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Easy ETL

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Glide: Easy ETL

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Glide was inspired by and uses a similar syntax to Consecution, which is an easy-to-use pipeline abstraction tool inspired by Apache Storm Topologies. Like those libraries, Glide is:

  • A simple, reusable approach to building robust ETL pipelines
  • A system for wiring together processing nodes to form a DAG

Glide also has:

  • An expanding suite of built-in nodes and pipelines that extract, transform, and load data from/to any combination of:
    • SQL databases (SQLite, DBAPI, and SQLAlchemy support)
    • URLs
    • Local or remote files including:
      • CSVs
      • Excel files (including multi-sheet support)
      • Raw/generic files
    • Emails
  • Built-in nodes for Pandas DataFrame-based pipelines, including optional support for DataFrame transformation via Dask or Swifter
  • A variety of node and DAG parallel processing strategies via concurrent.futures Executors or optional Dask support
  • A simple decorator to generate a command line interface from a pipeline in ~one line of code
  • The ability to control node contexts via defaults and/or simple runtime overrides

Table of Contents


⚠️ Warning: This project is still in an alpha state and should probably not be used in production.

$ pip install glide


The following examples serve as a quickstart to illustrate some core features and built-in nodes. More complete documentation is in progress and can be viewed here.

Glider is the main pipeline class that takes a DAG of Nodes as input and then accepts data to process in its consume method. In most cases consume will iterate over its input as-is passing each item to the DAG to be processed.

Note: Some inputs, such as Pandas objects, strings, file objects, dicts, and callables are automatically wrapped in a list to prevent them from being broken up, as iteration is often inefficient or nonsensical in those cases.

The examples below assume you have used the following (taboo) shortcut to import all necessary node and pipeline classes:

from glide import *

The names of the built-in classes aim to be explicit and therefore can end up a bit longer given the many combinations of ways to process data with Glide. As a convention, nodes prefixed with "Row" expect to operate on plain old python iterables, while nodes prefixed with "DataFrame" propagate Pandas DataFrames.

Let's build some pipelines to explore Glide further...

Example: Read a CSV

Here is a trivial example that reads a CSV and passes all rows to a PrettyPrinter node in a single push to be pretty-printed:

glider = Glider(
    | PrettyPrinter("load")

Example: DataFrame Transformation

Here is a slightly more realistic example applying a transformation to a DataFrame read from a CSV, in this case lowercasing all strings before loading into an output CSV:

def lower(s):
    return s.lower() if type(s) == str else s

glider = Glider(
    | DataFrameApplyMapTransformer("transform")
    | DataFrameCSVLoader("load", index=False, mode="a")

Node Context

The above example also demonstrates two separate ways to pass context to nodes:

  1. Passing kwargs when instantiating the node. This becomes a default context for the node any time it is used/reused.
  2. Passing kwargs to consume that are node_name->node_context pairs. This context lasts only for the consume call.

Note: Further details can be found in the node creation documentation.

Also Note: Many of the provided nodes pass their context to well-documented functions, such as DataFrame.to_csv in the case of DataFrameCSVLoader. Review the documentation/code for each node for more detail on how args are processed and which are required.

Example: Parallel DataFrame Transformation

Let's do the same thing with the data split in parallel processes using a ProcessPoolExecutor at the transformation step. Note that we instead use a DataFrameProcessPoolTransformer and adjusted the func argument to the transformer since it operates on a chunk of the DataFrame instead of being fed individual elements from the DataFrame as apply_map does under the hood in the previous example:

def lower(s):
    return s.lower() if type(s) == str else s

def df_lower(df):
    df = df.applymap(lower)
    return df

glider = Glider(
    | DataFrameProcessPoolTransformer("transform")
    | DataFrameCSVLoader("load", index=False, mode="a")

Note: there are transformer nodes for using Swifter and Dask as well if you install those extensions.

Example: Placeholder Nodes

You can also easily drop replacement nodes into a templated pipeline. In this case we use a PlaceholderNode for the extract node in the pipeline definition and then replace that with a DataFrameCSVExtractor. The result is a pipeline that can extract a CSV from one file, perform some custom transformation on the DataFrame, and then load it to another CSV.

glider = Glider(
    | MyTransformer("transform")
    | DataFrameCSVLoader("load", index=False, mode="a")
glider["extract"] = DataFrameCSVExtractor("extract")

Note: Any node can be replaced by name. PlaceholderNode is just a convenience.

Example: Global State

A Glider can also have a shared context that can be used to populate node arguments via its optional global_state argument:

conn = get_my_sqlalchemy_conn()
sql = "select * from in_table limit 10"

glider = Glider(
    | DataFrameSQLLoader("load", if_exists="replace", index=False),
    global_state=dict(conn=conn) # conn will automagically be passed to any nodes that require it

Example: Parallel Pipelines via ParaGlider

Glide also has support for completely parallelizing pipelines using a ParaGlider (who said ETL isn't fun?!?) instead of a Glider. The following code will create a process pool and split processing of the inputs over the pool, with each process running the entire pipeline on part of the consumed data:

glider = ProcessPoolParaGlider(
    | Printer('load')
    ["/path/to/infile1.csv", "/path/to/infile2.csv"],

Example: Parallel Branching

If you don't want to execute the entire pipeline in parallel, you can also branch into parallel execution in the middle of the DAG utilizing a parallel push node as in the following example:

glider = Glider(
    RowCSVExtractor("extract", nrows=60)
    | ProcessPoolPush("push", split=True)
    | [Printer("load1"), Printer("load2"), Printer("load3")]

The above example will extract 60 rows from a CSV and then push equal slices to the logging nodes in parallel processes. Using split=False (default) would have passed the entire 60 rows to each logging node in parallel processes.

Note: Once you branch off into processes there is currently no way to reduce/join the pipeline back into the original process and resume single-process operation on the multiprocessed results. However, that can be achieved with threads if necessary as shown in the next example.

Example: Thread Reducers

glider = Glider(
    RowCSVExtractor("extract", nrows=60)
    | ThreadPoolPush("push", split=True)
    | [Printer("load1"), Printer("load2"), Printer("load3")]
    | ThreadReducer("reducer")
    | Printer("loadall")

The above code will split the data and push to the first 3 logging nodes in multiple threads. The ThreadReducer won't push until all of the previous nodes have finished, and then the final logging node will print all of the results.

Summary of Parallel Processing

At this point it's worth summarizing the various ways you can attempt parallel processing using Glide:

  • Method 1: Parallelization within nodes such as DataFrameProcessPoolTransformer
  • Method 2: Completely parallel pipelines via ParaGliders (each process executes the entire pipeline)
  • Method 3: Branched parallelism using parallel push nodes such as ProcessPoolPush or ThreadPoolPush

Each has its own utility and/or quirks. Method 1 is perhaps the most straightforward since you return to single process operation after the node is done doing whatever it needed to do in parallel, though the shuffling of data to/from subprocesses is not without cost. Method 2 may be useful and easy to understand in certain cases as well. Method 3 can lead to more complex/confusing flows and should likely only be used towards the end of pipelines to branch the output in parallel, such as if writing to several databases in parallel as a final step.

Note: combining the approaches may not work and has not been tested.

Also Note: standard limitations apply regarding what types of data can be serialized and passed to a parallel process.

Runtime Context Generation

Sometimes it is useful or necessary to fill in node context values at runtime. A prime example is when using SQL-based nodes in a parallel processing context. Since the database connection objects can not be pickled and passed to the spawned processes you need to establish the connection within the subprocess. Glide has a special RuntimeContext class for this purpose. Any callable wrapped as a RuntimeContext will not be called until consume is called. In the example below, get_pymysql_conn will be executed in a subprocess to fill in the "conn" context variable for the "extract" node:

glider = ProcessPoolParaGlider(
    | PrettyPrinter("load")

In this case it is also necessary to specify the cursor_type so RowSQLExtractor can create a dict-based cursor for query execution.

Note: any args/kwargs passed to RuntimeContext will be passed to the function when called.

Cleaning Up

Sometimes it is necessary to call clean up functionality after processing is complete. Sticking with the example above that utilizes SQL-based nodes in a parallel processing context, you'll want to explicitly close your database connections in each subprocess. The consume method accepts a clean argument that is a dictionary mapping argument names to cleaner functions. The following example tells the Glider to call the function closer with the value from extract_conn once consume is finished. Note that closer is a convenience function provided by glide that just calls close on the given object.

glider = ProcessPoolParaGlider(
    | PrettyPrinter("load")

The keys of the clean dict can either be explicit (node name prefixed) or more generic arg names that will map that function to every node that has that arg in its run method signature (so just "conn=" would have worked too). It's often better to be explicit as shown here.

Note: In single-process cases this is usually not necessary, as you often have access to the objects you need to clean up in the main process and can just do normal clean up there with context managers or explicit calls to close methods.

Debug Logging

To enable debug logging for Glide change the log level of the "glide" logger:

import logging

Glide will then print debug information about data passed through your pipeline.

You can also pass log=True to the init method of any node to enable logging of processed items:

glider = Glider(
    RowSQLExtractor("extract", log=True)

Finally, there are a variety of print nodes you can place in your pipeline for general logging or debugging, such as Printer, PrettyPrinter, LenPrinter, ReprPrinter, and FormatPrinter. See the node documentation for more info.

Creating Nodes

Creating nodes is quite simple. You must inherit from the Glide Node class and you must define a run method that takes at least one positional argument for the data being pushed to it. The run method should call self.push(data) with the data it wants to push downstream.

Here is an example of a simple transformer node:

from glide import Node

class ExampleTransformer(Node):
    def run(self, data):
        # Do something to the data here

Earlier we mentioned node context. This comes into play when run is called on the node, as the required and optional parts of the context are inferred from the positional and keyword args of run. Take for example:

class MyNode(Node):
    def run(self, data, conn, chunksize=None, **kwargs):
        # Some node-specific code here

All nodes expect their first positional arg to be the data going through the pipeline. This node also requires a conn argument, and has an optional chunksize argument. These values can be filled in from the following inputs in priority order, with earlier methods overriding those further down the list:

1. Context args passed to consume for the particular node:

conn = get_my_db_conn()
    my_node=dict(conn=conn, chunksize=100)

2. Default context set on the node at init time:

conn = get_my_db_conn()
glider = Glider(
    MyNode("my_node", conn=conn, chunksize=100)

3. Global pipeline state passed via global_state. This only works for populating positional args currently:

conn = get_my_db_conn()
glider = Glider(

CLI Generation

Glide allows creating parameterized command line scripts from any pipeline with a simple decorator using the Glider.cli method. Consider the following simple SQL extract and load pipeline:

glider = Glider(
    | RowSQLLoader("load")

You can create a command line script from the glider object as follows:

def main(data, node_contexts):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The script arguments, their types, and whether they are required or not is all inferred by inspecting the run arguments on the nodes of the pipeline and prefixing the node name. For example, RowSQLLoader requires a conn and a table argument, as well as having a few optional arguments. Since the node is named "load", the CLI will automatically generate required args called --load_conn and --load_table.

By default, the first positional argument(s) expected on the CLI is used to populate the data argument. Let's ignore the fact that you can't pass a real database connection object on the command line for a second and see how you would run this script:

$ python "select * from input_table limit 10" \
--extract_conn foo \
--load_conn bar \
--load_table output_table 

To pass multiple inputs to data you would simply do use space-separated positional arguments:

$ python "sql query 1" "sql query 2" \
--extract_conn foo \
--load_conn bar \
--load_table output_table 

One way to populate the conn arguments of pipeline nodes is to define it in the global_state or in the node initialization calls. In either case it is no longer considered a required command line argument. So the following would work:

glider = Glider(
    | RowSQLLoader("load"),
$ python "select * from input_table limit 10" \
--load_table output_table 

Blacklisting Args

In the previous example it is no longer necessary to even have the node-specific connection arguments show up on the command line. You can blacklist the arg from ever getting put into the CLI as follows:

def main(data, node_contexts):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

Or, if you just wanted to blacklist an argument that appears in multiple nodes from a single node (such as the conn argument required in both the extract and load nodes in this example), you could be more explicit and prefix the node name:

def main(data, node_contexts):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

That would remove load_conn from the CLI but not extract_conn.

Custom Arguments

You can also override or add any argument you want using the Arg class which takes the standard argparse arguments:

from glide.core import Glider, Arg

glider = ...

@glider.cli(Arg("--load_table", required=False, default="output_table"))
def main(data, node_contexts):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

And now, assuming you had used the Glider with conn passed in the global_state, you could simple do:

$ python "select * from input_table limit 10"

You can override the data positional argument in this way too if you want to change the type/requirements:

@glider.cli(Arg("data", type=str, default="some default sql query"))
def main(data, node_contexts):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

Parent CLIs

If you want to inherit or share arguments you can accomplish that using the Parent and Arg decorators together. These are using climax under the hood, which is utilizing argparse. For example, the following script inherits a --dry_run boolean CLI flag:

from glide.core import Parent, Arg

@Arg("--dry_run", action="store_true")
def parent_cli():

def main(data, dry_run=False, node_contexts):
    if dry_run:
        glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

Argument Injection and Clean Up

The script decorator also has the ability to inject values into arguments based on the result of a function, and call clean up functions for the various injected arguments. The following example shows two useful cases:

def get_data():
    # do something to populate data iterable
    return data

    Arg("--load_table", required=False, default="output_table")
    inject=dict(data=get_data, conn=get_my_db_conn),
    clean=dict(conn=lambda x: x.close()),
def main(data, node_contexts, **kwargs):
    glider.consume(data, **node_contexts)

Here we use the inject decorator argument and pass a dictionary that maps injected argument names to functions that return the values. We inject a data arg and a conn arg and neither are necessary for the command line. This automatically blacklists those args from the command line as well. Since we added the load_table arg and gave it a default as well, we can now simply run:

$ python

Note: Injected args are also passed to the wrapped function as keyword args.

Also Note: If an injected argument name is mapped to a non-function via inject the value will be used as is. The main difference is those values are interpreted as soon as the module is loaded (when the decorator is init'd). If that is not desirable, pass a function as shown above which will only be executed once the decorated function is actually called. Injected RuntimeContexts and other objects that are not a types.FunctionType or functools.partial are passed through as-is.

The clean decorator argument takes a dictionary that maps argument names to callables that accept the argument value to perform some clean up. In this case, it closes the database connection after the wrapped method is complete.


Installing Extensions

To install all extensions and dev dependencies:

$ pip install glide[complete]

To just install Glide plus a specific extension, such as Dask:

$ pip install glide[dask]

To access installed extensions import from the glide.extensions submodules as necessary.


New extensions are welcome! To add an extension:

  1. Review the examples of other extensions in glide.extensions
  2. Add tests for your extensions and don't forget to add support in
  3. Review and follow the steps in How to Contribute

Here are some current ideas for extensions/endpoints in case you need inspiration:

  • NoSQL databases
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • HTML Tables
  • Salesforce

You get the idea.


Documentation is a work in progress. Most of the built-in nodes and pipelines are fairly self-explanatory so you can supplement your knowledge by perusing the tests directory.

How to Contribute

  1. Check for open issues or open a new issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
  3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.
  4. Send a pull request. Add yourself to AUTHORS.

In order to run tests you will need to set a GLIDE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable that points to a .ini file containing information shown in tests/sample_config.ini.

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glide-0.1.11.tar.gz (48.3 kB view hashes)

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glide-0.1.11-py3-none-any.whl (46.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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