GINO Is Not ORM - a Python asyncio ORM on SQLAlchemy core.
Project description
GINO - GINO Is Not ORM - is a lightweight asynchronous ORM built on top of SQLAlchemy core for Python asyncio. Now (early 2020) GINO supports only one dialect asyncpg.
Free software: BSD license
Requires: Python 3.5
Robust SQLAlchemy-asyncpg bi-translator with no hard hack
Asynchronous SQLAlchemy-alike engine and connection
Asynchronous dialect API
Asynchronous-friendly CRUD objective models
Well-considered contextual connection and transaction management
Reusing native SQLAlchemy core to build queries with grammar sugars
Rich PostgreSQL JSONB support
pip install gino
import asyncio
from gino import Gino
db = Gino()
class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
nickname = db.Column(db.Unicode(), default='noname')
async def main():
await db.set_bind('postgresql://localhost/gino')
# Create tables
await db.gino.create_all()
# Create object, `id` is assigned by database
u1 = await User.create(nickname='fantix')
print(, u1.nickname) # 1 fantix
# Returns all user objects with "d" in their nicknames
users = await User.query.where(User.nickname.contains('d')).gino.all()
print(users) # [<User object>, <User object>]
# Find one user object, None if not found
user = await User.query.where(User.nickname == 'daisy').gino.first()
print(user) # <User object> or None
# Execute complex statement and return command status
status, result = await User.update.values(
nickname='No.' + db.cast(, db.Unicode),
).where( > 10,
print(status) # UPDATE 8
# Iterate over the results of a large query in a transaction as required
async with db.transaction():
async for u in User.query.order_by(
print(, u.nickname)
About The Name
About the name GINO Is Not ORM - because I don’t really like ORM (smile). GINO does perform the Object-Relational Mapping work under the Data Mapper Pattern, but it is just not a traditional ORM. The Objects in GINO are completely stateless from database - they are pure plain Python objects in memory. Changing their attribute values does not make them “dirty” - or in a different way of thinking they are always “dirty”. Any access to database must be explicitly executed. Using GINO is more like making up SQL clauses with Models and Objects, executing them to make changes in database, or loading data from database and wrapping the results with Objects again. Objects are just row data containers, you are still dealing with SQL which is represented by Models and SQLAlchemy core grammars. Besides if you don’t like ORM at all, you can use GINO without ORM:
from gino import Gino
db = Gino()
user = db.Table(
'users', db,
db.Column('id', db.BigInteger(), primary_key=True),
db.Column('nickname', db.Unicode()),
async def main():
async with db.with_bind('postgresql://localhost/gino'):
users = await[user]).gino.all()
import asyncio
There are a few tasks in GitHub issues marked as help wanted. Please feel free to take any of them and pull requests are greatly welcome.
To run tests:
$ make install test
For the tests to be run, a database has to be available (please read more in CONTRIBUTING.rst)
Meanwhile, these are also very much appreciated:
Just use it, tap the star and spread the love :)
Tell me about your story:
Report a bug/issue, or request for new features
Hire me or hire us for your work (coding, consulting, troubleshooting)
Projects using GINO
AintQ - asyncio task queue on PostgreSQL
ExchangeratesAPI - Foreign exchange rates API with currency conversion
Credit goes to all contributors listed or not listed in the AUTHORS file. This project is inspired by asyncpgsa, peewee-async and asyncorm. asyncpg and SQLAlchemy as the dependencies did most of the heavy lifting. This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
Special thanks to my wife Daisy and her outsourcing company DecentFoX Studio, for offering me the opportunity to build this project. We are open for global software project outsourcing on Python, iOS and Android development. And we are hiring!
Project details
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