Find grade scored and then remarks regarding the grade
Project description
#What is new in latest version:
Major update, fixed some major bugs and few exceptions.
Updated readme file!
#How to install:
Copy the command from and paste onto terminal.
#How to use:
1: This package will help you to find grade by providing marks obtained and total marks.
2: To get the grade, use the Grade() and supply marks obtained followed by total marks seperated by comma.
say Grade(100,150). Note, follow obtained marks and then total marks.
3: Remember not to supply invalid details, if you do, you will get required error message at the end.
4: There are total 5 grades within the package.
A grade is from 90-100
B grade is from 75-89
C grade is from 60-74
D grade is from 45-59
F grade is from 0-44, obviously. To get the grade simply type objName.getGrade()
5: According to grades, conclusion/remarks are provided at the end. To get the remarks, type objName.remarks().
#Example for you:
1: pip install getRemarks //this will install getRemarks package on your machine.
2: import getRemarks as gr //where gr can be anything depending upon you. This will btw import getRemarks package which was installed in step 1.
3: gro= gr.Grade(x,y) //where gro is object and can be any thing. x,y are two int which denotes marks scored and total marks respectively.
Remember to seperate two numbers via comma. Say Grade(100,400)
4: gro.getGrade() //this function will calculate grade, will find grade according to #How to use Section point 4.
5: gro.remarks() //this will find the conclusion of the grade scored and will provide necessary feedback
##Note: I didn't create this to divide students. This is just a project to get hands dirty with. All students are same and I too am a student.
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