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Python library for Gene Ontology Reverse Lookup

Project description


PyPI package version number Actions Status License

GOReverseLookup is a Python package designed for Gene Ontology Reverse Lookup. It serves the purpose of identifying statistically significant genes within a set of selected Gene Ontology Terms.

While Gene Ontology offers valuable insights through gene annotations associated with individual terms, the biological reality often involves the complex interaction of multiple terms that either promote or inhibit a specific pathophysiological process. Unfortunately, Gene Ontology does not provide a built-in mechanism for computing statistically significant genes that are shared across multiple terms.

GOReverseLookup steps in to bridge this gap. It empowers researchers to uncover genes of statistical significance that participate in various interconnected Gene Ontology Terms, shedding light on intricate biological processes.

Note: For beginners, we strongly advise you to start the usage of this tool from an executable file, please read the section "Usage" -> "Running GOReverseLookup using an executable (.exe) file"

Getting started

This section instructs you how to install the GOReverseLookup package and it's prerequisites.



To use the package, you need to install it with a tool called pip. You need to install the Python programming language to your computer first, so if you haven't already, refer to the Appendix: Python Installation chapter at the end of this Readme file. When you have installed Python, open Command Prompt and run the command:

pip install goreverselookup


Creating the input.txt file

input.txt is the entry to the program. It contains all the relevant data for the program to successfully complete the analysis of statistically important genes that positively or negatively contribute to one or more pathophysiological processes.

An example input.txt file to discover the genes that positively contribute to both the development of chronic inflammation and cancer is:

# comments are preceded by a single '#'
# section titles are preceded by three '###'
homosapiens_only	True
require_product_evidence_codes	False
fisher_test_use_online_query	False
include_all_goterm_parents	True
uniprotkb_genename_online_query	False
p_value	0.05
###processes [proces name] [to be expressed + or suppressed -]
chronic_inflammation	+
cancer	+
###categories [category] [True / False]
biological_process	True
molecular_activity	True
cellular_component	False
###GO_terms [GO id] [process] [upregulated + or downregulated - or general 0] [weight 0-1] [GO term name - optional] [GO term description - optional]
GO:0006954	chronic_inflammation	+	1	inflammatory response
GO:1900408	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress
GO:1900409	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress
GO:2000524	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of T cell costimulation
GO:2000525	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of T cell costimulation
GO:0002578	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation
GO:0002579	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation
GO:1900017	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response
GO:1900016	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response
GO:0001819	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of cytokine production
GO:0001818	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of cytokine production
GO:0050777	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of immune response
GO:0050778	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of immune response
GO:0002623	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of B cell antigen processing and presentation
GO:0002624	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of B cell antigen processing and presentation
GO:0002626	chronic_inflammation	-	1	negative regulation of T cell antigen processing and presentation
GO:0002627	chronic_inflammation	+	1	positive regulation of T cell antigen processing and presentation

GO:0007162	cancer	+	1	negative regulation of cell adhesion
GO:0045785	cancer	-	1	positive regulation of cell adhesion
GO:0010648	cancer	+	1	negative regulation of cell communication
GO:0010647	cancer	-	1	positive regulation of cell communication
GO:0045786	cancer	-	1	negative regulation of cell cycle
GO:0045787	cancer	+	1	positive regulation of cell cycle
GO:0051782	cancer	-	1	negative regulation of cell division
GO:0051781	cancer	+	1	positive regulation of cell division
GO:0030308	cancer	-	1	negative regulation of cell growth
GO:0030307	cancer	+	1	positive regulation of cell growth
#GO:0043065	cancer	-	1	positive regulation of apoptotic process
#GO:0043066	cancer	+	1	negative regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0008285	cancer	-	1	negative regulation of cell population proliferation
GO:0008284	cancer	+	1	positive regulation of cell population proliferation

The settings section contains the settings that will be used during the algorithm. The available settings are the following:

  • homosapiens_only: if only homosapiens products should be queried from uniprot and ensembl; WARNING: This setting is currently hardcoded to True. Since it's logic is currently not implemented, it is commented out.
  • require_product_evidence_codes: if only genes with evidence code should be used in the analysis; WARNING: This setting is currently hardcoded to False. Since it's logic is currently not implemented, it is commented out.
  • fisher_test_use_online_query: When performing the Fisher's test, the GO Terms (eg. GO:0008284) associated to a gene can be parsed either from the GO Annotations File (goa_human.gaf) or they can be queried by submitting a request to the Gene Ontology servers (via{gene_id}/function). If this setting is true, then an online query will be used, otherwise the GO Annotations File will be used to deduce terms associated to genes.
  • include_all_goterm_parents: In Gene Ontology, genes are annotated only to very specific GO Terms, which might be nested very deep in the GO Terms hierarchy tree. If this setting is true, all indirectly annotated terms (aka parent terms) are also accounted for, besides directly annotated GO Terms. If this setting is false, only directly annotated GO Terms are accounted for.
  • uniprotkb_genename_online_query: When querying all genes associated to a GO Term, Gene Ontology returns UniProtKB identified genes (amongst others, such as ZFIN, Xenbase, MGI, RGD). During the algorithm, gene name has to be determined from the UniProtKB id, which is done in (Product).fetch_ortholog_async function. The gene name can be obtained either online via UniProtApi or offline via GO Annotations File. If True, will query genename from a UniProtKB id via an online server request. If False, will query genename from a UniProtKB id via the GO Annotations File.
  • pvalue: Represents the p-value against which the genes will be scored to determine if they are statistically significant. For example, if the VEGFA gene has pvalues smaller than the set pvalue (default is 0.05) for all the processes of interest of the user (eg. cancer+, inflammation+) AND also higher pvalues than the set pvalue for opposite processes (eg. cancer-, inflammation-), then the VEGFA gene is said to be statistically important in the event of coexistance of inflammation and cancer.

The filepaths section contains the relative or absolute filepaths to the 3rd party database files. Each line in the filepaths section has the following tab-delimited structure:


FILEPATH points to the relative or absolute path to the 'FILE_TYPE'. 'FILE_TYPE' can be one of the following values:

  • go_obo_filepath
  • goaf_filepath
  • zfin_human_ortho_mapping_filepath
  • mgi_human_ortho_mapping_filepath
  • rgd_human_ortho_mapping_filepath
  • xenbase_human_ortho_mapping_filepath

Absolute paths are file paths that point all the way from the disk letter (such as C:) to the file name. An example of an absolute path is C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/go.obo. Example of the filepaths section with absolute filepaths:

go_obo_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/go.obo
goaf_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/goa_human.gaf
zfin_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/zfin_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
mgi_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/mgi_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
rgd_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/rgd_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
xenbase_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	C:/User/Research/GOReverseLookup/data_files/xenbase_human_ortholog_mapping.txt

Relative paths are file paths that point from the current application directory to the destination file. If you are using an exe file to run the analysis, then the current application directory is the folder that contains the executable file. Suppose the following folder structure when using GOReverseLookup.exe:

  - GOReverseLookup.exe
  - input_files/
      - input.txt
  - data_files/
      - go.obo

Then, the relative path to go.obo would be data_files/go.obo and you could replace an absolute path in the input file with the relative path. An example of the filepaths section with relative filepaths is:

go_obo_filepath	data_files/go.obo
goaf_filepath	data_files/goa_human.gaf
zfin_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/zfin_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
mgi_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/mgi_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
rgd_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/rgd_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
xenbase_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/xenbase_human_ortholog_mapping.txt

The processes section contains the pathophysiological processes in question to the researcher and the direction of regulation of these processes. For example, if a researcher is interested in the genes that positively contribute to both chronic inflammation and cancer, the researcher would construct processes section as:

chronic_inflammation	+
cancer	+

The processes defined in the processes section are used in the GO_terms section, to specify how a GO Term contributes to a given process.

The categories section enables the researcher to choose which Gene Ontology Categories (also known as Gene Ontology Aspects) are important to the researcher. It determines which GO Terms will be queried either from online or from the GO Annotations File.

The three possible GO categories are:

  • molecular_activity
  • biological_process
  • cellular_component

The categories section defined to include all three GO categories would set all of the values to True.

biological_process	True
molecular_activity	True
cellular_component	True

If a researcher wants to exclude any GO category, that category must be labelled as False. For example, when a researcher is only interested in GO Terms related to molecular activity and biological processes, querying GO Terms related to a cellular component might result in an incorrect gene scoring process, resulting in some genes being scored as statistically insignificant, whereas they should be statistically significant. Thus, a researcher should turn off or on the GO categories according to the research goals.

biological_process	True
molecular_activity	True
cellular_component	False

The GO_terms section contains all of the GO Terms that will be used in the analysis. Each line in the section contains one GO Term, with the following tab-delimited values:

  • [0]: GO Term identifier (eg. GO:0006954)
  • [1]: process, which the GO Term supposedly regulates (eg. chronic_inflammation)
  • [2]: positive or negative regulation direction of the process (+ or -)
  • [3]: weight: the presumed importance of a GO Term in regulating the process. It is used only in the adv_product_score statistical test (a custom implementation of gene importance). If you only intend on using the Fisher's test, the weights are insignificant, just set them to 1.
  • [4]: GO Term name: the name of the GO Term (optional)
  • [5]: GO Term description: the description of the GO Term (optional)

An example line in a GO_terms section is:

GO:0006954	chronic_inflammation	+	1	inflammatory response

which reads as "GO term with id GO:0006954 and name inflammatory response positively (+) contributes to pathophysiological process chronic_inflammation and should have a weight of 1.

Running GOReverseLookup from an executable (.exe) file

This section shows you how to start the GOReverseLookup by downloading and (if needed) modifying an existing project template. This is strongly recommended for beginners or for those without programming knowledge. The example project demonstrates a research attempt to find statistically significant genes, which stimulate the "chronic inflammation" and "cancer" pathophysiological processes.


  1. The 3.10.0 version or later of the Python programming language is required for the program to run. If you haven't installed it yet, you need to install it. See the Python installation appendix chapter at the end of this Readme.
  2. Install the GOReverseLookup Python package as specified in the Installation chapter of this Readme
  3. Download the zip archive from MEGA (click on the three dots icon next to the .zip file in the MEGA folder and choose "standard download") and save it to your computer: If you don't have a MEGA account yet, MEGA will prompt you to create an account on their website. Create an account and select the Free account during the account creation process.
  4. Place the zip archive into any folder in File Explorer on your computer. We suggest giving the folder a meaningful name, such as GOReverseLookup.
  5. Extract the zip archive using WinRar or 7zip (or other extractor utilities): Right click on the zip file -> WinRar -> Extract Here
  6. Make sure you are connected to the internet, since web requests will be sent to different servers during the analysis
  7. Run GOReverseLookup.exe; this will open the command prompt and the example should run. After approximately 20 minutes (if the internet connection is stable), the analysis should be finished and the resulting files saved into the results folder.

Note: If you experience any issues when the .exe runs the example, close the command prompt and run GOReverseLookup.exe again. The most likely cause of issues is blocking on the web server's end due to too many requests. The code in background relies heavily on asynchronous requests, and if the server is overloaded, it might start blocking incoming requests. However, request caching is implemented in code - if the same requests are resent to the server, they will be loaded from a previously successfully received request (which are saved in the cache folder). Therefore, during a subsequent run of the same program, there will be less requests sent to the servers, diminishing the probability of the server blocking the requests.

If you wish to carry out your own research analysis, modify the input.txt file inside the input_files folder as per instructions on how to create the input.txt file explained above.

Note: Downloading the entire Mega folder comes with pre-downloaded 3rd party database files, which are used heavily in code when you run the research analysis, but may be outdated. The following 3rd party database files exist in the data_files folder:

  • go.obo
  • goa_human.gaf
  • mgi_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
  • rgd_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
  • xenbase_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
  • zfin_human_ortholog_mapping.txt

The download links to all of these files are specified above. If you wish to update these files, you must download them from the above-specified download links. Following the download, you have two options: a) move the downloaded file into the data_files folder and rename it exactly to one of the above names b) store the downloaded file anywhere in your file system and provide the filepath to the downloaded file inside input_fules/input.txt. For example, if you have downloaded an updated version of a go.obo file and you decided to store the go.obo file at the following filepath: C:/User/Desktop/research/go.obo, then you need to update the path to go.obo in the filepaths section inside input_fules/input.txt, like so:

go_obo_filepath	C:/User/Desktop/research/go.obo
goaf_filepath	data_files/goa_human.gaf
zfin_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/zfin_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
mgi_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/mgi_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
rgd_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/rgd_human_ortholog_mapping.txt
xenbase_human_ortho_mapping_filepath	data_files/xenbase_human_ortholog_mapping.txt

Running GOReverseLookup using an IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Code)

This section teaches you how to set up an Integrated Development Environment, such as Visual Studio Code, in order to run the GOReverseLookup tool. Intermediate knowledge of the Python programming language is required.

Folder structure setup

Firstly, create a folder that will be the root of your Python project. We will refer to the root folder as root/. Ideally, you should create the following folder structure:

    - input_files
        - input.txt
    - results
        - data.json
        - statistically_significant_genes.json

Explanation of the folder structure: - input_files is where input.txt files are stored. These files will server as the entry point for the program and will have to be constructed manually. - results is where the results of the analysis will be stored. After the program runs in entirety, two files will be computed: - data.json - statistically_significant_genes.json The contents of the above files are explained in subsequent sections. - is the main file, where the Python code will be placed to carry out the analysis.


There are two main algorithms that can be used to achieve the same result. The mentioned scripts should be put in the file, which you should execute using an IDE of your choice, preferably Visual Studio Code.

a) ** The Workflows Algorithm** Workflows provide a simple and easy-to-use solution to jumpstart your research. All that is needed is that you provide an input file and a save folder to the PrimaryWorkflow class and call workflow.run_workflow():

# import necessary classes
from goreverselookup import PrimaryWorkflow
from goreverselookup import Cacher
from goreverselookup import LogConfigLoader

# setup logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# setup cacher

# run the research algorithm
workflow = PrimaryWorkflow(input_file_fpath="input_files/input.txt", save_folder_dir="results")

PrimaryWorkflow expects two parameters: the first is input_file_fpath, which should be set to the path of your input.txt file. The second parameter is save_folder_dir, which is a path to the directory where the result files will be saved.

If the workflow executes successfully, two files should be saved into save_folder_dir: - data.json contains the representation of the entire research workflow (model) and can be later used to load the model instead of recomputing it from input.txt again - statistically_significant_genes.json contains the genes which were found to statistically significantly contribute to the processes the researcher is interested in

Logger is set up in order to log the current algorithm steps to the console of your IDE (e.g., VSCode). By setting up the logger, you can monitor which commands the program is currently executing.

Cacher is set up in order to save web responses and and function return values. It's function is to speed up any subsequent program runs on data that has been already requested from the servers or data already computed in a previous time point. This is useful, because if you make slight modifications to input.txt and re-run the program, Cacher will restore the already computed values from the program's cache and only send the web requests only for the new additions to the input.txt file.

b) ** The ReverseLookup Model Algorithm ** The ReverseLookup (research) model is the core of the analysis. Workflows are actually just a wrapper around the ReverseLookup model, hiding all the complexities from the researcher. To carry out the same full analysis (as is done in the workflows algorithm), you need to construct and run the following file:

from goreverselookup import ReverseLookup
from goreverselookup import Cacher
from goreverselookup import LogConfigLoader
from goreverselookup import nterms, adv_product_score, binomial_test, fisher_exact_test

# setup logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# setup cacher

# load the model from input file and query relevant data from the web
model = ReverseLookup.from_input_file("input_files/input.txt")
model.fetch_all_go_term_names_descriptions(run_async=True, req_delay=0.1)
model.fetch_all_go_term_products(web_download=True, run_async=True)
model.fetch_ortholog_products(run_async=True, max_connections=15, semaphore_connections=5, req_delay=0.1)
model.fetch_product_infos(refetch=False, run_async=True, max_connections=15, semaphore_connections=10, req_delay=0.1)

# test model load from existing json, perform model scoring
model = ReverseLookup.load_model("results/data.json")
nterms_score = nterms(model)
adv_prod_score = adv_product_score(model)
binom_score = binomial_test(model)
fisher_score = fisher_exact_test(model)
model.score_products(score_classes=[nterms_score, adv_prod_score, binom_score, fisher_score])
model.model_settings.pvalue = 0.05 # set pvalue to be used in statistical analysis
model.perform_statistical_analysis(test_name="fisher_test", filepath="results/statistically_relevant_genes.json")

Each function call on the ReverseLookup instance called model has a descriptive name, highlighting it's task. The functions are heavily commented in code, so we encourage you to explore these comments and the code of our GitHub repository so as to gain a deeper understanding of the inner complexities of our tool.


[todo]: link github projects here


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed using Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Aljoša Škorjanc - Vladimir Smrkolj -

Appendix: Python installation

At the time of writing, Python version 3.11.5 is available for download, which we will be downloading.

  1. Head to the Python's website and hover over the "Downloads" button and click on the latest available Python version number below the text "Download for Windows". This will download a .exe installer for Python.
  2. Run the downloaded .exe installer
  3. On the first window that appears, tick the box "Add python.exe to PATH". Then, click on "Install Now"
  4. Sit back and watch the installation run. After the "Successul installation" message is displayed, you can close the installer.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

goreverselookup-1.0.10.tar.gz (6.8 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

goreverselookup-1.0.10-py3-none-any.whl (117.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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