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a dotfile manager, and more; quite cute

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*freckles* is configuration management for your working environment (workstation, remote server, virtual machine, container, ...), it removes (or hides) advanced features often offered by other configuration management frameworks, for the sake of simplicity and a quick turnaround.

*freckles* helps you bring your system from a useless -- for your intent and purpose -- state, into a useful one. With one line in a terminal (and a bit of preparation).

Quick links

- homepage:
- documentation:
- code:

For now, the *freckles* project provides three (command-line) interfaces, which deal with slightly different scenarios and workflows:


Configuration management for your desktop, with a slight twist. Instead of describing your infrastructure, you describe the shape of the code or data packages you work with, and ``freckelize`` tries to figure out how to map that onto whatever (physical or virtual) hardware you are working on by using an appropriate *adapter* for that type of data.

One example would be pointing it to a repository of your (well, `my <>`_, in this case) dotfiles:

.. code-block:: console

freckelize dotfiles -f gh:makkus/dotfiles

``freckelize`` will download the dotfiles repo, install all the applications that are referenced, then link the dotfiles themselves into the right place (for more details, check `the example below <Example #1, where we checkout our dotfiles and setup our development machine_>`_, or the ``dotfile`` adapter documentation `here <>`_).

Or you can use ``freckelize`` to get you started working on *freckles* itself by letting it download it's own source code and set up a development environment for it:

.. code-block:: console

freckelize python-dev -f gh:makkus/freckles

This will check out the *freckles* source code from `it's github repo <>`_, install all the system dependencies *freckles* needs, creates a virtual environment called ``freckles-dev`` and installs *freckles* and its python dependencies into it (more details can be found `in the example below <Example #2, where we setup a Python development project_>`_ and the ``python-dev`` adapter documentation `here <>`_).

Or, maybe you are working on a webpage. If somebody writes an adapter for your usecase and the framework(s) you use, ``freckelize`` could download your source files, setup a webserver and potential dependencies (nodejs? php? ruby?, ...) on your dev machine, then puts configuration in place so you can start working straight away.


Basically a wrapper around Ansible_ playbooks, making it easier to get started writing and executing task lists ('playbooks' in Ansible-speak) locally. It allows you to execute short (yaml) scriptlets ('*frecklecutables*'). As all of *freckles* is built on top of *Ansible*, `all Ansible modules <>`_, as well as `all roles on Ansible galaxy <>`_ can be used as building blocks for such a *frecklecutable*.

``frecklecute`` comes with a few default *frecklecutables*, for example one (called `'ansible-task' <>`_) that lets you execute any arbitrary Ansible module or role directly. This is what it looks like to ensure a folder exists, using ``frecklecute`` (including '`inaugurating <inaugurate_>`_'/bootstrapping ``frecklecute`` itself):

.. code-block:: console

curl | bash -s -- frecklecute ansible-task --task-name file --vars '{"path": "~/cool_folder", "state": "directory"}'

This has to be, by the way, the most bloated and roundabout way to create a folder in the history of creating folders. We've come a long way from ``mkdir`` :-) . Although, of course, that particular example doesn't make any sense, I hope it is plain to see how use- and powerful a scripting tool like this, with access to all Ansible modules and roles, can be. Let's use another example and install Docker (using the `mongrelion.docker <>`_ role from Ansible galaxy -- I'll asume ``frecklecute``/*freckles* is already installed this time):

.. code-block:: console

frecklecute ansible-task --become --task-name mongrelion.docker

This will install docker with everything that is required on your local machine (check the `source code of the role <>`_ to see what exactly it is doing, and how, and which target environments it supports).

In addition to using the `pre-existing *frecklecutables* <>`_, it's easy to `write your own <>`_. Using the two tasks above, we could write one like the following (note how it's possible to make a cli option for the ``path`` var), and store it in a file called ``example.yml``:

.. code-block:: yaml

help: the folder path
default: ~/cool_folder
- file:
state: directory
- mongrelion.docker:
become: yes

Then run it like so:

.. code-block:: console

frecklecute example.yml --path ~/another_cool_folder



.. note:: This command didn't get as much attention as the other two (yet).
So it might not work as documented here anymore, or might break in weird places.


The interface that brings ``freckelize`` and ``frecklecute`` together. It allows you to describe several runs of ``freckelize`` and/or ``frecklecute`` in a yaml file, which it will execute (after optionally downloading that file from a remote host).

.. code-block:: console

curl | bash -s -- freckles gh:makkus/dotfiles/misc/setup_all.yml

This is what my *freckles* script to setup a new workstation with my dotfiles, applications, and the *freckles* python project code looks like:

.. code-block:: yaml

- dotfiles:
target: ~/
- gh:makkus/dotfiles
ask-become-pass: true

- python-dev:
- gh:makkus/freckles
ask-become-pass: true

- vagrant-dev:
- gh:makkus/freckles
ask-become-pass: true

- gh:makkus/dotfiles/misc/housekeeping.yml

*freckles* can figure out itself whether a task is of type *freckelize*, or *frecklecutable* by checking whether one of the variables is called ``freckles`` (a requirement for *freckelize* tasks).

Really quick start

(... or a quick reminder how to bootstrap *freckles*, if that's why you're here)

Most examples above assume you have *freckles* already installed. If that's not the case, *freckles* can be bootstrapped using 'inaugurate_' (yes, yes, I know, downloading and executing scripts from random websites is often considered a bad idea -- so before you actually do, you might want to read `this <>`_, `this <>`_, `this <>`_, and `this <>`_ ). To install *freckles* and run ``freckelize`` straight away to display it's help, issue:

.. code-block:: console

curl | bash -s -- freckelize --help

or, using ``wget`` instead of ``curl``, and executing ``frecklecute`` instead of ``freckles`` (you can mix and match, of course, and also use the ``freckles`` command if that is what you need):

.. code-block:: console

wget -O - | bash -s -- frecklecute --help

This bootstraps ('inaugurates') ``freckelize``, ``frecklecute`` or ``freckles`` and displays its help message (instead of actually doing something useful). All files are installed under ``$HOME/.local/inaugurate/``, which can be deleted without affecting anything else.

This command also adds a line to your ``$HOME/.profile`` file in order to add *freckles* to your path (once you re-login, or do a ``source $HOME/.profile``). Set an environment var ``NO_ADD_PATH=true`` if you want to prevent that behaviour.

More detailed information on this and other ways to install *freckles* can be found `here <>`_.


* one-line setup of a new working environment (including *freckles* itself)
* minimal initial requirements: only ``curl`` or ``wget``
* supports Linux & MacOS X (and maybe the Ubuntu subsystem on Windows 10, not tested yet)
* can use the same configuration for your Linux and MacOS workstation as well as Vagrant machines, containers, etc.
* support for systems where you don't have root/sudo access via the conda_ package manager (or nix_, with some limitations)
* extensible via *adapters*
* declarative, idempotent scripting, sorta
* allows the use of all ansible `modules <>`_ and `roles <>`_

Some actual/potential usecases

* easily replicate configuration across machines
* use configuration to document the setup of your working environment
* quickly re-install your workstation after a potential security incident (or a border crossing?), or after you did something to your filesystem you now realize you shouldn't have done
* 'self-loading' containers
* share the same project setup with your team-mates
* provide an (easy-to-read, understand and re-use) *frecklecutable* or *freckle adapter* alongside a blog post you wrote about some useful workstation setup (e.g. 'how to secure your workstation', or 'how to setup a python dev environment', ...)
* create base environments for tutorials etc.
* quick and easy config management for small networks, which can grow into a 'proper' Ansible-managed infrastructure if necessary
* quickly create install/update scripts for your scripts/applications where it's not worthwhile to create 'traditional' packages
* minimal, initial bootstrap/config management for your Ansible/Chef/saltstack controllers -- I mean, you need to set those up too, right?
* anything else where you need to make sure your environment needs to be in a certain state but for some reason or other you don't want to use a 'full-blown' configuration management system


Probably best to show what *freckles* is, and what it can do using examples. Do not try those at home, as they'll install loads of packages you most likely don't need.

I'll show you how I use ``freckelize``, ``frecklecute`` and ``freckles`` to install a new machine, after a) I buy a new Thinkpad or b) unfortunately way more often, did something silly that requires a re-install. Or, even more often still, c) want to use parts of my personal configuration on a VM or container or remote server, to have a decent editor and shell and such available while working in/on them. Then I'll show how to use ``freckelize`` on the *freckles* source code itself. I'll quickly outline how to use ``frecklecute`` to do some other, more specialized, housekeeping tasks. And finally I'll show how to tie everything together using the ``freckles`` command.

using: ``freckelize``

Example #1, where we checkout our dotfiles and setup our development machine

On a newly installed machine, I run:

.. code-block:: console

$ curl | bash -s -- freckelize dotfiles -f gh:makkus/dotfiles

This is what happens:

- bootstraps *freckles* itself, then straight away executes ``freckelize``
- expands the ``gh:makkus/freckles`` url to (those short urls are optional, and their format might change later, read about the topic `here <>`_)
- checks out the repository to ``$HOME/freckles/dotfiles`` (this is configurable of course)
- reads all the metadata it can find in that repository, describing mostly which packages to install
- loads the instructions for the ``dotfiles`` adapter, which:
- installs all the packages listed in the metadata (same metadata can be used to describe the setup on several flavors of Linux as well as on Mac OS X, you only have to provide the correct package names per package manager)
- symbolically links all the configuration files it finds in the repository into their appropriate place in my home directory (using an application called stow_ -- which *freckelize* also installs if not present already)

In case you had a look at `my dotfiles repo <>`_: I've organized my configuration into subfolders (to be able to exclude applications I don't need for certain scenarios -- e.g. X-applications on a remote server), but that is more complicated than necessary. You can certainly just have a flat folder-structure, with one subfolder per application.

Most of the above steps can be switched off, if necessary. More information about the adapter used in this example: `dotfiles <>`_.

Example #2, where we setup a Python development project

Now, after setting up my machine with my applications and configuration files, I really need to start working on *freckles* again, because, as you can probably see, there's a lot to do still. Thus:

.. code-block:: console

$ freckelize python-dev -f gh:makkus/freckles

Here's what happens:

- freckles is already installed, so I can call it directly now (had to login again, or execute ``source $HOME/.profile`` to pick up the path *freckles* is installed in)
- as before, expands the url, from ``gh:makkkus/freckles`` to
- checks out the repository to ``$HOME/freckles/freckles``
- reads (optional) metadata in the folder
- loads the instructions for the ``python_dev`` adapter, which:
- installs the system packages that are necessary (virtualenv and pycrypto dependencies, mostly, in this case)
- creates a virtualenv
- installs all the requirements it can find (in requirement*.txt files in the root folder of the repo) into the new virtualenv
- executes ``pip install -e .`` in the project folder, within that same virtualenv

By default, virtualenvs are put under ``$HOME/.virtualenvs`` and are named after the project folder, with an appended ``-dev``. Thus, ``freckles-dev``, in our exmple. If I want to work on *freckles* I can activate the python virtualenv *freckles* just created via:

.. code-block:: console

source $HOME/.virtualenvs/freckles-dev/bin/activate

Or you just download and use the `virtualenvwrapper <>`_

More information about the ``python-doc`` adapter: `python-doc <>`_.

using: ``frecklecute``

Example #3, where we run an ansible task as well as an external ansible role

So -- having setup all the data, associated applications, source code and working environment(s) I need -- there are a few other housekeeping tasks to do. For example, in the configuration of the minimal emacs-like editor ``zile`` I sometimes use, I specified ``zile`` should put all backups into ``~/.backups/zile``. That directory doesn't exist yet, and if it doesn't exist, ``zile`` doesn't create it automatically, and consequently does not store any backups of the files I'm working on. So I have to make sure that folder gets created.

Also I want to have Docker installed on that new machine. The install procedure of Docker is a bit more complicated than an simple ``apt-get install docker``, and because of that I can't easily add it to my dotfiles configuration. Luckily though, there are tons of ansible roles on that can do the job of installing Docker for me. The only thing I need to check is that the role supports the platform I am running.

For those more specialized tasks *freckelize* is not a really good fit (although we could probably create an adapter for this, or expand the existing ``dotfiles`` one), so it's easier to use ``frecklecute``. ``frecklecute`` operates on (yaml) text files (I call them *frecklecutables*) that contain a list of Ansible tasks and/or roles to execute, along with configuration for those tasks and roles. Here's a short *frecklecutable* to create the folder I need, and install *docker* using a role I found on Ansible galaxy:

.. code-block:: yaml

- file:
path: ~/.backups/zile
state: directory
- mongrelion.docker:
become: yes

I'll not explain how all this works in detail here (instead, check out `this <>`_), but basically ``frecklecute`` allows you to create a list of tasks in a yaml file, using the names of `any of the existing ansible modules <>`_, and/or the name of any of the `roles on ansible galaxy <>`_, which then gets read and executed consecutively.

Right. Let's save the above yaml block into a file called ``housekeeping.yml``. And let ``frecklecute`` do it's thing:

.. code-block:: console

frecklecute housekeeping.yml

You'll see something like:

.. code-block:: console

Downloading external roles...
- downloading role 'docker', owned by mongrelion
- downloading role from
- extracting mongrelion.docker to /home/vagrant/.cache/ansible-roles/mongrelion.docker
- mongrelion.docker (master) was installed successfully

* starting tasks (on 'localhost')...
* starting custom tasks:
* file... ok (changed)
=> ok (changed)
* applying role 'mongrelion.docker'......
- => ok (no change)
- ensure docker dependencies are installed =>
- [u'apt-transport-https', u'ca-certificates'] => ok (no change)
- => ok (no change)
- Download docker setup script for desired version => ok (no change)
- Execute docker setup script =>

Neat, eh?

using: ``freckles``

Example #4, where we use ``freckles`` to execute everything we did so far in one go

Getting my new machine to include all my configuration, having setup the source code for *freckles* in order to work on it, as well as having *Docker* setup takes 3 commands. As I want to do those 3 tasks on every new machine I buy (even though regrettably that does not happen all that often), I want to be able to create a script to easily re-run the setup procedure. This can be done using the ``freckles`` command line interface. The yaml config file it needs looks as such:

.. code-block:: yaml

- dotfiles:
- gh:makkus/dotfiles
ask-become-pass: true
- python-dev:
- gh:makkus/freckles
ask-become-pass: true
- gh:makkus/freckles/examples/housekeeping.yml

Now we need to make sure that script is available from a new machine. We can either copy it manually before execution, or upload it somewhere ``freckles`` can download it from later. Let's assume we've done the latter. To run the script, we do:

.. code-block:: console

freckles gh:makkus/freckles/examples/setup_example_script.yml

And that's it for now with examples folks! Hope that gave you an idea whether *freckles* can be of use for you or not.

(Current) caveats

- this whole thing is still very much work in progress, so things might break, or they might break your machine. I'd say, currently, it can be considered 'working prototype' level of quality. Error messages are raw, logging and testing is not implemented yet. That being said, I've used it for a while now with no major hickups (mostly on Debian-based platforms, others might have more issues)
- by it's nature, *freckles* changes your system and configuration. Whatever you do is your own responsibity, don't just copy and paste commands you don't understand.
- *freckles* is written to make efficient use of ansible modules and roles, and thus depends a lot on the quality and availability of such roles. The included roles are not yet at the quality level I would like them to be, but all this has been just too much work to get going to worry too much about it. I hope to be able to find some time in the near future to do some more polishig in that area. Or, ideally, get some community going and scale up the effort that way.
- performance and 'bloat': I haven't worried about performance yet, so I'm sure there are a few things to optimize. The bootloading takes a small while, and as there is stuff to download it depends on the speed of the internet connection available. If using the 'non-sudo' way of installing, *freckles* takes up about 400MB of space. Those files can be safely deleted once a box is setup, and *freckles* is not used anymore. Or of course it can be kept to use it again later, 400MB isn't all that much hard-disk space those days. Either way, if that is in any way important to you (it isn't to me at all which is why I don't put it high up my list of things to tackle), now you know. There are a few ways I can think of to improve this in the future, so if this really bugs you maybe check in in a few months...
- performance, part II: it looks like, depending on the roles that are being executed, 1 GB of RAM is not always enough for a *freckles*/*ansible* run. I haven't really looked into that issue, and I'm fairly confident that it should be possible to lower that memory requirement, as all that really is executed is ansible. Not 100% sure though.
- everything ``git`` related is done using the `ansible git module <>`_, which 'shadows' a git repository with the latest remote version, if the local version has commited changes that aren't pushed yet. Nothing is lost, but it's an inconvenience when that happens.
- sometimes, cancelling it's execution can result in some runaway tasks (e.g. a kicked-off 'apt' process isn't killed and will run until it is finished by itself) -- this doesn't happen often, and it's usually of no consequence. But important to know I guess.
- as *freckelize* and it's adapters use conventions to minimize the need for configuration, it is fairly opinionated on how to do things, necessarily. You might, for example, not like the way ``dotfiles`` are 'stowed' (preferring maybe using an external git work-tree, or whatnot), or how the ``python-dev`` adapter handles python code. That being said, it is certainly possible to just write another adapter, or add different options to existing ones.
- on Mac OS X, in most cases the Command-line tools package as well as 'homebrew' will be installed. I'm not a Mac user, but I assume that is what most people will want anyway. Or at least don't mind.
- I haven't figured out yet how exactly to deal with password entry, or other kind of secrets. Currently *freckles* does not ask for any passwords itself. If an ansible run needs a password, that request is forwarded by *freckles* though.
- also, I haven't decided whether *freckles* will allow download of remote resources by default (as it is now), or whether some config setting will have to be set (to maybe trust certain urls). So, default behaviour as it is now might change. Just saying, so nobody complains later because they were getting used to it.
- passwords used as variables might be logged to a log file on disk


* Free software: GNU General Public License v3


For *freckles* (and the libraries that developed because of it, nsbl_ and frkl_) I am relying on quite a few free libraries, frameworks, ansible-roles and more. Here's a list for the main dependency libraries, and the first couple of Ansible roles that were used. There are a lot more now, so please forgive me if yours is not included below:

obviously the most important dependency, not much more to say apart from that without it *freckles* would not exist.

also a very important piece for *freckles* to use, most of the templating that is not done directly with jinja2_ is done using *cookiecutter. Also, *freckles* (as well as nsbl_ and frkl_) use the `audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`_ template.

a main dependency of *ansible* and *cookiecutter*, but also used on its own by *freckles*

the library that powers the commandline interfaces of *freckles*, *nsbl*, and *frkl*

a super-cool package manager I use for most of my non-system packages. Also check out NixOS_ while you're at it. Ideally *freckles* wouldn't be necessary (or at least would look quite different) because everybody would be using Nix!

similarly cool package manager, and the reason *freckles* can be bootstrapped and run without sudo permissions. This is a bigger deal than you probably realize.

I'm not using MacOS X myself, but I'm told *homebrew* is cool, which is why I support it. And, of course because MacOS X doesn't have a native system package manager.

the role that installs homebrew on MacOS X, one of the few external ansible roles that *freckles* ships with

the role that installs the XCode commandline tools on Mac OS X. Also ships with *freckles*, and is a dependency of *geerlingguy.ansible-role-homebrew*

ansible module written by Adam Frey, which I did some more work on. Probably wouldn't have thought to support *nix* if I hadn't found it.

ansible module written by Spencer Gibb for battleschool_, can install all sort of packages on a Mac. Can't tell you how glad I was not to have to write that.

.. _inaugurate:
.. _nsbl:
.. _frkl:
.. _ansible:
.. _jinja2:
.. _click:
.. _cookiecutter:
.. _`audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`:
.. _nix:
.. _NixOS:
.. _conda:
.. _ansible-nix:
.. _homebrew:
.. _`geerlingguy.ansible-role-homebrew`:
.. _`elliotweiser.osx-command-line-tools`:
.. _mac_pkg:
.. _battleschool:
.. _stow:


0.5.2 (2018-02-02)

* added `get_url` and `unarchive` modules to the list of Ansible modules that can act as package managers
* improved installation of Oracle Java via its role, can take vars now
* adding '--host' option to freckelize and frecklecute, enabling remote execution without having to have freckles install on the target host

0.5.1 (2018-01-30)

* added support for nodejs via nvm/npm
* minor bug fixes

0.5.0 (2018-01-23)

* actually, screw it. this is worth a new number further to the left

0.4.6 (2018-01-23)

* blueprint feature, freckelize can now use templates and doesn't need pre-existing data
* improvements to `freckelize`, can take extra variables via commandline now
* added 'inaugurate' and 'frankentree' scripts to freckles package
* added 'frkl' abbreviation, points to the 'freckles-io' github account

0.4.5 (2017-12-07)

* refactored `freckelize`: checkout phase is now a separate run, which enables:
* auto-detecting freckle repo profile(s)
* minor bug fixes and improvements

0.4.4 (2017-11-04)

* changed `frecklecutable` Jinja2 markers to be '{{::', '::]]', '{%::' and '::%}'

0.4.3 (20017-10-30)

* Added 'ansible-tasks' adapter
* Improved 'change-freckles-version' *frecklecutable*, allows to use current git master, as well as a local source folder
* Fixed several issues with adding extra repos
* Updated ansible to, also updated other dependencies
* Updated mac-os-x-cli-tools & homebrew roles

0.4.2 (2017-10-22)

* Added options 'change-freckles-version' to frecklecutable: allow local folder, or 'git' for git master branch
* Make sure 'python-apt' is installed if on platform with 'apt' package manager

0.4.1 (2017-10-19)

* Renamed default frecklecutables using more specific names (so they can be better used as 'standalone' scripts if in PATH)

0.4.0 (2017-10-18)

* First public release on PyPI.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

freckles-0.5.2.tar.gz (305.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

freckles-0.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (422.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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