Garmin Aviation Checklist Editor (ACE) - Parse and write ACE files from Python
Project description
Garmin Aviation Checklist Editor (ACE) - Python Module
Convert ACE files to/from various formats (HTML, orgmode). Parse and write ACE files from Python.
$ pip install garmin_ace
Display the available formats:
$ ace-convert
Convert source file to destination file
Usage: ace-convert <source> <dest>
Supported source formats are: .org, .ace
Supported destination formats are: .ace, .html
Example: Converting an ACE file to HTML and PDF
$ ace-convert checklist.ace checklist.html
You can further convert the HTML document to a PDF file with
$ wkhtmltopdf checklist.html checklist.pdf
Example: Converting orgmode checklists to the ACE format
Org mode is a plaintext format, which can be easier to edit and manipulate than the Garmin Checklist Editor app. It expects a simple structure:
* Pre-flight checklist
** Master: on
** Lights: on
** Master: off
* Startup checklist
** Master: on
The top level bullet points are the checklist names, and subitems are the checklist items.
To convert it to the other available formats:
$ ace-convert checklist.ace
$ ace-convert checklist.html
See for details on the format.
Decoding a ACE file to Python objects
from garmin_ace import ACEFileDecoder
checklists_obj = ACEFileDecoder.read_from_file('checklist.ace')
for the data structure.
Encoding a ACE file from Python objects
from garmin_ace import ACEFileEncoder
Running tests (source)
$ make test
$ make coverage
Originally based on the Swift implementation
Copyright (C) 2023 Xavier Antoviaque
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.