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Practice Foxy Code



What follows is a list of dos and don'ts on how to write readable, dare I say, foxy, code.

The rules are presented in Python, and some of the practices are peculiar to Python.

However, many, if not most, of the practices are applicable to other programming languages.

I have collected and formulated these rules over 12 years in software - I do not claim originality - I've learned much from others even as I have passed this knowledge on.

Please star this repo if you like it.


Yoav Kleinberger,

The Practices

Never Say Never

Every rule here has its exceptions, there is no one way to write code for every occasion. We must always use our mind when writing code, or else our programming will be, well, mindless.

Always Assume That Current Working Directory is at the Root of the Project

In our projects, we will usually have some commands we want to run, e.g. make to build something or python -m pytest tests/ to run tests.

Of course, we want to specify paths, e.g. tests/ for all kinds of purposes. On the other hand, we want to avoid absolute paths from our personal workstation, e.g. /Users/Johnny/work/projects/my-project/tests, because they hamper collaboration.

The correct compromise is using relative paths, but such that they are relative to the root of the project, the root of the project is the top level of the files you have stored in your version control (e.g. git).

We should therefore structure our project to always assume that such commands are given from the root of the project. For the make example, this means that the Makefile as present at the top level directory.

For the python -m pytest tests/ example this means that tests/ is directly under the top level directory.

This convention should be documented in the project's README, and it will give you lasting happiness and peace.

No "helpers", "utilities" or "utils" Module

Generic "helper" modules are hard to understand, since "help" or "utility" is a very abstract concept.

They also tend to become garbage modules with lots of unrelated code - every time someone doesn't know where to put something - into the helper module it goes!

Instead, write a module with a meaningful name, even if it only has one function inside:

# bad!
import utils

encoded = utils.encode_message(message) # utils probably has lots and lots of other stuff unrelated to encoding

# good!

import encoder
encoded = encoder.encode(message)

No Managers

Another common mistake is to call a class, e.g., FileUploadManager. Obviously it has to do with file uploads, but, again, "Manager" doesn't tell us anything - since "Managing" is also a very abstract concept.

Most of the time, renaming such a class to FileUploads will do just fine.

There are already too many managers in the world, let's not add more.

Be Wary of Inheritance

The Object Oriented paradigm made Inheritance popular. Way too popular, in our humble opinion.

Inheritance has its uses, but experience has shown that it can spiral out of control easily. For inheritance to be the right choice, it has to be extremely clear that the relations between classes make sense, e.g. a design with a Packet base class, with IP and UDP subclasses seems reasonable.

However, if you're writing code uploading files, a generic Communicator which begets Uploader which further begets FileUploader and PipeUploader smacks of over-design.

The problem with Inheritance is that it introduces implicitness - there is code which is relevant to class A, which is actually in class B. It's not easy for humans to track all this.

Composition (that is, A instance has self._b which is an instance of B) is much more explicit and easier to understand.

(Almost) Never Write Comments

Trivial Comments

Some comments are trivial, e.g.

# send the request to backend
self._send_request_to_backend('some text')

The name _send_request_to_backend tells the story - the comment just repeats it - obviously we don't need trivial comments.

Non-Trivial Comments

We turn now to the case of a non trivial comment. These are actually worse than the trivial ones.

When you want to write a comment, it means that you think that the code is not very readable, hence the need to explain it.

Comments are bad because there is no enforcing their correctness. As a result, they degenerate over time. After a few sprints, the comment is probably irrelevant and confusing, since the code has changed, but the comment remains.

So, what to do? DON'T write the comment, take the time, and put in effort to make the code more readable

Here are some basic techniques.

Use constants with meaningful names

time.sleep(60) # allow server to reboot

#good :)

Such explanatory variables are written in ALL_CAPS because they are shouting at the reader


Another example of this may be to clarify some unclear code from libraries we use. This is a real life example: for some reason, using ordered=False in a MongoDB insert_many command makes MongoDB not raise exceptions if some records cannot be inserted. Let's say we want to use this very obscure detail, how can we communicate this in our code? Here's one way to do it:

await, ordered=False) # wtf? why is ordered=False???

#good :)

Extract code to function/class with explanatory name

Let the reader know the semantic steps you had in mind when writing the code:

#bad! using comments...
class ParseRecords:
    def go(self):
        count = 0
        for record in self.__records:
            # save record type
            record_type = great_project.record_types.RecordType(,
            record_type_id = await record_type.write()

            if record_type_id is None:
            count += 1
        return count

#good, using nicely named function :)
class ParseRecords:
    def go(self):
        count = 0
        for record in self.__records:
            if not self.__save_record_type(record):
            count += 1
        return count

    def _save_record_type(self, record):
        record_type = great_project.record_types.RecordType(,
        record_type_id = await record_type.write()
        return record_type_id is not None

Use a Log Instead of a Comment

People take log messages much more seriously than they take comments. If they change the code, they will probably change the log message as well. So, we can use log messages as a sort of comment replacement. We return to the time.sleep example from before:

time.sleep(60) # allow server to reboot

#good :)
def stall(duration, reason):'stalling for {duration} seconds to: {reason}')

stall(60, 'allow server to reboot')

Naming Conventions

  • class names are in CamelCase

  • module name, local variables, and functions are in lower_snake_case

  • constants are in ALL_CAPS

  • explanatory variables, e.g. ALLOW_SERVER_TO_REBOOT above, are in ALL_CAPS.

  • one file per public class: a class named CookWare will be inside a file named

    Note the "public" part, the file may include a private, _Utensil class, if it's not too large.

Here's a summary:

# this is

class TheBest: # class in CamelCase, has same name as module
    KNOWN_THINGS = 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma' # constant in ALL_CAPS

    def __init__(self, what):
        self.__what = what

    def a_public_method(self): # snake_case

No Shorthand!

Our code should aspire to remind us of the English language. A common bad practice is to use shorthand instead of complete words, e.g.

  • conn instead of connection
  • dest instead of destination
  • err instead of error
  • fname instead of filename
  • inst instead of instance
  • pckt instead of packet
  • src instead of source

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. These shorthands obscure meaning and save us nothing, not even typing, since the IDE has autocomplete.

Exceptions to this rule are things like HTML. We write HTML not hyper text markup language.

# bad!

conn, _ = srvr.accept()
s = None
while s != '':
    s = conn.recv(1024)
    conn.send('echoing back: ' + s)

# good :)
connection, _ = server.accept()
input = None
while input != '':
    input = connection.recv(1024) # "recv" is bad, it should be "receive". But that's and external API, so what can we do...
    connection.send(f'echoing back: {input}')

Do Not Name Variables After Their Type

Sometimes you may see code like this:

file_list = files_from_directory()
for file in file_list:
    print(f'yay, I found a file: {file}')

The problem here is that in most cases, nobody cares if the thing I'm iterating on is a list, a set, dictionary values, whatever, so why call it file_list? The _list here tells us something that we don't care about - hence, it's a waste of our brain power to process it. Our brain power is a scarce resource - let's not waste it.

This is much better:

directory_files = files_from_directory()
for file in directory_files:
    print(f'yay, I found a file: {file}')

It's also closer to English, which is what we always strive for.

If, for some reason, it's really important to specify the type, use an annotation:

files: list = files_from_directory()

Import Modules, Not Names: Namespaces and import Statements

The Python language has the feature that the directory structure of our Python files is also the namespace structure we have in our Python program.

Remember the Zen of Python

Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Namespaces are important. When you have this

# this is BAD!!!

from a import x
from b import y
from c import z

# now x, y and z are all hanging out together,
# and the a, b and c namespaces have been completely defeated
# it's a total name salad!

Therefore, we observe the following rule:


This means we almost never do this:

from pathlib import Path


home_directory = Path.home()

Instead, we do this:

import pathlib
home_directory = pathlib.Path.home()

Another example:

import os
kernel_version = os.uname() # explicitly states that uname comes from os

Don't do this:

from os import uname

kernel_version = uname() # can't tell where uname comes from without help from some IDE

However, you can use from . import thing if thing belongs in the same namespace, e.g. your files are structures like so:

└── animals
    ├── dogs/
    ├── cats/

And say we're looking at file:

class Labrador(

#good :)
# we are already in the animals.dogs namespace, let's feel at home
from . import dog
class Labrador(dog.Dog):

This has the following advantages:

  • it's still explicit that dog and labrador belongs in the animals.dogs namespace
  • we still don't import actual names from inside modules, only modules themselves.

Namespace Inflation

Here's an example of what not to do. Let's say you have this tree:

├─ textual_parsers
│   ├──
├─ binary_parsers

The fully qualified import statement for the perl_textual_parser module is:

import parsers.textual_parsers.perl_textual_parser

Note that the word "textual" appears twice, and the word "parser" appears 3 times. This is called namespace inflation, and it's a readability killer.

Take for example the name PerlTextualParser: we already know it's a textual parser, since it belongs to the textual_parsers namespace, so we shouldn't repeat that information again. In fact, textual_parsers should be called textual - since we already know we're dealing with parsers, because we're in the parsers namespace.

The fully qualified import should be:

import parsers.textual.perl # DRY - don't repeat yourself

# later on...
perl_parser = parsers.textual.perl.Perl()  # full context, still readable. The hierarchy is very clear

At least that's how you should import this module from outside the parsers namespace. From inside the parsers namespace, you should write

# this is parsers/textual/
from . import parser_base # imports parsers/textual/

class Perl(parser_base.ParserBase):

This explicitly imports from within our larger namespace context, and when we reference something we don't have to mention textual or parser all the time.

Note that the class inside the module is called Perl.

BTW, I might even just call the base class Base and put it in a parsers.textual.base module, but BaseParser is also OK, despite the slight namespace inflation.

Using Context

The preceding discussion is an example of a general rule:

We use context to avoid over-verbose code

import shutil # file utilities from the standard Python library

class RenameFiles:
    def rename_files(file_list): # it can be any iterable, who cares if it's a list or a set?
        for filename in file_list:
            new_filename = f'{filename}.new' # if there's a new_filename, then filename should probably be called old_filename
            shutil.move(filename, new_filename)

rename_files = RenameFiles()
rename_files.rename_files(my_files) # my eyes hurt from all these repeated "rename" and "files"

#good :)
class RenameFiles:
    def go(files):                          # RenameFiles tells the story, so we can simply use "go"
        for old_name in files:
            new_name = f'{old_name}.new'    # "new_name" and not "new_filename", of course it's a file name, no need to repeat that
            shutil.move(old_name, new_name)

renamer = RenameFiles() # only one line from RenameFiles() to the user of renamer, so
renamer.go(my_files)    # we can use a shorter name "renamer" instead of "rename_files" or "file_renamer"

Using Context: Variable Names

Using context properly means that a global variable's name will probably be quite long - since it is in global context, its name has to carry a lot of information.

Lucky for us, Python doesn't really have a truly global context, so the worst case scenario is module context. Still, module level or package-level names may be longer.

A local variable inside a function can probably have a short name, since the surrounding context conveys much of the information regarding the meaning of this variable.

Using Context: Avoid Unwarranted Renaming

The killer of productivity is context switching, as anybody having to start a new task while still working on an old one will tell you.

Similarly, if there is no real reason to rename things, we should not rename them.

# bad

No Magic Numbers

Magic numbers must always be somehow named or explained, e.g.

# bad
import http

raise HTTPError(400)

# good
raise HTTPError(http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)

Avoid Nesting Important Flows - Prefer to Nest Unimportant Flows

Here's code that processes files. I demonstrate here good and bad ways to defend against file not existing, and defending against processing comments.

#bad! don't do this!
for file in files:
    if file.exists():
        for line in file.readlines():
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                # this is the code we care about
                # but it's nested *four* indents in!

#good :) do this:
for file in files:
    if not file.exists():
    for line in file.readlines():

def process(line):
    if line.startswith('#'):

    do_something_1(line) # this is the code we care about
    do_something_2(line) # this time, it's only minimally nested

Short Files, Short Functions

Long files almost certainly contain code that does too many things, and should be broken into smaller files with smaller responsibilities.

A file should have one (public) class, with the same name as the file.

  • Most files should be at most 70-80 lines long.
  • A 100 line file is probably too long.
  • A 150 line file is surely too long.

Functions should also be short and sweet.

  • Functions should usually be at most 7 lines of code.
  • A 10 line function is probably too long.
  • A 15 line function is surely too long.

There is a known exception to this rule: test files. Tests can be long files, with up to ~500 lines, since they cover many different cases, and they tend to be more verbose. If a test file passes the 500 line mark - it's suspect, and probably should be broken to smaller files.

Even one-line functions may be useful, if they enhance meaning:

class ProcessLines:
    def go(self, lines):
        for line in lines:
            if self.__comment(line):

    def __comment(self, line):
        return line.startswith('#')

Sometimes a one liner is clear enough such that it doesn't need a function describing it.

Type Annotations

Type annotations are useful for enhancing readability and also for linters.

We use type annotations when they help us, and don't use them when they only introduce clutter.

Here's a good example of when to use them:

# this is old school Python
def exists(root, value):
    # root of what? what kind of value?

# this is annotated, easier to understand
def exists(root: TreeElement, value: str) -> bool
    # ahhhh, it's a tree that holds strings
    # and we return True or False

An example of clutter is something like

def login(username: str) -> Union[None, String]
    # This Union thing is unreadable and annoying
    # also, when is username *not* a string?

Module-Level Constants

Module level constants are useful in two cases:

  • If they are public, and used in many places, so that if we need to change their value, we change only the definition.
  • If they constitute some config value that should be immediately obvious

However, people tend to use them when this is not the case.

Here's an example:

AWS = 'aws'
AZURE = 'azure'

# then somewhere down the same file...
def type_of(cloud_object: str):
    if AWS in cloud_object:
        return AWS
    elif AZURE in cloud_object:
        return AZURE

Two comments here:

  1. The constants AWS and AZURE essentially replace the immutable strings 'ami' and 'azure' with immutable names AWS and AZURE. This accomplishes nothing.
  2. They are not used outside this module
  3. They are only used in type_of(), not in any other place in the module

In this case a better choice would be

#good :)
# no constants defined, use explicit strings
def type_of(cloud_object: str):
    if 'AWS' in cloud_object:
        return 'AWS'
    elif 'AZURE' in image:
        return 'AZURE'

A similar abuse happens in tests:

def test_something():
    FILE_PATH = 'file_path'
    output = parser.parse(FILE_PATH)
    assert output == 'whatever makes sense here'

There's no utility to the constants here, much better to use explicit values (in general, a good practice for tests):

#good :)
def test_something():
    output = parser.parse('file_path')
    assert output == 'whatever makes sense here'
    # short and sweet

Using Exceptions

  • We do not use exceptions for flow control, that's what if, while and for do. If some condition is expected (e.g. some file might not exist) - either leave the code to try and find it and raise on its own, or test for the condition beforehand and handle it (unless it's racy - that's something else).
  • We don't raise exception classes that belong to standard (or third party) namespaces, e.g. we don't write raise OSError from our code - that exception class belongs to Python's os module. Raising Exception objects is also an exception (ha ha) to this rule, we do raise those. This allows the following rule:
  • We do not subclass Exception, unless we use our subclass, e.g.:
    • we explicitly filter for it in an except clause
    • we subclass those exceptions that are later meant to be passed in a standardised format to another module (e.g. RPC call)
    • meant to add meaning to some other error (e.g. FileNotFoundError means nothing to our caller, wrap it in ConfigurationNotFoundError)

Python has some exception types which are more generic, e.g. ValueError or TypeError - whether or not to raise those is debatable.

If in doubt - start by raising Exception('a message') and only define your own exception class if you see you actually need it.

Conditions Should Be explicitly True or False

Python considers many values to be falsey, e.g.

people = list_of_persons() # let's say this returns []
if not people:
     # [] is falsey, so this code runs
     print("I'm all alone")

The problem with this is that the reader has to remember this "empty is falsey" stuff, and moreover, the phrase "not people" is not very English like.

Much better to be explicit:

#good :)
people = list_of_persons() # assume this returns []
if len(people) == 0: # no doubts here
    print("I'm all alone")

# another possibility
if people == []:

Remember the Zen of Python: explicit is better than implicit.

However, don't do this:

path = pathlib.Path('/path/to/myfile')
if path.is_dir() == True:
    # do directory stuff

These sorts of "query" functions, such as is_dir already imply Boolean values. This is true even if the functions name does not contain "is", e.g. (in fact, there is a considerable body of opinion that believes that "is is evil", and even more importantly - we agree!)

# bad! overly explicit, non-English code
if person.underage() == True:
    raise NoAlcoholForYouError()

# bad! this is truly evil
if person.is_underage() == True:
    raise NoAlcoholForYouError()

# good :) English like code
if person.is_underage():
    raise NoAlcoholForYouError()

# also good :)
if person.underage():
    raise NoAlcoholForYouError()

The Query-Command Principle

Try as much as possible to observe the "Query-Command Principle". This means that you either write functions that return values, but don't change state and don't perform I/O (performing I/O is changing the state of the world, and of internal structures such as streams), or else you write functions that change state, or perform I/O, but do not calculate anything (you may return some value indicating result of I/O, but None is perfectly acceptable in many cases).

class Entity:
    # this is a Query
    def signature(self):
        a = self.__calculation1()  # __calculation1 does not change state
        b = self.__calculation2(a) # __calculation2 does not change state
        return a + b

    # this is a Command
    def save_to_database(self):
        self.__database.entities.create({'id': self.__id, ** self.__properties})

Essentially the Query-Command Principle separates functions and procedures. The functions are the ones that don't change state, and the procedures are the ones that do change state.

By the way, if a function does not change state, and also always returns the same result for the same arguments, it is called a "pure" function. You might want to look into that.

Separating state changes from calculations makes code much easier to debug, since you can insert logs between a query and a state-changing operation with confidence that nothing happened due to the query.

Get is Evil

As in the NoAlcoholForYouError example, the use of get breaks the English language.

for birthday in birthdays:
    month = birthday.get_month()  # this get breaks my teeth
    histogram[month] += 1

#good :)
for birthday in birthdays:
    month = birthday.month()  # ah, much more English-like
    histogram[month] += 1

Note that the version with get sounds unnatural when read out loud.

Avoid Lengthy if Conditions

Human brains are poor logic machines, that's why we use computers. It's hard to follow something like

if login.password is not None and login.username is not None:

Do this:

#good :)
if login.password is not None:
    if login.username is not None:

This is a good solution for and conjunctions. Other complex conditions should have a descriptive variable or function to describe them:

if login.password is not None or if login.username is not None:'some credentials are available!')

#good :)
credentials_exist = (login.password, login.username) != (None, None)
if credentials_exist:'some credentials are available!')

def credentials_exist(login):
    return (login.password, login.username) != (None, None)

if credentials_exist(login):'some credentials are available!')

We may use slightly complex conjunctions (or disjunctions) when there is a semantic reason:

if person.alone and person.in_danger:

The condition has some semantic merit, it's not just two otherwise unrelated things we need to happen at the same time.

Further Good Practices For Readable Code

Planning for the Future


Sometimes we think we can anticipate the future and write something a bit more complex that will pay off later. However, no one can predict the future, and experience has shown that by the time the future arrives, it will not be as we imagined it.

This is a generic bit of advice, so as a concrete example, I give you the "Default Values" example.

Don't Employ Default Values Unless You Have a Really Good Reason To***

This is a special form of preparing for the future, see the discussion over there.

A common example is using default values to make our code more flexible, e.g.

def read_all(socket, chunk_size=1024):
    # in the future, I will be able to easily change chunk_size! I'm so smart!
    read = socket.recv(chunk_size)
    bytes_ = b''
    while read != '':
        bytes_ += read
        read = socket.recv(chunk_size)

    return bytes_

def actual_usage_of_read_all():
    input_ = read_all(socket) # chunk_size never actually used

What's so terrible, you ask?

  • The Only Reason for Bugs - Is Code.
  • Code that does not exist, does not contain bugs.


  • Code that is never used, should not exist

Moreover, this is usually contagious, i.e. in real life the result of chunk_size's default value in read_all is that actual_usage_of_read_all will also have the same, often unused, default value.

# from bad to worse!
def actual_usage_of_read_all(chunk_size=1024):
    # since I was so smart before, I want a default value here too,
    # so I can keep everything flexible!
    input_ = read_all(socket, chunk_size) # chunk_size never actually used

Now the disease has spread! In fact, what this means, is that if one is to have a default value at all - it should only be on the outermost layer.

But again, it's better not to have them unless you really know that you need them:

#good :)
def read_all(socket):
    CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 # easy to change, clear to read
    # moreover we can add the previous default parameter implementation
    # *if and when* we *actually* need it
    read = socket.recv(CHUNK_SIZE)
    bytes_ = b''
    while read != '':
        bytes_ += read
        read = socket.recv(CHUNK_SIZE)

    return bytes_

Always remember this important fact:




Anticipating the future is something we should be doing - at planning meetings, and even then - very little of it and very carefully.

We should not be doing it when actually coding.

Use Benign Values for Failures Instead of None

Many times, you see stuff like this:

people = get_people_from_database()
if people is not None:
    for person in people:

The only reason we need the if people is not None clause, is because the get_people_from_database() function has a similar clause:

def get_people_from_database():
    if not found:
        return None

    return list_of_people

It would be much better to return a benign value, a value that has no bad effect on the system, e.g.:

def get_people_from_database():
    if not found:
        return []

for person in get_people_from_database(): # empty list? nothing bad happens

Force Caller to Use Kwargs for Extra Readability

"Kwargs" is shorthand for "keyword arguments", e.g. force in

remove(filename, force=True) # the force= pattern makes it a kwarg

In Python 3, we can mandate the caller to use kwargs:

# use of kwargs optional,
# caller can use remove('file', True)
# or remove('file', force=True)
def remove(filename, force):

# use of kwargs mandated
# caller can only use remove('file', force=True)
def remove(filename, *, force):

This can make some code more readable when functions are called, e.g. the force parameter we just discussed. Also, compare

# less readable
once_every(10) # 10 what?


# more readable
once_every(seconds=10) # ah, now I get it

Use Generators and Iterators

In Python, a text file is an iterator for it's lines. Especially if it's a large file, don't to this:

for line in file.readlines():

Do this:

with open('some_file') as file:
    for line in file:
        print(line.strip()) # must use strip to lose the '\n' in the end, alas

Never Use Mutable Values As Default Values for Function Arguments

This is a common mistake for the uninitiated in Python.

#bad! this is a bug
def add_to(element, to={}):
    to['a'] = element
    return to

What happens here is that an empty dict is created when the def is executed, i.e. once, and this dict is now the default value - even if it mutates and becomes non-empty.


The proper way to have mutable default values is:

def add_to(element, to=None):
    if to is None:
        to['a'] = element
        return to

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