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Geoformat is a GDAL/OGR library overlayer

Project description

Welcome to Geoformat


Geoformat is geopsatial library. The library aim is to simplify loading data and manipulations. Until now this library is in Alpha mode. This means that for the moment the structure of this library is not full oriented object compatible.


$ pip install geoformat

Geolayer structure

Geolayer is the equivalent of an attribute table. It stores entities that (see below) contain attribute data and/or geographic information.

For the moment a geolayer is a python dictionary. Some developments are underway to make it a python object easier to manipulate.

How is organised a geolayer

Strucutre of Geoformat

Geolayer metadata

'metadata' key in geolayer root structure is used to inform the structure of the geolayer.

If geolayer contains attribute data "fields" key must be filled in. If geolayer contains geometries data "geometry_ref" key must be filled in.

Field type

Each field in geolayer must be filed in "metadata" => "fields" structure.

Is informed : - field name - field type (mandatory) - field width (if necessary) - field precision (if necessary) - field index (optional)

    | type          | width    | precision | index    |
    | 'Integer'     | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'IntegerList' | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'Real'        | Required | Required  | Optional |
    | 'RealList'    | Required | Required  | Optional |
    | 'String'      | Required | None      | Optional |
    | 'StringList'  | Required | None      | Optional |
    | 'Binary'      | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'Date'        | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'Time'        | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'DateTime'    | None     | None      | Optional |
    | 'Boolean'     | None     | None      | Optional |

Geometry type

Each geometrie in geolayer must be filed in "metadata" => "geometry_ref" structure.

Is informed - type : each geometries type code present in geolayer (see table below) - crs : coordinate reference systeme in WKT format or EPSG

List of valid geometries :

Code Name
0 Unknown
1 Point
2 LineString
3 Polygon
4 MultiPoint
5 MultiLinestring
6 MultiPolygon
7 GeometryCollection
100 None

Feature structure

The feature is de basic object that contains information. This information is of two types:

  • attributes : alphanumeric data that describes feature
  • geometry : type and coordinates that describe geometrically the feature



There are seven types of geometries that we can group into 3 categories.


type representation sample data geoformat
Point  Point underground station
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-115.81, 37.24],
'bbox': (-115.81, 37.24, -115.81, 37.24)
LineString LineString a road
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [[8.919, 44.4074], [8.923, 44.4075]],
'bbox': (8.919, 44.4074, 8.923, 44.4075)
Polygon Polygon an island
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[[2.38, 57.322], [23.194, -20.28], [-120.43, 19.15], [2.38, 57.322]], [[-5.21, 23.51], [15.21, -10.81], [-20.51, 1.51], [-5.21, 23.51]]],
'bbox': (-120.43, -20.28, 23.194, 57.322)


type representation sample data geoformat
MultiPoint  MultiPoint exits from same underground station
"type": "MultiPoint",
"coordinates": [
[-155.52, 19.61],
[-156.22, 20.74],
[-157.97, 21.46]
"bbox": (-157.97, 19.61, -155.52, 21.46)
MultiLineString MultiLineString a river with several tributaries
"type": "MultiLineString",
"coordinates": [
[[3.75, 9.25], [-130.95, 1.52]],
[[23.15, -34.25], [-1.35, -4.65], [3.45, 77.95]]
"bbox": (-130.95, -34.25, 23.15, 77.95)
MultiPolygon MultiPolygon a country with an island
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
[[[3.78, 9.28], [-130.91, 1.52], [35.12, 72.234], [3.78, 9.28]]],
[[[23.18, -34.29], [-1.31, -4.61], [3.41, 77.91], [23.18, -34.29]]]
"bbox": (-130.91, -34.29, 35.12, 77.91)


type representation sample data geoformat
GeometryCollection GeometryCollection a mix of all examples above
"type": 'GeometryCollection',
"geometries": [
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-115.81, 37.24],
'bbox': (-115.81, 37.24, -115.81, 37.24)
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [[8.919, 44.4074], [8.923, 44.4075]],
'bbox': (8.919, 44.4074, 8.923, 44.4075)
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[[2.38, 57.322], [23.194, -20.28], [-120.43, 19.15], [2.38, 57.322]], [[-5.21, 23.51], [15.21, -10.81], [-20.51, 1.51], [-5.21, 23.51]]],
'bbox': (-120.43, -20.28, 23.194, 57.322)
'type': 'MultiPoint',
'coordinates': [[-155.52, 19.61], [-156.22, 20.74], [-157.97, 21.46]],
'bbox': (-157.97, 19.61, -155.52, 21.46)
"type": 'MultiLineString',
"coordinates": [[[3.75, 9.25], [-130.95, 1.52]], [[23.15, -34.25], [-1.35, -4.65], [3.45, 77.95]]],
'bbox': (-130.95, -34.25, 23.15, 77.95)
'type': 'MultiPolygon',
'coordinates': [[[[3.78, 9.28], [-130.91, 1.52], [35.12, 72.234], [3.78, 9.28]]], [[[23.18, -34.29], [-1.31, -4.61], [3.41, 77.91], [23.18, -34.29]]]],
'bbox': (-130.91, -34.29, 35.12, 77.91)
'bbox': (-157.97, -34.29, 35.12, 77.95)


Driver are usefull for reading and writing data in a geospatial standard like Esri Shapefile, Geojson, Postgres/Postig, csv ...

Geoformat is progressively integrating its own drivers but it is possible to use the GDAL/OGR library drivers.

Geoformat driver

driver read write read function name write function name
Geojson X X geojson_to_geolayer geolayer_to_geojson
Postgres / Postgis NOK X geolayer_to_postgres
CSV X X csv_to_geolayer geolayer_to_csv
esri shapefile X X shapefile_to_geolayer geolayer_to_shapefile

OGR GDAL driver

Usefull if you want to work with ESRI SHAPEFILE or MAP INFO FILE or GML you can use this two functions :

read write
ogr_layer_to_geolayer geolayer_to_ogr_layer

list of maintained drivers :



Open a geocontainer

A container is an equivalent to folder or a database containing one or several geolayer.

import geoformat

commune_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/COMMUNE_2016_MPO_L93.shp'
gare_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/GARES_PT_L93.shp'

layer_list = [commune_path, gare_path]

geocontainer = geoformat.ogr_layers_to_geocontainer(layer_list)


# >>>dict_keys(['COMMUNE_2016_MPO_L93', 'GARES_PT_L93'])

Open a geolayer

A geolayer is an equivalent to a file or a table in database containing one or several features with attibutes and/or geometry.

import geoformat

departement_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/DEPARTEMENT_2016_L93.shp'

geolayer = geoformat.shapefile_to_geolayer(departement_path)


# >>>96

Print data geolayer

Sometime it can be uselful to print in terminal geolayer's attributes.

import geoformat

region_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/REGION_2016_L93.shp'

geolayer = geoformat.shapefile_to_geolayer(region_path)


### >>>
| i_feat | CODE_REG | NOM_REG                             | POPULATION | SUPERFICIE |
| 0      | 76       | LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON-MIDI-PYRENEES  | 5683878    | 7243041    |
| 1      | 75       | AQUITAINE-LIMOUSIN-POITOU-CHARENTES | 5844177    | 8466821    |
| 2      | 84       | AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES                | 7757595    | 7014795    |
| 3      | 32       | NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS-PICARDIE         | 5987883    | 3187435    |
| 4      | 44       | ALSACE-CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE-LORRAINE   | 5552388    | 5732928    |
| 5      | 93       | PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR          | 4953675    | 3155736    |
| 6      | 27       | BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE             | 2819783    | 4746283    |
| 7      | 52       | PAYS DE LA LOIRE                    | 3660852    | 2997777    |
| 8      | 28       | NORMANDIE                           | 3328364    | 2728511    |
| 9      | 11       | ILE-DE-FRANCE                       | 11959807   | 1205191    |
| 10     | 24       | CENTRE-VAL DE LOIRE                 | 2570548    | 3905914    |
| 11     | 53       | BRETAGNE                            | 3258707    | 2702269    |
| 12     | 94       | CORSE                               | 320208     | 875982     |

Change geolayer coordinate reference system [CRS]

It can be usefull to change the projection for a layer. In this example we will transform a geolayer in projection Lambert93 [EPSG:2154] to coordinates system WGS84 [EPSG:4326].

import geoformat

region_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/REGION_2016_L93.shp'

geolayer = geoformat.shapefile_to_geolayer(region_path)

geolayer = geoformat.reproject_geolayer(geolayer, in_crs=2154, out_crs=4326)


# >>>4326

Write geolayer in a OGR compatible GIS file

You can obviously convert a geolayer in a compatible OGR file format. In this case ye put a geolayer in 'ESRi SHAPEFILE' format and we create a new file in 'GEOJSON' (we add a reprojection because geojson should be in WGS84 coordinates system).

import geoformat

gares_shp_path = 'data/FRANCE_IGN/GARES_L93.shp'
gares_geojson_path =  'data/FRANCE_IGN/GARES_L93.geojson'

geolayer = geoformat.shapefile_to_geolayer(gares_shp_path, encoding='iso-8859-15')

geolayer = geoformat.reproject_geolayer(geolayer, in_crs=2154, out_crs=4326)

geoformat.geolayer_to_geojson(geolayer, gares_geojson_path, overwrite=True)

geojson_geolayer = geoformat.geojson_to_geolayer(path=gares_geojson_path)

# print 10 first features of geojson geolayer
print(geoformat.print_features_data_table(geojson_geolayer, limit=10))

| i_feat | code_uic   | libelle_ga    | fret | voyageurs | code_ligne | rang | pk      | x_lambert_ | y_lambert_ | x_wgs84   | y_wgs84   | commune          | departemen      | type  | coordinates                    |
| 0      | 87471185.0 | Messac-Guipry | N    | O         | 463000     | 1.0  | 398+272 | 339653.0   | 6757878.0  | -202440.0 | 6077344.0 | Messac           | Ille-et-Vilaine | Point | [-1.8185528943432585, 47. ...] |
| 1      | 87471029.0 | Vern          | N    | O         | 466000     | 1.0  | 50+491  | 357685.0   | 6781809.0  | -177731.0 | 6114673.0 | Vern-sur-Seiche  | Ille-et-Vilaine | Point | [-1.5965909351293788, 48. ...] |
| 2      | 87476317.0 | Quimperlé     | O    | O         | 470000     | 1.0  | 639+694 | 210637.0   | 6772419.0  | -395516.0 | 6085140.0 | Quimperlé        | Finistère       | Point | [-3.552988951324049, 47.8 ...] |
| 3      | 87474031.0 | Hanvec        | N    | N         | 470000     | 1.0  | 740+360 | 171994.0   | 6828441.0  | -460348.0 | 6163846.0 | Hanvec           | Finistère       | Point | [-4.135378530070003, 48.3 ...] |
| 4      | 87476671.0 | Questembert   | O    | O         | 470000     | 1.0  | 540+326 | 291464.0   | 6745525.0  | -272690.0 | 6054309.0 | Questembert      | Morbihan        | Point | [-2.4496209535332447, 47. ...] |
| 5      | 87476648.0 | Ste-Anne      | N    | O         | 470000     | 1.0  | 581+996 | 253190.0   | 6747773.0  | -329570.0 | 6053535.0 | Pluneret         | Morbihan        | Point | [-2.960580973370048, 47.6 ...] |
| 6      | 87471243.0 | St-Méen       | O    | N         | 472000     | 1.0  | 68+200  | 315077.0   | 6800114.0  | -243043.0 | 6138128.0 | St-Méen-le-Grand | Ille-et-Vilaine | Point | [-2.1832958937261893, 48. ...] |
| 7      | 87476200.0 | Auray         | O    | O         | 473000     | 1.0  | 584+946 | 250286.0   | 6748188.0  | -333913.0 | 6053823.0 | Auray            | Morbihan        | Point | [-2.99959548260269, 47.68 ...] |
| 8      | 87476408.0 | Belz-Ploemel  | N    | O         | 473000     | 1.0  | 591+597 | 244616.0   | 6745536.0  | -341998.0 | 6049244.0 | Ploemel          | Morbihan        | Point | [-3.072226071667076, 47.6 ...] |
| 9      | 87473330.0 | Quintin       | O    | O         | 475000     | 1.0  | 492+810 | 264298.0   | 6827046.0  | -321902.0 | 6173216.0 | St-Brandan       | Côte-d'Armor    | Point | [-2.8917008446444417, 48. ...] |

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