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Application that keeps the track of car fleet. FleetApp goals are:

  • to inform user about mot and insurance deadlines,
  • to send emails with notifications about those obligations,
  • prepare summaries about fleet for front end applications,
  • manage fleet entities by storing and updating them in database
  • to load data about Car, Mot and Insurance from different data sources [json, jsonl, csv, etc.]




1. Clone repository and enter main directory:

    git clone
    cd flota-app

2. Make sure your docker is running and port 3307 is empty, and run docker-compose command as well as poetry command to create environment

    docker-compose up -d
    poetry install

3. Enter tests directory

    cd tests

You are ready to go. All .env files are placed in test/test_data/envs

3. Run tests using:


    poetry run pytest -vv


To understand logic of CarsFleetService, we need to start from knowing models that are providing data about fleet, as well as Repos that store them in database tables.


class Car:
    id, registration_number, first_registration_date, vin, brand, model
    Default values are set to None because of design pattern 'Builder'
    id: int = None
    registration_number: str = None
    first_registration_date: date = None
    vin: str = None
    brand: str = None
    model: str = None

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        Checks if first_registration_date is date or iso representation of it,
        and if it happens to be true then parse it to date object
        if self.first_registration_date and type(self.first_registration_date) == str:
            self.first_registration_date = date.fromisoformat(self.first_registration_date)

    def update_id(self, id_: int) -> None:
        """ Updates id using new one """ = id_

    def update_registration_number(self, new_registration_number: str) -> None:
        """ Updates registration numer using new one """
        self.registration_number = new_registration_number

    def update_first_registration_date(self, new_first_registration_date: str) -> None:
        """ Updates first_registration_date using new one """
        self.first_registration_date = new_first_registration_date

    def update_vin(self, new_vin: str) -> None:
        """ Updates vin using new one """ = new_vin

    def update_brand(self, new_brand: str) -> None:
        """ Updates brand using new one """
        self.brand = new_brand

    def update_model(self, new_model: str) -> None:
        """ Updates model using new one """
        self.model = new_model

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
        """ Creates new Car object using provided dict. Awaits json dict, so any data type used has to parseable """
        return cls(

    def attr_names(cls) -> list[str]:
        """ Returns attribute names as list. Used in CrudRepo """
        return ['id', 'registration_number', 'first_registration_date', 'vin', 'brand', 'model']

Car stores data about vehicle that is part of our fleet.


class BasicMot(Mot):
    type: str | None = 'Basic'

    def mot_start(self) ->
        """ Uses BasicMot.start_date"""
        return self.start_date

    def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        """ For basic mot duration is 365 days"""
        return datetime.timedelta(365)

which extends Mot

class Mot(ABC):
    id: int | None - primary key of insurance
    mot_code: str | None - unique identifier of mot, created by mot station
    start_date: | None - date that mot starts to be vaild
    car_id: int | None - id of mot'ed Car object
    type: str | None - type of mot

    All values have default value of None because of Builder project pattern accept type - this attribute is set to

    id: int | None = None
    mot_code: str = None
    start_date: | None = None
    car_id: int | None = None
    type: str | None = None

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """ Makes sure that when date is stored as iso date str, it will be parsed to date object"""
        if self.start_date and type(self.start_date) == str:
            self.start_date =

    def deadline(self) ->
        """ Template method that implements solution for calculation of duration of mot"""
        return self.mot_start() + self.duration()

    def mot_start(self) ->
        """ How mot start date will be obtained? """

    def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        """ How duration will be calculated?"""

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
        :param data: dict with attr name as key, and attr value as value
        :return: Mot
        return cls(

    def attr_names(cls) -> list[str]:

        return ['id', 'mot_code', 'start_id', 'car_id', 'type']

BasicMot represents MOT of car that belongs to your fleet.


class BasicInsurance(Insurance):
    id: int | None - primary key of insurance
    insurance_code: str | None - unique identifier of insurance, created by insurance company
    start_date: | None - date that insurance starts to be vaild
    car_id: int | None - id of insured Car object
    type: str | None - type of insurance

    All values have default value of None because of Builder project pattern accept type - this attribute is set to
    type: str = 'Basic'

    def insurance_start(self) ->
        """ Uses BasicInsurance.start_date"""
        return self.start_date

    def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        """ For basic insurance duration is 365 days"""
        return datetime.timedelta(365)

which extends Insurance

class Insurance(ABC):
    id: int | None - primary key of insurance
    insurance_code: str | None - unique identifier of insurance, created by insurance company
    start_date: | None - date that insurance starts to be vaild
    car_id: int | None - id of insured Car object
    type: str | None - type of insurance

    All values have default value of None because of Builder project pattern
    id: int | None = None
    insurance_code: str | None = None
    start_date: | str | None = None
    car_id: int | None = None
    type: str | None = None

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """ Makes sure that when date is stored as iso date str, it will be parsed to date object"""
        if self.start_date and type(self.start_date) == str:
            self.start_date =

    def deadline(self) ->
        """ Template method that implements solution for calculation of duration of insurance"""
        return self.insurance_start() + self.duration()

    def insurance_start(self) ->
        """ How insurance start date will be obtained? """

    def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        """ How duration will be calculated?"""

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:

        :param data: dict with attr name as key, and attr value as value
        :return: Instance of insurance
        return cls(

    def attr_names(cls) -> list[str]:
        return ['id', 'insurance_code', 'start_id', 'car_id', 'type']

BasicInsurance represents Insurance of car that belongs to your fleet


CrudRepo is object that implements CRUD transactions with MySQL database table that uses entity namespaces to create queries and obtain data.

Link to my package

In a nutshell, you need to create connection pool, and provide it together with entity that you work with, so you make CrudRepo(MySQLConnectionPoolBuilder(<path to .env file>).build(), Car)

And there you have it. You have CarCrudRepo that manages table cars in your database.

Link to template .env files

CarsRepo, BasicMotsRepo, BasicInsurancesRepo

They are extending CrudRepo by adding some methods. You are going to use them.

Basic Usage

1. Download zipped template project and unzip somewhere

It's very convenient to analyse use-cases when you will have them ready in the code. Try to use interpreter that has at least Python 3.1.2 version.


2. Install package using pip

Install flota-app globally and make sure that your interpreter is inheriting from global dependencies.

pip install flota-app

3. Create docker container and database tables

To create docker container enter template_project/demo_files_config and run command

docker-compose up -d

Once it's done you can run file

3. Imports and logger set up

from pathlib import Path
from datetime import date

from import Car
from flota_app.models.mots.basic_mot import BasicMot
from flota_app.models.insurances.basic_insurance import BasicInsurance
from flota_app.factory.factories.car_factories.json_factories import \
from flota_app.factory.processors.data_processor import DataProcesor
from flota_app.repo.cars_repo import CarsRepo
from import CarsFleetService

from easyvalid_data_validator.constraints import Constraint

from dbm_database_service.managers import MySQLDatabaseManager
from dbm_database_service.connectors import get_connection_pool

import logging

3. Tables creation

To work on CarsRepo, BasicMotsRepo and BasicInsurancesRepo objects we need to create proper structure in database. To achieve this you can manually run sql code in some database manager console, or let that code running as first:

database_env_filepath = f"{Path.cwd().parent}\\demo_files\\config\\.env"

connection_pool = get_connection_pool(database_env_filepath)
dbm = MySQLDatabaseManager(connection_pool)
        create table if not exists cars(
        id                      int auto_increment primary key,
        registration_number     varchar(7)   null,
        first_registration_date varchar(11)  null,
        vin                     varchar(17)  null,
        brand                   varchar(250) null,
        model                   varchar(250) null

        create table if not exists basic_mots(
        id         int auto_increment primary key,
        mot_code   varchar(50) null,
        start_date varchar(11) null,
        car_id     int         null,
        type       varchar(50) null

        create table if not exists basic_insurances(
        id             int auto_increment primary key,
        insurance_code varchar(50) null,
        start_date     varchar(11) null,
        car_id         int         null,
        type           varchar(50) null

4. Loading cars objects

  • First, we want to obtain data about cars using factory.

  • You can download ready file here or let that template_project work for you. Cars data is stored in /demo_files/data/cars.jsonl

  • Processor is provided with factory that has path to json file, as well as constrains of car details and run process() method to get cars objects

path = f"{Path.cwd().parent}\\demo_files\\data\\cars.json"

constraints = {
    "id": {Constraint.INT_GRATER: 0},
    "registration_number": {Constraint.STRING_REGEX: r"^[A-Z0-9]{7}$"},
    "first_registration_date": {Constraint.STRING_REGEX: r"^.*$"},
    "brand": {Constraint.STRING_REGEX: r"^.*$"},
    "model": {Constraint.STRING_REGEX: r"^.*$"}
factory = FromJsonFileToCarsWithExpectedConstraintsDataFactory(path, constraints)
processor = DataProcesor(factory)
cars = processor.process()

5. Creations of repos and CarsFleetService

To have CarsFleetService going, we need to create Car, BasicMot and BasicInsurances repos. All that has to be given to them is .env filepath that contains all connection parameters used to work on database.

database_env_filepath = f"{Path.cwd().parent}\\demo_files\\config\\.env"

cars_repo = CarsRepo(database_env_filepath)
    mots_repo = BasicMotsRepo(database_env_filepath)
    insurances_repo = BasicInsurancesRepo(database_env_filepath)

    cars_fleet_service = CarsFleetService(

6. Adding objects into database

To add some Cars, Mots or Insurances to database, we need to create them(by factory, or manually) and use designated methods. For example:

  • add_cars(cars)
  • add_mots(mots)
  • add_insurances(insurances)

mots = [
    BasicMot(None, '1/111023', date(2023, 1, 21), 1),
    BasicMot(None, '2/200023', date(2023, 2, 22), 2),
    BasicMot(None, '3/1023', date(2023, 3, 23), 3)

insurances = [
    BasicInsurance(None, 'PZU/111023', date(2023, 1, 21), 1),
    BasicInsurance(None, 'WAR/200023', date(2023, 2, 22), 2),
    BasicInsurance(None, 'KK/1023', date(2023, 3, 23), 3)


7. CRUD transactions on database using objects

We can manipulate tables rows by applying designated methods. Example:

deleted_id = cars_fleet_service.delete_car_by_id(1)
updated_mot_id = cars_fleet_service.update_mot(
    BasicMot(1, '00/00000', date(2023, 1, 21), 1),
cars_by_mots = cars_fleet_service.cars_with_mots_by_deadline()

Results in database:

cars table img.png (Car with id=1 deleted, Car with id=4 added)

basic_mots table img.png (BasicMot with id=1 is deleted and new object is created with id=4)

Logging results:

INFO:root:Added car id: 4
INFO:root:Deleted car id: 1
INFO:root:Updated car id: 4
INFO:root:deadline: 2024-01-21, mot: BasicMot(id=4, mot_code='00/00000',, 1, 21), car_id=4, type='Basic'), car: Car(id=4, registration_number='WW12345',, 12, 20), vin='ZJSER12412DFSWERQ', brand='Subaru', model='WRX')
INFO:root:deadline: 2024-02-22, mot: BasicMot(id=2, mot_code='2/200023',, 2, 22), car_id=2, type='Basic'), car: Car(id=2, registration_number='DW12111',, 6, 11), vin='3Z1SL65848Z411439', brand='AUDI', model='A3')
INFO:root:deadline: 2024-03-22, mot: BasicMot(id=3, mot_code='3/1023',, 3, 23), car_id=3, type='Basic'), car: Car(id=3, registration_number='WB40511',, 1, 25), vin='5G1SL65848Z411439', brand='BMW', model='X5')

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

flota_app-0.1.3.tar.gz (16.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

flota_app-0.1.3-py3-none-any.whl (31.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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