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A grammatical feature detector for analyzing sentences, clauses, and phrases.

Project description


A tool for detecting grammatical features in sentences, clauses, and phrases in just a few lines of code. This tool is one piece of a larger project to facilitate the creation of reading exercises for language instruction. It is designed to determine if a text contains sentences relevant to the desired grammatical feature.

The patterns for these grammatical features are defined in YAML files called patternsets in lieu of writing code. These YAML files expand the capabilities of the GrammarDetector. The input text to be analyzed is compared against the patterns in the patternsets. In other words, writing more code is unnecessary for supporting new grammatical features. This means that inaccurate results arise from inaccurate patterns and not from the code itself. To mitigate errors, unittests can be defined in the patternsets.

For the purposes of this tool, a sentence is roughly defined as:

  1. An independent clause with sentence-final punctuation and additional clauses, or
  2. A dependent clause with sentence-final punctuation which may satisfy the concept of a 'complete thought' in the context of surrounding sentences (e.g. "We tried updating it. Which didn't work. Neither did the reinstall.")


The core of this tool is the GrammarDetector. After construction, it can be used in two different ways:

  1. Using the GrammarDetector.__call__(self, input: str) method on the input to run automatically.
  2. Looping through the GrammarDetector.detectors: list[Detector] property and using the Detector.__call__(self, input: str) method on the input to run manually.



  • python (>=3.9) -- frequent use of f-strings and type hints
  • pyyaml -- loading patternset YAML files
  • spacy -- rule-based grammatical pattern matching
  • spacy-lookups-data -- spaCy dependency
  • tabulate -- printing token tables to write patterns

Dev dependencies:

Detector Features

Currently supports the ability to:

  • Evaluate a sentence, clause, or phrase for its grammatical features
  • Produce results that are reader-friendly and reader-useful
  • Use built-in grammatical features with just 3 lines of code (import, construct, and call)
  • Create your own grammatical feature by passing the filepath of a simple patternset YAML file with spaCy Tokens
  • Convert input into a table of Tokens to aid in writing patterns
  • Define and run tests in patternsets to evaluate the accuracy of the patterns
  • Fragment an input into noun chunks automatically before the Detector is run

Future features:

  • Add support for validating patternset YAML files

Grammatical Features

All current patterns are relatively naive, so they do not yet effectively handle recursivity. This problem can be solved by 1) writing recursive patterns or 2) writing alternative patterns and suffixing the rulename property with numbers (e.g. ditransitive-1 and ditransitive-2).

  • Determiners:
    • Indefinite
    • Definite
    • Other
    • None
  • Persons:
    • 1st
    • 2nd
    • 3rd
  • Tense-Aspects:
    • Present simple
    • Present simple passive
    • Past simple
    • Past simple passive
    • Future simple will
    • Future simple will passive
    • Future simple be-going-to
    • Future simple be-going-to passive
    • Present continuous
    • Present continuous passive
    • Past continuous
    • Past continuous passive
    • Future continuous
    • Future continuous passive
    • Present perfect
    • Present perfect passive
    • Past perfect
    • Past perfect passive
    • Future perfect
    • Future perfect passive
    • Present perfect continuous
    • Present perfect continuous passive
    • Past perfect continuous
    • Past perfect continuous passive
    • Future perfect continuous
    • Future perfect continuous passive
  • Transitivity and Valency:
    • Impersonal (valency = 0)
    • Intransitive (valency = 1)
    • Transitive (valency = 2)
    • Ditransitive (valency = 3)
  • Voices:
    • Active
    • Passive


$ pip install grammar-detector
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg


Usage: 0) Constructing the GrammarDetector


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

# Default values
settings = {  
    "builtins": True,
    "dataset": "en_core_web_lg",
     "patternset_path": "",  # Custom patternsets
    "verbose": False,
    "very_verbose": False,
grammar_detector = GrammarDetector(**settings)  # Optionally, pass in **settings

Usage: 1) Running the GrammarDetector


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector()
input: str = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
results = grammar_detector(input)

Usage: 2) Interpreting the Results


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector, Match
from typing import Union

ResultsType = dict[str, Union[str, list[Match]]]

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector()
input: str = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
results: ResultsType = grammar_detector(input)

# {
#     'input': 'The dog was chasing a cat into the house.', 
#     'voices': [<active: was chasing>], 
#     'tense_aspects': [<past continuous: was chasing>], 
#     'persons': [<3rd: dog>, <3rd: cat>, <3rd: house>], 
#     'determiners': [<definite: The dog>, <indefinite: a cat>, <definite: the house>], 
#     'transitivity': [<ditransitive: dog was chasing a cat into the house>]
# }

feature: str = "tense_aspects"
verb_tense: Match = results[feature][0]

# <past continuous: was chasing>

# "past continuous"

# "was chasing"

# {
#     'span': was chasing, 
#     'phrase': 'was chasing', 
#     'root': 'chasing', 
#     'root_head': 'chasing', 
#     'pos': 'VERB', 
#     'tag': 'VBG', 
#     'dep': 'ROOT', 
#     'phrase_lemma': 'be chase', 
#     'root_lemma': 'chase', 
#     'pos_desc': 'verb', 
#     'tag_desc': 'verb, gerund or present participle', 
#     'dep_desc': 'root'
# }

Usage: Loading Patterns in Custom Patternset YAML Files

from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector(
input: str = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
results = grammar_detector(input)

# Prints only your custom features

Usage: Running Tests in Custom Patternset YAML Files


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector(patternset_path="path/to/my/patternset/files/")

# Run the tests for the built-in patternsets

Usage: Printing Token Tables


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector()
input = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
table: str = grammar_detector.token_table(input)

Word POS POS Definition Tag Tag Definition Dep. Dep. Definition Lemma.
The DET determiner DT determiner det determiner the
dog NOUN noun NN noun, singular or mass nsubj nominal subject dog
chased VERB verb VBD verb, past tense ROOT root chase
a DET determiner DT determiner det determiner a
cat NOUN noun NN noun, singular or mass dobj direct object cat
into ADP adposition IN conjunction, subordinating or preposition prep prepositional modifier into
the DET determiner DT determiner det determiner the
house NOUN noun NN noun, singular or mass pobj object of preposition house
. PUNCT punctuation . punctuation mark, sentence closer punct punctuation .

Usage: Troubleshooting


from grammardetector import GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector(verbose=True, very_verbose=False)  # very_verbose prioritized over verbose
# Prints logs for configuring and loading patternsets

input = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
results = grammar_detector(input)
# Prints logs for running the matcher and interpreting the results

Components of the GrammarDetector

This section describes the internal components used to build and run Detectors inside the GrammarDetector. To expand on the built-in features of the GrammarDetector, understanding how patternset YAML files are created, configured, and loaded is critical. To load your own patternset files, pass the file or directory path to the patternset_path keyword argument when constructing the GrammarDetector.

The GrammarDetector class

The GrammarDetector class is the entrypoint for loading in patternset files and evaluating text input. By running GrammarDetector.__call__(self, input), the text input will be compared against both the built-in patternsets and the provided patternsets via the patternset_path keyword argument. The DetectorRepository is contained under the hood, which in turn contains the Detectors. Extracting the internal Detectors from the GrammarDetector is unnecessary but easy via the detectors: list[Detector] property.


from grammardetector import Detector, GrammarDetector

grammar_detector = GrammarDetector(patternset_path="path/to/my/patternset/files/")
input = "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."
results = grammar_detector(input)  # Making use of the __call__ method

detectors: list[Detector] = grammar_detector.detectors
for detector in detectors:

Component: Token

The smallest piece is the spacy.tokens.Token class. Each Token represents a single word and consists of a single JSON object. A list[Token] represents a chain of words. Lists of Tokens are used in patternset YAML files to define grammatical patterns. Each Token contains a POS (part-of-speech), a TAG (tag), and/or a DEP (dependency). Grammatical categories are denoted with POS and TAG while syntactic categories are denoted with DEP. An OP (operation) may also be included to denote whether a Token is required or optional. A complete list of POSs, TAGs, and DEPs can be found in the spaCy glossary.

Some examples of POSs are "VERB", "AUX", "NOUN", "PROPN", and "SYM" for symbol.

Some examples of TAGs are "VB" for base form verb, "VBD" for past tense verb, "VBG" for gerund/present participle verb, "VBN" for past participle verb, "VBP" for non-3rd person singular present verb, and "VBZ" for 3rd person singular present verb.

Some examples of DEPs are "ROOT" for root verb, "aux", "auxpass", "nsubj", and "dobj".

Examples of Tokens

Token: Present Simple Verb
# my_feature.yaml

    - rulename: present simple verb
    # This is a single token (i.e. 1 word)
        - {TAG: {IN: ["VBP", "VBZ"]},  # IN == one of these
Token: Passive Auxiliary Verb
# my_feature.yaml

    - rulename: passive auxiliary
    # This is also a single token (i.e. 1 word)
        - {
          TAG: {IN: ["VBP", "VBZ"]},
          DEP: "auxpass",
          LEMMA: "be",
          OP: "+"
Token: Future Simple Be-going-to Passive
# my_feature.yaml

    - rulename: future simple be-going-to passive
    # This is a list of 5 tokens (i.e. 5 words)
        - {TAG: {IN: ["VBP", "VBZ"]}, DEP: "aux", OP: "+"}
        - {TAG: "VBG", OP: "+", LEMMA: "go"}
        - {TAG: "TO", DEP: "aux", OP: "+"}
        - {TAG: "VB", DEP: "auxpass", LEMMA: "be"}
        - {TAG: "VBN", OP: "+"}
Token: Ditransitive/Trivalency
# my_feature.yaml

    - rulename: ditransitive
    # This is a list of 4 tokens minimum with some degree of recursivity
        - {DEP: "nsubj"}
        - {OP: "*"}  # Indicates possible filler words between the tokens
        - {DEP: "ROOT"}
        - {OP: "*"}
        - {DEP: {IN: ["dobj", "iobj", "pobj", "dative"]}}
        - {OP: "*"}
        - {DEP: {IN: ["dobj", "iobj", "pobj", "dative"]}}

Component: Patterns

Each Pattern in patterns has two properties:

  1. rulename: str -- the name given to the Pattern with the corresponding spacy.tokens.Token (see above)
  2. tokens: list[spacy.tokens.Token] -- the grammatical pattern

# transitivity.yaml

    how_many_matches: one

    - rulename: ditransitive
          - {DEP: "nsubj"}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "ROOT"}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: {IN: ["dobj", "iobj", "pobj", "dative"]}}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: {IN: ["dobj", "iobj", "pobj", "dative"]}}

    - rulename: transitive
          - {DEP: "nsubj"}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "ROOT"}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "dobj"}

    - rulename: intransitive
          - {DEP: "nsubj", LOWER: {NOT_IN: ["it"]}}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "ROOT"}

    - rulename: impersonal
          - {TAG: "PRP", DEP: "nsubj", LOWER: "it"}
          - {OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "ROOT"}

Component: Patternset YAML Files

The patternsets expand the capabilities of the GrammarDetector to detect for new features. The patternsets are created by loading YAML files containing these three properties:

  1. patterns: list[Pattern] -- an array of named sets of tokens
  2. meta: dict[str, Union[str, bool]] -- a configuration object to modify input/output
  3. tests: list[Test] -- an array of tests to validate the accuracy of the patterns

Internally, this data from the patternset file is converted into a PatternSet.

Patternset Files: Example for Active/Passive Voice

# voices.yaml

    how_many_matches: one

    - rulename: active
          - {DEP: "aux", OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "ROOT"}

    - rulename: passive
          - {DEP: "aux", OP: "*"}
          - {DEP: "auxpass", OP: "+"}
          - {TAG: "VBN", DEP: "ROOT"}

    - input: The cat was chased by the dog.
          - passive
          - was chased

    - input: The dog chased the cat.
          - active
          - chased

Patternset Files: 1) Defining Rules via patterns

The patterns: list[dict[str, Union[str, list[spacy.tokens.Token]]]] list contains rules and grammatical patterns with the following properties:

  • rulename: str -- the name of the grammatical pattern (e.g. "present simple")
  • tokens: list[spacy.tokens.Token] -- the tokens of the grammatical pattern

Patternset Files: 2) Configuring via meta

The meta: dict[str, Union[str, bool]] dict contains several options for modifying the input and/or output:

  • extract_noun_chunks: bool -- if true, then fragment the input into nouns before running the detector (default false)
  • how_many_matches: str -- if "all", then get all matches; if "one", then get the longest match
  • skip_tests: bool -- if true, then skip all tests in the file when running the unittests

Patternset Files: 3) Testing via tests

The tests: list[dict[str, Union[bool, list[str]]]] list contains unittests with the following properties:

  • input: list[str] -- the sentence, clause, or phrase to be tested
  • rulenames: list[str] -- the expected rulenames
  • spans: list[str] -- the expected matching text
  • skip: bool -- if true, then skip this test (but not the others)

Each test must contain 1) the input and 2) the rulenames and/or the spans. To run the tests in your patternset, call the GrammarDetector.run_tests(self) method.

Internal Component: PatternSet and PatternSetRepository

The PatternSetRepository reads a patternset YAML file and converts it into an internal PatternSet. The stored PatternSets can be retrieved individually by referencing its name as the cache key or retrieved collectively as a list[PatternSet]. The PatternSetRepository extends the Repository[Generic[T]] helper class for creating, caching, and querying.

Internal Component: PatternSetMatcher

The PatternSetMatcher is a wrapper class that is composed of an inner spacy.matcher.Matcher and logic to interpret PatternSets. The patterns defined in the PatternSets are automatically loaded into the inner Matcher. The raw matches from the inner Matcher are then converted into a reader-friendly format.

Internal Component: Detector

The Detector is the internal entrypoint by which a sentence, clause, or phrase is analyzed. A Detector contains one PatternSet and one PatternSetMatcher. Each Detector is bound to the specific grammatical feature of the PatternSet. After loading the GrammarDetector, its Detectors can be accessed via the detectors: list[Detector] property. This permits running them manually and reusing them. Since the GrammarDetector and Detectors are not bound to its text input to be analyzed, they can be reused.

Internal Component: DetectorRepository

The DetectorRepository is responsible for creating and storing Detectors. It is wrapped by the GrammarDetector class, the main entrypoint. The repository manages the PatternSetRepository and loads its PatternSets into the PatternSetMatchers. The DetectorRepository extends the Repository[Generic[T]] helper class for creating, caching, and querying.


This tool is only as good as the patternset YAML files that support it. The primary ways to contribute to this project:

  • Creating and improving patterns in new/existing patternset YAML files
  • Adding tests to existing patternset YAML files
  • Adding new meta configuration options and features to the codebase

Cloning the repository:

$ git clone

Preparing the dev environment:

$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install --dev
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Running the GrammarDetector from the repository:

$ python -m grammardetector "The dog was chasing a cat into the house."

Running the patternset unittests from the repository:

$ python -m unittest

To add new grammatical features or improve existing features, focus your efforts on the patternsets directory and its YAML files. You may find the token tables included in the info-level logs (exposed by setting verbose to True) to be helpful when creating or expanding patterns. Submissions of patternset files will be rejected if they do not include tests for each pattern.


Kyle Crawford

Version History

  • 0.2.1
    • Improve readme readability
  • 0.2.0
    • Alpha release
  • 0.1.0
    • Pre-alpha release


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.


  • spaCy - Free open-source library for Natural Language Processing in Python (license)

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Source Distribution

grammar-detector-0.2.1.tar.gz (63.8 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

grammar_detector-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (56.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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