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Computational Electromagnetics Package

Project description


FDTD Simulator

The electromagnetic field.. Interacts with our reality and the reason that we continue to live. We can live beter, if we know time evolution of electromagnetic field. Moreover, Glimy can simulate behaviour of light near massive objects(i.e neutron stars, blackholes). It utilizes VSL Theory of Mach-Einstein-Dicke. Glimy can simulate photonic devices with varying refractive index through time.

pip install glimy

Strong Gravitational Potential

Waveguide Example:


|                         |---__init__(dim,grid_size,ds)
|                         |---set_curve(curved)
|                         |---add(arg)
|                         |---add_energizer(arg)
|                         |---view_structure(bypass=True,*kwargs)
|                         |---view_field(*kwargs)
|                         |---export_for_renderer()
|                         |---load_from_renderer(E,H)
|                         |---export_E_field()
|                         |---__init__(location,presence,amplitude,frequency,phase=0)
|                         |---__repr__()
|                         |---inf()
|                         |----SingularCelestial(object)---|
|                                                          |---__init__(location, mass)
|                                                          |---export
|                         |----Line(object)----------------|
|                         |                                |---__init__(A, B, layer, e=1, mu=1)
|                         |                                |---__repr__()
|                         |                                |---inf()
|                         |                                |---t()
|                         |                                |---isIn(point)
|                         |
|                         |
|                         |----VLine(object)----------------|
|                                                           |---__init__(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)
|                                                           |---__repr__()
|                                                           |---inf()
|                                                           |---t()
|                                                           |---isIn(point)
|                                                           |---loc()
|                         |----Rectangle(object)------------|
|                         |                                 |---__init__(A,B,layer,e=1,mu=1)
|                         |                                 |---__repr__()
|                         |                                 |---inf()
|                         |                                 |---t()
|                         |                                 |---isIn(point)
|                         |
|                         |
|                         |----Circle(object)---------------|
|                         |                                 |---__init__(A,r,layer,e=1,mu=1)
|                         |                                 |---__repr__()
|                         |                                 |---inf()
|                         |                                 |---t()
|                         |                                 |---isIn(point)
|                         |
|                         | 
|                         |----VRectangle(object)----------------|
|                                                                |---__init__(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)
|                                                                |---__repr__()
|                                                                |---inf()
|                                                                |---t()
|                                                                |---isIn(point)
|                                                                |---loc()
                          |                                 |---__init__(A,B,layer=0,e=1,mu=1)
                          |                                 |---__repr__()
                          |                                 |---inf()
                          |                                 |---t()
                          |                                 |---isIn(point)
                          |                                 |---__init__(C,r,layer=0,e=1,mu=1)
                          |                                 |---__repr__()
                          |                                 |---inf()
                          |                                 |---t()
                          |                                 |---isIn(point)
                          |                                 |---__init__(C,r,h,layer=0,e=1,mu=1)
                          |                                 |---__repr__()
                          |                                 |---inf()
                          |                                 |---t()
                          |                                 |---isIn(point)
                                                                 |---__init__(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)



Creates electromagnetic field with given dimensions and grid size. Grid spacing is introduced with ds.

  • dim : Number of dimensions of the Continuum. It may take 1, 2 or 3.
  • grid_size : Defines grid cell count per axis. It may take a tuple orlist. It's lenghts must be the same as # of dimensions.
  • ds : Length of a edge of a grid cell. It may take a float or integer. All units are SI.


Sets wheter Mach-Einstein-Dicke Theory of General Relativity will be used.

  • curved : It may take a bool. If it is set False, you can add geometrical objects(geo1D.* , geo2D.* and geo3D.) in Continuum. But, if it is set True, you can add Celestial objects (curved.)


Adds either new geometries or celestial objects into the Continuum.

  • arg : In the case of set_curved(False) it may take geometry objects provided with geo1D, geo2D and geo3D modules or tuple or list of them. Added geometries must be compatible with the Continuum. 1D Continuum only accepts geo1D.Line; 2D Continuum only accepts geo2D.Rectangle and geo2D.Circle; 3D Continuum only accepts geo3D.RectPrism, geo3D.Sphere and geo3D.Cylinder. In the case of set_curved(True) it may take celestial objects,under the curved module or list or tuple of them


  • arg : It may take DotSource or list or tuple of it. Location of DotSource must be in grid of Continuum


You may view the grid structure

  • bypass : If it is True, it don't render the structure before view.
  • *kwargs : If the Continuum is 1D or 2D just ignore it. If it is 3D, it takes two variable to view. first one is axis, second one slice.


You may see Electric Field.

  • *kwargs : If the Continuum is 1D or 2D just ignore it. If it is 3D, it takes two variable to view. first one is axis, second one slice.


Get Electric Field array


Executes FDTD calculations on a Continuum object.

  • field : It must take Continuum object. It s the field that evolved through time.
  • n_time_steps : It is number of time steps that field will evolve. It may take an integer. Lenght of time steps is given by ds/c/(dim) ; where ds is grid spacing, c is speed of light and dim is number of dimensions of the grid. All units are SI.


Creates a point source on a given place on grid, through given time interval with given amplitude, frequency and phase.

  • location : It is location of dot source. It may take a list or tuple.
  • presence : It is a tuple or list in the form of:( start, stop ). It defines in which time step dot source emits electromagnetic wave.
  • amplitude : Amplitude of the wave. It may take int or float.
  • frequency : Frequency of the wave. It may take int or float.
  • phase : Phase of the wave. It may take int or float. It is default 0.

curved.SingularCelestial(location, mass):

Creates a point mass.

  • location : Sets the location of point mass. Unit is unit length of the grid of th added Continuum It may take tuple, list or np.array. It must bu in form of N-tuple. It may be outside of the grid.
  • mass : Stest the mass of the object. Unit is kg. It may take float ot int.

geo1D.Line(A, B, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a line in 1D.

  • A: One of endpoints of the Line. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of endpoints of the Line. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.

geo1D.VLine(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a line in 1D at given time.

  • A: One of endpoints of the Line. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of endpoints of the Line. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.
  • time : The instance that after it refractive index of the area changes

geo2D.Rectangle(A, B, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a rectangle in 2D.

  • A: One of non-connected vertex of the Rectangle. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of non-connected vertex of the Rectangle. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.


Creates a circle in 2D.

  • A : Coordinates of center of the Circle. It may take a tuple or list. All units are # of grid cells.

  • r : Radius of the circle. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.

  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.

  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.

  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.

    geo2D.VRectangle(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a rectangle in 2D at given time.

  • A: One of non-connected vertex of the Rectangle. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of non-connected vertex of the Rectangle. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.
  • time : The instance that after it refractive index of the area changes

geo3D.RectPrism(A, B, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a rectangular prism in 3D.

  • A: One of non-connected vertex of the RectPrism. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of non-connected vertex of the RectPrism. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.


Creates a sphere in 3D.

  • C : Coordinates of center of the Sphere. It may take a tuple or list. All units are # of grid cells.
  • r : Radius of the sphere. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.


Creates a cylinder in 3D. Its planes are parallel to xy-plane

  • C : Coordinates of center of the Cylinder. It may take a tuple or list. All units are # of grid cells. Height signifies elongation though z axis.
  • r : Radius of the Cylinder. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • h : Height of the Cylinder. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.

geo3D.VRectPrism(A, B, time, layer, e=1, mu=1)

Creates a rectangular prism in 3D at given time.

  • A: One of non-connected vertex of the RectPrism. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • B: One of non-connected vertex of the RectPrism. It may take an integer. All units are # of grid cells.
  • layer : Priority of the object. It is an integer and maximum can take 1000. The less layer value, the more prior the object. It is useful where you want to design object are overlapping like open access cavity dielectric waveguides.
  • e : Relative permittivity of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally, for researching Cherenkov Radiation, metamaterials etc.
  • mu : Relative permeability of the object. It may take float ot int. It is not restricted to be less than 1 intentionally.
  • time : The instance that after it refractive index of the area changes

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glimy-3.0.2.tar.gz (48.8 kB view hashes)

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glimy-3.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (35.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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