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Gigapipe Python Client

Project description

Gigapipe Python Client SDK

What is Gigapipe?

Based on a managed ClickHouse service, Gigapipe offers a customisable ecosystem to leverage your Big Data. Select as many or as few services as you require to either integrate with your existing infrastructure, or launch entirely through Gigapipe. Gigapipe is simple. Select your region and configure your machine type in GCP or AWS, select the managed services you want and launch! Gigapipe will deploy your fully managed ClickHouse Cluster and additional services which you can then plug directly into your existing infrastructure. Gigapipe is fully managed, easily scalable and incredibly cost-effective.

What is this library for?

This is the official Gigapipe API Library for Python. It supports Python 3.x.

Quick start

Install the Pypi package

pip install -U gigapipe

The Gigapipe instance

Import the gigapipe library into your project, attach your secret key to it, and create an instance using your client id:

import gigapipe

# Add your client secret key to the library
gigapipe.client_secret = "your_client_secret"

# Create an instance using your client id
gigapipe_client = gigapipe.GigapipeClient(client_id="your_client_id")

That's it, this is all you need to start using the Gigapipe API!

Basic Elements

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Obtain the providers

Returns the list of Gigapipe providers

providers = gigapipe_client.root.get_providers()

# Payload response
        "id": "1",
        "name": "AWS",
  • Obtain the regions

Returns all the available regions for a given provider

regions = gigapipe_client.root.get_regions(provider_id=1)

# Payload response
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Ashburn, Virginia", 
        "code": "us-east-1",  
        "provider": {
            "id": 1, 
            "name": "AWS"
  • Obtain the machines

Returns all the available machines per provider and region

machines = gigapipe_client.root.get_machines(provider_id=1, region_id=1)

# Payload response
        "id": 1, 
        "ram": 8, 
        "cpu": 2, 
        "price": 0.00336, 
        "name": "m5_large", 
        "provider": {
            "id": 1, 
            "name": "AWS"
        "region": {
            "name": "Ashburn, Virginia", 
            "code": "us-east-1"
        "ram_unit": "Binary"
  • Obtain a machine

Given an id, it returns a machine

machine = gigapipe_client.root.get_machine(machine_id=1)

# Payload response
    "id": 1, 
    "ram": 8, 
    "cpu": 2, 
    "price": 0.00336, 
    "name": "m5_large", 
    "provider": {
        "id": 1, 
        "name": "AWS"
    "region": {
        "name": "Ashburn, Virginia", 
        "code": "us-east-1"
    "ram_unit": "Binary"
  • Obtain the disk types

Returns all the disk types per provider and region

response = gigapipe_client.root.get_disk_types(provider_id=1, region_id=1)

# Payload response
        "name": "gp2", 
        "price": 0.0000003321, 
        "unit": "Decimal"

The Users API

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Obtain your user info

Returns non-sensitive user info

user_info = gigapipe_client.users.get_info()

# Payload response
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "organization": {
        "name": "Heindl"
    "verified": true,
    "email": ""
  • Change your password

Allows the user to change their password

    "new_password": "Your new password",
    "new_password_verification": "Your new password",
    "old_password": "Your old password"
  • Update first and last name

Allows the user to change their first and last name

    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
  • Obtain the upcoming invoice

Note that the invoice belongs to the organization despite getting it from the user

user_info = gigapipe_client.users.get_upcoming_invoice()

# Payload response
    "amount_due": 0.0,          # What your organization owes this month so far
    "amount_spent": 0.0,        # What your organization has spent this month so far
    "credits_left": -60000.0,   # Remaining credits
    "credits_live": -60000.0    # Used credits
  • Obtain your permissions

Returns the list of permissions of the user in session

user_info = gigapipe_client.users.get_permissions()

# Payload response
      "type": "EDIT_CLUSTERS",
      "name": "edit_clusters",
      "type": "MANAGE_BILLING",
      "name": "manage_billing",
  • Delete your user

Note that, if you delete your user using the Gigapipe Client SDK, you will no longer be able to use it and, your program will not be capable of making more requests to the API as authentication will be lost.


# Payload response when the user is successfully deleted
  "payment_link": null,
  "account_deleted": true,

# Payload response when the user cannot be deleted because the company has 
# unpaid invoices (only for owners)
  "payment_link": "https://invoice_link...",
  "account_deleted": false,

The Organizations API

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Obtain the users

Returns all the users of the organization the user in sessions belongs to

users = gigapipe_client.organizations.get_users()

# Payload response
        "first_name": "John", 
        "last_name": "Doe", 
        "email": "", 
        "role": "Owner"
  • Obtain the invites

Returns the list of invites sent by users of your organization

users = gigapipe_client.organizations.get_invites()

# Payload response
        "email": "user@invited.conm"
  • Obtain the upcoming invoice

Returns the upcoming invoice your organization will pay at the end of the current month


# Payload response
    "amount_due": 0.0,          # What the organization owes this month so far
    "amount_spent": 0.0,        # What the organization has spent this month so far
    "credits_left": -60000.0,   # Remaining credits
    "credits_live": -60000.0    # Used credits
  • Delete organization

Note that, when the organization is deleted all its users will be gone as well, the unpaid invoices will be paid automatically using the customer credit card and, the subscription will be cancelled. If you delete your organization using the Gigapipe Client SDK, you will no longer be able to use it and, your program will not be capable of making more requests to the API as authentication will be lost.


# Payload response when the organization is deleted successfully
    "payment_link": null,
    "organization_deleted": true

# Payload response when there are unpaid invoices and the system 
# could not charge the invoice to the current credit card
    "payment_link": "some_payment_link",
    "organization_deleted": false

The Invites API

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Send an invitation

Sends an email that contains an invitation for a user to sign up on Gigapipe and join the organization

    "email": "",
    "organization_name": "Tesla",
  • Delete an invitation

Revokes an invitation so that the user receiving it is no longer allowed to use it


The Roles API

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Change the user role

If enough permissions, it changes the role of another user inside the organization. e.g. Turn a Member into an Admin

    "user_email": "",
    "role_name": "Admin"  # (Owner, Admin, Member) 

The Clusters API

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Create a cluster

Note that the cluster isn't immediately available upon creation. It will take some time for Kubernetes to have it ready and running, hence the message: 'Cluster creation in progress.' Feel free to query the cluster after a few minutes, when it will for sure be ready.

    "name": "Cluster Test",
    "machine_id": 1,
    "clickhouse": {
        "shards": 3,
        "replicas": 1,
        "disks": [
                "type": "gp2",
                "size": 150.0,
                "unit": "GB"
        "admin": {
            "username": "john",
            "password": "john-pw"
    "provider_id": 2,
    "region_id": 4

# Payload response
    "message": "Cluster creation in progress."
  • Cluster Query

After having been waiting a few minutes for its creation, it's time to query the cluster and see that it got created and it's ready and running

To do so, not only should the cluster slug be passed as a parameter but the clickhouse query as well, which has to be a string in the Clickhouse format. In this example the query 'SELECT now()' will be used.

    query="SELECT now()"

# Payload response
    "meta": [
            "name": "now()", 
            "type": "DateTime"
    "data": [
            "now()": "2022-02-14 13:20:38"
    "rows": 1, 
    "statistics": {
        "elapsed": 0.000865866, 
        "rows_read": 1, 
        "bytes_read": 1
  • Cluster Metadata

Returns a dictionary containing the cluster metadata


# Payload response
    "endpoint": "clickhouse_url", 
    "grafana_endpoint": "grafana_url", 
    "rows": 0, 
    "disks": [
            "name": "default", 
            "type": "local", 
            "free_space": 2693251072, 
            "total_space": 18211586048
  • Get all the clusters

Returns a list of all the clusters created by members of the organization


# Payload response
        "name": "Cluster Test", 
        "slug": "cluster-john", 
        "region": {
            "name": "Ashburn, Virginia", 
            "code": "us-east-1"
        "provider": {
            "id": 2, 
            "name": "AWS"
        "status": "Active", 
        "shards": 3, 
        "replicas": 1, 
        "user": {
            "first_name": "John", 
            "last_name": "Doe"
        "machine": {
            "ram": 8, 
            "cpu": 2, 
            "id": 1, 
            "ram_unit": "Binary"
        "disks": [
                "autoscale_type": "%", 
                "autoscale_value": "10GB", 
                "type": {
                    "name": "gp2", 
                    "price": 0.00000000045, 
                    "unit": "Decimal"
                "size": 150.0, 
                "unit": "GB"
        "created_at": "2022-02-14T10:11:26.567713"
  • Get cluster

Given a cluster slug, it returns all its info


# Payload response

    "name": "Cluster Test", 
    "slug": "cluster-test", 
    "region": {
        "name": "Ashburn, Virginia", 
        "code": "us-east-1"
    "provider": {
        "id": 2, 
        "name": "AWS"
    "status": "Active", 
    "shards": 3, 
    "replicas": 1, 
    "user": {
        "first_name": "John", 
        "last_name": "Doe"
    "machine": {
        "ram": 8, 
        "cpu": 2, 
        "id": 1, 
        "ram_unit": "Binary"
    "disks": [
            "autoscale_type": "%", 
            "autoscale_value": "10GB", 
            "type": {
                "name": "gp2", 
                "price": 0.00000000045, 
                "unit": "Decimal"
            "size": 150.0, 
            "unit": "GB"
    "created_at": "2022-02-14T10:11:26.567713"
  • Stop Cluster

Stopping the cluster doesn't involve getting rid of it. The disks and the data in them will safely be kept, whereas the machine is stopped. In other words, the organization will still be charged in terms of disks but not machines.


# Payload response
    "message": "Stopping cluster <cluster-test>..."
  • Resume Cluster

Resuming the cluster involves getting it back to normal by restarting its machine. As of that moment, the organization is fully charged yet again (disks and machines).


# Payload response
    "message": "Stopping cluster <cluster-test>..."
  • Scale Cluster

Adds shards and replicas to an existing cluster

gigapipe_client.clusters.scale_nodes("cluster-test", payload={
    "new_shards": 1,
    "new_replicas": 1

# Payload response
    "message": "Cluster scaling in progress."
  • Add disks

Adds disks to a cluster

gigapipe_client.clusters.add_disks("cluster-test", payload={
    "autoscale_type": "GB",  # Optional (GB, GiB or %)
    "autoscale_value": 10,   # Optional int
    "type": "gp2",
    "size": 10.0,
    "unit": "GB"

# Payload response
    "message": "Cluster scaling in progress."
  • Change Machine

Changes the machine of a cluster

gigapipe_client.clusters.change_machine("cluster-test", machine_id=2)

# Payload response
    "message": "Adding disks to cluster <cluster-test>..."
  • Change the disk autoscaling

Sets the disk autoscaling type and value

gigapipe_client.clusters.autoscale_disk("cluster-test", payload={
    "autoscale_type": "GB", # (GB, GiB or %)
    "autoscale_value": 15,  # Always integer
    "id": 1                 # The id of the disk to autoscale

# Payload response
    "message": "Disk autoscaling successfully set up for disk: <1>"
  • Get autoscaling values

Obtains the autoscaling value for a given cluster and disk

gigapipe_client.clusters.get_autoscaling("cluster-test", disk_id=1)

# Payload response
    "autoscale_type": "GB",
    "autoscale_value": 15,
    "id": 1
  • Delete disk autiscaling

Sets the auscaling type and value to null for a given disk and cluster

gigapipe_client.clusters.delete_autoscaling("cluster-test", disk_id=1)

# Payload response
    "message": "Disk autoscaling successfully deleted for disk: <1>"
  • Cluster costs

The list of all the costs per cluster


# Payload response
        "slug": "cluster-test", 
        "cost": 0.026882283105023334
  • Transfer Cluster

Transfers the cluster to another user of the organization as long as they have permission to hold it


# Payload response
    "message": "Cluster <cluster-test> transferred to <>"
  • Delete Cluster

Given a slug, this method deletes a cluster


# Payload response
    "message": "Cluster deletion in progress.",

Clickhouse Elements

Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Create a Clickhouse user

Creates a user on Clickhouse for a specific cluster

gigapipe_client.clichhouse.create_user("cluster-test", user={
    "username": "Kelly",
    "password": "kelly-pw"

# Payload response
    "message": "User Kelly created."
  • Get Clickhouse user

Obtains a Clickhouse user for a specific cluster


# Payload response
        "name": "Kelly", 
        "id": "2e4b1c8d-5055-02b1-8a4a-0b8b7e274b96", 
        "host_ip": ["::/0"], 
        "host_names": [], 
        "host_names_regexp": [], 
        "host_names_like": [], 
        "default_roles_all": True, 
        "default_roles_list": [], 
        "default_roles_except": [], 
        "grantees_any": True, 
        "grantees_list": [], 
        "grantees_except": []
  • Update a Clickhouse user

Updates a user on Clickhouse for a specific cluster

gigapipe_client.clichhouse.update_user("cluster-test", user={
    "rename": {
        "username": "Kelly",
        "to": "Maria"
    "change_password": {
        "username": "Maria",
        "password": "maria-pw"

# Payload response
    "message": "User Kelly updated."
  • Delete a Clickhouse user

Deletes a user on Clickhouse for a specific cluster

gigapipe_client.clichhouse.delete_user(cluster_slug="cluster-test", username="Maria")

# Payload response
    "message": "User Maria deleted."
  • Explore Clickhouse tables

Describes the clickhouse tables.

Note that "table" and "engine" are both optional parameters that are especially helpful when wanting to focus the query. When generalizing, we might as well not use them.

This examples also assumes there's a table named "downloads" which has date, user_id and bytes as fields.

    table_name="downloads",     # Optional
    engine="Distributed"        # Optional

# Payload response
    "database": "default", 
    "name": "downloads", 
    "engine": "Distributed", 
    "columns": [
            "name": "date", 
            "type": "DateTime"
            "name": "user_id", 
            "type": "UInt32"
            "name": "bytes", 
            "type": "Float64"
    "rows": 50330160
  • Get Formats

Obtains the clickhouse formats


# Payload response
        "name": "TabSeparated", 
        "imports": True, 
        "exports": True
        "name": "TabSeparatedRaw", 
        "imports": True, 
        "exports": True


Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Import a s3 file

Imports S3 data

gigapipe_client.imports.import_s3_data("cluster-test", {
    "table": "Your table name",
    "path": "your_s3_path",
    "aws_access_key_id": "your_key_id",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "your_secret_key",
    "format": "CSVWithNames",   # See the formats method to list all the possibilities
    "columns": [
            "name": "Your attribute",
            "type": "UInt64"
    "compression": "gzip"

# Payload response
    "message": "S3 file will be imported."
  • Get the imports

Obtains all the imports for a given cluster


# Payload response
        "table": "Your table name", 
        "source": "AWS S3", 
        "path": "your_s3_path", 
        "format": {
            "name": "CSVWithNames", 
            "imports": True, 
            "exports": True
        "status": "In progress", 
        "rows": None, 
        "bytes": None, 
        "duration_ms": None, 
        "error": None, 
        "created_at": "2022-02-16T11:28:21.559138"

# Payload after if has finished importing
        "table": "Your table name", 
        "source": "AWS S3", 
        "path": "your_s3_path", 
        "format": {
            "name": "CSVWithNames", 
            "imports": True, 
            "exports": True
        "status": "Succeeded", 
        "rows": 122488236, 
        "bytes": 7104317688, 
        "duration_ms": 236832, 
        "error": "", 
        "created_at": "2022-02-16T11:28:21.559138"


Use your Gigapipe instance to make calls to the library.

  • Get the integrations

Obtains the gigapipe integrations


# Payload response
        "name": "Kafka", 
        "slug": "kafka", 
        "description": "Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed ..."
  • Get the integration types

Obtains the gigapipe integration types


# Payload response
        "name": "Kafka",
        "slug": "kafka",
        "type": {
            "name": "Kafka",
            "slug": "kafka",
            "description": "Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed ..."
        "created_at": "2022-02-17T14:16:07.791Z"

Change Log

v0.1.12 (21/02/2022)

  • First Release

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

gigapipe-0.1.12.tar.gz (22.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

gigapipe-0.1.12-py3-none-any.whl (29.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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