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Tools to interface GitHub, PyPI, NPM and local modules / repos. Used for generating files to keep projects dry and synced. Tailored for ManderaGeneral for now.

Project description


Tools to interface GitHub, PyPI, NPM and local modules / repos. Used for generating files to keep projects dry and synced. Tailored for ManderaGeneral for now.

Table of Contents

├─ Dependency Diagram for ManderaGeneral
├─ Installation showing dependencies
├─ Information
├─ Attributes
├─ Contributions
└─ Todo

Dependency Diagram for ManderaGeneral

flowchart LR
2([library]) --> 4([vector])
1([tool]) --> 2([library])
3([file]) --> 5([packager])
2([library]) --> 3([file])
0([import]) --> 2([library])
0([import]) --> 3([file])
2([library]) --> 5([packager])
click 0 ""
click 1 ""
click 2 ""
click 3 ""
click 4 ""
click 5 ""
style 5 fill:#482

Installation showing dependencies

pip install generalpackager
generallibrary[table] ✔️
generalfile ✔️
requests ✔️
pyinstaller ✔️
coverage ✔️
setuptools ✔️
wheel ✔️
twine ✔️


Package Ver Latest Release Python Platform Cover
generalpackager 0.5.9 2023-06-05 11:30 CEST 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 Windows, Ubuntu 67.8 %


Module: generalpackager
├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Method: api_url
│  ├─ Method: format_version
│  ├─ Method: get_description
│  ├─ Method: get_topics
│  ├─ Method: get_website
│  ├─ Method: git_clone_command
│  ├─ Method: is_general
│  ├─ Method: name_is_general
│  ├─ Property: pip_install_command
│  ├─ Method: request_kwargs
│  ├─ Method: set_description
│  ├─ Method: set_topics
│  ├─ Method: set_website
│  ├─ Property: simple_name
│  ├─ Property: ssh_url
│  └─ Method: tag_is_version
├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Method: exists
│  ├─ Method: get_all_local_modules
│  ├─ Method: get_dependants
│  ├─ Method: get_dependencies
│  ├─ Property: module
│  ├─ Property: objInfo
│  └─ Property: path
├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Class: Targets
│  ├─ Method: changed_files
│  ├─ Method: clone
│  ├─ Method: commit
│  ├─ Class: commit_editmsg_file
│  ├─ Method: commit_message
│  ├─ Method: commit_sha
│  ├─ Method: commit_sha_short
│  ├─ Class: examples_folder
│  ├─ Class: exeproduct_folder
│  ├─ Class: exetarget_file
│  ├─ Method: exists
│  ├─ Method: format_file
│  ├─ Class: generate_file
│  ├─ Method: get_all_versions
│  ├─ Method: get_examples_path
│  ├─ Method: get_exeproduct_path
│  ├─ Method: get_exetarget_path
│  ├─ Method: get_file_from_path
│  ├─ Method: get_filenames
│  ├─ Method: get_files
│  ├─ Method: get_files_by_relative_path
│  ├─ Method: get_generate_path
│  ├─ Method: get_git_exclude_path
│  ├─ Method: get_git_ignore_path
│  ├─ Method: get_index_js_path
│  ├─ Method: get_init_path
│  ├─ Method: get_license_path
│  ├─ Method: get_manifest_path
│  ├─ Method: get_metadata_path
│  ├─ Method: get_npm_ignore_path
│  ├─ Method: get_org_readme_path
│  ├─ Method: get_package_json_path
│  ├─ Method: get_package_paths_gen
│  ├─ Method: get_pre_commit_hook_path
│  ├─ Method: get_pre_push_hook_path
│  ├─ Method: get_readme_path
│  ├─ Method: get_setup_path
│  ├─ Method: get_test_js_path
│  ├─ Method: get_test_path
│  ├─ Method: get_test_paths
│  ├─ Method: get_test_template_path
│  ├─ Method: get_workflow_path
│  ├─ Method: git_config
│  ├─ Class: git_exclude_file
│  ├─ Method: git_missing_credentials
│  ├─ Method: git_nothing_to_commit
│  ├─ Class: gitignore_file
│  ├─ Class: index_js_file
│  ├─ Method: init
│  ├─ Class: init_file
│  ├─ Method: is_django
│  ├─ Method: is_exe
│  ├─ Method: is_general
│  ├─ Method: is_node
│  ├─ Method: is_python
│  ├─ Class: license_file
│  ├─ Class: manifest_file
│  ├─ Property: metadata
│  ├─ Method: metadata_exists
│  ├─ Class: metadata_file
│  ├─ Method: name_is_general
│  ├─ Class: npm_ignore_file
│  ├─ Class: org_readme_file
│  │  └─ Method: get_org_description_markdown
│  ├─ Class: package_json_file
│  ├─ Class: pre_commit_hook_file
│  ├─ Class: pre_push_hook_file
│  ├─ Method: push
│  ├─ Class: readme_file
│  │  ├─ Method: get_attributes_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_badges_dict
│  │  ├─ Method: get_contributions_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_description_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_examples_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_footnote_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_information_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_installation_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_mermaid_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: get_todos
│  │  ├─ Method: get_todos_markdown
│  │  ├─ Method: github_link
│  │  ├─ Method: github_link_path_line
│  │  └─ Method: set_collapsible
│  ├─ Method: repo_exists
│  ├─ Class: setup_file
│  │  └─ Method: get_classifiers
│  ├─ Property: simple_name
│  ├─ Method: targetted
│  ├─ Class: test_folder
│  ├─ Class: test_js_file
│  ├─ Class: test_template_file
│  ├─ Class: workflow_dev_file
│  └─ Class: workflow_file
│     └─ Method: codeline
├─ Class: LocalRepo_Node
├─ Class: LocalRepo_Python
│  ├─ Method: get_python_exe_path
│  └─ Method: set_easy_install_value
├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: Packages
│  │  └─ Method: all_packages
│  ├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Class: Targets
│  ├─ Method: commit_and_push
│  ├─ Class: commit_editmsg_file
│  ├─ Method: compare_local_to_github
│  ├─ Method: compare_local_to_pypi
│  ├─ Method: create_blank_locally
│  ├─ Method: create_github_repo
│  ├─ Method: create_master_branch
│  ├─ Class: examples_folder
│  ├─ Class: exeproduct_folder
│  ├─ Class: exetarget_file
│  ├─ Method: general_bumped_set
│  ├─ Method: general_changed_dict
│  ├─ Class: generate_file
│  ├─ Method: generate_localfiles
│  ├─ Method: get_classifiers
│  ├─ Method: get_dependants
│  ├─ Method: get_dependencies
│  ├─ Method: get_file_from_path
│  ├─ Method: get_filenames
│  ├─ Method: get_files
│  ├─ Method: get_files_by_relative_path
│  ├─ Method: get_latest_release
│  ├─ Method: get_ordered_packagers
│  ├─ Method: get_owners_package_names
│  ├─ Method: get_topics
│  ├─ Class: git_exclude_file
│  ├─ Property: github
│  ├─ Method: github_available
│  ├─ Class: gitignore_file
│  ├─ Method: if_publish_bump
│  ├─ Method: if_publish_upload
│  ├─ Class: index_js_file
│  ├─ Class: init_file
│  ├─ Method: is_bumped
│  ├─ Method: is_django
│  ├─ Method: is_exe
│  ├─ Method: is_general
│  ├─ Method: is_node
│  ├─ Method: is_python
│  ├─ Class: license_file
│  ├─ Property: localmodule
│  ├─ Method: localmodule_available
│  ├─ Property: localrepo
│  ├─ Method: localrepo_available
│  ├─ Class: manifest_file
│  ├─ Class: metadata_file
│  ├─ Method: name_is_general
│  ├─ Method: new_clean_environment
│  ├─ Class: npm_ignore_file
│  ├─ Class: org_readme_file
│  ├─ Class: package_json_file
│  ├─ Method: packagers_from_packages
│  ├─ Class: pre_commit_hook_file
│  ├─ Class: pre_push_hook_file
│  ├─ Method: push
│  ├─ Property: pypi
│  ├─ Method: pypi_available
│  ├─ Class: readme_file
│  ├─ Method: reserve_name
│  ├─ Method: run_ordered_methods
│  ├─ Class: setup_file
│  ├─ Property: simple_name
│  ├─ Method: summary_packagers
│  ├─ Method: sync_github_metadata
│  ├─ Property: target
│  ├─ Class: test_folder
│  ├─ Class: test_js_file
│  ├─ Class: test_template_file
│  ├─ Method: upload_package_summary
│  ├─ Class: workflow_dev_file
│  ├─ Class: workflow_file
│  ├─ Method: workflow_packagers
│  ├─ Method: workflow_sync
│  └─ Method: workflow_unittest
├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Class: GitHub
│  ├─ Class: LocalModule
│  ├─ Class: LocalRepo
│  ├─ Class: Packager
│  ├─ Class: PyPI
│  ├─ Method: is_general
│  ├─ Property: json_endpoint
│  ├─ Method: name_is_general
│  └─ Property: simple_name
└─ Class: Venv
   ├─ Method: active
   ├─ Method: create_venv
   ├─ Property: cruds
   ├─ Method: deactivate
   ├─ Method: debug
   ├─ Method: easy_install_path
   ├─ Method: exe_name
   ├─ Method: exists
   ├─ Method: get_active_python
   ├─ Method: get_active_venv
   ├─ Method: get_active_venv_path
   ├─ Method: list_python_versions
   ├─ Method: list_venv_paths
   ├─ Method: python_exe_path
   ├─ Method: python_home_exe_path
   ├─ Method: python_home_path
   ├─ Method: python_path
   ├─ Method: python_sys_executable_path
   ├─ Method: python_version
   ├─ Method: pyvenv_cfg_path
   ├─ Method: scripts_path
   └─ Method: site_packages_path


Issue-creation, discussions and pull requests are most welcome!


Module Message Make sure twine is installed when trying to upload to pypi. Look into private PyPI server where we could also do dry runs for test. Search for imports to list dependencies. Sort todos by name to decrease automatic commit changes. Generate Python file in generalpackager containing general packages. Get and Set GitHub repo private. Move download to it's own package. Find a faster fetch for latest PyPI version and datetime. Fix create_blank, it overwrites current projects pip install. Check that every API has create an *_available method Setup env vars for project.
Generated 2023-06-05 11:30 CEST for commit master.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

generalpackager-0.5.9.tar.gz (59.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

generalpackager-0.5.9-py3-none-any.whl (77.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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