specify a join argument to make Flex join its children while respecting the window size:

rendering = render(
  Flex([A, Flex([B], flex_weight=2), C], join='\n--\n'),
print('output length:', len(rendering.output))
output length: 30


Flex prompt's Cat component concatenates all the iterables you give it, and gives you more control over their rendering.

With no arguments, it's equivalent to rendering a list:

from flex_prompt import render, Cat
rendering = render(Cat([one, two, three]), model=davinci, token_limit=40)
and lo betide, the red sky opened upon us as though the crinkled
hand of the heavens itself was reaching down.

If you'd rather clip items which can't be completely rendered, you can specify mode='clip':

from flex_prompt import render, Cat
rendering = render(Cat([one, two, three], mode='clip'), model=davinci, token_limit=40)
print(rendering.overflow_token_count, 'tokens clipped')
and lo betide, the red sky opened upon us as though the crinkled
hand of the heavens itself was reaching down.

we were witness to dark and terrible portents,
14 tokens clipped

Cat also lets you specify a joiner, just as Flex does:

from flex_prompt import render, Cat
rendering = render(Cat([one, two, three], mode='clip', join='---'), model=davinci, token_limit=70)
and lo betide, the red sky opened upon us as though the crinkled
hand of the heavens itself was reaching down.
we were witness to dark and terrible portents, whose nameless
features we could not grasp with our mortal minds
it was only then, in the moment when cruel stars had long

Targeting a particular model

When you call render(input, model=m), flex prompt searches for a render Target for m. If you want to do this search once rather than every time you render, you can call to get a model-specific renderer:

from flex_prompt import target, Flex, Expect
render = target(davinci)
rendering = render(Ask(text=WAR_AND_PEACE,
                       question='What might a 19th century Russian aristocrat think of this book?'))
print(davinci(rendering.output, max_tokens=rendering.expected_token_count))
 A 19th century Russian aristocrat might think this book is a good depiction of life during war and peace.

Integrating new models

When you ask flex prompt to render against a model, it looks up a Target for that model by calling a series of target finders. You can register a target finder using flex_prompt.register_target_finder:

from flex_prompt import register_target_finder, Target
from flex_prompt.rendering import Str
from typing import Any

class WordTokenizer:
  def encode(self, string):
    return list(self._encode(string))

  def decode(self, tokens):
    return ''.join(tokens)

  def _encode(self, string):
    import re
    start = 0
    for m in re.finditer(r'(\s|\n)+', string):
      space_start, space_end = m.span()
      word = string[start:space_start]
      if word: yield word
      yield string[space_start:space_end]
      start = space_end
    yield string[start:]

def find_example_target(model: Any) -> Target | None:
  if model == 'example-target':
    return Target(10, WordTokenizer(), Str)
from flex_prompt import render
print(render(one, model='example-target').output)
and lo betide, the red

Known Issues

Token accounting

Flex prompt operates in token space: when you hand it strings to render, it tokenizes them and then concatenates those token lists. It only finally generates a string when you read the rendering's .output property (or convert it to a string, which implicitly does the same thing). Flex prompt's layout engine assumes that token_count(A + B) = token_count(A) + token_count(B).

This makes layout a bit faster, since we avoid repeatedly calling the tokenizer as we concatenate substrings. Unfortunately, it's also incorrect.

Specifically, if adjacent prompt fragments combine into a single token, flex prompt will report a token_count which is higher than the actual token count. You can see this by combining individual-character substrings:

from flex_prompt import target
render = target('gpt-4')

rendered = render([char for char in 'hello world']) # ['h', 'e', 'l', ...]
print('initial rendering token count:', rendered.token_count)
# rendered.output will be "hello world", so we're really just
# rendering a single string here:
print('actual token count:', render(rendered.output).token_count)
initial rendering token count: 11
actual token count: 2

Fortunately, this will always over-estimate the token count, so the fundamental guarantee that flex prompt fits prompts into the token window still holds. It is also probably a mistake to combine prompt sections in a way that could generate new words (that is, without whitespace), so this is unlikely to have a major impact in practice.

If an absolutely accurate accounting of tokens is important for your use case, you should re-count tokens as in the example above.

Project details

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Source Distribution

flex_prompt-0.0.3.tar.gz (74.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

flex_prompt-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (14.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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