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Downloader of test cases from TestRail projects.

Project description

TestRail cases downloader for Foliant

TestRail preprocessor collects test cases from TestRail project and adds to your testing procedure document.


$ pip install foliantcontrib.testrail


To enable the preprocessor, add testrail to preprocessors section in the project config. The preprocessor has a number of options (best values are set by default where possible):

  - testrail:
    testrail_url: http://testrails.url                                                      \\ Required
    testrail_login: username                                                                \\ Required
    testrail_pass: password                                                                 \\ Required
    project_id: 35                                                                          \\ Required
    suite_ids:                                                                              \\ Optional
    section_ids:                                                                            \\ Optional
    exclude_suite_ids:                                                                      \\ Optional
    exclude_section_ids:                                                                    \\ Optional
    exclude_case_ids:                                                                       \\ Optional
    filename:                                                                 \\ Optional
    rewrite_src_file: false                                                                 \\ Optional
    template_folder: case_templates                                                         \\ Optional
    section_header: Testing program                                                         \\ Recommended
    add_std_table: true                                                                     \\ Optional
    std_table_header: Table with testing results                                            \\ Recommended
    std_table_column_headers: №; Priority; Platform; ID; Test case name; Result; Comment    \\ Recommended
    add_suite_headers: true                                                                 \\ Optional
    add_section_headers: true                                                               \\ Optional
    add_case_id_to_case_header: false                                                       \\ Optional
    add_case_id_to_std_table: false                                                         \\ Optional
    multi_param_name:                                                                       \\ Optional
    multi_param_select:                                                                     \\ Optional
    multi_param_select_type: any                                                            \\ Optional
    add_cases_without_multi_param: true                                                     \\ Optional
    add_multi_param_to_case_header: false                                                   \\ Optional
    add_multi_param_to_std_table: false                                                     \\ Optional
    checkbox_param_name:                                                                    \\ Optional
    checkbox_param_select_type: checked                                                     \\ Optional
    choose_priorities:                                                                      \\ Optional
    add_priority_to_case_header: false                                                      \\ Optional
    add_priority_to_std_table: false                                                        \\ Optional
    resolve_urls: true                                                                      \\ Optional
    screenshots_url: https://gitlab_repository.url                                          \\ Optional
    screenshots_ext: .png                                                                   \\ Optional
    print_case_structure: true                                                              \\ For debugging

testrail_url : URL of TestRail deployed.

testrail_login : Your TestRail username.

testrail_pass : Your TestRail password.

project_id : TestRail project ID. You can find it in the project URL, for example http://testrails.url/index.php?/projects/overview/17 <-.

suite_ids : If you have several suites in your project, you can download test cases from certain suites. You can find suite ID in the URL again, for example http://testrails.url/index.php?/suites/view/63... <-.

section_ids : Also you can download any sections you want regardless of it's level. Just keep in mind that this setting overrides previous suite_ids (but if you set suite_ids and then section_ids from another suite, nothing will be downloaded). And suddenly you can find section ID in it's URL, for example http://testrails.url/index.php?/suites/view/124&group_by=cases:section_id&group_order=asc&group_id=3926 <-.

exclude_suite_ids : You can exclude any suites (even stated in suite_ids) from the document.

exclude_section_ids : The same with the sections.

exclude_case_ids : And the same with the cases.

filename : Path to the test cases file. It should be added to project chapters in foliant.yml. Default: For example:

title: &title Test procedure

    - <- This one for test cases

  - testrail:
    testrail_url: http://testrails.url
    testrail_login: username
    testrail_pass: password
    project_id: 35

rewrite_src_file : You can update (true) test cases file after each use of preprocessor. Be careful, previous data will be deleted.

template_folder : Preprocessor uses Jinja2 templates to compose the file with test cases. Here you can find documentation: . You can store templates in folder inside the foliant project, but if it's not default case_templates you have to write it here.

If this parameter not set and there is no default case_templates folder in the project, it will be created automatically with two jinja files for TestRail templates by default — Test Case (Text) with template_id=1 and Test Case (Steps) with template_id=2.

You can create TestRail templates by yourself in Administration panel, Customizations section, Templates part. Then you have to create jinja templates whith the names {template_id}.j2 for them. For example, file 2.j2 for Test Case (Steps) TestRail template:

{% if case['custom_steps_separated'][0]['content'] %}
{% if case['custom_preconds'] %}

{{ case['custom_preconds'] }}
{% endif %}


{% for case_step in case['custom_steps_separated'] %}

*Step {{ loop.index }}.* {{ case_step['content'] }}

*Expected result:*

{{ case_step['expected'] }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

You can use all parameters of two variables in the template — case and params. Case parameters depends on TestRail template. All custom parameters have prefix 'custom_' before system name set in TestRail.

Here is an example of case variable (parameters depends on case template):

case = {
    'created_by': 3,
    'created_on': 1524909903,
    'custom_expected': None,
    'custom_goals': None,
    'custom_mission': None,
    'custom_preconds': '- The user is not registered in the system.\r\n'
        '- Registration form opened.',
    'custom_steps': '',
    'custom_steps_separated': [{
        'content': 'Enter mobile phone number.',
        'expected': '- Entered phone number '
        'is visible in the form field.'
        {'content': 'Press OK button.',
        'expected': '- SMS with registration code '
    'custom_test_androidtv': None,
    'custom_test_appletv': None,
    'custom_test_smarttv': 'None,
    'custom_tp': True,
    'estimate': None,
    'estimate_forecast': None,
    'id': 15940,
    'milestone_id': None,
    'priority_id': 4,
    'refs': None,
    'section_id': 3441,
    'suite_id': 101,
    'template_id': 7,
    'title': 'Registration by mobile phone number.',
    'type_id': 7,
    'updated_by': 10,
    'updated_on': 1528978979

And here is an example of params variable (parameters are always the same):

params = {
    'multi_param_name': 'platform',
    'multi_param_sys_name': 'custom_platform',
    'multi_param_select': ['android', 'ios'],
    'multi_param_select_type': any,
    'add_cases_without_multi_param': False,
    'checkbox_param_name': 'publish',
    'checkbox_param_sys_name': 'custom_publish',
    'checkbox_param_select_type': 'checked',
    'choose_priorities': ['critical', 'high', 'medium'],
    'add_multi_param_to_case_header': True,
    'add_multi_param_to_std_table': True,
    'add_priority_to_case_header': True,
    'add_priority_to_std_table': True,
    'add_case_id_to_case_header': False,
    'add_case_id_to_std_table': False

Next three fields are necessary due localization issues. While markdown document with test cases is composed on the go, you have to set up some document headers. Definitely not the best solution in my life.

section_header : First level header of section with test cases. By default it's Testing program in Russian.

add_std_table : You can exclude (false) a testing table from the document.

std_table_header : First level header of section with test results table. By default it's Testing table in Russian.

std_table_column_headers : Semicolon separated headers of testing table columns. By default it's №; Priority; Platform; ID; Test case name; Result; Comment in Russian.

add_suite_headers : With false you can exclude all suite headers from the final document.

add_section_headers : With false you can exclude all section headers from the final document.

add_case_id_to_case_header : Every test case in TestRail has unique ID, which, as usual, you can find in the header or test case URL: http://testrails.url/index.php?/cases/view/15920... <-. So you can add (true) this ID to the test case headers and testing table. Or not (false).

add_case_id_to_std_table : Also you can add (true) the column with the test case IDs to the testing table.

In TestRail you can add custom parameters to your test case template. With next settings you can use one multi-select or dropdown (good for platforms, for example) and one checkbox (publishing) plus default priority parameter for cases sampling.

multi_param_name : Parameter name of multi-select or dropdown type you set in System Name field of Add Custom Field form in TestRail. For example, platforms with values Android, iOS, PC, Mac and web. If multi_param_select not set, all test cases will be downloaded (useful when you need just to add parameter value to the test headers or testing table).

multi_param_select : Here you can set the platforms for which you want to get test cases (case insensitive). For example, you have similar UX for mobile platforms and want to combine them:

  - testrail:
    multi_param_name: platforms
    multi_param_select: android, ios

multi_param_select_type : With this parameter you can make test cases sampling in different ways. It has several options:

  • any (by default) — at least one of multi_param_select values should be set for the case,
  • all — all of multi_param_select values should be set and any other can be set for the case,
  • only — only multi_param_select values in any combination should be set for the case,
  • match — all and only multi_param_select values should be set for the case.

With multi_param_select: android, ios we will get the following cases:

Test cases Android iOS PC Mac web any all only match
Test case 1 + + + + + +
Test case 2 + + + + + +
Test case 3 + +
Test case 4 + + + +
Test case 5 + + + + +
Test case 6 + + + + +
Test case 7 + + +
Test case 8 + + +
Test case 9 + + +

add_cases_without_multi_param : Also you can include (by default) or exclude (false) cases without any value of multi-select or dropdown parameter.

add_multi_param_to_case_header : You can add (true) values of multi-select or dropdown parameter to the case headers or not (by default).

add_multi_param_to_std_table : You can add (true) column with values of multi-select or dropdown parameter to the testing table or not (by default).

checkbox_param_name : Parameter name of checkbox type you set in System Name field of Add Custom Field form in TestRail. For example, publish. Without parameter name set all of cases will be downloaded.

checkbox_param_select_type : With this parameter you can make test cases sampling in different ways. It has several options:

  • checked (by default) — only cases whith checked field will be downloaded,
  • unchecked — only cases whith unchecked field will be downloaded.

choose_priorities : Here you can set test case priorities to download (case insensitive).

  - testrail:
    choose_priorities: critical, high, medium

add_priority_to_case_header : You can add (true) priority to the case headers or not (by default).

add_priority_to_std_table : You can add (true) column with case priority to the testing table or not (by default).

Using described setting you can flexibly adjust test cases sampling. For example, you can download only published critical test cases for both and only Mac and PC.

Now strange things, mostly made specially for my project, but may be useful for others.

Screenshots. There is no possibility to store screenshots in TestRail projects, but you can store them in the GitLab repository (link to which should be stated in one of the following parameters). GitLab project should have following structure:

├── smarttv/
|   ├── screenshot1_smarttv.png
|   ├── screenshot2_smarttv.png
|   └── ...
├── androidtv/
|   ├── screenshot1_androidtv.png
|   ├── screenshot2_androidtv.png
|   └── ...
├── appletv/
|   ├── screenshot1_appletv.png
|   ├── screenshot2_appletv.png
|   └── ...
├── web/
|   ├── screenshot1_web.png
|   ├── screenshot2_web.png
|   └── ...
├── screenshot1.png
├── screenshot2.png
└── ...

images folder used for projects without platforms.

Filename ending is a first value of multi_param_select parameter (platform). Now to add screenshot to your document just add following string to the test case (unfortunately, in TestRail interface it will looks like broken image link):

(leading exclamation mark here!)[Image title](main_filename_part)

Preprocessor will convert to the following format:


For example, in the project with multi_param_select: smarttv the string

(leading exclamation mark here!)[Application main screen](main_screen)

will be converted to:

(leading exclamation mark here!)[Application main screen](https://gitlab.url/documentation/application-screenshots/raw/master/images/smarttv/main_screen_smarttv.png)

That's it.

resolve_urls : Turn on (true) or off (false, by default) image urls resolving.

screenshots_url : GitLab repository URL, in our example: https://gitlab.url/documentation/application-screenshots/ .

screenshots_ext : Screenshots extension. Yes, it must be only one and the same for all screenshots.

And the last one emergency tool. If you have no jinja template for any type of TestRail case, you'll see this message like this: There is no jinja template for test case template_id 5 (case_id 1325) in folder case_templates. So you have to write jinja template by yourself. To do this it's necessary to know case structure. This parameter shows it to you.

print_case_structure : Turn on (true) or off (false, by default) printing out of case structure with all data in it if any problem occurs.


Just add the preprocessor to the project config, set it up and enjoy the automatically collected test cases to your document.


In some cases you may encounter a problem with test cases text format, so composed markdown file will be converted to the document with bad formatting. In this cases replace preprocessor could be useful: .

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

foliantcontrib.testrail-1.1.11.tar.gz (17.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

foliantcontrib.testrail-1.1.11-py3-none-any.whl (14.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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