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A python library that can get the stats of Genshin Impact players using Mihoyo's API.

Project description


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Genshinstats is an unofficial wrapper for the Genshin Impact api. It supports getting user stats, wish history and automatic claiming of daily check-in rewards.

how to install

using pip

pip install genshinstats

or clone and install manually

git clone
cd genshinstats
python install

how to use

You simply need to import the module and use the set_cookie function to login. Since all mihoyo's apis are private there's no kind of api token or authentication header, instead you are required to use your own account cookies. (how can I get my cookies?)

The best way to learn is with examples so I have provided a usage example for every function.

API documentation


Simple examples of usage:

import genshinstats as gs # import module
gs.set_cookie(ltuid=119480035, ltoken="cnF7TiZqHAAvYqgCBoSPx5EjwezOh1ZHoqSHf7dT") # login

uid = 710785423
data = gs.get_user_stats(uid) # get user info with a uid
total_characters = len(data['characters']) # get the amount of characters
print('user "sadru" has a total of',total_characters,'characters')

Cookies should be your own. These are just some example cookies of an account that can be deleted at any time.

Note that set_cookie and set_cookies are different functions! The latter should only be used when getting data for other users (for example social media bots)

stats = gs.get_user_stats(uid)['stats']
for field,value in stats.items():
    print(f"{field}: {value}")
# achievements: 210
# active_days: 121
# characters: 19
# ...
characters = gs.get_characters(uid)
for char in characters:
    print(f"{char['rarity']}* {char['name']:10} | lvl {char['level']:2} C{char['constellation']}")
# 5* Xiao       | lvl 90 C0
# 4* Beidou     | lvl 80 C1
# 4* Fischl     | lvl 80 C1
# ...
spiral_abyss = gs.get_spiral_abyss(uid, previous=True)
stats = spiral_abyss['stats']
for field,value in stats.items():
    print(f"{field}: {value}")
# total_battles: 14
# total_wins: 9
# max_floor: 11-3
# total_stars: 19

It's possible to set the cookies with a header

gs.set_cookie("ltoken=cnF7TiZqHAAvYqgCBoSPx5EjwezOh1ZHoqSHf7dT; ltuid=119480035")

Or set them automatically by getting them from a browser

gs.set_cookie_auto() # search all browsers
gs.set_cookie_auto('chrome') # search specific browser

requires cookie-browser3, can take up to 10s



Gets your wish history. For this you must first open the history/details page in genshin impact, you can find the page in the wish menu on the bottom left. The script is then able to get your authkey and

for i in gs.get_wish_history():
    print(f"{i['time']} - {i['name']} ({i['rarity']}* {i['type']})")
# 2021-03-22 09:50:12 - Razor (4* Character)
# 2021-03-22 09:50:12 - Harbinger of Dawn (3* Weapon)
# 2021-03-22 09:50:12 - Cool Steel (3* Weapon)
# 2021-03-22 09:50:12 - Emerald Orb (3* Weapon)
# ...
types = gs.get_banner_types() # get all possible types
# {100: 'Novice Wishes',
#  200: 'Permanent Wish',
#  301: 'Character Event Wish',
#  302: 'Weapon Event Wish'}

# get pulls only from a specific banner
for i in gs.get_wish_history(301):
    print(f"{i['time']} - {i['name']} ({i['rarity']}* {i['type']})")
banner_ids = gs.get_banner_ids()
for i in banner_ids:
    details = gs.get_banner_details(i) 
    print(f"{details['banner_type_name']} - {details['banner']}")
    print('5 stars:', ', '.join(i['name'] for i in details['r5_up_items']))
    print('4 stars:', ', '.join(i['name'] for i in details['r4_up_items']))
# Weapon Event Wish - Event Wish "Epitome Invocation"
# 5 stars: Elegy for the End, Skyward Blade
# 4 stars: The Alley Flash, Wine and Song, Favonius Greatsword, Favonius Warbow, Dragon's Bane

get_all_banner_ids() gets a list of all banners whose details page has been opened in the game.

Basically uses the same approach as get_authkey

View other's history by passing in an authkey:

authkey = "t5QMiyrenV50CFbqnB4Z+aG4ltprY1JxM5YoaChr9QH0Lp6rK5855xxa1P55..."

Or by directly setting the authkey:

# directly with the token:
# get from a url:
# read from a custom file:

Since the authkey lasts only a day this is more like for exporting than for actual use.


Automatically get daily sign in rewards for the currently logged-in user.

signed_in, claimed_rewards = gs.get_daily_reward_info()
print('total rewards claimed:', claimed_rewards)

reward = gs.claim_daily_reward()
if reward is not None:
    print(f"Claimed daily reward - {reward['cnt']}x {reward['name']}")
    print("Could not claim daily reward")

You can also get a list of all rewards you have claimed so far

for i in gs.get_claimed_rewards():
    print(i['cnt'], i['name'])


Miscalenious stuff for mihoyo's hoyolab. Has searching, auto check-in and code redemption.

# search all users and get their nickname and uid
for user in'sadru'):
    print(f"{user['nickname']} ({user['uid']}) - \"{user['introduce']}\"")

# check in to hoyolab

# get a record card; has user nickname and game uid
card = gs.get_record_card(8366222)
print(f"{card['nickname']} ({card['game_role_id']}) - AR {card['level']}")

# get an in-game uid from a hoyolab uid directly
uid = 8366222
# if it's an actual hoyolab uid
if not gs.is_game_uid(uid): 
    uid = gs.get_uid_from_hoyolab_uid(uid)

You can also redeem gift codes mihoyo gives out during events such as livestreams


redeem_code() requires a special form of authentication: an account_id and cookie_token cookies. You can get these by grabbing cookies from the official genshin site instead of hoyolabs.

change language

Some api endpoints support changing languages, you can see them listed here:


You can get a all language codes and their names with get_langs()

{'de-de': 'Deutsch',
 'en-us': 'English',
 'es-es': 'Español',
 'fr-fr': 'Français',
 'id-id': 'Indonesia',
 'ja-jp': '日本語',
 'ko-kr': '한국어',
 'pt-pt': 'Português',
 'ru-ru': 'Pусский',
 'th-th': 'ภาษาไทย',
 'vi-vn': 'Tiếng Việt',
 'zh-cn': '简体中文',
 'zh-tw': '繁體中文'}

Any of these codes can then be passed as the lang parameter

characters = gs.get_characters(710785423, lang='zh-cn')
# {'name': '莫娜',
#  'rarity': 5,
#  'element': 'Hydro',
#  ...
#  'weapon': {'name': '万国诸海图谱',
#             'rarity': 4,
#             'type': '法器',
#             'description': '详尽记载了大陆周边海流气候的海图,是从异国经由商路流落到璃月的奇异典籍。',
#             ...},
#  ...

using genshinstats asynchronously (for example with a discord bot)

To use any function asynchronously you can use the asyncify() function. It takes the a function and its args and kwargs. Returns an awaitable.

import asyncio
import genshinstats as gs


async def main():
    characters = await gs.asyncify(gs.get_characters, 710785423)


How can I get my cookies?

  1. go to
  2. login to your account
  3. press F12 to open inspect mode (aka Developer Tools)
  4. go to Application, Cookies,
  5. copy ltuid and ltoken
  6. use set_cookie(ltuid=..., ltoken=...) in your code

It is possible that ltuid or ltoken are for some reason not avalible in your cookies (blame it on mihoyo). In this case there are probably the old account_id and cookie_token cookies, so use those with set_cookie(account_id=..., cookie_token=...).

If not even those are avalible go to and use the login_ticket cookie in<...>

automatic alternative

You can call get_browser_cookies to get a dictionary of cookies that are needed for authentication.

import genshinstats as gs
cookies = gs.get_browser_cookies()
# {'ltuid': '93827185', 'ltoken': 'aH0cEGX458eJjGoC2z0iiDHL7UGMz09ad0a9udwh'}

You can then use these cookies in your actual code or save them as enviroment variables

gs.set_cookie(ltuid=93827185, ltoken='aH0cEGX458eJjGoC2z0iiDHL7UGMz09ad0a9udwh')

You can also just set the cookies using set_cookie_auto which calls get_browser_cookies every time you run the script


setting multiple cookies at once

Mihoyo allows users to get data for only up to 30 other users per day, to circumvent this limitation you can set multiple cookies at once with set_cookies()

gs.set_cookies({'ltuid': 1, 'ltoken': 'token...'}, {'ltuid': 2, 'ltoken': 'other token...'})

This function works essentially the same like set_cookie meaning you can also pass in cookie headers and http.cookies.BaseCookie objects.

Why do I keep getting DataNotPublic errors even though I'm trying to view my own account stats and didn't set anything to private?

The DataNotPublic is raised when a user has not made their data public, because the account visibility is set to private by default. To solve this error You must go to and make your account public by clicking the toogle next to "public".

How do the cookie and authkey work?

Every endpoint in mihoyo's api requires authentication, this is in the form of a cookie and an authkey. User stats use a cookie and wish history uses an authkey.

The cookie is bound to the user and as far as I know can only be reset by changing your password, so remember to never give your cookie to anyone. For extra safety you may want to create an alt account, so your real account is never in any danger. This token will allow you to view public stats of all users and private stats of yourself.

The authkey is a temporary token to access your wish history. It's unique for every user and is reset after 24 hours. It cannot be used to view the history of anyone else. It is fine to share this key with anyone you want, the only "private" data they will have access to is the wish history.

How can I claim daily rewards for other users.

When making projects that claim daily rewards for other users you can pass in a cookie parameter - claim_daily_rewards(cookie={'ltuid': ..., 'ltoken': ...}). This will avoid having to set global cookies so you can use it with threading.

Hint: If you want to use your user's cookies to fetch data you can add it with set_cookies(cookie, clear=False).

Is it possible that my account can be stolen when I login with the cookie?

I would like to be completely clear in this aspect, I do no have any way to access the cookies you use to login. If you give your cookie to someone it is indeed possible to get into your account but that doesn't yet mean they can do anything with it. The most probable thing a hacker would do is just do a password request, but since version 1.3 they will need to confirm this request with an email. That means they would need to know what your email is and have a way to get into it, which I doubt they can. Since version 1.5 there is also 2FA which will make it completely impossible to steal your account.

They can of course access your data like email, phone number and real name, however those are censored so unless they already have an idea what those could be that data is useless to them. (For example the email may be but it'll only show up as th****

TL;DR unless you have also given your password away your account cannnot be stolen.

How do I get the wish history of other players?

To get the wish history of other players you must get their authkey and pass it as a keyword into get_wish_history. That will make the function return their wish history instead of yours, it will also avoid the error when you try to run your project on a machine that doesn't have genshin installed.

To get the autkey you ask the player to press ESC while in the game and click the feedback button on the bottom left, then get them to send the url they get redirected to. You can then extract the authkey with extract_authkey(url) which you can then pass into the functions.

Why doesn't get_wish_history() return a normal list?

When you do print(gs.get_wish_history()) you get an output that looks something like <generator object get_wish_history at 0x000001DA6A128580>

This is because the wish history is split into pages which must be requested one at a time, that means trying to return all the pulls at once would take way too long. The wokaround around this is to use a "generator" - a special list that generates values on the fly.

If you absolutely need a list you can just explicitely cast the generator to a list with list(get_wish_history()) however that might take a few seconds fetch.

Can I get data like mora or primogems with this api?

No, all data is hosted on a single server in hongkong, so mihoyo doesn't bother with adding data that changes often like mora, primogems, items, artifact rolls, etc. Talents are also currently unavalible. All the data you can get should be already implemented. If you see an endpoint that is useful and hasn't been implemented yet please open an issue or contact me directly.

How does set_cookie_auto() work? Can my data be stolen with it?

set_cookie_auto() searches your browsers for possible cookies used to login into your genshin accounts and then uses those, so there's no need to use set_cookies(). When getting said cookies, they are filtered so only ones for mihoyo are ever pulled out. They will only ever be used as authentication and will never be sent anywhere else.

What's the rate limit?

As far as I know there is no rate limit, however I recommend you avoid spamming the api, as mihoyo can still ip ban you. My guess is that if you try to make more than 1 request per second the chances are mihoyo is not going to appreciate it.

How can I get an in-game uid from a hoyolab uid?

get_uid_from_hoyolab(hoyolab_uid) can do that for you. It will return None if the user's data is private. To check whether a given uid is a game or a hoyolab one use is_game_uid(uid).

How can I get a user's username?

Getting the user's username and adventure rank is possible only with their hoyolab uid. You can get them with get_record_card(hoyolab_uid) along with a bunch of other data.

How do I get one type of uid from another?

  • uids of currently logged in user: gs.get_game_accounts()
  • from hoyolab uid to game uid: gs.get_uid_from_hoyolab(hoyolab_uid)
  • from authkey to uid: gs.get_uid_from_authkey(authkey)
  • from uid to hoyolab uid: currently impossible

project layout    user stats and characters         user hoyolab community info          wish history           automatic daily reward claiming           various utility functions          errors used by genshinstats

about this project


All contributions are welcome as long as it's in a form of a clean PR. Currently, I am looking for literally anyone who has a chinese genshin account to help me make this project work for all chinese endpoints (right now it's mostly guesswork).


This project can be freely downloaded and distributed. Crediting is appreciated.



  • Renamed majority of functions
    • get_user_data -> get_user_stats
    • get_gacha_history -> get_wish_history
      • the before ambigious gacha was renamed to wish or bannner
    • sign_in -> claim_daily_reward
    • ...
  • Removed get_all_* style functions - functions are overloaded to get all by default
  • Made it possible to use multiple cookies to overcome ratelimits
    • set_cookie keeps its behaviour but is now overloaded to work with headers
    • set_cookies sets multiple cookies which will be silently rotated as needed
  • Removed the need for short lang codes, they are now parsed internally
  • get_langs and get_banner_types now return a dict instead of a list of dicts
  • Gift codes can now be redeemed for all game accounts instead of just a single one.
  • Added __all__ to not spam the namespace with unexpected variables
  • Reduced the amount of errors

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genshinstats-1.4.3.tar.gz (30.7 kB view hashes)

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