zope.testing layer that integrates Selenium-RC
Project description
Selenium RC integration with zope.testing
gocept.selenium integrates Selenium RC with your Plone/Zope 2/ZTK test suite.
Quick start with ZTK
Assuming that you already have a package that uses zc.buildout and zope.testing, you need to do this to enable Selenium tests:
Add gocept.selenium to the list of eggs either in your setup.py, or in buildout.cfg
Install Selenium RC by some means, e.g. by using collective.recipe.seleniumrc:
[seleniumrc] recipe = collective.recipe.seleniumrc url = http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-remote-control/1.0.1/selenium-remote-control-1.0.1-dist.zip md5sum = 068b1adb26a7450717e6d6d67e261b58
Run buildout to install gocept.selenium and selenium (the Python bindings for Selenium RC).
Create a layer for your tests, like this:
import gocept.selenium.ztk import zope.app.testing.functional zcml_layer = zope.app.testing.functional.ZCMLLayer( 'ftesting.zcml', __name__, __name__, allow_teardown=True) selenium_layer = gocept.selenium.ztk.Layer(zcml_layer)
Essentially, the zcml_layer is what you would use for typical ZTK functional tests, and then you wrap it to create selenium_layer.
Start writing tests that inherit gocept.selenium.ztk.TestCase; make sure you set the layer attribute to selenium_layer on each test class.
In your tests, use self.selenium to control Selenium RC, e.g.
class MyTest(gocept.selenium.ztk.TestCase): layer = selenium_layer def test(self): self.selenium.open('http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server) self.selenium.assertBodyText('foo')
Run seleniumrc.
Run bin/test and see it work!
Quick start with Zope 2/Plone
Essentially the same, only use gocept.selenium.zope2 or gocept.selenium.plone instead of gocept.selenium.ztk.
Similar packages
zc.selenium – integrates Selenium Core with zope.testing.
Report bugs at <https://intra.gocept.com/projects/projects/gocept-selenium/issues>.
Get the latest source with
svn co http://svn.gocept.com/repos/gocept/gocept.selenium/trunk gocept.selenium
0.3 (2010-01-12)
Extracted ‘host’ and ‘port’ as class attributes of gocept.selenium.ztk.Layer so subclasses can override them; stopped hardcoding 8087 as the server port.
0.2.1 (2009-12-18)
Fix incomplete sdist release on PyPI.
0.2 (2009-12-18)
Make Zope 2 test server reachable from the outside.
Implemented getTitle/assertTitle/waitForTitle/etc.
0.1 (2009-11-08)
first release
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