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An upgrade control panel and upgrade helpers for plone upgrades.

Project description


This product aims to simplify running and writing third-party Generic Setup upgrade steps in Plone.

It provides a control panel for running multiple upgrades at once, based on the upgrade mechanism of Generic Setup (portal_setup).

Further a base class for writing upgrade steps with a variety of helpers for common tasks is provided.

Certified: 01/2013


  • Managing upgrades: Provides an advanced view for upgrading third-party Plone packages using Generic Setup. It allows to upgrade multiple packages at once with an easy to use user interface. By resolving the dependency graph it is able to optimize the upgrade step order so that the upgrade is hassle free.

  • Writing upgrades: The package provides a base upgrade class with various helpers for tasks often done in upgrades.

  • Upgrade directories with less ZCML: By registering a directory as upgrade-directory, no more ZCML is needed for each upgrade step. By using a timestamp as version number we have less (merge-) conflicts and less error potential.

  • Import profile upgrade steps: Some times an upgrade step does simply import an upgrade step generic setup profile, especially made for this upgrade step. A new ZCML directive makes this much simpler.


  • Install ftw.upgrade by adding it to the list of eggs in your buildout. Then run buildout and restart your instance:

eggs +=
  • Go to Site Setup of your Plone site and activate the ftw.upgrade add-on.

Installing ftw.upgrade’s console script

Installing the console script bin/upgrade can be done with an additional buildout part:

parts += upgrade

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = ftw.upgrade


Plone 4.1

Plone 4.2

Plone 4.3

Manage upgrades

The @@manage-upgrades view allows to upgrade multiple packages at once:

Fallback view

The @@manage-upgrades-plain view acts as a fallback view for @@manage-upgrades. It does not include plone`s main template and thus might be able to render when the default view fails for some reason.

The bin/upgrade script

Refer to the console script installation section how to install bin/upgrade.

The bin/upgrade console script allows to manage upgrades on the filesystem (creating new upgrades, changing upgrade order) as well as interacting with an installed Plone site and list profiles and upgrades and install upgrades.

Some examples:

$ bin/upgrade create "AddCatalogIndex"
$ bin/upgrade touch my/package/upgrades/20110101000000_add_catalog_index
$ bin/upgrade sites
$ bin/upgrade list -s Plone --auth admin:admin --upgrades
$ bin/upgrade install -s Plone --auth admin:admin  --proposed

The full documentation of the bin/upgrade script is available using its help system:

$ bin/upgrade help

Upgrade step helpers

The UpgradeStep base class provides various tools and helpers useful when writing upgrade steps. It can be used by registering the classmethod directly. Be aware that the class is very special: it acts like a function and calls itself automatically.

Example upgrade step definition (defined in a

from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class UpdateFooIndex(UpgradeStep):
   """The index ``foo`` is a ``FieldIndex`` instead of a
   ``KeywordIndex``. This upgrade step changes the index type
   and reindexes the objects.

   def __call__(self):
       index_name = 'foo'
       if self.catalog_has_index(index_name):

       self.catalog_add_index(index_name, 'KeywordIndex')

Registration in configure.zcml (assume its in the same directory):


        title="Update index 'foo'."


Updating objects with progress logging

Since an upgrade step often updates a set of objects indexed in the catalog, there is a useful helper method combining querying the catalog with the ProgressLogger (see below). The catalog is queried unrestricted so that we handle all the objects.

Here is an example for updating all objects of a particular type:

from ftw.upgrade import ProgressLogger
from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class ExcludeFilesFromNavigation(UpgradeStep):

   def __call__(self):
       for obj in self.objects({'portal_type': 'File'},
                               'Enable exclude from navigation for files'):

When running the upgrade step you’ll have a progress log:

INFO ftw.upgrade STARTING Enable exclude from navigation for files
INFO ftw.upgrade 1 of 10 (10%): Enable exclude from navigation for files
INFO ftw.upgrade 5 of 50 (50%): Enable exclude from navigation for files
INFO ftw.upgrade 10 of 10 (100%): Enable exclude from navigation for files
INFO ftw.upgrade DONE: Enable exclude from navigation for files


The UpgradeStep class has various helper functions:


Returns the tool with the name tool_name of the upgraded site.

self.objects(catalog_query, message, logger=None, savepoints=None)

Queries the catalog (unrestricted) and an iterator with full objects. The iterator configures and calls a ProgressLogger with the passed message.

If set to a non-zero value, the savepoints argument causes a transaction savepoint to be created every n items. This can be used to keep memory usage in check when creating large transactions.


Reindex the portal_catalog index identified by name.

self.catalog_reindex_objects(query, idxs=None, savepoints=None)

Reindex all objects found in the catalog with query. A list of indexes can be passed as idxs for limiting the indexed indexes. The savepoints argument will be passed to self.objects().


Returns whether there is a catalog index name.

self.catalog_add_index(name, type_, extra=None)

Adds a new index to the portal_catalog tool.


Removes an index to from portal_catalog tool.

self.actions_remove_action(category, action_id)

Removes an action identified by action_id from the portal_actions tool from a particulary category.


Returns the unrestricted object of a brain.

self.catalog_unrestricted_search(query, full_objects=False)

Searches the catalog without checking security. When full_objects is True, unrestricted objects are returned instead of brains. Upgrade steps should generally use unrestricted catalog access since all objects should be upgraded - even if the manager running the upgrades has no access on the objects.

self.actions_remove_type_action(portal_type, action_id)

Removes a portal_types action from the type identified by portal_type with the action id action_id.

self.set_property(context, key, value, data_type='string')

Set a property with the key value and the value value on the context safely. The property is created with the type data_type if it does not exist.

self.add_lines_to_property(context, key, lines)

Updates a property with key key on the object context adding lines. The property is expected to by of type “lines”. If the property does not exist it is created.

self.setup_install_profile(profileid, steps=None)

Installs the generic setup profile identified by profileid. If a list step names is passed with steps (e.g. [‘actions’]), only those steps are installed. All steps are installed by default.


Installs the generic setup profile associated with this upgrade step. Profile may be associated to upgrade steps by using either the upgrade-step:importProfile or the upgrade-step:directory directive.


Uninstalls a product using the quick installer.

self.migrate_class(obj, new_class)

Changes the class of an object. It has a special handling for BTreeFolder2Base based containers.

self.remove_broken_browserlayer(name, dottedname)

Removes a browser layer registration whose interface can’t be imported any more from the persistent registry. Messages like these on instance boot time can be an indication for this problem: WARNING OFS.Uninstalled Could not import class 'IMyProductSpecific' from module 'my.product.interfaces'

self.update_security(obj, reindex_security=True)

Update the security of a single object (checkboxes in manage_access). This is usefuly in combination with the ProgressLogger. It is possible to not reindex the object security in the catalog (allowedRolesAndUsers). This speeds up the update but should only be disabled when there are no changes for the View permission.

self.update_workflow_security(workflow_names, reindex_security=True)

Update all objects which have one of a list of workflows. This is useful when updating a bunch of workflows and you want to make sure that the object security is updated properly.

The update is done by doing as few as possibly by only searching for types which might have this workflow. It does support placeful workflow policies.

For speeding up you can pass reindex_security=False, but you need to make sure you did not change any security relevant permissions (only View needs reindex_security=True for default Plone).

Progress logger

When an upgrade step is taking a long time to complete (e.g. while performing a data migration), the administrator needs to have information about the progress of the update. It is also important to have continuous output for avoiding proxy timeouts when accessing Zope through a webserver / proxy.

With the ProgressLogger it is very easy to log the progress:

from ftw.upgrade import ProgressLogger
from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class MyUpgrade(UpgradeStep):

   def __call__(self):
       objects = self.catalog_unrestricted_search(
           {'portal_type': 'MyType'}, full_objects=True)

       for obj in ProgressLogger('Migrate my type', objects):

   def upgrade_obj(self, obj):

The logger will log the current progress every 5 seconds (default). Example log output:

INFO ftw.upgrade STARTING Migrate MyType
INFO ftw.upgrade 1 of 10 (10%): Migrate MyType
INFO ftw.upgrade 5 of 50 (50%): Migrate MyType
INFO ftw.upgrade 10 of 10 (100%): Migrate MyType
INFO ftw.upgrade DONE: Migrate MyType

Workflow Chain Updater

When the workflow is changed for a content type, the workflow state is reset to the init state of new workflow for every existing object of this type. This can be really annoying.

The WorkflowChainUpdater takes care of setting every object to the right state after changing the chain (the workflow for the type):

from ftw.upgrade.workflow import WorkflowChainUpdater
from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class UpdateWorkflowChains(UpgradeStep):

    def __call__(self):
        query = {'portal_type': ['Document', 'Folder']}
        objects = self.catalog_unrestricted_search(
            query, full_objects=True)

            ('intranet_workflow', 'plone_workflow'): {
                'external': 'published',
                'pending': 'pending'}}

        with WorkflowChainUpdater(objects, review_state_mapping):
            # assume that the profile 1002 does install a new workflow
            # chain for Document and Folder.

The workflow chain updater migrates the workflow history by default. The workflow history migration can be disabled by setting migrate_workflow_history to False:

with WorkflowChainUpdater(objects, review_state_mapping,
    # code

If a transition mapping is provided, the actions in the workflow history entries are migrated according to the mapping so that the translations work for the new workflow:

transition_mapping = {
    ('intranet_workflow', 'new_workflow'): {
        'submit': 'submit-for-approval'}}

with WorkflowChainUpdater(objects, review_state_mapping,
    # code

Placeful Workflow Policy Activator

When manually activating a placeful workflow policy all objects with a new workflow might be reset to the initial state of the new workflow.

ftw.upgrade has a tool for enabling placeful workflow policies without breaking the review state by mapping it from the old to the new workflows:

from ftw.upgrade.placefulworkflow import PlacefulWorkflowPolicyActivator
from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class ActivatePlacefulWorkflowPolicy(UpgradeStep):

    def __call__(self):
        portal_url = self.getToolByName('portal_url')
        portal = portal_url.getPortalObject()

        context = portal.unrestrictedTraverse('path/to/object')

        activator = PlacefulWorkflowPolicyActivator(context)
                ('intranet_workflow', 'plone_workflow'): {
                    'external': 'published',
                    'pending': 'pending'}})

The above example activates a placeful workflow policy recursively on the object under “path/to/object”, enabling the placeful workflow policy “local_policy”.

The mapping then maps the “intranet_workflow” to the “plone_workflow” by defining which old states (key, intranet_workflow) should be changed to the new states (value, plone_workflow).


  • activate_in: Activates the placeful workflow policy for the passed in object (True by default).

  • activate_below: Activates the placeful workflow policy for the children of the passed in object, recursively (True by default).

  • update_security: Update object security and reindex allowedRolesAndUsers (True by default).

Upgrade directories

The upgrade-step:directory ZCML directive allows us to use a new upgrade step definition syntax with these advantages:

  • The directory is once registered (ZCML) and automatically scanned at Zope boot time. This reduces the ZCML used for each upgrade step and avoids the redundancy created by having to specify the profile version in multiple places.

  • Timestamps are used instead of version numbers. Because of that we have less merge-conflicts.

  • The version in the profile’s metadata.xml is removed and dynamically set at Zope boot time to the version of the latest upgrade step. We no longer have to maintain this version in upgrades.

  • Each upgrade is automatically a Generic Setup profile. An instance of the UpgradeStep class knows which profile it belongs to, and that profile can easily be imported with self.install_upgrade_profile(). self.install_upgrade_profile().

  • The manage-upgrades view shows us when we have accidentally merged upgrade steps with older timestamps than already executed upgrade steps. This helps us detect a long-term-branch merge problem.

Setting up an upgrade directory

  • Register an upgrade directory for your profile (e.g. my/package/configure.zcml):


    <include package="ftw.upgrade" file="meta.zcml" />


  • Create the configured upgrade step directory (e.g. my/package/upgrades) and put an empty in this directory (prevents some python import warnings).

  • Remove the version from the metadata.xml of the profile for which the upgrade step directory is configured (e.g. my/package/profiles/default/metadata.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Creating an upgrade step

Upgrade steps can be generated with ftw.upgrade’s bin/upgrade console script. The idea is to install this script with buildout using zc.recipe.egg.

Once installed, upgrade steps can simply be scaffolded with the script:

$ bin/upgrade create AddControlpanelAction

The create command searches for your upgrades directory by resolving the *.egg-info/top_level.txt file. If you have no egg-infos or your upgrades directory is named differently the automatic discovery does not work and you can provide the path to the upgrades directory using the --path argument.

Reordering upgrade steps

The bin/upgrade console script provides a touch for reordering generated upgrade steps. With the optional arguments --before and --after upgrade steps can be moved to a specific position. When the optional arguments are omitted, the upgrade step timestamp is set to the current time.


$ bin/upgrade touch upgrades/20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action
$ bin/upgrade touch 20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action --before 20141220181500_update_registry
$ bin/upgrade touch 20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action --after 20141220181500_update_registry

Creating an upgrade step manually

  • Create a directory for the upgrade step in the upgrades directory. The directory name must contain a timestamp and a description, concatenated by an underscore, e.g. YYYYMMDDHHMMII_description_of_what_is_done:

$ mkdir my/package/upgrades/20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action
  • Next, create the upgrade step code in an in the just created directory. This file needs to be created, otherwise the upgrade step is not registered.

# my/package/upgrades/20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action/

from ftw.upgrade import UpgradeStep

class AddControlPanelAction(UpgradeStep):
    """Adds a new control panel action for the package.
    def __call__(self):
        # maybe do something
        # maybe do something
  • You must inherit from UpgradeStep.

  • Give your class a proper name, although it does not show up anywhere.

  • Add a descriptive docstring to the class, the first consecutive lines are used as upgrade step description.

  • Do not forget to execute self.install_upgrade_profile() if you have Generic Setup based changes in your upgrade.

  • Put Generic Setup files in the same upgrade step directory, it automatically acts as a Generic Setup profile just for this upgrade step. The install_upgrade_profile knows what to import.

    For our example this means we put a file at my/package/upgrades/20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action/controlpanel.xml which adds the new control panel action.

The resulting directory structure should be something like this:

    configure.zcml                              # registers the profile and the upgrade directory
    upgrades/                                   # contains the upgrade steps                               # prevents python import warnings
      20141218093045_add_controlpanel_action/   # our first upgrade step                              # should contain an ``UpgradeStep`` subclass
        controlpanel.xml                        # Generic Setup data to import
      20141220181500_update_registry/           # another upgrade step
      default/                                  # the default Generic Setup profile


The JSON API allows to get profiles and upgrades for a Plone site and execute upgrades.

Authentication and authorization

The API is available for users with the “cmf.ManagePortal” permission, usually the “Manager” role is required.


A specific API version can be requested by adding the version to the URL. Example:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/upgrades-api/v1/list_plone_sites

API Discovery

The API is discoverable and self descriptive. The API description is returned when the API action is omitted:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/upgrades-api/
    "api_version": "v1",
    "actions": [
            "request_method": "GET",
            "required_params": [],
            "name": "list_plone_sites",
            "description": "Returns a list of Plone sites."

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/

Listing Plone sites:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/upgrades-api/list_plone_sites
        "path": "/Plone",
        "id": "Plone",
        "title": "Website"

Listing profiles and upgrades

List all profiles

Listing all installed Generic Setup profiles with upgrades for a Plone site:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/list_profiles
        "id": "Products.CMFEditions:CMFEditions",
        "db_version": "4",
        "product": "Products.CMFEditions",
        "title": "CMFEditions",
        "outdated_fs_version": false,
        "fs_version": "4",
        "upgrades": [
                "proposed": false,
                "title": "Fix portal_historyidhandler",
                "outdated_fs_version": false,
                "orphan": false,
                "dest": "3",
                "done": true,
                "source": "2.0",
                "id": "3@Products.CMFEditions:CMFEditions"


Get a profile

Listing a single profile and its upgrades:

$ curl -uadmin:admin "http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/get_profile?profileid=Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE"
    "id": "Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE",
    "db_version": "7",
    "product": "Products.TinyMCE",
    "title": "TinyMCE Editor Support",
    "outdated_fs_version": false,
    "fs_version": "7",
    "upgrades": [
            "proposed": false,
            "title": "Upgrade TinyMCE",
            "outdated_fs_version": false,
            "orphan": false,
            "dest": "1.1",
            "done": true,
            "source": "1.0",
            "id": "1.1@Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE"

List proposed profiles

Listing all profiles proposing upgrades, each profile only including upgrades which are propsosed:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/list_profiles_proposing_upgrades

List proposed upgrades

Listing all proposed upgrades without the wrapping profile infos:

$ curl -uadmin:admin http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/list_proposed_upgrades
        "proposed": true,
        "title": "Foo.",
        "outdated_fs_version": false,
        "orphan": true,
        "dest": "20150114104527",
        "done": false,
        "source": "10000000000000",
        "id": "20150114104527@ftw.upgrade:default"

Executing upgrades

When executing upgrades the response is not of type JSON but a streamed upgrade log. If the request is correct, the response status will always be 200 OK, no matter whether the upgrades will install correctly or not. If an upgrade fails, the request and the transaction is aborted and the response content will end with “Result: FAILUREn”. If the upgrade succeeds, the response content will end with “Result: SUCCESSn”.

Executing selected upgrades

Selected upgrades can be executing by their API-ID (format: “<dest>@<profileid>”). When upgrade groups are used the API-ID is kind of ambiguous and identifies / installs all upgrade steps of the same profile with the same target version.

All upgrade steps are reordered to the installation order proposed by ftw.upgrade. It is not possible to change the order within one request, use multiple requests for unproposed installation order. The installation order is done by topogically ordering the profiles by their dependencies and ordering the upgrades within each profile by their target version.

Example for executing a selected set of upgrades:

$ curl -uadmin:admin -X POST "http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/execute_upgrades?upgrades:list=7@Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE&upgrades:list=20150114104527@ftw.upgrade:default"
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade ______________________________________________________________________
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade UPGRADE STEP Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE: Upgrade TinyMCE 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade Ran upgrade step Upgrade TinyMCE 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 for profile Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade Upgrade step duration: 1 second
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade ______________________________________________________________________
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade UPGRADE STEP ftw.upgrade:default: Foo.
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO GenericSetup.archetypetool Archetype tool imported.
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade Ran upgrade step Foo. for profile ftw.upgrade:default
2015-01-14 11:16:14 INFO ftw.upgrade Upgrade step duration: 1 second

Execute all proposed upgrades

Example for exeuting all proposed upgrades of a Plone site:

$ curl -uadmin:admin -X POST http://localhost:8080/Plone/upgrades-api/execute_proposed_upgrades
2015-01-14 11:17:34 INFO ftw.upgrade ______________________________________________________________________
2015-01-14 11:17:34 INFO ftw.upgrade UPGRADE STEP ftw.upgrade:default: Bar.
2015-01-14 11:17:35 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2015-01-14 11:17:35 INFO GenericSetup.archetypetool Archetype tool imported.
2015-01-14 11:17:35 INFO ftw.upgrade Ran upgrade step Bar. for profile ftw.upgrade:default
2015-01-14 11:17:35 INFO ftw.upgrade Upgrade step duration: 1 second

Import-Profile Upgrade Steps

Sometimes an upgrade simply imports a little Generic Setup profile, which is only made for this upgrade step. Doing such upgrade steps are often much simpler than doing the change in python, because we can simply copy the necessary parts of the new default generic setup profile into the upgrade step profile.

Normally, for doing this, we have to register an upgrade step and a Generic Setup profile and write an upgrade step handler importing the profile.

ftw.upgrade makes this much simpler by providing an importProfile ZCML direvtive especially for this specific use case.

Example configure.zcml meant to be placed in your upgrades sub-package:


    <include package="ftw.upgrade" file="meta.zcml" />

        title="Update email_from_address"


This example upgrade step updates the email_from_address property.

A generic setup profile is automatically registered and hooked up with the generated upgrade step handler.

Simply put a properties.xml in the folder profiles/1008 relative to the above configure.zcml and the upgrade step is ready for deployment.

Optionally, a handler may be defined. The handler, a subclass of UpgradeStep, can import the associated generic setup profile with self.install_upgrade_profile().

IPostUpgrade adapter

By registering an IPostUpgrade adapter it is possible to run custom code after running upgrades. All adapters are executed after each time upgrades were run, not depending on which upgrades are run. The name of the adapters should be the profile of the package, so that ftw.upgrade is able to execute the adapters in order of the GS dependencies.

Example adapter:

from ftw.upgrade.interfaces import IPostUpgrade
from zope.interface import implements

class MyPostUpgradeAdapter(object):

    def __init__(self, portal, request):
        self.portal = portal
        self.request = request

    def __call__(self):
        # custom code, e.g. import a generic setup profile for customizations

Registration in ZCML:

<configure xmlns="">
        name="my.package:default" />


1.12.0 (2015-02-16)

  • Add bin/upgrade commands sites, list and install. This makes it possible to install upgrades from the console. [jone]

  • Update upgrade step scaffold to support plone.reload. [jone]

  • New JSON API implemented, accessible with /upgrades-api. [jone]

  • Executioner: install_upgrades_by_api_ids was added, allowing to install a selection of upgrades identified by API ugprade ids. [jone]

  • Gatherer: get_upgrades_by_api_ids was added, returning upgrade infos for a selection of API upgrade ids. [jone]

  • Gatherer: get_upgrades is deprecated and replaced by get_profiles. get_profiles now has a proposed_only flag. [jone]

1.11.0 (2015-01-08)

  • Reverse post upgrade adapter ordering. The order was reversed, it should execute dependencies first. [jone]

  • create-upgrade: Make sure to quote argument passed to bin/upgrade. [lgraf]

  • Add a create-upgrade script which can be installed globally. [jone]

  • Create a bin/upgrade script:

    • the create command creates a upgrade step in the “upgrades” directory.

    • the touch command can be used for reordering upgrade steps.


  • New upgrade-step:directory directive for registering a directory with upgrade steps which are automatically detected and registered. [jone]

  • Extend the importProfile directive so that a handler can be defined. The handler may import the associated upgrade step profile with the new method self.install_upgrade_profile(). [jone]

1.10.2 (2014-11-19)

  • Exclude uninstalled products from upgrades view. [jone]

  • Make upgrades appear in undo form again. The transaction note fix in 1.7.4 caused upgrade transaction to not appear in the undo form. [jone]

1.10.1 (2014-10-27)

  • Update upgrade view ordering for root nodes. The dependency graph does not define any order for root profiles (e.g. included in buildout directly), which causes random sorting in the upgrade view for those profiles. This change sorts those root profiles by name without changing the order of profiles which is depended on. [jone]

1.10.0 (2014-08-28)

  • Wrap step.objects in a SavepointIterator that creates a savepoint every n items. [lgraf]

1.9.0 (2014-08-27)

  • Add @@manage-upgrades-plain fallback view for @@manage-upgrades. It does not include plone`s main template and thus might be able to render when the default view fails for some reason. [deiferni]

1.8.0 (2014-08-11)

  • Prevent portal_quickinstaller from picking upgrade-steps instead of the default-profile by prefixing the profile-id with upgrade_to_ (fix #45) [pbauer]

  • Flag profiles whose filesystem version is outdated. Highlights profiles with upgrades that lead to a destination version that is higher than the corresponding profile’s current filesystem version. This usually means someone forgot to update the version in metadata.xml of the corresponding profile. [lgraf]

1.7.4 (2014-05-12)

  • Extend workflow updater to migrate workflow history. [jone]

  • Fix workflow updater to always update objects. The objects are updated even when it seems that the object was not update or has no longer a workflow. This fixes issues when updating a workflow, in which case the old workflow and the new workflow has the same ID. [jone]

  • Make sure the transaction note does not get too long. Zope limits the transaction note length. By actively managing the transaction note we can provide fallbacks for when it gets too long because a lot of upgrade steps are installed at the same time. [jone]

1.7.3 (2014-04-30)

  • Add uninstall_product method to upgrade step class. [jone]

1.7.2 (2014-02-28)

  • Update provided interfaces when migrating objects to new class. [jone]

1.7.1 (2014-01-09)

  • Fix LocationError on manage-ugprades view on cyclic dependencies. [jone]

1.7.0 (2013-09-24)

  • Add a update_workflow_security helper function to the upgrade step. [jone]

1.6.0 (2013-08-30)

  • Fix inplace modification bug when updating the catalog while iterating over a catalog result. [jone]

  • Implement new importProfile directive for creating upgrade steps that just import a specific upgrade step generic setup profile. [jone]

1.5 (2013-08-16)

  • Add a WorkflowChainUpdater for changing workflow chains without resetting existing objects to the initial review state of the new workflow. [jone]

1.4.0 (2013-07-18)

  • Added helper for adding a type_action. [phgross]

  • Add objects method to UpgradeStep for easy querying the catalog and doing stuff with progress logging combined. [jone]

  • Make ProgressLogger an iterator too, because it is easier to use. [jone]

  • Improve logging while installing upgrade steps. Show duration for installing. [jone]

  • Fix upgrade step icons for Plone 4.3. [jone]

  • Add update_security helper. [jone]

  • Fix incomplete status info entry prodcued by placeful workflow policy activator. [jone]

1.3 (2013-06-13)

  • Implement a placeful workflow policy activator. [jone]

  • Added remove_broken_browserlayer method to step class. [lgraf]

1.2.1 (2013-04-23)

  • Keep modification date on reindexObject wihtout idxs. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.2 (2013-01-24)

  • approved: add badge to readme. [jone]

  • Remove ‘step’ and ‘for’ values from internal data structure. This is needed for allowing us to serialize the data (json). [jone]

  • Add IPostUpgrade adapter hook. [jone]

  • Refactor dependency sorting into seperate function. [jone]

  • Add security declarations. [jone]

  • Fix wrong tool usage when installing a profile in step class. [jone]

1.1 (2012-10-08)

  • Add catalog_unrestricted_get_object and catalog_unrestricted_search methods to step class. [jone]

  • Handle profiles of packages which were removed but have leftover generic setup entries. [jone]

1.0 (2012-08-13)

  • Add installed upgrades to transaction note. Closes #7 [jone]

  • Add migrate_class helper with _p_changed implementation supporting BTreeFolder2Base containers. [jone]

  • Remove purge_resource_registries() helper because it does not behave as expected. [jone]

  • Set min-height of upgrade output frame to 500px. [jone]

  • Print exceptions to browser log stream. [jone]

1.0b2 (2012-07-04)

  • Fix the upgrade registration problem (using a classmethod does not work since registration fails). [jone]

  • Let @@manage-upgrade be usable without actually installing the GS profile. [maethu]

1.0b1 (2012-06-27)

  • First implementation. [jone]

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