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A GNSS reflectometry software package

Project description


I have added defaults so you don't have to think quite so much. The defaults are that
you are using GPS and have a fairly standard site (not super tall, < 20 meters). Pleae note changes to rinex2snr, quickLook, and gnssir. There are still optional inputs that allow you to vary things.


This package is a new version of my GNSS interferometric reflectometry (GNSS_IR) code.

The main difference bewteen this version and previous versions is that I am attempting to use proper python packaging rules, LOL. I have separated out the main parts of the code and the command line inputs so that you can use the gnssrefl libraries yourself or do it all from the command line. This should also - hopefully - make it easier for the production of Jupyter notebooks. The latter are to be developed by UNAVCO with NASA funding.

For those of you who don't like reading documentation

I recommend you use the web app I developed. It can show you how the technique works without installing any code. It also picks up the data for you and provides results in less than 10 seconds.

For those of you who don't like python

I have a working matlab version on github, but I will not be updating it.

Overview Comments

The goal of this python repository is to help you compute (and evaluate) GNSS-based reflectometry parameters using geodetic data. This method is often called GNSS-IR, or GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry. There are three main codes:

  • rinex2snr translates RINEX files into SNR files needed for analysis.

  • gnssir computes reflector heights (RH) from GNSS data.

  • quickLook gives you a quick (visual) assessment of a file without dealing with the details associated with gnssir.

There is also a RINEX download script download_rinex, but it is not required.

Environment Variables

You should define three environment variables:

  • EXE = where various RINEX executables will live.

  • ORBITS = where the GPS/GNSS orbits will be stored. They will be listed under directories by year and sp3 or nav depending on the orbit format.

  • REFL_CODE = where the reflection code inputs (SNR files and instructions) and outputs (RH) will be stored (see below). Both SNR files and results will be saved here in year subdirectories.

However, if you do not do this, the code will assume your local working directory (where you installed the code) is where you want everything to be. The orbits, SNR files, and periodogram results are stored in directories in year, followed by type, i.e. snr, results, sp3, nav, and then by station name.


If you are using the version from gitHub:

If you use the PyPi version:

  • make a directory, cd into that directory, set up a virtual environment, activate it
  • pip install gnssrefl

To use only python codes, you will need to be sure that your RINEX files are uncompressed (i.e. not using Hatanaka compression, which end in a d instead of an o). Since many archives use Hatanaka compression, this will significantly limit what you can do. Second thing to know is that you should use the -fortran False flag when you make SNR files because the default behavior is to assume you are using fortran translators (gnssSNR.e or gpsSNR.e). Finally, you will not be able to use RINEX 3 files because I rely on the gfzrnx RINEX3 to RINEX2 translator.

Non-Python Code

All executables should be stored in the EXE directory. If you do not define EXE, it will look for them in your local working directory. The Fortran translators are much faster than using python. But if you don't want to use them, they are optional, that's fine. FYI, the python version is slow not because of the RINEX - it is because you need to calculate a crude model for satellite coordinates in this code. And that takes cpu time....

rinex2snr - making SNR files from RINEX files

I run a lowercase shop. Please name RINEX files accordingly and use lowercase station names. It also means that the filename must be 12 characters long (ssssddd0.yyo), where ssss is station name, ddd is day of year, followed by a zero, yy is the two character year and o stands for observation. If you have installed the CRX2RNX code, you can also provide a compressed RINEX format file, which ends in a d. I think my code allows gz or Z as compression types.

A RINEX file has extraneous information in it (the data used for positioning, LOL) - and it does not provide some of the information needed for reflectometry (elevation and azimuth angles). The first task you have is to translate a from RINEX into what I will call a SNR format - and to calculate those geometric angles. For the latter you will need an orbit file. If you tell it which kind of orbit file you want, the code will go get it for you.
Secondly, you will need to decide how much of the data file you want to save. I used to have you type in a number for this selection - but this is now optional. For all data < 30 degrees elevation angle (which is the default), the snr file value is 66 and that is the default. For all data between 5 and 30, the snr file value is 99. The others are given below.

The command line driver is rinex2snr. You absolutely must tell the program the name of the station, the year and doy of year.

If you installed gpsSNR.e, a sample call for a station called p041, restricted to GPS satellites, on day of year 132 and year 2020 would be:

rinex2snr p041 2020 132

If the RINEX file for p041 is in your local directory, it will translate it. If not, it will check four archives (unavco, sopac, cddis, and sonel) to find it.

If you did not install a fortran translator, use this for a GPS file on year 2020 and doy 132:

rinex2snr p041 2020 132 -fortran False

The code will also search ga (geoscience Australia), nz (New Zealand), ngs, and bkg if you invoke -archive, e.g.

rinex2snr tgho 2020 132 -archive nz

What if you want to run the code for all the data for a given year?

rinex2snr tgho 2019 1 -archive nz -doy_end 365

If your station name has 9 characters, the code assumes you are looking for a RINEX 3 file. However, it will store the SNR data using the normal 4 character name. This requires you install the gfzrnx executable that translates RINEX 3 to 2.

The snr options are always two digit numbers. Choices are:

  • 99 is elevation angles of 5-30 degrees
  • 88 is elevation angles of 5-90 degrees
  • 66 is elevation angles less than 30 degrees (the default - you apply the mask in gnssir)
  • 50 is elevation angles less than 10 degrees (good for tall, high-rate applications)

orbit file options:

  • nav : GPS broadcast, perfectly adequate for reflectometry. This is the default.
  • igs : IGS precise, GPS only
  • igr : IGS rapid, GPS only
  • jax : JAXA, GPS + Glonass, within a few days
  • gbm : GFZ Potsdam, multi-GNSS, not rapid
  • grg: French group, GPS, Galileo and Glonass, not rapid
  • wum : Wuhan, multi-GNSS, not rapid
  • gps : will use GPS broadcast
  • gps+glos : will use JAXA orbits which have GPS and Glonass (usually available in 48 hours)
  • gnss : will use GFZ orbits, which have four main constellations (available in 3-4 days?)

What if you do not want to install the fortran translators? Use -fortran False on the command line.

There is a rate command line input that has two values, high or low. However, it currently only looks at unavco. Please beward - it takes a long time to download a highrate GNSS RINEX file (even when it is compressed). And it also takes a long time to compute orbits for it (and thus create a SNR file).


Before using the gnssir code, I recommend you try quickLook. This allows you to quickly test various options (elevation angles, frequencies, azimuths). The required inputs are station name, year, and doy of year.

If the SNR file has not been previously stored, you can provide a properly named RINEX file (lowercase only) in your working directory. If it doesn't find a file in either of these places, it will try to pick up the RINEX data from various archives (unavco, sopac, sonel, and cddis) and translate it for you into the correct SNR format (note: this feature might make use of the Fortran translators). There are stored defaults for analyzing the spectral characteristics of the SNR data. If you want to override those, use quickLook -h

*quickLook p041 2020 150 * (this uses defaults)

*quickLook gls1 2011 271 * (this uses defaults)

quickLook smm3 2018 271 -snr 99 -h1 8 -h2 20 (smm3 is about 15 meters tall, and I am specifying a file with snr = 99 ending)

Many archives make it difficult for you to access modern GNSS signals. This is really unfortunate, as the L2C and L5 GPS signals are great, as are the signals from Galileo, Glonass, and Beidou.

Many archives also make it difficult for you to use high-rate data. Especially for sea level studies, I recommend going higher than typical geodetic sampling rates.


This is the main driver for the reflectometry code.

You need a set of instructions which can be made using make_json_input.
At a minimum make_json_input needs the station name (4 char), the latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees) and ellipsoidal height (meters). This location DOES NOT have to be cm-level for the reflections code. Within a few hundred meters is sufficient.

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1

It will use defaults for other parameters if you do not provide them. Those defaults tell the code an azimuth and elevation angle mask (i.e. which directions you want to allow reflections from), and which frequencies you want to use, and various quality control metrics. Right now the default frequencies are GPS L1 and L2C and a peak to noise ratio of 2.7 is set. This is fine for water, but I would suggest higher for snow (3.5). GPS L5 provides excellent data, but very few geodesists track it, so it is not currently a default. The output file will be put in $REFL_CODE/input/p101.json. You should look at it to get an idea of the kinds of inputs the code will be using.

You can edit the json file directly, or you can set some of the parameters from the command line. For example, if you only want to use elevation angles between 5 and 10 degrees:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10

Things that are helpful to know for the json and commandline inputs:

Names for the GNSS frequencies

  • 1,2,5 are GPS L1, L2, L5
  • 20 is GPS L2C
  • 101,102 Glonass L1 and L2
  • 201, 205, 206, 207, 208: Galileo frequencies
  • 302, 306, 307 : Beidou frequencies

Reflection parameters settings in the json file:

  • e1 and e2 are the min and max elevation angle, in degrees
  • minH and maxH are the min and max allowed reflector height, in meters
  • desiredP, desired reflector height precision, in meters
  • PkNoise is the periodogram peak divided by the periodogram noise ratio.
  • reqAmp is the required periodogram amplitude value, in volts/volts
  • polyV is the polynomial order used for removing the direct signal
  • freqs are selected frequencies for analysis
  • delTmax is the maximum length of allowed satellite arc, in minutes
  • azval are the azimuth regions for study, in pairs (i.e. 0 90 270 360 means you want to evaluate 0 to 90 and 270 to 360).

Other json inputs:

  • wantCompression, boolean, compress SNR files
  • screenstats, boolean, whether minimal periodogram results come to screen
  • refraction, boolean, whether simple refraction model is applied.
  • plt_screen: boolean, whether SNR data and periodogram are plotted to the screen
  • seekRinex: boolean, whether code looks for RINEX at an archive

Simple example for my favorite GPS site p041

  • make_json_input p041 39.949 -105.194 1728.856 (use defaults and write out a json instruction file)
  • rinex2snr p041 2020 150 (pick up and translate RINEX file from unavco, uses snr=66 default)
  • *gnssir p041 2020 150 * (calculate the reflector heights)
  • gnssir p041 2020 150 -fr 5 -plt True (override defaults, only look at L5, SNR data and periodogram plots come to the screen)

Where are the files for this example?

  • json is stored in REFL_CODE/input/p041.json
  • SNR files are stored in REFL_CODE/2020/snr/p041
  • Reflector Height (RH) results are stored in REFL_CODE/2020/results/p041
  • I do not save RINEX files.

If you want multi-GNSS, you need to use multi-GNSS orbits and edit the json file. And the RINEX you select must have multi-GNSS SNR observations in it. p041 currently has multi-GNSS data in the RINEX file and let's say you used the snr=99 ending instead of the default 66:

  • rinex2snr p041 2020 151 -snr 99 -orb gnss (gnss option uses GFZ orbits so you can use GPS, Glonass, and Galileo)
  • gnssir p041 2020 151 -snr 99 -fr 201 -plt True (look at the lovely Galileo L1 data)

What should the periodogram plots look like? Until we have Jupyter notebooks, I recommend you look at the paper I wrote with Carolyn Roesler or the question section of my web app.. Note that a failed arc is shown as gray in the periodogram plots. And once you know what you are doing (have picked the azimuth and elevation angle mask), you won't be looking at plots anymore.

Bugs/Features I know about

I have been using teqc to reduce the number of observables and to decimate. I have removed the former because it unfortunately- by default - removes Beidou observations in Rinex 2.11 files. If you request decimation and fortran is set to True, unfortunately this will still occur. I am working on removing my code's dependence on teqc.

If there is interest, I will ask UNAVCO to implement the Fortran translation code automatically (i.e. download and compile it for you as part of the pypi install). But doing this myself is well beyond my skillset.

No phase center offsets have been applied to these reflector heights. While these values are relatively small, we do plan to remove them in subsequent versions of the code.

The L2C and L5 satellite lists are not time coded as they should be. I currently have a list from 2020.

Helper Codes

download_rinex can be useful if you want to download RINEX v2 or 3 files (use the version flag) without using the reflection specific codes. Sample calls:

  • download_rinex p041 2020 6 1 downloads the data from June 1, 2020

  • download_rinex p041 2020 150 0 downloads the data from day of year 150 in 2020

  • download_rinex p041 2020 150 0 -archive sopac downloads the data from sopac archive on day of year 150 in 2020

daily averages is a helper code for cryosphere people interested in daily snow accumulation. It can be used for lake levels. It is not for tides!

download_orbits does what it sounds like. Feel free to use it.


There are A LOT of publications about GPS and GNSS interferometric reflectometry. If you want something with a how-to flavor, try this paper, which is open option

Also look to the publications page on my personal website

How can I import the libraries in this package?

I will be adding more documentation and examples here.

If you wanted to run the gnssir code without the command line interface, here is an example for station p041 where the json instructions exist and the SNR file has already been created.

# my internal libraries you need
import gnssrefl.gps as g
import gnssrefl.gnssir as guts

station = 'p041' 
extension = ''  

# instructions for the Lomb Scargle Periodogram
lsp = guts.read_json_file(station, extension)

# set the year, doy, and type of snr file
year = 2020; doy = 150; snr_type =  99 
guts.gnssir_guts(station,year,doy, snr_type, extension, lsp)


People that helped me with this code include Radon Rosborough, Joakim Strandberg, and Johannes Boehm. I also thank Peter Shearer and Lisa Tauxe for some very nice Python lecture notes.

Updated September 25, 2020

Kristine M. Larson

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Source Distribution

gnssrefl-0.0.21.tar.gz (4.4 MB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

gnssrefl-0.0.21-py3-none-any.whl (115.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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