a tool helps manage environment variable portably and safely
Project description
a tool helps manage environment variable portably and safely
pip install flyenv
usage: flyenv.py [-h] {set,unset,delete,get,list,require,clear,load,encrypt,decrypt} ... a tool helps manage environment variable portably and safely positional arguments: {set,unset,delete,get,list,require,clear,load,encrypt,decrypt} optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
Usage in Django or Flask or others
In the same directory with manage.py, create a file name “flyenv.txt”, then you can add environment variables in this file directly with this format “name=value”, one key-value pair a line, this file allow empty lines and comment lines starts with “#”. You can also set environment variables in the command line.
In any source file you want to use environment variables
from flyenv import set_env, get_env set_env(name, val) get_env(name)
You can encrypt your env file to protect sensitive data. In the command line:
$flyenv encrypt secret_key[a string with length 16]
flyenv will remove “flyenv.txt” and generate a file name “flyenv_encrypt.txt” with encrypted environment variables in it. Then you can add this file to your git repository.
When you want to use the encrypted environment variables, you can decrypt the file in command line:
$flyenv descrypt secret_key[a string with length 16]