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Tools for processing wearable eye tracker recordings.

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GlassesTools v1.11.9

Tools for processing wearable eye tracker recordings. Used by gazeMapper and glassesValidator.

If you use this package or any of the code in this repository, please cite:
Niehorster, D.C., Hessels, R.S., Benjamins, J.S., Nyström, M. and Hooge, I.T.C. (2023). GlassesValidator: A data quality tool for eye tracking glasses. Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02105-5 (BibTeX)

How to acquire

GlassesTools is available from, and supports Python 3.10 and 3.11 on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

The easiest way to acquire glassesTools is to install it directly into your Python distribution using the command python -m pip install glassesTools. If you run into problems on MacOS to install the imgui_bundle package, you can try to install it first with the command SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 pip install --only-binary=:all: imgui_bundle.


Eye tracker support

glassesTools supports the following eye trackers:

Name glassesTools.eyetracker.EyeTracker Enum value
AdHawk MindLink EyeTracker.AdHawk_MindLink
Pupil Core EyeTracker.Pupil_Core
Pupil Invisible EyeTracker.Pupil_Invisible
Pupil Neon EyeTracker.Pupil_Neon
SeeTrue STONE EyeTracker.SeeTrue_STONE
SMI ETG 1 and ETG 2 EyeTracker.SMI_ETG
Tobii Pro Glasses 2 EyeTracker.Tobii_Glasses_2
Tobii Pro Glasses 3 EyeTracker.Tobii_Glasses_3

Pull requests or partial help implementing support for further wearable eye trackers are gladly received. To support a new eye tracker, device support in glassesTools.importing should be implemented and the new eye tracker added to the glassesTools.eyetracker.EyeTracker Enum.

Converting recordings to a common data format

glassesTools includes functionality to import data from the supported eye trackers to a common data format. Before data from some of these eye trackers can be imported, the recordings may have to be prepared. These steps are described here first, after which the glassesTools.importing API will be outlined.

Required preprocessing outside glassesTools

For some eye trackers, the recording delivered by the eye tracker's recording unit or software can be directly imported using glassesTools. Recordings from some other eye trackers however require some steps to be performed in the manufacturer's software before they can be imported using glassesTools. These are:

  • Pupil Labs eye trackers: Recordings should either be preprocessed using Pupil Player (Pupil Core and Pupil Invisible), Neon Player (Pupil Neon) or exported from Pupil Cloud (Pupil Invisible and Pupil Neon).
    • Using Pupil Player (Pupil Core and Pupil Invisible) or Neon player (Pupil Neon): Each recording should 1) be opened in Pupil/Neon Player, and 2) an export of the recording (e hotkey) should be run from Pupil/Neon Player. Make sure to disable the World Video Exporter in the Plugin Manager before exporting, as the exported video is not used by glassesTools and takes a long time to create. Note that importing a Pupil/Neon Player export of a Pupil Invisible/Neon recording may require an internet connection. This is used to retrieve the scene camera calibration from Pupil Lab's servers in case the recording does not have a calibration.bin file.
    • Using Pupil Cloud (Pupil Invisible and Pupil Neon): Export the recordings using the Timeseries data + Scene video action.
    • For the Pupil Core, for best results you may wish to do a scene camera calibration yourself, see If you do not do so, a generic calibration will be used by Pupil Capture during data recording, by Pupil Player during data analysis and by the glassesTools processing functions, which may result in incorrect accuracy values.
  • SMI ETG: For SMI ETG recordings, access to BeGaze is required and the following steps should be performed:
    • Export gaze data: Export -> Legacy: Export Raw Data to File.
      • In the General tab, make sure you select the following:
        • Channel: enable both eyes
        • Points of Regard (POR): enable Gaze position, Eye position, Gaze vector
        • Binocular: enable Gaze position
        • Misc Data: enable Frame counter
        • disable everything else
      • In the Details tab, set:
        • Decimal places to 4
        • Decimal separator to point
        • Separator to Tab
        • enable Single file output
      • This will create a text file with a name like <experiment name>_<participant name>_<number> Samples.txt (e.g. 005-[5b82a133-6901-4e46-90bc-2a5e6f6c6ea9]_005_001 Samples.txt). Move this file/these files to the recordings folder and rename them. If, for instance, the folder contains the files 005-2-recording.avi, 005-2-recording.idf and 005-2-recording.wav, amongst others, for the recording you want to process, rename the exported samples text file to 005-2-recording.txt.
    • Export the scene video:
      • On the Dashboard, double click the scene video of the recording you want to export to open it in the scanpath tool.
      • Right click on the video and select settings. Make the following settings in the Cursor tab:
        • set Gaze cursor to translucent dot
        • set Line width to 1
        • set Size to 1
      • Then export the video, Export -> Export Scan Path Video. In the options dialogue, make the following settings:
        • set Video Size to the maximum (e.g. (1280,960) in my case)
        • set Frames per second to the framerate of the scene camera (24 in my case)
        • set Encoder to Performance [FFmpeg]
        • set Quality to High
        • set Playback speed to 100%
        • disable Apply watermark
        • enable Export stimulus audio
        • finally, click Save as, navigate to the folder containing the recording, and name it in the same format as the gaze data export file we created above but replacing recording with export, e.g. 005-2-export.avi.


function inputs description
  1. source_dir
  2. device: glassesTools.eyetracker.EyeTracker
Determine if provided path contains a recording/recordings made with the specified eye tracker (device) and if so, get info about these recordings.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. device: glassesTools.eyetracker.EyeTracker
  4. rec_info: Optional.
  5. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  6. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
  7. cam_cal_file: Optional.
Import the specified recording to output_dir. Either device or rec_info must be specified. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a recording made with the specified eye tracker.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
  6. cam_cal_file: Optional. If not provided a default calibration provided by AdHawk is used.
Import an AdHawk MindLink recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain an AdHawk MindLink recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a Pupil Core recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a Pupil Core recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a Pupil Invisible recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a Pupil Invisible recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a Pupil Neon recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a Pupil Neon recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
  6. cam_cal_file: Optional. If not provided a default calibration provided by SeeTrue is used.
Import a SeeTrue recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a SeeTrue recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a SMI ETG recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a SMI ETG 1 or 2 recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a Tobii Pro Glasses 2 recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a Tobii Pro Glasses 2 recording.
  1. output_dir
  2. source_dir
  3. rec_info: Optional.
  4. copy_scene_video: Optional, default True.
  5. source_dir_as_relative_path: Optional, default False.
Import a Tobii Pro Glasses 3 recording to a subdirectory of output_dir. Does nothing if source_dir does not contain a Tobii Pro Glasses 3 recording.

Common input arguments

argument description
source_dir Path to directory containing one (or for some eye trackers potentially multiple) eye tracker recording(s) as stored by the eye tracker's recording hardware or software.
output_dir Path to a folder in which the glassesTools recording directory should be stored.
rec_info Recording info (glassesTools.recording.Recording) or list of recording info specifying one or multiple recordings.
copy_scene_video Specifies whether the scene video is copied to the recording directory when importing. If not, it is read from the source directory when needed. May be ignored (e.g. for some eye trackers) when the scene video must be transcoded.
source_dir_as_relative_path Specifies whether the path to the source directory stored in the recording info is an absolute path (False) or a relative path (True). If a relative path is used, the imported recording and the source directory can be moved to another location, and the source directory can still be found as long as the relative path (e.g., one folder up and in the directory original recordings: ../original recordings) doesn't change.
cam_cal_file OpenCV XML file containing a camera calibration to be used when processing this recording.


Besides the gaze data, the common data format also contains a file with timestamps for each frame in the eye tracker's scene camera video. This file is created automatically when importing a recording using the functions in glassesTools.importing, but can also be created manually using the function glassesTools.video_utils.get_frame_timestamps_from_video(). The duration of a video file can furthermore be determined using glassesTools.video_utils.get_video_duration() and gaze data can be associated with frames in the scene camera video by means of the gaze and video timestamp using glassesTools.video_utils.timestamps_to_frame_number().

Common data format

The common data format of glassesTools contains the following files per recording:

file description
worldCamera.mp4 (Optional) copy of the scene camera video.
recording_info.json Information about the recording.
gazeData.tsv Head-referenced gaze data in the glassesTools common format.
frameTimestamps.tsv Timestamps for each frame in the scene camera video.
calibration.xml Camera calibration parameters for the scene camera.

Recording info

The glassesTools.recording.Recording object contains information about a recording. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name str Recording name
source_directory pathlib.Path Original source directory from which the recording was imported
working_directory pathlib.Path Directory where the recording data in the common format is stored
start_time glassesTools.timestamps.Timestamp Recording start time
duration int Recording duration (ms)
eye_tracker glassesTools.eyetracker.EyeTracker Eye tracker type (e.g. Pupil Invisible or Tobii Glasses 2)
project str Project name
participant str Participant name
firmware_version str Firmware version
glasses_serial str Glasses serial number
recording_unit_serial str Recording unit serial number
recording_software_version str Recording software version
scene_camera_serial str Scene camera serial number
scene_video_file str Scene video filename (found in source_directory)

All these fields except working_directory are stored in the file recording_info.json in the recording's working directory. When loading a glassesTools.recording.Recording from this json file, the working_directory is set based on the path of the file.

Gaze data

Head-referenced gaze data

The glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze class is used for storing a sample of head-referenced gaze data, as recorded by the eye tracker. These data are typically stored in a gazeData.tsv file, using columns with the same names as these properties. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
timestamp float Timestamp (ms) for the gaze sample.
frame_idx int Index (0-based) of the frame in the scene video that this gaze sample belongs to.
gaze_pos_vid np.ndarray Gaze position on the scene video (pixels)
gaze_pos_3d np.ndarray (3D) Gaze position in the eye tracker's coordinate system (mm)
gaze_dir_l np.ndarray Gaze direction vector for the left eye in the eye tracker's coordinate system.
gaze_ori_l np.ndarray Origin for the left eye's gaze direction vector (mm) in the eye tracker's coordinate system.
gaze_dir_r np.ndarray Gaze direction vector for the right eye in the eye tracker's coordinate system.
gaze_ori_r np.ndarray Origin for the right eye's gaze direction vector (mm) in the eye tracker's coordinate system.

World-referenced gaze data

The glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze class is used for storing a sample of gaze data expressed in the world. Each sample is expressed in two reference frames, one with respect to the scene camera (gazePosCam* and gazeOriCam*), and the other with respect to a plane/surface in the world (such as the glassesValidator poster, gazePosPlane2D*). It is typically the position on a plane in the world (the gazePosPlane2D* fields) that one is interested in. glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze has the following properties:

Property Type Description
timestamp float Timestamp (ms) for the gaze sample.
frame_idx int Index (0-based) of the frame in the scene video that this gaze sample belongs to.
gazePosCam_vidPos_ray np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane in the scene camera reference frame, derived by turning the gaze position on the scene video (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_pos_vid) into a direction vector and intersecting it with a surface.
gazePosCam_vidPos_homography np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane in the scene camera reference frame, derived by turning the gaze position on the scene video (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_pos_vid) into a position on the plane (glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze.gazePosPlane2D_vidPos_homography) directly using a homography transformation and then transforming that position into the scene camera reference frame.
gazePosCamWorld np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane in the scene camera reference frame, derived from the 3D gaze point (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_pos_3d) by turning it into a direction ray and intersecting that with the plane.
gazeOriCamLeft np.ndarray Gaze direction vector for the left eye in the scene camera's coordinate system.
gazePosCamLeft np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane derived by taking the gaze vector of the left eye defined by its direction vector (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_dir_l) and origin (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_ori_l) and intersecting that with the plane.
gazeOriCamRight np.ndarray Gaze direction vector for the right eye in the scene camera's coordinate system.
gazePosCamRight np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane derived by taking the gaze vector of the right eye defined by its direction vector (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_dir_r) and origin (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_ori_r) and intersecting that with the plane.
gazePosPlane2D_vidPos_ray np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane in the plane's reference frame, derived by turning the gaze position on the scene video (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_pos_vid) into a direction vector and intersecting it with a surface.
gazePosPlane2D_vidPos_homography np.ndarray Gaze position on the plane in the plane's reference frame, derived directly by a homography transformation of the gaze position on the scene video (glassesTools.gaze_headref.Gaze.gaze_pos_vid) to map it to a position on the plane.
gazePosPlane2DWorld np.ndarray glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze.gazePosCamWorld in the plane's reference frame.
gazePosPlane2DLeft np.ndarray glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze.gazePosCamLeft in the plane's reference frame.
gazePosPlane2DRight np.ndarray glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze.gazePosCamRight in the plane's reference frame.

All positions are in mm. For data on a plane, the positive x-axis points to the right and the positive y-axis downward, which means that (-,-) coordinates are to the left and above of the poster origin, and (+,+) to the right and below.

There are multiple methods by which gaze position on a plane/surface can be determined by the functionality in glassesTools (glassesTools.gaze_worldref.from_head() specifically). The methods are formed by combining two decisions:

  1. Transforming gaze positions from the scene camera reference frame to positions on a plane/surface in the world:

    1. Performed by means of homography (*_homography in the glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze properties).
    2. Performed using recovered camera pose and gaze direction vector, by means of intersection of gaze vector with the plane (all the other properties of glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze).

    Mode ii. is used by default, when a scene camera calibration is available. If a camera calibration is not available, mode i. will be used instead. Six of the nine supported wearable eye trackers provide the calibration of the scene camera of a specific pair of glasses, which will be used for these eye trackers (mode ii.). Currently, the Adhawk, SeeTrue and Pupil Core do not provide a specific camera calibration. However, for each the manufacturer has provided a default/generic scene camera calibration which enables glassesTools to work based on scene camera pose information (mode ii.), but which may be somewhat different from the intrinsics of the specific scene camera, which may result in slightly incorrect viewing positions and gaze positions on the plane.

  2. Which data is used for determining gaze position on the plane/surface in the world:

    1. The gaze position in the scene camera image (*_vidPos_* in the glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze properties).
    2. The gaze position in the world (often binocular gaze point, *World in the glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze properties).
    3. Gaze direction vectors in a head reference frame (*Left and *Right in the glassesTools.gaze_worldref.Gaze properties).

    When operating in mode i., the eye tracker's estimate of the (binocular) gaze point in the scene camera image is used. This is the appropriate choice for most wearable eye tracking research, as it is this gaze point that is normally shown to the user and used for further analysis. However, in some settings and when the eye tracker provides a (3D) gaze position in the world and/or gaze direction vectors for the individual eyes along with their origin, the researcher may wish to use these world gaze point/gaze vectors instead. NB: for most of the currently supported eye trackers, modes i. and ii. are equivalent (i.e., the gaze position in the camera image is simply the gaze position in the world projected to the camera image). This is however not always the case. The AdHawk MindLink for instance has an operating mode that corrects for parallax error in the gaze point projected to the scene camera image using the vergence signal, which leads to the eye tracker reporting a different gaze position in the scene video than a direct projection of 3D gaze position in the world to the scene camera image would yield.

Note about Pupil Neon gaze vectors: The Pupil Neon supports reporting per eye direction vectors, which glassesTools supports reading in. However, it should be noted that these direction vectors, as per the Pupil Neon documentation describe the optical axis of the eye, not the visual axis. As such, for most users, they will be offset by a few degrees from the gaze point in the scene camera image reported by the Pupil Neon.


Several further classes for processing data in the glassesTools common data format or storing derived data are noteworthy:

Class description
glassesTools.aruco.ArUcoDetector Class for detecting ArUco boards and computing camera pose and homography transformation w.r.t to the board (output as a glassesTools.plane.Plane object), see glassesTools.aruco.ArUcoDetector.detect_and_estimate(). Also allows visualizing the detection result on the input frame with glassesTools.aruco.ArUcoDetector.visualize().
glassesTools.aruco.PoseEstimator Class for running detection of one or multiple ArUco boards (encapsulated by glassesTools.aruco.ArUcoDetectors), as well as optional specified individual markers and user-provided processing functions over an input video. Has support for visualizing the results to a glassesTools.gui.video_player.GUI gui. Can process the whole video at once (glassesTools.aruco.PoseEstimator.process_video()) or one frame at a time (glassesTools.aruco.PoseEstimator.process_one_frame()) for more fine-grained control.
glassesTools.marker.Pose Class for storage of detection result for an individual fiducial marker, as well as reading and writing arrays of such detections to file.
glassesTools.ocv.CameraParams Class for encapsulating camera properties and calibration parameters (resolution, intrinsics and extrinsics).
glassesTools.ocv.CV2VideoReader Class for reading a video file using OpenCV's cv2.VideoCapture that takes utmost care to report correct frame numbers and timestamps (at times at the cost of performance). Seeks through spooling, and does not die upon corrupt frames. When time in the returned video stream jumps due to longer stretches of corrupt frames, it uses the frame timestamps specified during object creation to recover the correct frame number.
glassesTools.plane.Plane Class for specification of a plane (defined by an array of ArUco markers and their locations and orientations on an ArUco board).
glassesTools.plane.Pose Class for storage of transformation information (homography and pose) between camera and plane in the world, and has member functions for performing these transformations.


If you use this tool or any of the code in this repository, please cite:
Niehorster, D.C., Hessels, R.S., Benjamins, J.S., Nyström, M. and Hooge, I.T.C. (2023). GlassesValidator: A data quality tool for eye tracking glasses. Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02105-5


    Author = {Niehorster, Diederick C. and
              Hessels, R. S. and
              Benjamins, J. S. and
              Nystr{\"o}m, Marcus and
              Hooge, I. T. C.},
    Journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
    Number = {},
    Title = {{GlassesValidator}: A data quality tool for eye tracking glasses},
    Year = {2023},
    doi = {10.3758/s13428-023-02105-5}

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glassestools-1.11.9.tar.gz (133.1 kB view details)

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glassesTools-1.11.9-py3-none-any.whl (148.3 kB view details)

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Details for the file glassestools-1.11.9.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: glassestools-1.11.9.tar.gz
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  • Size: 133.1 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.7

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SHA256 e46e9f3ea4289e1f485af3b254bda5b1256d7266867c639803c80062f4cb4d0e
MD5 89b4f42a494a7752e1bd102e3cd55066
BLAKE2b-256 a58f4c9ed473d35b0efa3d7bc64293d3a1097831ba001d438ef6b359f08e2dd7

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Details for the file glassesTools-1.11.9-py3-none-any.whl.

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Hashes for glassesTools-1.11.9-py3-none-any.whl
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SHA256 3001512578dff89c28c198405b5ff35cb89a6ed8bef20a89ac9fd1689d0fb8d9
MD5 25b2f39f8ec365319f625d561b687843
BLAKE2b-256 a68099f6bfccecd467657a37884be7d2369860ab8b24eea67e1cd2ae4671dd64

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