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Python interface to Piccolo/Ganessa_SIM and Picalor simulation kernel

Project description

Piccolo5/Piccolo6/Picalor6 and Ganessa_SIM API python calling interface

What is it?

A python package enabling users to call a set of Picwin32.dll or Ganessa_SIM.dll API functions and subroutines within python scripts. Initially provided for python 2.7 32 bits only. 1.9.x versions served as python 3.5 / 3.6 pre-release.

Starting with version 2.0.0, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 2.7 / 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.6 / 3.7 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Starting with version 2.1.0, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 2.7 / 3.7 / 3.8 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.7 / 3.8 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Starting with version 2.1.8, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 2.7 / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.9 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.9 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Version 2.1.9 is the last version that supported python 2.7. Version 2.2.4 is the last version for which a wheel is provided for python 3.7.

Starting with version 2.2.5, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Starting with version 2.3.3, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Starting with version 2.3.10, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 / 3.12 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 / 3.12 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).

Starting with version 2.4.2, the wheel package is provided for 32 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 / 3.12 / 3.13 (Piccolo kernel is a 32 bits application) and 64 bits version for python 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11 / 3.12 / 3.13 (Ganessa_SIM is available as 32 and 64 bits).


Windows only

pip install ganessa

Obsolete Requirements (32 bits)

  1. python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

  2. obsolete python requirements: numpy 1.11 or above (python 2.7) / numpy 1.13.1 or above (python 3.5 - 3.6) / numpy 1.15.1 (python 3.7)

  3. Piccolo or Picalor kernel library (picwin32.dll), starting from version 5 (141203) for python 2.7

  4. valid Piccolo or Picalor or Ganessa_SIM license

Requirements (32 bits)

  1. python 3.8 - 3.13

  2. numpy 1.15.1 (python 3.8) / numpy 1.19.4 (python 3.9) / numpy 1.21.3 (python 3.10) / numpy 1.23.3 (python 3.11+)

  3. numpy < 2.0 if python < 3.12 or ganessa < 2.4.4

  4. Piccolo6 or Picalor6 kernel library (picwin32.dll), or recent Ganessa_SIM.dll. Note that a recent (2020 or newer) version of Piccolo kernel is required for use with python 3.12

  5. valid Piccolo or Picalor or Ganessa_SIM license (for commercial releases)

Requirements (64 bits)

  1. python 3.8 - 3.13

  2. numpy 1.15.1 (python 3.8) / numpy 1.19.4 (python 3.9) / numpy 1.21.3 (python 3.10) / numpy 1.23.3 (python 3.11+)

  3. numpy < 2.0 if python < 3.12 or ganessa < 2.4.4

  4. recent Ganessa_SIM_x64.dll (64 bit dll)

  5. valid Ganessa_SIM license (for commercial releases)

This tool expects Picwin32.dll to be in the PATH or in one of the following folders:

                %localappdata%/Programs/Safege/Piccolo_ or
                %localappdata%/Programs/Suez/Piccolo_ or
                %localappdata%/Programs/Gfi Progiciels/Piccolo6_ or
                %localappdata%/Programs/Inetum/Piccolo6_ or
[[E: or D:] or C:] / [
                'Program Files (x86)/Safege/Piccolo_' or
                'Program Files (x86)/Suez/Piccolo_' or
                'Program Files (x86)/Gfi Progiciels/Piccolo6_'  or
                'Program Files (x86)/Inetum/Piccolo6_'  or
                'Program Files (x86)/Gfi Progiciels/Picalor6_' or
                'Program Files/Adelior/Piccolo5_'
             + ['fr' or 'uk' or 'esp' or 'eng'] + ['' or '_ck']

Or one of Ganessa_SIM.dll or Ganessa_TH.dll or Ganessa_SIM_x64.dll in:

           '%localappdata%/Programs/Safege/Ganessa_ or
           '%localappdata%/Programs/Suez/Ganessa_ or
[[E: or D:] or C:] / [
               'Program Files (x86)/Safege/Ganessa_' or
               'Program Files (x86)/Suez/Ganessa_' or
               'Program Files/Safege/Ganessa_' (Ganessa_SIM_x64 only) or
               'Program Files/Suez/Ganessa_' (Ganessa_SIM_x64 only)
             + ['fr' or 'uk' or 'esp' or 'eng']

With custom installations, PICCOLO_DIR or GANESSA_DIR environment variables can be set to define the path.


The package provides:
  1. ‘sim’ package:
    • a few basic functions for reading or loading a model, running hydraulic and WQ simulations.

    • ‘getter’ functions for individual objects and attributes, time series vectors, attribute vector of all object (attribute maps).

    • iterators over links, nodes, tanks, demands, and tables, or over Piccolo command language selections.

    • a Graph class built from the current model graph, with propagation functions.

    • almost no ‘setter’ functions, but ‘cmd’, ‘execute’ and ‘cmdfile’ any Piccolo command language instruction(s)/file.

  2. ‘th’ package: same functions for Picalor except running extended period simulations and time series getters.

  3. ‘util’ package: conversion and formatting and other miscellaneous functions.

  4. ‘OpenFileMMI’ provides classes for opening dialog frame for a .dat/.bin/.pic/.inp model file (see en2emu below), folder, and input/output (result) file. It should be imported after ‘sim’ or ‘th’.

  5. ‘plot’ provides easy multiple simulation vs reference graphs plot settings - requires matplotlib.

  6. ‘proj’ provides a ‘guess_proj’ function returning the model CRS as EPSG:xxxx or mnemonic, and ‘get_spatial_ref’

  7. ‘sort’ provides a heapsort based on heapq.

  8. ‘midfile’ provides minimal mif/mid functions similar to shp/dbf shapefile handler (pyshp package).

  9. ‘geojsonfile’ provides minimal geojson functions similar to shp/dbf shapefile handler (pyshp package).

  10. ‘epanet2’ provides limited epanet2.0.12 python API for win32 (thanks to Assela Pathirana - mailto: similar to EpanetTools-0.4.2; with epanet.getlinknodes and calculation of tank diameter corrected (from 0.9.2 and 1.0.0).

  11. ‘epanet22’ provides a single threaded, low-level python API for epanet2.2, equivalent/compatible with above epanet2.

  12. ‘owa_epanet22’ provides an EpanetTools compatibility layer for owa-epanet 2.2.3/2.3.4: it defines EN_XXX constants and single project ENxxx API functions. All owa-epanet API functions are available.

  13. ‘en2emu’ provides minimal ‘sim’ compatibility for Epanet models being opened with OpenFileMMI.SelectModel, wrapper functions for running hydraulic and WQ simulations and collecting results as numpy arrays, iterators etc. See the doc.

  14. ‘parallel’ provides a simple parallel simulations handling framework based on multiprocessing, returning either elementary or reduced results.

Model objects and parameters can be modified using Piccolo command language (see cmd, cmdfile and execute).

Recently introduced functions and classes may not be functional with old versions of Piccolo / Ganessa_SIM kernel.


Documentation is provided as pyGanessa.html in the installation folder, possibly in docs subfolder. It includes package history.

History of the README document

  • Created 2013-07-04

  • Revised 2015-05-03: since 2014-12-04 Picwin32.dll is compatible with this API.

  • Revised 2016-07-07: provided as .rst.

  • Revised 2017-08-08: install using pip; Piccolo/Ganessa dll folder search order.

  • Revised 2017-09-12: split sim into core, core_sim, core_th.

  • Revised 2017-11-13: added sort, midfile, epanet2 modules.

  • Revised 2017-11-30: added parallel.

  • Revised 2018-03-29: minor changes / extension to python 3.5-3.6.

  • Revised 2018-06-08: OpenFileMMI and epanet2 details, added example.

  • Revised 2018-08-16: 64 bits compatibility (Ganessa_SIM and python 3.7 / 3.8 only).

  • Revised 2018-08-27: numpy requirements.

  • Revised 2019-09-13: minor changes.

  • Revised 2019-10-09: extension to python 3.8.

  • Revised 2019-10-15: README rst fix.

  • Revised 2020-02-05: added sim.Graph; README rst fix.

  • Revised 2020-11-20: README rst fix.

  • Revised 2021-04-29: extension to python 3.9.

  • Revised 2021-06-17: python 2.7 compatibility removed since 2.2.0; folder lookup paths.

  • Revised 2021-10-27: python 3.7 removed & python 3.10 added since 2.2.5.

  • Revised 2022-04-21: dll lookup order as E:, D:, C:; example updated.

  • Revised 2022-09-27: python 3.11 added; proj package added.

  • Revised 2023-07-12: added epanet22.

  • Revised 2023-08-10: added owa_epanet22.

  • Revised 2023-10-18: added en2emu.

  • Revised 2023-11-06: added python 3.12.

  • Revised 2024-01-17: updated 64 bits requirements.

  • Revised 2024-03-18: updated .dll search paths.

  • Revised 2024-06-16: added python 3.13; fixed lookup paths.

  • Revised 2024-07-11: numpy 2.0 restriction to ganessa >= 2.4.4 and python >= 3.12


# file:
"""Example program for ganessa
requires a Piccolo model 'model.dat' in the current folder
Example using English command language"""

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ganessa.sim as pic

# This code sample runs under python 3.8+
# but requires ganessa 2.3.0 or higher

if __name__ == "__main__":
    wkfold = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    if not wkfold:
        wkfold = os.getcwd()
        print("Current folder is:", wkfold)
    # will create work files here
    # loads the model - change the name here...
    # select small pipe (diameter below 155)
    # using iterator and D getter, by id
    def pipefilter(diameter):
        return 0 < diameter < 155
    pipes = [p for p in pic.Links() if pipefilter(pic.linkattr(p, "D"))]
    # using iterator and D getter, by index (less concise but slightly faster)
    pipes = [
        pic.getid(pic.LINK, k)
        for k in range(1, pic.nbobjects(pic.LINK) + 1)
        if pipefilter(pic.nlinkattr(k, "D"))
    # Most Piccoloic, using (english) command language selection
    # Selectid has been introduced in 2.3.0; it is equivalent to Selected(..., False)
    pipes = list(pic.Selectid("PIPE (D < 155) END"))
    # minimal setter functions for links, nodes, tanks attributes
    pid = pipes[len(pipes) // 2]
    diam = pic.linkattr(pid, "D")
    pic.setlinkattr(pid, "D", diam * 2)
    # language-independant commands: MODIF MULT D 2 BRANCH {pid} END
    KWEND = pic.getkeyword(pic.DICT.END)
    pic.gencmdw(pic.M.MOD, pic.M.MOD.MULT, pic.M.NONE, "D 2")
    pic.gencmd(pic.M.LNK, pic.M.LNK.NONE, pic.M.NONE, pid + " " + KWEND, 1)
    # Use command language to set / modify / delete objects
    pic.execute("MODIF", f"DELETE BRANCH {pid} END")
    pic.execute("MODIF", "MERGE NODE (AB = 1) END", "MERGE NODE (AB = 1) END")
    # or change parameters
    pic.execute("SIMUL", "CRITX 0.05", "MXITER 75")
    # get demand profile TS
    nb = pic.tsdemandlen("DEFAUT", "HAUT")
    print("Profile length for area HAUT:", nb)
    res = pic.tsdemand("DEFAUT", "HAUT")
    # Unlike epanet, first run simulation then browse/ query results
    pic.full_solveH(silent=True, retry=True)
    print("Simulation done.")
    pic.browseH(3600 * 8.5)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16 - 1, 9 - 1))
    # plot 3D elevation and hydraulic head
    ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
    for a in pic.Links():
        x, y, z, v, nb = pic.linkXYZV(a, "HH")
        if nb > 0:
            ax.plot(x, y, z, "r-")
            ax.plot(x, y, v, "b-")
    plt.title("Hydraulic head at t= 08:30")
    # print min/max pressure over the EPS
    attr = "P"
    minpax_p = list(pic.getMinMax(pic.NODE, attr))
    for nid, vmin, vmax, vmoy in minpax_p[:10]:
        print(nid, attr + "min:", vmin, attr + "max:", vmax)
    for nid, vmin, vmax, vmoy in minpax_p[-10:]:
        print(nid, attr + "min:", vmin, attr + "max:", vmax)
    # get current volume simulation (internal variable steps) and measurement TS
    for tid in pic.Tanks():
        t1, v1, nb1 = pic.tsval(pic.TANK, tid, "CV")
        t2, v2, nb2 = pic.msval(pic.TANK, tid, "CV")
    # get current volume simulation results at measurement sampling
    for tid in pic.Tanks():
        t3, v3, nb3 = pic.tsvalbymts(pic.TANK, tid, "CV")
    # export as Epanet .inp
    pic.execute("XXMEM BRANCH : D")
    pic.savemodel("model_xx.dat", extra_data=[("BRANCH (D > 149) END", "XX")])
    # WQ source data optional argument is a specific node - not used here
    print("\nWQ source data (input forcing and TS at nodes):")
    for n, cd, attr, t, c, nb in pic.WQSources():
        print(n, cd, attr, nb, t, c)
    # use reset() for switching model, close() to terminate

# file:
"""Example program for ganessa
requires a Piccolo model 'model.dat' in the current folder
Example using French command language"""

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ganessa.sim as pic

# This code sample runs under python 3.8+
# but requires ganessa 2.3.0 or higher

if __name__ == "__main__":
    wkfold = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    if not wkfold:
        wkfold = os.getcwd()
        print("Current folder is:", wkfold)
    # will create work files here
    # loads the model - change the name here...
    # select small pipe (diameter below 155)
    # using iterator and D getter, by id
    def pipefilter(diameter):
        return 0 < diameter < 155
    pipes = [p for p in pic.Links() if pipefilter(pic.linkattr(p, "D"))]
    # using iterator and D getter, by index (less concise but slightly faster)
    pipes = [
        pic.getid(pic.LINK, k)
        for k in range(1, pic.nbobjects(pic.LINK) + 1)
        if pipefilter(pic.nlinkattr(k, "D"))
    # Most Piccoloic, using (french) command language selection
    # Selectid has been introduced in 2.3.0; it is equivalent to Selected(..., False)
    pipes = list(pic.Selectid("TUYAU (D < 155) FIN"))
    # minimal setter functions for links, nodes, tanks attributes
    pid = pipes[len(pipes) // 2]
    diam = pic.linkattr(pid, "D")
    pic.setlinkattr(pid, "D", diam * 2)
    # language-independant commands: MODIF MULT D 2 ARC {pid} FIN
    KWEND = pic.getkeyword(pic.DICT.END)
    pic.gencmdw(pic.M.MOD, pic.M.MOD.MULT, pic.M.NONE, "D 2")
    pic.gencmd(pic.M.LNK, pic.M.LNK.NONE, pic.M.NONE, pid + " " + KWEND, 1)
    # Use command language to set / modify / delete objects
    pic.execute("MODIF", f"DETR ARC {pid} FIN")
    pic.execute("MODIF", "FUSION NOEU (AA = 1) FIN", "FUSION NOEU (AA = 1) FIN")
    # or change parameters
    pic.execute("SIMUL", "CRITX 0.05", "MXITER 75")
    # get demand profile TS
    nb = pic.tsdemandlen("DEFAUT", "HAUT")
    print("Profile length for area HAUT:", nb)
    res = pic.tsdemand("DEFAUT", "HAUT")
    # Unlike epanet, first run simulation then browse/ query results
    pic.full_solveH(silent=True, retry=True)
    print("Simulation done.")
    pic.browseH(3600 * 8.5)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16 - 1, 9 - 1))
    # plot 3D elevation and hydraulic head
    ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
    for a in pic.Links():
        x, y, z, v, nb = pic.linkXYZV(a, "CH")
        if nb > 0:
            ax.plot(x, y, z, "r-")
            ax.plot(x, y, v, "b-")
    plt.title("Plan de charge a t= 08:30")
    # print min/max pressure over the EPS
    attr = "P"
    minpax_p = list(pic.getMinMax(pic.NODE, attr))
    for nid, vmin, vmax, vmoy in minpax_p[:10]:
        print(nid, attr + "min:", vmin, attr + "max:", vmax)
    for nid, vmin, vmax, vmoy in minpax_p[-10:]:
        print(nid, attr + "min:", vmin, attr + "max:", vmax)
    # get current volume simulation (internal variable steps) and measurement TS
    for tid in pic.Tanks():
        t1, v1, nb1 = pic.tsval(pic.TANK, tid, "VC")
        t2, v2, nb2 = pic.msval(pic.TANK, tid, "VC")
    # get current volume simulation results at measurement sampling
    for tid in pic.Tanks():
        t3, v3, nb3 = pic.tsvalbymts(pic.TANK, tid, "VC")
    # export as Epanet .inp
    pic.execute("XXMEM ARC : D")
    pic.savemodel("model_xx.dat", extra_data=[("ARC (D > 149) FIN", "XX")])
    # WQ source data optional argument is a specific node - not used here
    print("\nWQ source data (input forcing and TS at nodes):")
    for n, cd, attr, t, c, nb in pic.WQSources():
        print(n, cd, attr, nb, t, c)
    # use reset() for switching model, close() to terminate

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distributions

ganessa-2.4.5-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl (1.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.13 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp313-cp313-win32.whl (2.7 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.13 Windows x86

ganessa-2.4.5-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl (1.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.12 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp312-cp312-win32.whl (2.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.12 Windows x86

ganessa-2.4.5-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (1.4 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.11 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp311-cp311-win32.whl (3.8 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.11 Windows x86

ganessa-2.4.5-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl (1.4 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.10 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp310-cp310-win32.whl (3.9 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.10 Windows x86

ganessa-2.4.5-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (1.4 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.9 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp39-cp39-win32.whl (3.9 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.9 Windows x86

ganessa-2.4.5-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl (1.4 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.8 Windows x86-64

ganessa-2.4.5-cp38-cp38-win32.whl (4.4 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.8 Windows x86

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