Git automator written in bash and wrapped in python
Project description
Run the program from terminal as:
gitbit <option> <directory>
<option> can be either be left blank to do an Add->Commit->Push to the master branch or it can be:
-s for status
-l for log
-r for hard reset
-i for initialization
-c for clone
-p for pulling from master branch
<directory> can either be a relative or an absolute directory OR it can be left blank to run the package in the pwd(Present Working Directory)
gitbit -i ~/Documents/abc #Results in the directory abc/ being initialized as a git repo
gitbit -l #Will display the git log of the pwd
gitbit -c #Will prompt for a url and then clone that repo in the pwd
gitbit -p ~/Documents/Code #Will pull your code from the remote repo into the local git repo
gitbit #Will add, commit, push everything in the pwd to its remote repo